private static void TestQueryResponses(CmdApp app, IntPtr hConsole) { WinCon.COORD cursorPos; Log.Comment("---Status Request Commands---"); Globals.WaitForTimeout(); app.UIRoot.SendKeys("c"); string expectedTitle = string.Format("Response Received: {0}", "\x1b[?1;0c"); Globals.WaitForTimeout(); string title = app.GetWindowTitle(); Verify.AreEqual(expectedTitle, title, "Verify that we received the proper response to the Device Attributes request."); app.UIRoot.SendKeys("R"); cursorPos = app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole); expectedTitle = string.Format("Response Received: {0}", string.Format("\x1b[{0};{1}R", cursorPos.Y + 1, cursorPos.X + 1)); Globals.WaitForTimeout(); title = app.GetWindowTitle(); Verify.AreEqual(expectedTitle, title, "Verify that we received the proper response to the Cursor Position request."); }