public CoachRecord GetCoachById(int id) { currentstreamedID = -1; currentCoachID = -1; // we want to return the ROS/FRA coach record if it exists foreach (TableRecordModel record in model.TableModels[EditorModel.COACH_TABLE].GetRecords()) { if (((CoachRecord)record).CoachId == id) { currentCoachID = id; CoachRecord cr = (CoachRecord)record; return(cr); } } // Doesnt exist in ROS/FRA so let's see if it is in the streameddata coch table if (manager.stream_model != null) { foreach (TableRecordModel rec in manager.stream_model.TableModels[EditorModel.COACH_COLLECTIONS_TABLE].GetRecords()) { if (rec.Deleted) { continue; } CoachCollection coachc = (CoachCollection)rec; if (coachc.CoachId == id) { currentstreamedID = id; CoachRecord cr = SetCoachFromCollection(coachc); return(cr); } } } return(null); }
public TableRecordModel ConstructRecordModel(int recno) { TableRecordModel newRecord = null; string tablename = name; // Need to reverse the name if BE if (BigEndian) { string rev = ConvertBE(name); tablename = rev; } switch (tablename) { case EditorModel.CITY_TABLE: newRecord = new CityRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.COACH_TABLE: { // coch table in streameddata is different than ros/fra if (parentModel.FileType == MaddenFileType.Streameddata) { newRecord = new CoachCollection(recno, this, parentModel); } else { newRecord = new CoachRecord(recno, this, parentModel); } break; } case EditorModel.SALARY_CAP_TABLE: newRecord = new SalaryCapRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.COACH_SLIDER_TABLE: newRecord = new CoachPrioritySliderRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.TEAM_CAPTAIN_TABLE: newRecord = new TeamCaptainRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.OWNER_TABLE: newRecord = new OwnerRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.DEPTH_CHART_TABLE: newRecord = new DepthChartRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.INJURY_TABLE: newRecord = new InjuryRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PLAYER_TABLE: newRecord = new PlayerRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.TEAM_TABLE: newRecord = new TeamRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.SCHEDULE_TABLE: newRecord = new ScheduleRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.STADIUM_TABLE: newRecord = new StadiumRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.UNIFORM_TABLE: newRecord = new UniformRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; // MADDEN DRAFT EDIT case EditorModel.DRAFT_PICK_TABLE: newRecord = new DraftPickRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.DRAFTED_PLAYERS_TABLE: newRecord = new RookieRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.BOXSCORE_DEFENSE_TABLE: newRecord = new BoxScoreDefenseRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.BOXSCORE_OFFENSE_TABLE: newRecord = new BoxScoreOffenseRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.CAREER_STATS_DEFENSE_TABLE: newRecord = new CareerStatsDefenseRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.CAREER_STATS_OFFENSE_TABLE: newRecord = new CareerStatsOffenseRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.SEASON_STATS_DEFENSE_TABLE: newRecord = new SeasonStatsDefenseRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.SEASON_STATS_OFFENSE_TABLE: newRecord = new SeasonStatsOffenseRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.TEAM_SEASON_STATS: newRecord = new TeamSeasonStatsRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.FRANCHISE_TIME_TABLE: newRecord = new FranchiseTimeRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.BOXSCORE_TEAM_TABLE: newRecord = new BoxScoreTeamStats(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.BOXSCORE_OFFENSIVE_LINE_TABLE: newRecord = new BoxScoreOffensiveLineRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.SEASON_STATS_OFFENSIVE_LINE_TABLE: newRecord = new SeasonStatsOffensiveLineRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.CAREER_STATS_OFFENSIVE_LINE_TABLE: newRecord = new CareerStatsOffensiveLineRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.CAREER_GAMES_PLAYED_TABLE: newRecord = new CareerGamesPlayedRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.SEASON_GAMES_PLAYED_TABLE: newRecord = new SeasonGamesPlayedRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.CAREER_STATS_KICKPUNT_TABLE: newRecord = new CareerPuntKickRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.SEASON_STATS_KICKPUNT_TABLE: newRecord = new SeasonPuntKickRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.CAREER_STATS_KICKPUNT_RETURN_TABLE: newRecord = new CareerPKReturnRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.SEASON_STATS_KICKPUNT_RETURN_TABLE: newRecord = new SeasonPKReturnRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.SCOUTING_STATE_TABLE: newRecord = new ScoutingStateRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.RFA_STATE_TABLE: newRecord = new RFAStateRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.RFA_PLAYERS: newRecord = new RestrictedFreeAgentPlayers(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.RFA_SALARY_TENDERS: newRecord = new RestrictedFreeAgentSigningTenders(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.RESIGN_PLAYERS_STATE_TABLE: newRecord = new ResignPlayersStateRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.FREE_AGENCY_STATE_TABLE: newRecord = new FreeAgencyStateRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.DRAFT_STATE_TABLE: newRecord = new DraftStateRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.FRANCHISE_STAGE_TABLE: newRecord = new FranchiseStageRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.GAME_OPTIONS_TABLE: newRecord = new GameOptionRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PLAYER_AWARDS_TABLE: newRecord = new YearlyAwards(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.FREE_AGENT_PLAYERS: newRecord = new FreeAgentPlayers(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.COACHES_EXPECTED_SALARY: newRecord = new CoachExpectedSalary(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.COACHING_HISTORY_TABLE: newRecord = new CoachHistory(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PROGRESSION_SCHEDULE: newRecord = new ProgressionSchedule(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.USER_OPTIONS_TABLE: newRecord = new UserOptionRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.TEAM_RIVAL_HISTORY: newRecord = new TeamRivalHistory(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PRO_BOWL_PLAYERS: newRecord = new ProBowlPlayer(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.USER_INFO_TABLE: newRecord = new UserInfoRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; #region Streamed Data case EditorModel.COLLEGES_TABLE: newRecord = new CollegesRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PLAYER_FIRST_NAMES: newRecord = new FirstNames(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PLAYER_LAST_NAMES: newRecord = new LastNames(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.ROLES_DEFINE: newRecord = new PRDF(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.ROLES_INFO: newRecord = new RoleInfo(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.ROLES_PLAYER_EFFECTS: newRecord = new RolePlayerEffects(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.ROLES_TEAM_EFFECTS: newRecord = new RoleTeamEffects(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.STATS_REQUIRED: newRecord = new SuperStarStatsRequired(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PROGRESSION: newRecord = new PlayerProgression(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.REGRESSION: newRecord = new PlayerRegression(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PTCB: newRecord = new ProgressionTracking(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PTCE: newRecord = new ProgressionTracking(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PTDE: newRecord = new ProgressionTracking(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PTDT: newRecord = new ProgressionTracking(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PTFB: newRecord = new ProgressionTracking(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PTFS: newRecord = new ProgressionTracking(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PTGA: newRecord = new ProgressionTracking(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PTHB: newRecord = new ProgressionTracking(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PTKI: newRecord = new ProgressionTracking(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PTKP: newRecord = new ProgressionTracking(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PTMB: newRecord = new ProgressionTracking(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PTOB: newRecord = new ProgressionTracking(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PTPU: newRecord = new ProgressionTracking(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PTQB: newRecord = new ProgressionTracking(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PTSS: newRecord = new ProgressionTracking(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PTTA: newRecord = new ProgressionTracking(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PTTE: newRecord = new ProgressionTracking(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PTWR: newRecord = new ProgressionTracking(recno, this, parentModel); break; #endregion case EditorModel.POSITION_SUBS: newRecord = new PlayerSubs(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.DEPTH_CHART_SUBS: newRecord = new DepthChartSubs(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.SALARY_CAP_INCREASE: newRecord = new SalaryCapIncrease(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PLAYER_MINIMUM_SALARY_TABLE: newRecord = new SalaryYearsPro(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PLAYER_SALARY_DEMAND_TABLE: newRecord = new PlayerSalaryDemands(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.INACTIVE_TABLE: newRecord = new InactiveRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.LEAGUE_REVENUE_TABLE: newRecord = new LeagueRevenue(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.OWNER_REVENUE_TABLE: newRecord = new OwnerRevenue(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.WEEKLY_INCOME_TABLE: newRecord = new Income(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.TEAM_WIN_LOSS_RECORD: newRecord = new TeamWinLossRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; // DB Templates case EditorModel.PLAYER_OVERALL_CALC: newRecord = new OverallRecord(recno, this, parentModel); break; case EditorModel.PLAYBOOK_TABLE: newRecord = new FRAPlayBooks(recno, this, parentModel); break; default: newRecord = new TableRecordModel(recno, this, parentModel); break; } //Add the new record to our list of records recordList.Add(newRecord); return(newRecord); }
public CoachRecord SetCoachFromCollection(CoachCollection collection) { CoachRecord newcoach = (CoachRecord)model.TableModels[EditorModel.COACH_TABLE].CreateNewRecord(true); newcoach.wasinstreamed = true; newcoach.Age = collection.Age; newcoach.BodySize = collection.BodySize; newcoach.Chemistry = collection.Chemistry; newcoach.CoachId = collection.CoachId; newcoach.ContractLength = collection.ContractLength; newcoach.CareerLosses = collection.CareerLosses; newcoach.PlayoffLosses = collection.PlayoffLosses; newcoach.PlayoffsMade = collection.PlayoffsMade; newcoach.PlayoffWins = collection.PlayoffWins; newcoach.Cctc = collection.Cctc; newcoach.CareerTies = collection.CareerTies; newcoach.CareerWins = collection.CareerWins; newcoach.WinningSeasons = collection.WinningSeasons; newcoach.DefenseRating = collection.DefenseRating; newcoach.DefensivePlaybook = collection.DefensivePlaybook; newcoach.DefensiveAggression = collection.DefensiveAggression; newcoach.DefensiveStrategy = collection.DefensiveStrategy; newcoach.Ethics = collection.Ethics; newcoach.CPUDraftPlayer = collection.CPUDraftPlayer; newcoach.CPUSignDraftPicks = collection.CPUSignDraftPicks; newcoach.CPUControlled = collection.CPUControlled; newcoach.CPUSignFreeAgents = collection.CPUSignFreeAgents; newcoach.CPUFillRosters = collection.CPUFillRosters; newcoach.cfhl = collection.cfhl; newcoach.CPUResignPlayers = collection.CPUResignPlayers; newcoach.CPUManageDepth = collection.CPUManageDepth; newcoach.Cfsh = collection.Cfsh; newcoach.UserControlled = collection.UserControlled; newcoach.Char = collection.Char; newcoach.height = collection.height; newcoach.HeadHair = collection.HeadHair; newcoach.Chsd = collection.Chsd; newcoach.Chty = collection.Chty; newcoach.Knowledge = collection.Knowledge; newcoach.Name = collection.Name; newcoach.LastTeamFranchise = collection.LastTeamFranchise; newcoach.LastTeamRelocated = collection.LastTeamRelocated; newcoach.Motivation = collection.Motivation; newcoach.Offense = collection.Offense; newcoach.Position = collection.Position; newcoach.OffensiveAggression = collection.OffensiveAggression; newcoach.OffensiveStrategy = collection.OffensiveStrategy; newcoach.CoachOfTheYear = collection.CoachOfTheYear; newcoach.OffensivePlaybook = collection.OffensivePlaybook; newcoach.FaceId = collection.FaceId; newcoach.RBCarryDist = collection.RBCarryDist; newcoach.CoachDB = collection.CoachDB; newcoach.CoachDL = collection.CoachDL; newcoach.KickerRating = collection.CoachKS; newcoach.CoachLB = collection.CoachLB; newcoach.CoachOL = collection.CoachOL; newcoach.CoachPS = collection.CoachPS; newcoach.CoachQB = collection.CoachQB; newcoach.CoachRB = collection.CoachRB; newcoach.CoachS = collection.CoachS; newcoach.CoachWR = collection.CoachWR; newcoach.Salary = collection.Salary; newcoach.SuperBowlLoses = collection.SuperBowlLoses; newcoach.SuperBowlWins = collection.SuperBowlWins; newcoach.SkinColor = collection.SkinColor; newcoach.Cspc = collection.Cspc; newcoach.Coachpic = collection.Coachpic; newcoach.CoachGlasses = collection.CoachGlasses; newcoach.Cthg = collection.Cthg; newcoach.WasPlayer = collection.WasPlayer; newcoach.TeamId = collection.TeamId; return(newcoach); }
public void InitCoachList() { if (coachlist == null) { coachlist = new List <int>(); } else { coachlist.Clear(); } if (CoachNames == null) { CoachNames = new Dictionary <int, string>(); } else { CoachNames.Clear(); } Duplicates.Clear(); currentstreamedID = -1; currentCoachID = -1; if (FilterCoachTeam == -2) { if (manager.stream_model == null) { return; } foreach (CoachCollection coll in manager.stream_model.TableModels[EditorModel.COACH_COLLECTIONS_TABLE].GetRecords()) { if (coll.Deleted) { continue; } else if (coll.TeamId == 1023 && !coachlist.Contains(coll.CoachId)) { coachlist.Add(coll.CoachId); } else { continue; } } coachlist.Sort(); foreach (int i in coachlist) { foreach (TableRecordModel rec in manager.stream_model.TableModels[EditorModel.COACH_COLLECTIONS_TABLE].GetRecords()) { if (rec.Deleted) { continue; } CoachCollection coachcoll = (CoachCollection)rec; if (i == coachcoll.CoachId && !CoachNames.ContainsKey(coachcoll.CoachId)) { CoachNames.Add(coachcoll.CoachId, coachcoll.Name); } } } bool stop = true; } else { foreach (TableRecordModel rec in model.TableModels[EditorModel.COACH_TABLE].GetRecords()) { if (rec.Deleted) { continue; } else { bool add = false; CoachRecord coach = (CoachRecord)rec; if (FilterCoachTeam == -1 && FilterCoachPosition == -1) { add = true; } else if (FilterCoachPosition == -1 || FilterCoachTeam == -1) { if (FilterCoachPosition == -1 && FilterCoachTeam == coach.TeamId) { add = true; } else if (FilterCoachTeam == -1 && FilterCoachPosition == coach.Position) { //if (coach.TeamId >=0 && coach.TeamId <= 31) // Most coaches are listed as head coaches add = true; } else { continue; } } else if (FilterCoachPosition == coach.Position && FilterCoachTeam == coach.TeamId) { add = true; } else { continue; } if (add) { if (!coachlist.Contains(coach.CoachId)) { coachlist.Add(coach.CoachId); } else { if (!Duplicates.ContainsKey(coach.CoachId)) { Duplicates.Add(coach.CoachId, coach.Name); } } } } } coachlist.Sort(); foreach (int i in coachlist) { if (!CoachNames.ContainsKey(i)) { CoachNames.Add(i, GetCoachById(i).Name); } else { if (!Duplicates.ContainsKey(i)) { Duplicates.Add(i, GetCoachById(i).Name); } } } } }
public Coach(CoachCollection rec) { NAME = rec.Name; COACH_ID = rec.CoachId; TEAM_ID = rec.TeamId; POSITION = rec.Position; LAST_TEAM = rec.LastTeam; CONTRACT_LENGTH = rec.ContractLength; SALARY = rec.Salary; years_exp = 0; USER_CONTROLLED = rec.UserControlled; CPU_CONTROLLED = rec.CPUControlled; CPU_DRAFT_PLAYER = rec.CPUDraftPlayer; CPU_SIGN_DRAFT_PICKS = rec.CPUSignDraftPicks; CPU_SIGN_FREE_AGENTS = rec.CPUSignFreeAgents; CPU_FILL_ROSTERS = rec.CPUFillRosters; CPU_RESIGN_PLAYERS = rec.CPUResignPlayers; CPU_MANAGE_DEPTH = rec.CPUManageDepth; if (POSITION == 0) { CPU_SIGN_COACHES = true; } else { CPU_SIGN_COACHES = false; } EGO = 50; PATIENCE = 50; KNOWLEDGE = rec.Knowledge; SPENDING = 50; LOYALTY = 50; RISK = 50; ETHICS = rec.Ethics; MORALE = 50; CHEMISTRY = rec.Chemistry; DEFENSE = rec.DefenseRating; DEF_AGGR = rec.DefensiveAggression; DEF_STRAT = rec.DefensiveStrategy; MOTIVATION = rec.Motivation; OFFENSE = rec.Offense; OFF_AGGR = rec.OffensiveAggression; OFF_STRAT = rec.OffensiveStrategy; RB_CARRY_DIST = rec.RBCarryDist; DB_RATING = rec.CoachDB; DL_RATING = rec.CoachDL; K_RATING = rec.CoachKS; LB_RATING = rec.CoachLB; OL_RATING = rec.CoachOL; P_RATING = rec.CoachPS; QB_RATING = rec.CoachQB; RB_RATING = rec.CoachRB; S_RATING = rec.CoachS; WR_RATING = rec.CoachWR; HC_GM = false; HC_OC = false; HC_DC = false; CanBeInterviewed = true; CanBeHired = true; InPlayoffs = false; History = new Dictionary <int, CoachHistory>(); Priorities = new Dictionary <int, Pri>(); Interviews = new List <int>(); Offers = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, double> >(); }