protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Page.Title = "Lotus Domino Cluster"; if (Request.QueryString["tab"] != null) { if (!IsPostBack) { //FillClusterCategoryComboBox(); if (Session["UserPreferences"] != null) { DataTable UserPreferences = (DataTable)Session["UserPreferences"]; } } } try { if (Request.QueryString["ID"] != null && Request.QueryString["ID"] != "") { Mode = "Update"; ServerKey = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ID"]); //For Validation Summary ////ApplyValidationSummarySettings(); ////ApplyEditorsSettings(); if (!IsPostBack) { //Fill Server Attributes Tab & Advanced Tab FillData(ServerKey); //11/19/2014 NS modified //DominoClusterRoundPanel.HeaderText = "Domino Cluster - " + ClsAttNameTextBox.Text; servernamelbldisp.InnerHtml = "Network Latency - " + ClsAttNameTextBox.Text; } } else { Mode = "Insert"; if (!IsPostBack) { testduration.Text = "5"; ScanIntervalTextBox.Text = "60"; scanEnableCheckBox.Checked = true; ClsAttNameTextBox.Focus(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { //6/27/2014 NS added for VSPLUS-634 Log.Entry.Ins.WriteHistoryEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Exception - " + ex); throw ex; } finally { } }
private void InsertStatus() { errorDiv.Style.Value = "display: none"; DominoCluster ClsObj = new DominoCluster(); ClsObj.Name = ClsAttNameTextBox.Text; DataTable returntable = VSWebBL.ConfiguratorBL.DominoClusterBL.Ins.GetNameforStatus(ClsObj); if (returntable.Rows.Count > 0) { //4/29/2015 NS modified /* * ErrorMessageLabel.Text = "This cluster name is already in use. Please enter a different server name."; * ErrorMessagePopupControl.ShowOnPageLoad = true; */ errorDiv.InnerHtml = "This cluster name is already in use. Please enter a different cluster name." + "<button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\"><span aria-hidden=\"true\">×</span><span class=\"sr-only\">Close</span></button>"; errorDiv.Style.Value = "display: block"; flag = true; ClsAttNameTextBox.Focus(); } else { try { object ReturnValue = VSWebBL.StatusBL.StatusTBL.Ins.InsertData(CollectDataforStatus()); // SetFocusOnError(ReturnValue); if (ReturnValue.ToString().Equals("True")) { Session["Status"] = ClsAttNameTextBox.Text; Response.Redirect("ClusterGrid.aspx", false); //Mukund, 05Aug14, VSPLUS-844:Page redirect on callback Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); //ErrorMessageLabel.Text = "Cluster record created successfully."; //ErrorMessagePopupControl.HeaderText = "Information"; //ErrorMessagePopupControl.ShowCloseButton = false; //ValidationUpdatedButton.Visible = true; //ValidationOkButton.Visible = false; //ErrorMessagePopupControl.ShowOnPageLoad = true; } else if (ReturnValue.ToString().Equals("false")) { errorDiv.InnerHtml = "The following error has occurred: could not insert a record into the SQL table." + "<button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\"><span aria-hidden=\"true\">×</span><span class=\"sr-only\">Close</span></button>"; errorDiv.Style.Value = "display: block"; //6/27/2014 NS added for VSPLUS-634 Log.Entry.Ins.WriteHistoryEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Error while trying to insert to SQL."); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorMessageLabel.Text = "Error attempting to update the status table :" + ex.Message; ErrorMessagePopupControl.ShowOnPageLoad = true; //6/27/2014 NS added for VSPLUS-634 Log.Entry.Ins.WriteHistoryEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Exception - " + ex); } finally { } } }
private void InsertNetworkLatency() { NetworkLatency ClsObj = new NetworkLatency(); ClsObj.Name = ClsAttNameTextBox.Text; DataTable returntable = VSWebBL.ConfiguratorBL.NetworkLatencyBL.Ins.GetIPAddress(ClsObj); if (returntable.Rows.Count > 0) { ErrorMessageLabel.Text = "This Latency name is already in use. Please enter a different server name."; ErrorMessagePopupControl.ShowOnPageLoad = true; flag = true; ClsAttNameTextBox.Focus(); } else { try { object ReturnValue = VSWebBL.ConfiguratorBL.NetworkLatencyBL.Ins.InsertData(CollectDataForNetworkLatency()); SetFocusOnError(ReturnValue); if (ReturnValue.ToString() == "True") { ErrorMessageLabel.Text = "Latency record created successfully."; ErrorMessagePopupControl.HeaderText = "Information"; ErrorMessagePopupControl.ShowCloseButton = false; ValidationUpdatedButton.Visible = true; ValidationOkButton.Visible = false; ErrorMessagePopupControl.ShowOnPageLoad = true; } else { flag = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { //6/27/2014 NS added for VSPLUS-634 Log.Entry.Ins.WriteHistoryEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Exception - " + ex); throw ex; } finally { } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Page.Title = "Lotus Domino Cluster"; if (Request.QueryString["tab"] != null) { ASPxPageControl1.ActiveTabIndex = 2; } if (!IsPostBack) { ServerAComboBox.Items.Clear(); ServerBComboBox3.Items.Clear(); ServerCComboBox.Items.Clear(); //FillClusterCategoryComboBox(); FillClusterServerAComboBox(); FillClusterServerBComboBox(); FillClusterServerCComboBox(); if (Session["UserPreferences"] != null) { DataTable UserPreferences = (DataTable)Session["UserPreferences"]; foreach (DataRow dr in UserPreferences.Rows) { if (dr[1].ToString() == "LotusDominoCluster|MaintWinListGridView") { MaintWinListGridView.SettingsPager.PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(dr[2]); } if (dr[1].ToString() == "LotusDominoCluster|AlertGridView") { AlertGridView.SettingsPager.PageSize = Convert.ToInt32(dr[2]); } } } } try { if (Request.QueryString["ID"] != null && Request.QueryString["ID"] != "") { Mode = "Update"; ServerKey = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ID"]); //For Validation Summary ////ApplyValidationSummarySettings(); ////ApplyEditorsSettings(); if (!IsPostBack) { //Fill Server Attributes Tab & Advanced Tab FillData(ServerKey); FillMaintenanceGrid(); FillAlertGridView(); //11/19/2014 NS modified //DominoClusterRoundPanel.HeaderText = "Domino Cluster - " + ClsAttNameTextBox.Text; servernamelbldisp.InnerHtml = "Domino Cluster - " + ClsAttNameTextBox.Text; } else { FillMaintServersGridfromSession(); FillAlertGridViewfromSession(); } } else { errorDiv.Style.Value = "display: none;"; Mode = "Insert"; if (!IsPostBack) { OHScanTextBox.Text = "120"; ScanIntervalTextBox.Text = "60"; ClusterCategoryComboBox.Text = "Mail"; scanEnableCheckBox.Checked = true; //ServerAComboBox.Text = "None"; //ServerATextBox.Enabled = false; //ServerBComboBox3.Text = "None"; //ServerBTextBox.Enabled = false; ServerCComboBox.Text = "None"; if (ServerCComboBox.Text == "None") { ServerCTextBox.Enabled = false; } else { ServerCTextBox.Enabled = true; } ClsAttNameTextBox.Focus(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { //6/27/2014 NS added for VSPLUS-634 Log.Entry.Ins.WriteHistoryEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " Exception - " + ex); throw ex; } finally { } }