Esempio n. 1
        public static void DebugTokens(Cmd2Lexer lexer2)
            G.Writeln("Debugging tokens (Globals.debugTokens)", Color.Orange);
            IToken token;

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                token = lexer2.NextToken();
                string s1 = token.Text;
                if (s1 == "{")
                    s1 = "[leftcurly]";
                if (s1 == "}")
                    s1 = "[rightcurly]";
                int    i2 = token.Type;
                string s  = "Token " + i + ": '" + s1 + "' " + i2.ToString();
                Console.WriteLine(s, Color.Orange);
            MessageBox.Show("See console, 100 tokens printed. See start of Cmd2Lexer.cs to translate numbers.");
        public static ConvertHelper CreateAST(ParseHelper ph, P p)
            //Q q = new Q();  //make a fresh container for method argument helpers

            ConvertHelper ch2 = new ConvertHelper();

            string textInput = ph.commandsText + "\r\n" + "\r\n"; //newlines for ease of use of ANTLR

            ANTLRStringStream input = new ANTLRStringStream(textInput);

            List <string> errors = null;
            CommonTree    t      = null;
            // Create a lexer attached to that input
            Cmd2Parser parser2 = null;
            Cmd2Lexer  lexer2  = new Cmd2Lexer(input);

            //usually debugTokens=false, and this is stepped into manually (otherwise the tokens are consumed and preliminary steps cannot be run)
            if (Globals.runningOnTTComputer && Globals.debugTokens)
            // Create a stream of tokens pulled from the lexer
            CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer2);

            // Create a parser attached to the token stream
            parser2 = new Cmd2Parser(tokens);
            // Invoke the program rule in get return value
            Cmd2Parser.expr_return r = null;
            DateTime t0 = DateTime.Now;

                r = parser2.expr();
            catch (Exception e)
                List <string> temp = new List <string>();
                //string textInput = ph.commandsText + "\r\n";
                string input2 = textInput + "\r\n";
                PrintLexerErrors(temp, Program.CreateListOfStringsFromString(input2), ph);
                throw new GekkoException(); //this will make a double error -- but the other one will be identified later on (both text and filename are null) and skipped -- a little bit hacky, but oh well...

            if (parser2.GetErrors().Count > 0)
                PrintParserErrors(parser2.GetErrors(), Program.CreateListOfStringsFromString(textInput), ph);
                throw new GekkoException();
            t = (CommonTree)r.Tree;

            if (Globals.printAST)
                PrintAST(t, 0);

            GekkoStringBuilder s = new GekkoStringBuilder();
            W wh2 = new W();

            //TODO  one list for each command line
            //EmitCsCodeForCmdHelperStatic helperStatic = new EmitCsCodeForCmdHelperStatic(textInput);

            wh2.fileNameContainingParsedCode = ph.fileName;

            ASTNode root = new ASTNode(null);

            if (Globals.runningOnTTComputer && Globals.showTimings)
                G.Writeln("Create AST start: " + G.SecondsFormat((DateTime.Now - p.startingTime).TotalMilliseconds), Color.LightBlue);
            CreateASTNodesForCmd(t, root, 0);
            if (Globals.runningOnTTComputer && Globals.showTimings)
                G.Writeln("Create AST end: " + G.SecondsFormat((DateTime.Now - p.startingTime).TotalMilliseconds), Color.LightBlue);

            if (Globals.runningOnTTComputer && Globals.showTimings)
                G.Writeln("EMIT cs start: " + G.SecondsFormat((DateTime.Now - p.startingTime).TotalMilliseconds), Color.LightBlue);

            Dictionary <string, int> functions = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            Gekko.Parser.Gek.ParserGekWalkASTAndEmit.FindFunctionsUsedInGekkoCode(root, functions);
            foreach (string function in functions.Keys)
                if (Globals.uFunctionStorageCs.ContainsKey(function))  //case-insensitive anyway
                else if (Globals.gekkoInbuiltFunctions.ContainsKey(function))
                else if (Globals.lagFunctions.Contains(function))
                    //some or most of these are contained in Globals.gekkoInbuiltFunctions
                    //Now it is not FUNCTION inside the same .gcm file, it is not n Gekko.Functions,
                    //and it is not a Gekko lag function. So we must look for it elsewhere, in
                    //the file system.

            if (Globals.runningOnTTComputer && Globals.showTimings)
                G.Writeln("WALK START");
            Gekko.Parser.Gek.ParserGekWalkASTAndEmit.WalkASTAndEmit(root, 0, 0, textInput, wh2, p);
            if (Globals.runningOnTTComputer && Globals.showTimings)
                G.Writeln("WALK END");


            if (Globals.runningOnTTComputer && Globals.showTimings)
                G.Writeln("EMIT cs end: " + G.SecondsFormat((DateTime.Now - p.startingTime).TotalMilliseconds), Color.LightBlue);

            //if (Globals.testing) G.Writeln(s.ToString(), Color.Gray);

            string csCode    = s.ToString();
            string csMethods = null;

            if (Program.options.system_code_split > 0)
                CodeSplit(ref csCode, ref csMethods);

            StringBuilder s2 = new StringBuilder();

            s2.AppendLine("using System;");
            s2.AppendLine("using System.Collections.Generic;");
            s2.AppendLine("using System.Text;");
            s2.AppendLine("using System.Windows.Forms;");
            s2.AppendLine("using System.Drawing;"); //to use Color.Red in G.Writeln()
            s2.AppendLine("using Gekko.Parser;");   //all the AST_Xxx() methods are found in Gekko.Parser.AST.cs
            s2.AppendLine("namespace Gekko");

            s2.AppendLine("public class TranslatedCode");

            s2.AppendLine("public static GekkoTime globalGekkoTimeIterator = Globals.tNull;");

            //s2.AppendLine("public static void ClearTS(P p) {");

            //s2.AppendLine("public static void ClearScalar(P p) {");

            s2.AppendLine(csMethods);  //definitions of C1(), C2(), etc. -- may be empty

            s2.AppendLine("public static void CodeLines(P p)");
            //The generated code, but much of it may be in codeCi

            s2.AppendLine("}");  //method CodeLines()
            s2.AppendLine("}");  //class TranslatedCode

            s2.AppendLine("}");  //namespace Gekko

            ch2.code   = s2.ToString().Replace("`", Globals.QT);
            ch2.errors = errors;  //not used?

            if (Globals.uFunctionStorageCs.Count > 0)
                StringBuilder s3 = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (string sCode in Globals.uFunctionStorageCs.Values)
                ch2.codeUFunctions = s3.ToString().Replace("`", Globals.QT);

            if (Globals.printAST)
