Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Renders the template for the email body to a string (~/Views/CoaBooking/Email.cshtml)
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <string> GetEmailBody()
            //user information
            SessionUserInfo user = _session.GetUserInformation();

            // booking information
            CoaSessionBookingInfo booking = _session.CoaBookingInfo;

            //set ViewModel for the email
            var viewModel = new EmailViewModel
                EmailAddress       = user.Email,
                Phone              = user.Phone,
                CourtFileNumber    = booking.CaseNumber,
                RelatedCaseList    = booking.RelatedCaseList,
                CaseType           = booking.CaseType,
                TypeOfConference   = booking.HearingTypeName,
                HearingLength      = booking.IsFullDay ?? false ? "Full Day" : "Half Day",
                Date               = booking.SelectedDate?.ToString("dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy") ?? "",
                RelatedCasesString = ""

            if (booking.RelatedCaseList != null && booking.RelatedCaseList.Any())
                viewModel.RelatedCasesString = "\nRELATED FILE NUMBER(S):\n" + string.Join(", ", booking.RelatedCaseList) + "\n";

            var template = $"CoaBooking/EmailText";

            //Render the email template
            return(await _viewRenderService.RenderToStringAsync(template, viewModel));
Esempio n. 2
        public IActionResult CaseConfirm()
            CoaSessionBookingInfo bookingInfo = _session.CoaBookingInfo;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bookingInfo.CaseNumber))

            //user information
            SessionUserInfo cui = _session.GetUserInformation();

            //Swapping Case Number to the main case file if it was selected from the search result of a sub case file number
            if (bookingInfo.CaseList.Length > 1)
                var mainCase        = bookingInfo.CaseList.Where(x => x.Main).First();
                var finalCaseNumber = bookingInfo.SelectedCases.Where(x => x == mainCase.Case_Num).FirstOrDefault() ?? bookingInfo.CaseNumber;
                //Store final main case number back to the session
                bookingInfo.CaseNumber = finalCaseNumber;

                //Filtering out related cases
                var relatedCaseList = new List <string>();
                foreach (var x in bookingInfo.SelectedCases)
                    if (x != finalCaseNumber)
                //Store final main case number back to the session
                bookingInfo.RelatedCaseList = relatedCaseList;

            //Time-slot is still available
            var model = new CoaCaseConfirmViewModel
                CaseNumber             = bookingInfo.CaseNumber,
                CaseType               = bookingInfo.CaseType,
                CertificateOfReadiness = bookingInfo.CertificateOfReadiness,
                DateIsAgreed           = bookingInfo.DateIsAgreed,
                //LowerCourtOrder = bookingInfo.LowerCourtOrder,
                IsFullDay       = bookingInfo.IsFullDay,
                HearingTypeId   = bookingInfo.HearingTypeId,
                HearingTypeName = bookingInfo.HearingTypeName,
                SelectedDate    = bookingInfo.SelectedDate,
                EmailAddress    = cui.Email,
                Phone           = cui.Phone,
                CaseList        = bookingInfo.CaseList,
                SelectedCases   = bookingInfo.SelectedCases,
                RelatedCaseList = bookingInfo.RelatedCaseList

            // save the booking info back to the session
            _session.CoaBookingInfo = bookingInfo;

Esempio n. 3
        public IActionResult CaseBooked()
            CoaSessionBookingInfo bookingInfo = _session.CoaBookingInfo;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bookingInfo.CaseNumber))

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Search for available times
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <CoaCaseSearchViewModel> GetSearchResults(CoaCaseSearchViewModel model)
            var         retval = model;
            bool        invalidCaseNumberFormat = false;
            COACaseList caseNumberResult        = new COACaseList();

            //search the current case number
                caseNumberResult = await _client.CoACaseNumberValidAsync(model.CaseNumber);
            catch (FaultException ex)
                if (ex.Message.ToLower().Contains("string was not in a correct format"))
                    invalidCaseNumberFormat = true;

            if (invalidCaseNumberFormat || caseNumberResult.CaseType.ToLower() == "not found")
                //case could not be found
                retval.IsValidCaseNumber = false;

                //empty result set
                retval.Results = new Dictionary <DateTime, List <DateTime> >();

                //retval.CaseId = 0;

                //case ID
                int caseId = caseNumberResult.CaseList[0].CaseId;
                retval.CaseId = caseId;

                //case type
                string caseType = caseNumberResult.CaseType;
                retval.CaseType = caseType;

                //valid case number
                retval.IsValidCaseNumber = true;

                retval.CaseList = caseNumberResult.CaseList;

                if (caseType == CoaCaseType.Civil)
                    retval.HearingTypeId = 24;
                else if (caseType == CoaCaseType.Criminal)
                    retval.HearingTypeId = model.HearingTypeId;

                if (model.Step2Complete)
                    retval.HearingTypeName = CoaHearingType
                                             .FirstOrDefault(h => h.HearingTypeId == model.HearingTypeId)?
                                             .Description ?? "";

                var bookingInfo = new CoaSessionBookingInfo
                    CaseId                 = caseId,
                    CaseNumber             = model.CaseNumber.ToUpper().Trim(),
                    CaseType               = caseType,
                    CertificateOfReadiness = model.CertificateOfReadiness,
                    DateIsAgreed           = model.DateIsAgreed,
                    //LowerCourtOrder = model.LowerCourtOrder,
                    IsFullDay       = model.IsFullDay,
                    HearingTypeName = retval.HearingTypeName,
                    SelectedDate    = model.SelectedDate,
                    CaseList        = retval.CaseList,
                    SelectedCases   = model.SelectedCases,

                if (model.HearingTypeId != null)
                    bookingInfo.HearingTypeId = model.HearingTypeId.Value;

                _session.CoaBookingInfo = bookingInfo;

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        ///     Book court case
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <CoaCaseConfirmViewModel> BookCourtCase(CoaCaseConfirmViewModel model,
                                                                  string userGuid, string userDisplayName)
            //if the user could not be detected return
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userGuid))

            CoaSessionBookingInfo bookingInfo = _session.CoaBookingInfo;

            // check the schedule again to make sure the time slot wasn't taken by someone else
            CoAAvailableDates schedule = await _client.COAAvailableDatesAsync();

            //ensure time slot is still available
            if (IsTimeStillAvailable(schedule, bookingInfo.SelectedDate.Value))
                //Fetch final main case file after ruling out selection of cases with main case and related cases
                var finalCase    = bookingInfo.CaseList.Where(x => x.Case_Num == bookingInfo.CaseNumber).First();
                var relatedCases = "";
                if (finalCase.Main && model.RelatedCaseList != null && model.RelatedCaseList.Count > 0)
                    var relatedCaseIDList = bookingInfo.CaseList.Where(x => model.RelatedCaseList.Contains(x.Case_Num)).Select(x => x.CaseId).ToList();
                    relatedCases = string.Join("|", relatedCaseIDList);

                //build object to send to the API
                var bookInfo = new CoABookingHearingInfo
                    caseID        = finalCase.CaseId,
                    MainCase      = finalCase.Main,
                    RelatedCases  = relatedCases,
                    email         = $"{model.EmailAddress}",
                    hearingDate   = DateTime.Parse($"{model.SelectedDate.Value}"),
                    hearingLength = (bookingInfo.IsFullDay ?? false) ? "Full" : "Half",
                    phone         = $"{model.Phone}",
                    hearingTypeId = bookingInfo.HearingTypeId,
                    requestedBy   = $"{userDisplayName}"

                //submit booking
                BookingHearingResult result = await _client.CoAQueueHearingAsync(bookInfo);

                //get the raw result
                bookingInfo.RawResult = result.bookingResult;

                //test to see if the booking was successful
                if (result.bookingResult.ToLower().StartsWith("success"))
                    //create database entry
                    DbSet <BookingHistory> bookingHistory = _dbContext.Set <BookingHistory>();

                    bookingHistory.Add(new BookingHistory
                        ContainerId   = bookingInfo.ContainerId,
                        SmGovUserGuid = userGuid,
                        Timestamp     = DateTime.Now

                    //save to DB

                    //update model
                    model.IsBooked       = true;
                    bookingInfo.IsBooked = true;

                    //store user info in session for next booking
                    var userInfo = new SessionUserInfo
                        Phone       = model.Phone,
                        Email       = model.EmailAddress,
                        ContactName = $"{userDisplayName}"

                    _session.UserInfo = userInfo;

                    //send email
                    await _mailService.SendEmail(
                        await GetEmailBody());

                    //clear booking info session
                    _session.CoaBookingInfo = null;
                    model.IsBooked       = false;
                    bookingInfo.IsBooked = false;
                //The booking is not available anymore
                //user needs to choose a new time slot
                model.IsTimeSlotAvailable = false;
                model.IsBooked            = false;
                bookingInfo.IsBooked      = false;

            // save the booking info back to the session
            _session.CoaBookingInfo = bookingInfo;
