/// <summary> /// 获取记录 /// </summary> /// <param name="sw"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static DataTable getDT(T_SYS_ORG_LINK_SW sw) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat(" FROM T_SYS_ORG_LINK"); sb.AppendFormat(" WHERE 1=1"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.ORGLINK_ID) == false) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND ORGLINK_ID = '{0}'", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.ORGLINK_ID)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.ORGNO) == false) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND BYORGNO = '{0}'", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.ORGNO)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.ORGLINKTYPE) == false) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND ORGLINKTYPE = '{0}'", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.ORGLINKTYPE)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.PHONE) == false) { if (sw.PHONE.Split(',').Length > 1) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND PHONE in({0})", ClsSql.SwitchStrToSqlIn(sw.PHONE)); } else { sb.AppendFormat(" AND PHONE ='{0}'", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.PHONE)); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.keys) == false) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND (NAME like '%{0}%' or USERJOB like '%{0}%' or PHONE like '%{0}%' or Tell like '%{0}%' or UNITNAME like '%{0}%')", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.keys)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.BYORGNO)) { if (sw.BYORGNO.Substring(4, 11) == "00000000000")//获取所有市的 { sb.AppendFormat(" AND (SUBSTRING(BYORGNO,1,4) = '{0}' or BYORGNO is null or BYORGNO='')", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.BYORGNO.Substring(0, 4))); } else if (sw.BYORGNO.Substring(6, 9) == "000000000")//获取所有县的 { sb.AppendFormat(" AND (SUBSTRING(BYORGNO,1,6) = '{0}' or BYORGNO is null or BYORGNO='')", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.BYORGNO.Substring(0, 6))); } else if (sw.BYORGNO.Substring(9, 6) == "000000")//获取所有乡镇的 { sb.AppendFormat(" AND (SUBSTRING(BYORGNO,1,9) = '{0}' or BYORGNO is null or BYORGNO='')", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.BYORGNO.Substring(0, 9))); } else { sb.AppendFormat(" AND BYORGNO = '{0}'", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.BYORGNO)); } } string sql = "SELECT ORGLINK_ID, BYORGNO, ORGLINKTYPE,UNITNAME, NAME, USERJOB, PHONE, Tell, ORDERBY" + sb.ToString() + " order by BYORGNO,ORGLINKTYPE,ORDERBY"; DataSet ds = DataBaseClass.FullDataSet(sql); return(ds.Tables[0]); }
/// <summary> /// 批量更新图层 /// </summary> /// <param name="m">参见模型</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Message PLMdy(T_SYS_LAYER_Model m) { List <string> sqllist = new List <string>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("UPDATE T_SYS_LAYER SET "); if (m.PlCZ == "1") { sb.AppendFormat(" ISDEFAULTCH = '1' "); } if (m.PlCZ == "2") { sb.AppendFormat(" ISDEFAULTCH = '0' "); } if (m.PlCZ == "3") { sb.AppendFormat(" ISACTION = '1' "); } if (m.PlCZ == "4") { sb.AppendFormat(" ISACTION = '0' "); } if (m.PlCZ == "5") { sb.AppendFormat(" ISFIREROUNDDEFAULT = '1' "); } if (m.PlCZ == "6") { sb.AppendFormat(" ISFIREROUNDDEFAULT = '0' "); } if (m.PlCZ == "7") { sb.AppendFormat(" ISFUROUNDDEFAULT = '1' "); } if (m.PlCZ == "8") { sb.AppendFormat(" ISFUROUNDDEFAULT = '0' "); } sb.AppendFormat(" WHERE LAYERCODE IN ({0})", ClsSql.SwitchStrToSqlIn(m.LAYERCODE)); sqllist.Add(sb.ToString()); var y = DataBaseClass.ExecuteSqlTran(sqllist); if (y > 0) { return(new Message(true, "批量操作成功!", "")); } else { return(new Message(false, "批量操作失败,事物回滚机制!", "")); } }
/// <summary> /// 删除 /// </summary> /// <param name="m">参见模型</param> /// <returns>参见模型</returns> public static Message Del(PEST_LOCALTREESPECIES_Model m) { List <string> sqllist = new List <string>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("Delete From PEST_LOCALTREESPECIES WHERE 1=1 "); sb.AppendFormat(" AND BYORGNO = '{0}'", ClsSql.EncodeSql(m.BYORGNO)); sb.AppendFormat(" AND TSPCODE IN ({0})", ClsSql.SwitchStrToSqlIn(m.TSPCODE)); sqllist.Add(sb.ToString()); var y = DataBaseClass.ExecuteSqlTran(sqllist); if (y > 0) { return(new Message(true, "删除成功!", "")); } else { return(new Message(false, "删除失败,事物回滚!", "")); } }
/// <summary> /// 保存角色拥有的权限 /// </summary> /// <param name="m">参见模型</param> /// <returns>参见模型</returns> public static Message Save(T_SYSSEC_ROLE_RIGHT_Model m) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.ROLEID)) { return(null); } //首先删除 DataBaseClass.ExeSql("delete T_SYSSEC_ROLE_RIGHT where ROLEID=" + ClsSql.EncodeSql(m.ROLEID)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.RIGHTID) == false) { //一次性插入该用户对应的角色 DataBaseClass.ExeSql("INSERT INTO T_SYSSEC_ROLE_RIGHT (ROLEID, RIGHTID) SELECT " + m.ROLEID + " , RIGHTID FROM T_SYSSEC_RIGHT WHERE RIGHTID IN (" + ClsSql.SwitchStrToSqlIn(m.RIGHTID) + ")"); } return(new Message(true, "保存成功!", "")); }
/// <summary> /// 获取数据 /// </summary> /// <returns>参见模型</returns> public static DataTable getDT(T_IPSFR_USER_SW sw) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("SELECT a.HID, a.HNAME, a.SN, a.PHONE, a.SEX, a.BIRTH, a.ONSTATE, a.BYORGNO,a.MOBILEPARAMLIST, a.ISENABLE,a.PATROLLENGTH, b.ORGNAME"); sb.AppendFormat(" FROM T_IPSFR_USER AS a LEFT OUTER JOIN T_SYS_ORG AS b ON a.BYORGNO = b.ORGNO"); sb.AppendFormat(" WHERE 1=1"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.HID) == false) { if (sw.HID.Split(',').Length > 1) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND a.HID in({0})", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.HID)); } else { sb.AppendFormat(" AND a.HID ='{0}'", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.HID)); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.HNAME) == false) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND a.HNAME like '%{0}%'", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.HNAME)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.SN) == false) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND a.SN like '%{0}%'", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.SN)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.PHONE) == false) { if (sw.PHONE.Length == 11)//精确查询 { sb.AppendFormat(" AND a.PHONE= '{0}'", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.PHONE)); } else //模糊查询 { sb.AppendFormat(" AND a.PHONE like '%{0}%'", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.PHONE)); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.PHONELIST) == false) { if (sw.PHONELIST.Split(',').Length > 1) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND PHONE in({0})", ClsSql.SwitchStrToSqlIn(sw.PHONELIST)); } else { sb.AppendFormat(" AND PHONE ='{0}'", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.PHONELIST)); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.PATROLLENGTH) == false) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND a.PATROLLENGTH = '{0}'", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.PATROLLENGTH)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.SEX) == false) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND a.SEX = '{0}'", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.SEX)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.ONSTATE) == false) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND a.ONSTATE = '{0}'", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.ONSTATE)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.ISENABLE) == false)//默认取有效用户 { sb.AppendFormat(" AND a.ISENABLE = '{0}'", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.ISENABLE)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.PhoneHname) == false) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND (a.PHONE like '%{0}%' or a.HNAME like '%{0}%')", ClsSql.EncodeSql(sw.PhoneHname)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.BYORGNO) == false) { if (PublicCls.OrgIsShi(sw.BYORGNO)) { sb.AppendFormat(" and BYORGNO like '{0}%'", PublicCls.getShiIncOrgNo(sw.BYORGNO)); } else if (PublicCls.OrgIsXian(sw.BYORGNO)) { sb.AppendFormat(" and BYORGNO like '{0}%'", PublicCls.getXianIncOrgNo(sw.BYORGNO)); } else if (PublicCls.OrgIsZhen(sw.BYORGNO)) { sb.AppendFormat(" and BYORGNO like '{0}%'", PublicCls.getZhenIncOrgNo(sw.BYORGNO)); } else if (PublicCls.OrgIsCun(sw.BYORGNO)) { sb.AppendFormat(" and BYORGNO like '{0}%'", PublicCls.getCunIncOrgNo(sw.BYORGNO)); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.Orgs) == false) { string[] arr = sw.Orgs.Split(','); string tmpOrg = ""; for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { if (arr[i].Length == 15) { if (tmpOrg != "") { tmpOrg += ","; } tmpOrg += arr[i]; } } if (tmpOrg != "") { string[] arr1 = tmpOrg.Split(',');//循环每个单位 sb.AppendFormat(" and ("); for (int i = 0; i < arr1.Length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.AppendFormat(" or"); } if (PublicCls.OrgIsShi(arr1[i])) { sb.AppendFormat(" BYORGNO like '{0}%'", PublicCls.getShiIncOrgNo(arr1[i])); } else if (PublicCls.OrgIsXian(arr1[i])) { sb.AppendFormat(" BYORGNO like '{0}%'", PublicCls.getXianIncOrgNo(arr1[i])); } else if (PublicCls.OrgIsZhen(arr1[i])) { sb.AppendFormat(" BYORGNO like '{0}%'", PublicCls.getZhenIncOrgNo(arr1[i])); } else if (PublicCls.OrgIsCun(arr1[i])) { sb.AppendFormat(" BYORGNO like '{0}%'", PublicCls.getCunIncOrgNo(arr1[i])); } } sb.AppendFormat(" )"); } } sb.AppendFormat(" ORDER BY a.BYORGNO,a.HNAME "); DataSet ds = DataBaseClass.FullDataSet(sb.ToString()); return(ds.Tables[0]); }
/// <summary> /// 获取联表查询 /// </summary> /// <param name="sw"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static DataTable getUnionDT(QueryLayerDataSW sw) { #region union all // select NAME, DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, FLAG from //( // ( select NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 0 as FLAG from XIANGZHENZHUDI a // where a.DISPLAY_X is not null and a.DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all // ( select NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 1 as FLAG from CUNZHUDI b // where b.DISPLAY_X is not null and b.DISPLAY_Y is not null)UNION all // ( select NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 2 as FLAG from JIAYOUZHAN c // where c.DISPLAY_X is not null and c.DISPLAY_Y is not null)UNION all // ( select NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 3 as FLAG from ZERENLUXIAN d // where d.DISPLAY_X is not null and d.DISPLAY_Y is not null)UNION all // ( select NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 4 as FLAG from ZERENQU e // where e.DISPLAY_X is not null and e.DISPLAY_Y is not null)UNION all // ( select NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 5 as FLAG from XIAOFANGDUIWU f // where f.DISPLAY_X is not null and f.DISPLAY_Y is not null)UNION all // ( select NAME,DISPALY_X as DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 6 as FLAG from ZHENGFUJIGUAN g // where g.DISPALY_X is not null and g.DISPLAY_Y is not null)UNION all // ( select NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 7 as FLAG from ZIYUAN h // where h.DISPLAY_X is not null and h.DISPLAY_Y is not null)UNION all // ( select NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 8 as FLAG from CANGKU I // where I.DISPLAY_X is not null and I.DISPLAY_Y is not null)UNION all // ( select NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 9 as FLAG from ZHUANGBEI J // where J.DISPLAY_X is not null and J.DISPLAY_Y is not null)UNION all // ( select NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 10 as FLAG from YINGFANG K // where K.DISPLAY_X is not null and K.DISPLAY_Y is not null)UNION all // ( select NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 11 as FLAG from TINGCHECHANG L // where L.DISPLAY_X is not null and L.DISPLAY_Y is not null)UNION all // ( select NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 12 as FLAG from LIAOWANGTAI M // where M.DISPLAY_X is not null and M.DISPLAY_Y is not null)UNION all // ( select NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 13 as FLAG from XUANCHUANBEIPAI N // where N.DISPLAY_X is not null and N.DISPLAY_Y is not null)UNION all // ( select NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 14 as FLAG from ZHONGJIZHAN O // where O.DISPLAY_X is not null and O.DISPLAY_Y is not null)UNION all // ( select NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 15 as FLAG from JIANCEZHAN P // where P.DISPLAY_X is not null and P.DISPLAY_Y is not null)UNION all // ( select NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 16 as FLAG from YINZICAIJIZHAN Q // where Q.DISPLAY_X is not null and Q.DISPLAY_Y is not null)UNION all // ( select NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 17 as FLAG from GELIDAI R // where R.DISPLAY_X is not null and R.DISPLAY_Y is not null)UNION all // ( select NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 18 as FLAG from FANGHUOTONGDAO S // where S.DISPLAY_X is not null and S.DISPLAY_Y is not null) // ) as c #endregion StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(" select ID, NAME, DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, FLAG,category,LNGLATSTRS,DBTYPE,TYPE,ImageUrl from ( "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID, NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 112 as Flag,null as category,null as LNGLATSTRS,null as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE ,'jiayouzhan.png' as ImageUrl from NEW_JIAYOUZHAN b where b.DISPLAY_X is not null and b.DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID, NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 113 as Flag,null as category,null as LNGLATSTRS ,null as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE,'location.png' as ImageUrl from CUNZHUDI C where C.DISPLAY_X is not null and C.DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID, NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 114 as Flag,null as category,null as LNGLATSTRS,null as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE,'location.png' as ImageUrl from POINTMARK D where D.DISPLAY_X is not null and D.DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID,NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 115 as Flag ,null as category,null as LNGLATSTRS,null as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE,'location.png' as ImageUrl from MOUNTAIN E where E.DISPLAY_X is not null and E.DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); //sb.Append(" ( select NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 116 as Flag,null as LNGLATSTRS from XIANZHUDI F where F.DISPLAY_X is not null and F.DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID,NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 117 as Flag,null as category,null as LNGLATSTRS,null as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE,'location.png' as ImageUrl from NEW_XIANGZHENZHUDI G where G.DISPLAY_X is not null and G.DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID, NAME,DISPALY_X as DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 128 as FLAG,null as category,null as LNGLATSTRS,null as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE,'zhengfudanwei.png' as ImageUrl from ZHENGFUJIGUAN g where g.DISPALY_X is not null and g.DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID, NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 119 as Flag,category,null as LNGLATSTRS,3 as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE,case category when '1' then 'yingfang/ganggou.png' when '2' then 'yingfang/zhuanhun.png' when '3' then 'yingfang/ganghun.png' else 'location.png' end as ImageUrl from YINGFANG G where G.DISPLAY_X is not null and G.DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID,NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 120 as Flag,category,null as LNGLATSTRS,12 as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE,'cangku.png' as ImageUrl from CANGKU where DISPLAY_X is not null and DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID, NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 121 as Flag,category,null as LNGLATSTRS,5 as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE,case category when '1' then 'liaowangtai/ganggou.png' when '2' then 'liaowangtai/zhuanhun.png' when '3' then 'liaowangtai/ganghun.png' else 'location.png' end as ImageUrl from LIAOWANGTAI where DISPLAY_X is not null and DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID, NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 122 as Flag,category,null as LNGLATSTRS,6 as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE,case category when '1' then 'xuanchuanbeipai/yongjiu.png' when '2' then 'xuanchuanbeipai/linshi.png' else 'location.png' end as ImageUrl from XUANCHUANBEIPAI where DISPLAY_X is not null and DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID, NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 123 as Flag,category,null as LNGLATSTRS,7 as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE,case category when '1' then 'zhongjizhan/duanbo.png' when '2' then 'zhongjizhan/chaoduanbo.png' when '3' then 'zhongjizhan/weibo.png' else 'location.png' end as ImageUrl from ZHONGJIZHAN where DISPLAY_X is not null and DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID,NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 124 as Flag,category,null as LNGLATSTRS,8 as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE,case category when '1' then 'jiancezhan/youxian.png' when '2' then 'jiancezhan/wuxian.png' else 'location.png' end as ImageUrl from JIANCEZHAN where DISPLAY_X is not null and DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID, NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 125 as Flag,category,null as LNGLATSTRS,9 as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE,case category when '1' then 'yinzicaijizhan/youxian.png' when '2' then 'yinzicaijizhan/wuxian.png' else 'location.png' end as ImageUrl from YINZICAIJIZHAN where DISPLAY_X is not null and DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID, NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 126 as Flag,category,null as LNGLATSTRS,1 as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE,case category when '1' then 'xiaofangduiwu/zhuanye.png' when '2' then 'xiaofangduiwu/banzhuanye.png' when '3' then 'xiaofangduiwu/yingji.png' when '4' then 'xiaofangduiwu/qunzhong.png' else 'location.png' end as ImageUrl from XIAOFANGDUIWU where DISPLAY_X is not null and DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID,NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 127 as Flag,null as category,null as LNGLATSTRS,null as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE,'location.png' as ImageUrl from QITASHESHI where DISPLAY_X is not null and DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); //sb.Append(" ( select NAME,DISPALY_X as DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 128 as Flag,null as LNGLATSTRS from ZHENGFUJIGUAN where DISPALY_X is not null and DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all"); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID,NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 129 as Flag ,null as category,null as LNGLATSTRS,null as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE,'tingchechang.png' as ImageUrl from TINGCHECHANG where DISPLAY_X is not null and DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID,NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 212 as Flag,null as category,[shape] as LNGLATSTRS,null as DBTYPE,1 as TYPE ,'location.png' as ImageUrl from HELIU where DISPLAY_X is not null and DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID,NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 219 as Flag,category,[shape] as LNGLATSTRS,10 as DBTYPE,1 as TYPE,'location.png'as ImageUrl from GELIDAI where DISPLAY_X is not null and DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID,NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 220 as Flag,category,[shape] as LNGLATSTRS,11 as DBTYPE,1 as TYPE,'location.png'as ImageUrl from FANGHUOTONGDAO where DISPLAY_X is not null and DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID,NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 115 as Flag ,null as category,null as LNGLATSTRS,null as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE,'location.png' as ImageUrl from MOUNTAIN E where E.DISPLAY_X is not null and E.DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID,NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 115 as Flag ,null as category,null as LNGLATSTRS,null as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE,'location.png' as ImageUrl from MOUNTAIN E where E.DISPLAY_X is not null and E.DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID,NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 221 as Flag,null as category,[shape] as LNGLATSTRS,null as DBTYPE,1 as TYPE,'location.png' as ImageUrl from ZERENLUXIAN where DISPLAY_X is not null and DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID, NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 311 as Flag,null as category,[shape] as LNGLATSTRS,null as DBTYPE,2 as TYPE,'location.png' as ImageUrl from ZERENQU where DISPLAY_X is not null and DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID,NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 313 as Flag,category,[shape] as LNGLATSTRS,10 as DBTYPE,2 as TYPE,'location.png' as ImageUrl from HUOSHAOMIAN where DISPLAY_X is not null and DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID,NAME,DISPLAY_X,DISPLAY_Y, 314 as Flag,category,[shape] as LNGLATSTRS,2 as DBTYPE,2 as TYPE ,'location.png' as ImageUrl from ZIYUAN where DISPLAY_X is not null and DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID,NAME,JD as DISPLAY_X,WD as DISPLAY_Y, 130 as Flag,null as category, null as LNGLATSTRS,null as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE ,'dianzijiankong.png' as ImageUrl from SHIPINGJIANKONG l where l.JD is not null and l.WD is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID,NAME,JD as DISPLAY_X,WD as DISPLAY_Y, 131 as Flag,null as category, null as LNGLATSTRS,null as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE ,'hongwaixiangji.png' as ImageUrl from HONGWAIXIANGJI X where X.JD is not null and X.WD is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID,NAME, DISPLAY_X, DISPLAY_Y, 132 as Flag,null as category, null as LNGLATSTRS,101 as DBTYPE,0 as TYPE ,'youhaishengwujcd.png' as ImageUrl from YHSWJCD X where X.DISPLAY_X is not null and X.DISPLAY_Y is not null) UNION all "); sb.Append(" ( select [OBJECTID] as ID, ([乡]+' 林班:'+[林班]+',小班:'+[小班]) as NAME, DISPLAY_X , DISPLAY_Y, 316 as Flag,null as category,[shape] as LNGLATSTRS,100 as DBTYPE,2 as TYPE, 'location.png' as ImageUrl from GONGYILINVIEW ) "); //sb.Append(" UNION all ( select [OBJECTID] as ID, ([乡]+[林班]+[小班]) as NAME, shape.STCentroid().STX AS DISPLAY_X ,shape.STCentroid().STY AS DISPLAY_Y, 316 as Flag,[shape] as LNGLATSTRS,100 as DBTYPE,3 as TYPE from GONGYILIN where [横坐标] is not null and [纵坐标] is not null) "); sb.Append(" ) as ff Where 1=1 "); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.Name)) { sb.AppendFormat(" And ff.Name like '%{0}%' ", sw.Name.Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.FlagStr)) { sb.AppendFormat(" And ff.FLAG in ({0})", ClsSql.SwitchStrToSqlIn(sw.FlagStr)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw.AroundValue))//周边距离 { //AND (dbo.fnGetDistance(LONGITUDE, LATITUDE, 103.2680404, 23.7104433) < 10 //[dbo].[GetDistanceByNative] // sb.AppendFormat(" AND (dbo.fnGetDistance(DISPLAY_Y, DISPLAY_X,{0},{1}) <= {2})", sw.WD, sw.JD, sw.AroundValue); sb.AppendFormat(" AND (dbo.GetDistanceByNative(DISPLAY_Y,DISPLAY_X,{0},{1}) <= {2})", sw.WD, sw.JD, sw.AroundValue); } DataSet ds = SDEDataBaseClass.FullDataSet(sb.ToString()); return(ds.Tables[0]); }