bool Save_Validation(ref StringBuilder Sb_Msg) { WebControl Wc; bool IsValid = true; this.Txt_ItemCode.CssClass = Layer01_Constants_Web.CnsCssTextbox; if (this.Txt_ItemCode.Text.Trim() == "") { this.Txt_ItemCode.Text = Layer02_Common.GetSeriesNo("Item"); } Wc = this.Txt_ItemCode; ClsBasePageDetails.Save_Validation( ref Sb_Msg , ref Wc , ref IsValid , Layer01_Constants_Web.CnsCssTextbox , Layer01_Constants_Web.CnsCssTextbox_ValidateHighlight , (Layer02_Common.CheckSeriesDuplicate("uvw_Item", "Code", this.mObj.GetKeys(), this.Txt_ItemCode.Text)) , "Duplicate Item No. found. Please change the Item No." + "<br />"); Wc = this.Txt_ItemName; ClsBasePageDetails.Save_Validation( ref Sb_Msg , ref Wc , ref IsValid , Layer01_Constants_Web.CnsCssTextbox , Layer01_Constants_Web.CnsCssTextbox_ValidateHighlight , (this.Txt_ItemName.Text.Trim() != "") , "Item Name is required." + "<br />"); return(IsValid); }
public bool Update_Validate(ref System.Text.StringBuilder Sb_Msg) { bool IsValid = true; ClsAddress Obj = this.mObj_Address; WebControl Wc; Wc = this.Txt_Address; ClsBasePageDetails.Save_Validation( ref Sb_Msg , ref Wc , ref IsValid , Layer01_Constants_Web.CnsCssTextbox , Layer01_Constants_Web.CnsCssTextbox_ValidateHighlight , (this.Txt_Address.Text.Trim() == "") , "Address is required." + "<br />"); Wc = this.Txt_City; ClsBasePageDetails.Save_Validation( ref Sb_Msg , ref Wc , ref IsValid , Layer01_Constants_Web.CnsCssTextbox , Layer01_Constants_Web.CnsCssTextbox_ValidateHighlight , (this.Txt_City.Text.Trim() == "") , "City is required." + "<br />"); Wc = this.Txt_ZipCode; ClsBasePageDetails.Save_Validation( ref Sb_Msg , ref Wc , ref IsValid , Layer01_Constants_Web.CnsCssTextbox , Layer01_Constants_Web.CnsCssTextbox_ValidateHighlight , (this.Txt_ZipCode.Text.Trim() == "") , "Zip Code is required." + "<br />"); Wc = this.Cbo_State; ClsBasePageDetails.Save_Validation( ref Sb_Msg , ref Wc , ref IsValid , Layer01_Constants_Web.CnsCssTextbox , Layer01_Constants_Web.CnsCssTextbox_ValidateHighlight , (this.Cbo_State.SelectedValue == "0") , "Province / State is required." + "<br />"); Wc = this.Cbo_Country; ClsBasePageDetails.Save_Validation( ref Sb_Msg , ref Wc , ref IsValid , Layer01_Constants_Web.CnsCssTextbox , Layer01_Constants_Web.CnsCssTextbox_ValidateHighlight , (this.Cbo_Country.SelectedValue == "0") , "Country is required." + "<br />"); return(IsValid); }
bool Save_Validation(ref System.Text.StringBuilder Sb_Msg) { WebControl Wc; bool IsValid = true; this.Txt_EmployeeCode.CssClass = Layer01_Constants_Web.CnsCssTextbox; if (this.Txt_EmployeeCode.Text.Trim() == "") { this.Txt_EmployeeCode.Text = Layer02_Common.GetSeriesNo("Item"); } Wc = this.Txt_EmployeeCode; ClsBasePageDetails.Save_Validation( ref Sb_Msg , ref Wc , ref IsValid , Layer01_Constants_Web.CnsCssTextbox , Layer01_Constants_Web.CnsCssTextbox_ValidateHighlight , (Layer02_Common.CheckSeriesDuplicate("uvw_Employee", "EmployeeCode", this.mObj.GetKeys(), this.Txt_EmployeeCode.Text)) , "Duplicate Employee ID found. Please change the Employee ID." + "<br />"); Wc = null; ClsBasePageDetails.Save_Validation( ref Sb_Msg , ref Wc , ref IsValid , string.Empty , string.Empty , (this.EODtp_DateHired.SelectedDate == null) , "Hired Date is required" + "<br />"); if (!this.UcPerson.Update_Validate(ref Sb_Msg)) { IsValid = false; } return(IsValid); }