Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Main difference to <seealso cref="shouldCopyStoreFromMasterIfBranched()"/> is that no instances are shut down
        /// during the course of the test. This to test functionality of some internal components being restarted.
        /// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void shouldCopyStoreFromMasterIfBranchedInLiveScenario() throws Throwable
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void ShouldCopyStoreFromMasterIfBranchedInLiveScenario()
            // GIVEN a cluster of 3, all having the same data (node A)
            // thor is whoever is the master to begin with
            // odin is whoever is picked as _the_ slave given thor as initial master
            File           storeDirectory =;
            ClusterManager clusterManager = _life.add(new ClusterManager.Builder(storeDirectory)
                                                      .withSharedConfig(stringMap(, "0",, "0")).build());

            ClusterManager.ManagedCluster cluster = clusterManager.Cluster;
            HighlyAvailableGraphDatabase thor = cluster.Master;
            string indexName = "valhalla";

            CreateNode(thor, "A", AndIndexInto(indexName));

            // WHEN creating a node B1 on thor (note the disabled cluster transaction propagation)
            CreateNode(thor, "B1", AndIndexInto(indexName));
            // and right after that failing the master so that it falls out of the cluster
            HighlyAvailableGraphDatabase odin = cluster.AnySlave;

            cluster.Info(format("%n   ==== TAMPERING WITH " + thor + "'s CABLES ====%n"));
            ClusterManager.RepairKit thorRepairKit = cluster.Fail(thor);
            // try to create a transaction on odin until it succeeds
            cluster.Await(ClusterManager.memberThinksItIsRole(odin, HighAvailabilityModeSwitcher.MASTER));
            RetryOnTransactionFailure(odin, db => createNode(db, "B2", AndIndexInto(indexName)));
            // perform transactions so that index files changes under the hood
            ISet <File> odinLuceneFilesBefore = Iterables.asSet(GatherLuceneFiles(odin, indexName));

            for (char prefix = 'C'; !Changed(odinLuceneFilesBefore, Iterables.asSet(GatherLuceneFiles(odin, indexName))); prefix++)
                char fixedPrefix = prefix;
                RetryOnTransactionFailure(odin, db => createNodes(odin, fixedPrefix.ToString(), 10_000, AndIndexInto(indexName)));
                cluster.Force();                         // Force will most likely cause lucene explicit indexes to commit and change file structure
            // so anyways, when thor comes back into the cluster
            cluster.Info(format("%n   ==== REPAIRING CABLES ====%n"));
            cluster.Await(memberThinksItIsRole(thor, UNKNOWN));
            BranchMonitor thorHasBranched = InstallBranchedDataMonitor(cluster.GetMonitorsByDatabase(thor));

            cluster.Await(memberThinksItIsRole(thor, SLAVE));
            cluster.Await(memberThinksItIsRole(odin, MASTER));
            assertTrue("No store-copy performed", thorHasBranched.CopyCompleted);
            assertTrue("Store-copy unsuccessful", thorHasBranched.CopySuccessful);

            // Now do some more transactions on current master (odin) and have thor pull those
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                int ii = i;
                RetryOnTransactionFailure(odin, db => createNodes(odin, ("" + ii).ToString(), 10, AndIndexInto(indexName)));

            // THEN thor should be a slave, having copied a store from master and good to go
            assertFalse(HasNode(thor, "B1"));
            assertTrue(HasNode(thor, "B2"));
            assertTrue(HasNode(thor, "C-0"));
            assertTrue(HasNode(thor, "0-0"));
            assertTrue(HasNode(odin, "0-0"));