public async Task InsertAsync(string tinyUrlKey, string originalUrl) { var tinyUrlMapEntity = new TinyUrlMapEntity(tinyUrlKey, originalUrl); var insertOperation = TableOperation.Insert(tinyUrlMapEntity); await _myTinyUrlsTable.ExecuteAsync(insertOperation); }
private async void ProcessCloudQueue(object sender, object e) { queue.Tick -= ProcessCloudQueue; // Create the table client. CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();; // Create the CloudTable object that represents the "people" table. CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference("myroomcommands"); // Construct the query operation for all customer entities where PartitionKey="Smith". TableQuery <RoomCommand> query = new TableQuery <RoomCommand>().Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, "ROOM1")); // Print the fields for each customer. // Initialize the continuation token to null to start from the beginning of the table. TableContinuationToken continuationToken = null; do { // Retrieve a segment (up to 1,000 entities). TableQuerySegment <RoomCommand> tableQueryResult = await table.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(query, continuationToken); // Assign the new continuation token to tell the service where to // continue on the next iteration (or null if it has reached the end). continuationToken = tableQueryResult.ContinuationToken; foreach (RoomCommand cmd in tableQueryResult) { TableOperation deleteOperation = TableOperation.Delete(cmd); if (cmd.RelayId == "RELAY1" && cmd.State == true) { FAN.Fill = greenBrush; StateText.Text = "Fan On"; TurnRelay1On(); } else if (cmd.RelayId == "RELAY1" && cmd.State == false) { FAN.Fill = grayBrush; StateText.Text = "Fan Off"; TurnRelay1Off(); } else if (cmd.RelayId == "RELAY2" && cmd.State == true) { LIGHT.Fill = greenBrush; StateTextlight.Text = "Light On"; TurnRelay2On(); } else if (cmd.RelayId == "RELAY2" && cmd.State == false) { LIGHT.Fill = grayBrush; StateTextlight.Text = "Light Off"; TurnRelay2Off(); } else { FAN.Fill = grayBrush; LIGHT.Fill = grayBrush; StateText.Text = StateTextlight.Text = "Invalid Operation"; } // Execute the operation. await table.ExecuteAsync(deleteOperation); } } while (continuationToken != null); queue.Tick += ProcessCloudQueue; queue.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000); queue.Start(); }
public async Task AddTableEntity(ITableEntity entity) { CloudTable table = this.GetStorageTable(); await table.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.Insert(entity)); }
public Product GetProduct(string id) { return((Product)_table.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.Retrieve <Product>(PartitionKey, id)).Result.Result); }
public static async Task Run([TimerTrigger("0 */1 * * * *")] TimerInfo myTimer, ILogger log, [Table("dselbtable")] CloudTable loadbalancerconfigTable) { log.LogInformation($"C# Timer trigger function executed at: {DateTime.Now}"); TableQuerySegment <UpdateLoadBalancerEntity> segment = null; TableBatchOperation batchOperation = new TableBatchOperation(); log.LogInformation($"Deleting all resources for {loadbalancerconfigTable.Name}"); while (segment == null || segment.ContinuationToken != null) { segment = await loadbalancerconfigTable.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(new TableQuery <UpdateLoadBalancerEntity>().Take(500), segment?.ContinuationToken); Parallel.ForEach(segment.Results, async entity => { await loadbalancerconfigTable.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.Delete(entity)); }); } if (batchOperation.Count > 0) { await loadbalancerconfigTable.ExecuteBatchAsync(batchOperation); } //Get Token string token = AuthHelper.GetTokenAsync().Result; log.LogInformation($"Token Received: {token}"); string subscriptionsUri = ""; Subscriptions subscriptions = await ResilientRestClient.GetAsync <Subscriptions>(subscriptionsUri, token); log.LogInformation($"Subs Received"); //Query SubscriptionIDs which has Gateway Connections string query = "where type =~ ''| distinct subscriptionId "; Dictionary <string, int> options = new Dictionary <string, int>(); options["$skip"] = 0; Dictionary <string, object> requestBodyObj = new Dictionary <string, object>(); List <string> subscriptionIds = subscriptions.value.Select(subs => subs.subscriptionId).ToList(); requestBodyObj.Add("subscriptions", subscriptionIds); requestBodyObj.Add("query", query); requestBodyObj.Add("options", options); string resourceGraphUri = ""; List <string> expressRouteConnectedSubscriptions = new List <string>(); //TEST CASE string subId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TestSubscriptionID", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); expressRouteConnectedSubscriptions.Add(subId); //Commenting for test // ResourceGraphResponse resourcesubs = ResilientRestClient.PostAsync<ResourceGraphResponse>(resourceGraphUri, token, requestBodyObj).Result; // foreach (List<string> row in // { // expressRouteConnectedSubscriptions.Add(row[0]); // } // log.LogInformation($"The number of subs are {expressRouteConnectedSubscriptions.Count}"); //TODO ADD Logic to clear the table or after automation job completion trigger an update to remove the upgraded LB from table //Query for Load Balancers string lbquery = "where type =~ 'Microsoft.Network/loadbalancers'| where tostring( =='Basic' | project id, subscriptionId, resourceGroup, name, location"; Dictionary <string, int> lboptions = new Dictionary <string, int>(); options["$skip"] = 0; Dictionary <string, object> lbrequestBodyObj = new Dictionary <string, object>(); lbrequestBodyObj.Add("subscriptions", expressRouteConnectedSubscriptions); lbrequestBodyObj.Add("query", lbquery); lbrequestBodyObj.Add("options", lboptions); List <LoadBalancerObj> loadBalancers = new List <LoadBalancerObj>(); ResourceGraphResponse lbs = ResilientRestClient.PostAsync <ResourceGraphResponse>(resourceGraphUri, token, lbrequestBodyObj).Result; int i = 1; foreach (List <string> row in { LoadBalancerObj lb = new LoadBalancerObj { ResourceId = row[0], SubscriptionId = row[1], ResourceGroup = row[2], Name = row[3], Location = row[4] }; loadBalancers.Add(lb); } while (lbs.skipToken != null) { log.LogInformation(i.ToString()); Dictionary <string, int> nextSkip = new Dictionary <string, int>(); nextSkip["$skip"] = i * 1000; Dictionary <string, object> updatedrequestBodyObj = new Dictionary <string, object>(); updatedrequestBodyObj["subscriptions"] = expressRouteConnectedSubscriptions; updatedrequestBodyObj["query"] = lbquery; updatedrequestBodyObj["$skipToken"] = lbs.skipToken; updatedrequestBodyObj["options"] = nextSkip; lbs = ResilientRestClient.PostAsync <ResourceGraphResponse>(resourceGraphUri, token, updatedrequestBodyObj).Result; foreach (List <string> row in { LoadBalancerObj lb = new LoadBalancerObj { ResourceId = row[0], SubscriptionId = row[1], ResourceGroup = row[2], Name = row[3], Location = row[4] }; loadBalancers.Add(lb); } i++; } Parallel.ForEach(loadBalancers, async lb => { UpdateLoadBalancerEntity loadBalancerEntity = new UpdateLoadBalancerEntity { PartitionKey = lb.SubscriptionId, RowKey = lb.Name, Location = lb.Location, ResourceGroup = lb.ResourceGroup, ResourceId = lb.ResourceId }; TableOperation insertOperation = TableOperation.InsertOrMerge(loadBalancerEntity); await loadbalancerconfigTable.ExecuteAsync(insertOperation); }); }
protected Task <TableResult> InsertDataAsync <T>(CloudTable table, T data) where T : BaseTable { TableOperation insertOperation = TableOperation.Insert(data); return(table.ExecuteAsync(insertOperation)); }
public async Task SaveServiceClient(ServerClient serverClient) { await _serviceClientsTable.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(serverClient)); }
public async Task <TableResult> CreateOrUpdateAsync(T entity) { var insertOrMergeOperation = TableOperation.InsertOrMerge(entity); return(await cloudTable.ExecuteAsync(insertOrMergeOperation)); }
static void CreateMessage(CloudTable table, EmailEntity newemail) { TableOperation insert = TableOperation.Insert(newemail); table.ExecuteAsync(insert); }
public async Task <StreamOpenResult> ExecuteAsync() { return(Result(await table.ExecuteAsync(Prepare()))); }
public static async Task <IActionResult> Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, [Table("User")] CloudTable cloudTable, ILogger log) { log.LogInformation($"C# HTTP trigger {nameof(CreateProfile)} function processed a request."); var privateKey = Utils.ParseToken(req); if (privateKey == null) { return(new UnauthorizedResult()); } User user = null; try { var requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync(); user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <User>(requestBody); } catch (Exception ex) { log.LogWarning("Unable to deserialize user: "******"Invalid data to process request")); } var encryptedFriendCode = string.Empty; try { encryptedFriendCode = Cipher.Encrypt(user.FriendCode, Utils.FriendCodePassword, user.PublicKey); } catch (Exception ex) { log.LogError("Unable to decrypt friendcode: " + ex.Message); } var userEntity = new UserEntity(user.PublicKey, privateKey) { Name = user.Name, IslandName = user.IslandName, Fruit = user.Fruit, TimeZone = user.TimeZone, Status = user.Status ?? string.Empty, TurnipUpdateTimeUTC = DateTime.UtcNow, FriendCode = encryptedFriendCode, GateClosesAtUTC = DateTime.UtcNow }; try { #if DEBUG userEntity.ETag = "*"; #endif // Create the InsertOrReplace table operation var insertOrMergeOperation = TableOperation.InsertOrMerge(userEntity); // Execute the operation. var result = await cloudTable.ExecuteAsync(insertOrMergeOperation); var insertedCustomer = result.Result as UserEntity; } catch (Exception ex) { log.LogError($"Error {nameof(CreateProfile)} - Error: " + ex.Message); return(new InternalServerErrorResult()); } return(new OkObjectResult("User Created")); }
public async Task Add(T item) { await TableClient.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.Insert(item)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the <see cref="PoisonMessage"/>. /// </summary> private async Task <PoisonMessage> GetPoisonMessageAsync() { var tr = await _poisonTable.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.Retrieve <PoisonMessage>(_storagePartitionKey, _storageRowKey)).ConfigureAwait(false); return((PoisonMessage)tr.Result); }
public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log, ExecutionContext context) { log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request."); string connectionsJson = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(context.FunctionAppDirectory, "Connections.json")); JObject ConnectionsObject = JObject.Parse(connectionsJson); string connectionString = ConnectionsObject["AZURE_STORAGE_URL"].ToString(); CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connectionString); CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient(); CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference("virtualroomconfig"); await table.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(); var room = req.Headers["room"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(room)) { room = req.Query["room"]; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(room)) { return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) { Content = new StringContent("Please pass a room name on the query string or in the header") }); } var partitionKey = "Demo"; var rowKey = room; try { // get the room from the table var getRoom = TableOperation.Retrieve <VirtualRoomConfig>(partitionKey, rowKey); var query = await table.ExecuteAsync(getRoom); var currRoomConfig = (VirtualRoomConfig)query.Result; // if room not exist, create a record using default config if (currRoomConfig == null) { var defaultRoom = new VirtualRoomConfig(partitionKey, rowKey); var createRoom = TableOperation.Insert(defaultRoom); await table.ExecuteAsync(createRoom); currRoomConfig = (VirtualRoomConfig)(await table.ExecuteAsync(getRoom)).Result; } var operation = req.Query["operation"].ToString().ToLower(); var updated = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(operation)) { if (operation.Equals("reset")) { currRoomConfig.LoadDefaultConfig(); updated = true; } else if (operation.Equals("turn")) { var item = req.Query["item"].ToString().ToLower(); var instance = req.Query["instance"].ToString().ToLower(); var value = req.Query["value"].ToString().ToLower(); bool?valueBool = (value.Equals("on") || value.Equals("open")) ? true : ((value.Equals("off") || value.Equals("close")) ? (bool?)false : null); if (valueBool == null) { updated = false; } else if (item.Equals("lights")) { if (instance.Equals("all")) { if (currRoomConfig.Lights_bathroom == (bool)valueBool && currRoomConfig.Lights_room == (bool)valueBool) { currRoomConfig.Message = $"All lights already {value}"; } else { currRoomConfig.Lights_bathroom = (bool)valueBool; currRoomConfig.Lights_room = (bool)valueBool; currRoomConfig.Message = $"Ok, turning all the lights {value}"; } updated = true; } else if (instance.Equals("room")) { if (currRoomConfig.Lights_room == (bool)valueBool) { currRoomConfig.Message = $"Room light already {value}"; } else { currRoomConfig.Lights_room = (bool)valueBool; currRoomConfig.Message = $"Ok, turning {value} the room light"; } updated = true; } else if (instance.Equals("bathroom")) { if (currRoomConfig.Lights_bathroom == (bool)valueBool) { currRoomConfig.Message = $"Bathroom light already {value}"; } else { currRoomConfig.Lights_bathroom = (bool)valueBool; currRoomConfig.Message = $"Ok, turning {value} the bathroom light"; } updated = true; } } else if (item.Equals("tv")) { if (currRoomConfig.Television == (bool)valueBool) { currRoomConfig.Message = $"TV already {value}"; } else { currRoomConfig.Television = (bool)valueBool; currRoomConfig.Message = $"Ok, turning the TV {value}"; } updated = true; } else if (item.Equals("blinds")) { if (currRoomConfig.Blinds == (bool)valueBool) { currRoomConfig.Message = (bool)valueBool ? "Blinds already opened" : "Blinds already closed"; } else { currRoomConfig.Blinds = (bool)valueBool; currRoomConfig.Message = (bool)valueBool ? "All right, opening the blinds" : "All right, closing the blinds"; } updated = true; } else if (item.Equals("ac")) { if (currRoomConfig.AC == (bool)valueBool) { currRoomConfig.Message = $"AC already {value}"; } else { currRoomConfig.AC = (bool)valueBool; currRoomConfig.Message = $"Ok, turning the AC {value}"; } updated = true; } } else if (operation.Equals("settemperature")) { currRoomConfig.Temperature = int.Parse(req.Query["value"]); currRoomConfig.Message = "set temperature to " + req.Query["value"]; updated = true; } else if (operation.Equals("increasetemperature")) { currRoomConfig.Temperature += int.Parse(req.Query["value"]); currRoomConfig.Message = "raised temperature by " + req.Query["value"] + " degrees"; updated = true; } else if (operation.Equals("decreasetemperature")) { currRoomConfig.Temperature -= int.Parse(req.Query["value"]); currRoomConfig.Message = "decreased temperature by " + req.Query["value"] + " degrees"; updated = true; } } if (updated) { var updateRoom = TableOperation.Replace(currRoomConfig as VirtualRoomConfig); await table.ExecuteAsync(updateRoom); log.LogInformation("successfully updated the record"); } return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK) { Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(currRoomConfig, Formatting.Indented), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json") }); } catch (Exception e) { log.LogError(e.Message); return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest) { Content = new StringContent("Failed to process request") }); } }
/// <summary> /// Uploads results to GitHub/Azure Table Storage /// </summary> /// <param name="scorecards">List of Scorecard instances to be uploaded</param> /// <param name="githubClient">An authenticated Octokit.GitHubClient instance</param> /// <param name="storageAccountKey">Key to the rollout scorecards storage account</param> /// <param name="githubConfig">GitHubConfig object representing config</param> public async static Task UploadResultsAsync(List <Scorecard> scorecards, GitHubClient githubClient, string storageAccountKey, GithubConfig githubConfig, bool skipPr = false) { // We batch the scorecards by date so they can be sorted into markdown files properly IEnumerable <ScorecardBatch> scorecardBatches = scorecards .GroupBy(s => s.Date).Select(g => new ScorecardBatch { Date = g.Key, Scorecards = g.ToList() }); const string TargetBranch = "main"; if (!skipPr) { Reference targetBranch = await githubClient.Git.Reference .Get(githubConfig.ScorecardsGithubOrg, githubConfig.ScorecardsGithubRepo, "heads/" + TargetBranch); string newBranchName = $"{DateTime.Today:yyyy-MM-dd}-Scorecard-Update"; string newBranchRef = $"heads/{newBranchName}"; Reference newBranch; // If this succeeds than the branch exists and we should update it directly try { newBranch = await githubClient.Git.Reference.Get(githubConfig.ScorecardsGithubOrg, githubConfig.ScorecardsGithubRepo, newBranchRef); } // If not, we've got to create the new branch catch (NotFoundException) { newBranch = await githubClient.Git.Reference.CreateBranch(githubConfig.ScorecardsGithubOrg, githubConfig.ScorecardsGithubRepo, newBranchName, targetBranch); } TreeResponse currentTree = await githubClient.Git.Tree.Get(githubConfig.ScorecardsGithubOrg, githubConfig.ScorecardsGithubRepo, newBranchRef); NewTree newTree = new NewTree { BaseTree = currentTree.Sha, }; // We loop over the batches and generate a markdown file for each rollout date foreach (ScorecardBatch scorecardBatch in scorecardBatches) { List <RepoMarkdown> repoMarkdowns = scorecardBatch.Scorecards.Select(s => CreateRepoMarkdown(s)).ToList(); string scorecardBatchMarkdown = $"# {scorecardBatch.Date.Date:dd MMMM yyyy} Rollout Summaries\n\n" + $"{string.Join('\n', repoMarkdowns.Select(md => md.Summary))}\n" + $"# Itemized Scorecard\n\n" + $"{string.Join('\n', repoMarkdowns.Select(md => md.Breakdown))}"; string scorecardBatchFilePath = $"{githubConfig.ScorecardsDirectoryPath}Scorecard_{scorecardBatch.Date.Date:yyyy-MM-dd}.md"; NewTreeItem markdownBlob = new NewTreeItem { Path = scorecardBatchFilePath, Mode = _gitFileBlobMode, Type = TreeType.Blob, Content = scorecardBatchMarkdown, }; newTree.Tree.Add(markdownBlob); } TreeResponse treeResponse = await githubClient.Git.Tree.Create(githubConfig.ScorecardsGithubOrg, githubConfig.ScorecardsGithubRepo, newTree); // Commit the new response to the new branch NewCommit newCommit = new NewCommit("Add scorecards for " + string.Join(", ", scorecardBatches.Select(s => s.Date.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))), treeResponse.Sha, newBranch.Object.Sha); Commit commit = await githubClient.Git.Commit .Create(githubConfig.ScorecardsGithubOrg, githubConfig.ScorecardsGithubRepo, newCommit); ReferenceUpdate update = new ReferenceUpdate(commit.Sha); Reference updatedRef = await githubClient.Git.Reference.Update(githubConfig.ScorecardsGithubOrg, githubConfig.ScorecardsGithubRepo, newBranchRef, update); PullRequestRequest prRequest = new PullRequestRequest { Base = TargetBranch, Head = newBranchName, State = ItemStateFilter.Open, }; // If an open PR exists already, we shouldn't try to create a new one List <PullRequest> prs = (await githubClient.PullRequest.GetAllForRepository(githubConfig.ScorecardsGithubOrg, githubConfig.ScorecardsGithubRepo)).ToList(); if (!prs.Any(pr => pr.Head.Ref == newBranchName)) { NewPullRequest newPullRequest = new NewPullRequest(newCommit.Message, newBranchName, TargetBranch); await githubClient.PullRequest.Create(githubConfig.ScorecardsGithubOrg, githubConfig.ScorecardsGithubRepo, newPullRequest); } } // Upload the results to Azure Table Storage (will overwrite previous entries with new data if necessary) CloudTable table = Utilities.GetScorecardsCloudTable(storageAccountKey); foreach (Scorecard scorecard in scorecards) { ScorecardEntity scorecardEntity = new ScorecardEntity(scorecard.Date, scorecard.Repo.Repo) { TotalScore = scorecard.TotalScore, TimeToRolloutSeconds = scorecard.TimeToRollout.TotalSeconds, CriticalIssues = scorecard.CriticalIssues, Hotfixes = scorecard.Hotfixes, Rollbacks = scorecard.Rollbacks, DowntimeSeconds = scorecard.Downtime.TotalSeconds, Failure = scorecard.Failure, TimeToRolloutScore = scorecard.TimeToRolloutScore, CriticalIssuesScore = scorecard.CriticalIssueScore, HotfixScore = scorecard.HotfixScore, RollbackScore = scorecard.RollbackScore, DowntimeScore = scorecard.DowntimeScore, }; await table.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(scorecardEntity)); } }
public async Task UpdateCounter(CloudTable cloudTable, Counter counter) { await cloudTable.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(counter)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> PostAsync() { string input = null; // If not data came in, then return if (this.Request.Body == null) { return(StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.Conflict, new B2CResponseModel("Request content is null", HttpStatusCode.Conflict))); } // Read the input claims from the request body using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8)) { input = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); } // Check input content value if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { return(StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.Conflict, new B2CResponseModel("Request content is empty", HttpStatusCode.Conflict))); } // Convert the input string into IdentityClaims object IdentityClaims inputClaims = IdentityClaims.Parse(input); if (inputClaims == null) { return(StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.Conflict, new B2CResponseModel("Can not deserialize input claims", HttpStatusCode.Conflict))); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputClaims.signInName)) { return(StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.Conflict, new B2CResponseModel("User 'signInName' is null or empty", HttpStatusCode.Conflict))); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputClaims.password)) { return(StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.Conflict, new B2CResponseModel("User 'password' is null or empty", HttpStatusCode.Conflict))); } // Create or reference an existing table CloudTable table = await Common.CreateTableAsync("identities"); var identityEntity = new IdentityEntity(inputClaims.signInName); identityEntity.displayName = inputClaims.displayName; identityEntity.password = inputClaims.password; identityEntity.givenName = inputClaims.givenName; identityEntity.surName = inputClaims.surName; try { // Create the InsertOrReplace table operation TableOperation insertOrMergeOperation = TableOperation.InsertOrMerge(identityEntity); // Execute the operation. TableResult result = await table.ExecuteAsync(insertOrMergeOperation); } catch (StorageException e) { return(StatusCode((int)HttpStatusCode.Conflict, new B2CResponseModel(e.Message, HttpStatusCode.Conflict))); } return(Ok()); }
public void Add(ActivityEntity entity) { activityTable.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.Insert(entity)).Wait(); }
public static async Task InsertOrMergeAsync(CloudTable table, MessageBatchTableEntity entity) { var operation = TableOperation.InsertOrMerge(entity); await table.ExecuteAsync(operation); }
public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> ShortenUrl( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post")] HttpRequestMessage req, [Table(Utility.TABLE, Utility.PARTITIONKEY, Utility.KEY, Take = 1)] UrlKey keyTable, [Table(Utility.TABLE)] CloudTable tableOut, TraceWriter log) { log.Info($"C# triggered function called with req: {req}"); if (req == null) { return(new HttpResponseMessage { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotFound }); } var result = new ShortResponse { url = string.Empty, short_code = string.Empty, error = string.Empty }; try { ShortRequest input = await req.Content.ReadAsAsync <ShortRequest>(); if (input == null) { log.Error("Input payload is null."); return(new HttpResponseMessage { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotFound }); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.url)) { log.Error("No URL found."); return(new HttpResponseMessage { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest }); } if (!Uri.TryCreate(input.url, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri uri)) { log.Error($"Input URL ({input.url}) is invalid format."); return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } if (keyTable == null) { keyTable = new UrlKey { PartitionKey = Utility.PARTITIONKEY, RowKey = Utility.KEY, Id = 1 }; var addKey = TableOperation.Insert(keyTable); await tableOut.ExecuteAsync(addKey); } var idx = keyTable.Id; var code = Utility.Encode(idx); var url = new UrlEntity { PartitionKey = $"{code[0]}", RowKey = code, Url = input.url }; log.Info($"ShortCode={code} for URL {url.Url}"); result.url = $"https://{Utility.BASEURL}/{code}"; keyTable.Id++; var operation = TableOperation.Replace(keyTable); await tableOut.ExecuteAsync(operation); operation = TableOperation.Insert(url); await tableOut.ExecuteAsync(operation); result.short_code = code; var response = new HttpResponseMessage { Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result)) }; return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Error processing link", ex); result.error = ex.Message; var response = new HttpResponseMessage { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Conflict, Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result)) }; return(response); } }
public async Task SaveClient(Client client) { await _clientsTable.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(client)); }
public async Task CreateNewStudent(StudentEntity student) { var insertOperation = TableOperation.Insert(student); await _studentsTable.ExecuteAsync(insertOperation); }
public static async Task <TableResult> Delete(this CloudTable table, ITableEntity rec) { TableOperation operation = TableOperation.Delete(rec); return(await table.ExecuteAsync(operation)); }
public void postNewUser(User newUserObject) { CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference("UserAccounts"); table.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(newUserObject)); }
/// <summary> /// Tests a table SAS to determine which operations it allows. /// </summary> /// <param name="sasUri">A string containing a URI with a SAS appended.</param> /// <param name="customer">The customer entity.</param> /// <returns>A Task object</returns> internal static async Task TestTableSAS(string sasUri, UserEntity customer) { // Try performing table operations with the SAS provided. // Note that the storage account credentials are not required here; the SAS provides the necessary // authentication information on the URI. // Return a reference to the table using the SAS URI. CloudTable table = new CloudTable(new Uri(sasUri)); // Upsert (add/update) operations: insert an entity. // This operation requires both add and update permissions on the SAS. try { // Insert the new entity. customer = await InsertOrMergeEntityAsync(table, customer); Console.WriteLine("Add operation succeeded for SAS {0}", sasUri); Console.WriteLine(); } catch (StorageException e) { if (e.RequestInformation.HttpStatusCode == 403) { Console.WriteLine("Add operation failed for SAS {0}", sasUri); Console.WriteLine("Additional error information: " + e.Message); Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.ReadLine(); throw; } } // Read operation: query an entity. // This operation requires read permissions on the SAS. try { TableOperation retrieveOperation = TableOperation.Retrieve <UserEntity>(customer.PartitionKey, customer.RowKey); TableResult result = await table.ExecuteAsync(retrieveOperation); UserEntity customerRead = result.Result as UserEntity; if (customerRead != null) { //Console.WriteLine("\t{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}", customerRead.PartitionKey, customerRead.RowKey, customerRead.Email, customerRead.PhoneNumber); } Console.WriteLine("Read operation succeeded for SAS {0}", sasUri); Console.WriteLine(); } catch (StorageException e) { if (e.RequestInformation.HttpStatusCode == 403) { Console.WriteLine("Read operation failed for SAS {0}", sasUri); Console.WriteLine("Additional error information: " + e.Message); Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.ReadLine(); throw; } } // Delete operation: delete an entity. try { TableOperation retrieveOperation = TableOperation.Retrieve <UserEntity>(customer.PartitionKey, customer.RowKey); TableResult result = await table.ExecuteAsync(retrieveOperation); UserEntity customerDelete = result.Result as UserEntity; if (customerDelete != null) { await DeleteEntityAsync(table, customerDelete); } Console.WriteLine("Delete operation succeeded for SAS {0}", sasUri); Console.WriteLine(); } catch (StorageException e) { if (e.RequestInformation.HttpStatusCode == 403) { Console.WriteLine("Delete operation failed for SAS {0}", sasUri); Console.WriteLine("Additional error information: " + e.Message); Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.ReadLine(); throw; } } Console.WriteLine(); }
public static async Task Run( [ServiceBusTrigger(QueueNames.StatusLoop, Connection = "ServiceBusConnectionString")] Message msg, [ServiceBus(QueueNames.StatusLoop, Connection = "ServiceBusConnectionString")] IAsyncCollector <Message> statusLoop, [ServiceBus(QueueNames.StatusMessage, Connection = "ServiceBusConnectionString")] IAsyncCollector <Message> statusMessages, [Table(TableNames.Status, PartitionKeys.Status, "{CorrelationId}")] ImportStatusEntity status, [Table(TableNames.Status)] CloudTable table, [Table(TableNames.StatusProcess)] CloudTable statusProcTable, string correlationId, ILogger log) { await statusProcTable.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(); await table.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(correlationId)) { correlationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); log.LogWarning("CorrelationID is empty, generating a new one ({correlationId})", correlationId); return; } if (status == null) { log.LogWarning("Oops, the status entry of import ({correlationId}) could not be found", correlationId); return; } var statusUpdateCommand = msg.Convert <ImportStatusReportCommand>(); var updateCounts = await GetProcessingCountsAsync(correlationId, statusProcTable); status.TotalSucceeded += updateCounts.Item1; status.TotalFailed += updateCounts.Item2; status.LastModificationOn = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; if (!status.CompletedOn.HasValue && status.TotalEntries == status.TotalFailed + status.TotalSucceeded) { status.CompletedOn = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; } var operation = TableOperation.Replace(status); await table.ExecuteAsync(operation); try { var importStatus = new ImportStatusMessageDto { TotalEntries = status.TotalEntries, ErrorMessage = status.ErrorMessage, CompletedOn = status.CompletedOn, CorrelationId = correlationId, Failed = status.TotalFailed, StartedOn = status.CreatedOn, Succeeded = status.TotalSucceeded }; await statusMessages.AddAsync(importStatus.Convert(correlationId)); if (updateCounts.Item1 > 0 || updateCounts.Item2 > 0) { statusUpdateCommand.StopReportingAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddMinutes(30); } if (!status.CompletedOn.HasValue && statusUpdateCommand.StopReportingAt.CompareTo(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow) > 0) { await statusLoop.AddAsync(statusUpdateCommand.Convert(correlationId, 1)); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.LogError(ex, "Failed to send message to status update queueu"); } await statusMessages.FlushAsync(); await statusLoop.FlushAsync(); log.LogInformation($"C# ServiceBus queue trigger function processed message: {msg}"); }
private async void ProcessCloudSchedules(object sender, object e) { schedule.Tick -= ProcessCloudSchedules; // Create the table client. CloudTableClient scheduleTableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient(); // Create the CloudTable object that represents the "people" table. CloudTable scheduleTable = scheduleTableClient.GetTableReference("myschedules"); // Create the table query. TableQuery <ScheduleCommand> scheduleQuery = new TableQuery <ScheduleCommand>().Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, "ROOM1")); // Print the fields for each customer. // Initialize the continuation token to null to start from the beginning of the table. TableContinuationToken continuationToken = null; do { // Retrieve a segment (up to 1,000 entities). TableQuerySegment <ScheduleCommand> tableQueryResult = await scheduleTable.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(scheduleQuery, continuationToken); // Assign the new continuation token to tell the service where to // continue on the next iteration (or null if it has reached the end). continuationToken = tableQueryResult.ContinuationToken; foreach (ScheduleCommand entity in tableQueryResult) { //Added 3 hours as offset between pi and est if (entity.ScheduledTime <= DateTime.Now.AddHours(3)) { TableOperation deleteOperation = TableOperation.Delete(entity); if (entity.RelayId == "RELAY1" && entity.State == true) { FAN.Fill = greenBrush; StateText.Text = "Fan On"; TurnRelay1On(); } else if (entity.RelayId == "RELAY1" && entity.State == false) { FAN.Fill = grayBrush; StateText.Text = "Fan Off"; TurnRelay1Off(); } else if (entity.RelayId == "RELAY2" && entity.State == true) { LIGHT.Fill = greenBrush; StateTextlight.Text = "Light On"; TurnRelay2On(); } else if (entity.RelayId == "RELAY2" && entity.State == false) { LIGHT.Fill = grayBrush; StateTextlight.Text = "Light Off"; TurnRelay2Off(); } else { FAN.Fill = redBrush; LIGHT.Fill = redBrush; StateText.Text = "Invalid Operation"; StateTextlight.Text = "Invalid Operation"; } // Execute the operation. await scheduleTable.ExecuteAsync(deleteOperation); } } } while (continuationToken != null); schedule.Tick += ProcessCloudSchedules; schedule.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(30000); schedule.Start(); }
public static async Task TemperatureCopAsync( [TimerTrigger("0 */10 * * * 1-5")] TimerInfo myTimer, [Table("ThermostatData", Connection = "StorageConnectionAppSetting")] CloudTable temperatureTable, [Table("ReportsTable", Connection = "StorageConnectionAppSetting")] CloudTable reportsTable, [Blob(ContainerName + "/" + TokenFileName, FileAccess.Read, Connection = "StorageConnectionAppSetting")] Stream inputBlob, TraceWriter log, ExecutionContext context) { log.Info($"Temperature Cop Timer trigger function executed at: {DateTime.Now}"); IConfigurationRoot configurationRoot = ReadConfiguration(context); int temperatureCheckRangeMinutes = int.Parse(configurationRoot["RunCheckRangeMinutes"]); int temperatureReportingRangeMinutes = int.Parse(configurationRoot["RunReportingRangeMinutes"]); double targetTemp = double.Parse(configurationRoot["TargetValue"]); double comfortRange = double.Parse(configurationRoot["ComfortRange"]); double comfortMaxTemp = targetTemp + comfortRange; double comfortMinTemp = targetTemp - comfortRange; var dateFrom = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-temperatureCheckRangeMinutes).ToString(DateTimeFormat); foreach (var device in configurationRoot["Nest.Devices"].Split(',')) { // Get the latests lectures var query = new TableQuery <ThermostatData>() .Where( TableQuery.CombineFilters( TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, device), TableOperators.And, TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.GreaterThan, dateFrom))); var result = await temperatureTable.ExecuteQueryAsync <ThermostatData>(query); if (result != null && result.Any()) { // If all readings are below/above comfort temperature var tooHot = result.All(x => x.AmbientTemperatureC > comfortMaxTemp); var tooCold = result.All(x => x.AmbientTemperatureC < comfortMinTemp); if (tooHot || tooCold) { var currentTemp = result.OrderBy(x => x.RowKey).Last().AmbientTemperatureC; var message = new TemperatureNotification() { DeviceId = device, NotificationType = tooHot ? TemperatureNotificationType.Hot : TemperatureNotificationType.Cold, ComfortTemperatureMax = comfortMaxTemp, ComfortTemperatureMin = comfortMinTemp, CurrentTemperature = currentTemp, EvaluationPeriodMinutes = temperatureReportingRangeMinutes, RowKey = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(DateTimeFormat), PartitionKey = device }; // Check if a report has recently sent in the last minutes var notificationType = Enum.GetName(typeof(TemperatureNotificationType), message.NotificationType); log.Info($"Temperature out of range detected for device {message.DeviceId}, Notification Type {notificationType}."); var reportDateFrom = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-temperatureReportingRangeMinutes).ToString(DateTimeFormat); var latestReportsQuery = new TableQuery <TemperatureNotification>() .Where( TableQuery.CombineFilters( TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, device), TableOperators.And, TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.GreaterThan, dateFrom))); var latestReports = await reportsTable.ExecuteQueryAsync <TemperatureNotification>(latestReportsQuery); if (!latestReports.Any(x => x.NotificationType == message.NotificationType)) { await ReportTemperatureIssue(configurationRoot, message, log); await reportsTable.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.Insert(message)); } else { log.Info($"Temperature {notificationType} has been already reported in the last {temperatureReportingRangeMinutes} minutes."); } } } } }
public async Task <ImageModel> GetAsync(string id) { TableResult tableResult = await cloudTable.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.Retrieve <ImageModel>(this.userNameProvider.UserName, id)); return((ImageModel)tableResult.Result); }
public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run( [HttpTrigger( AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = "categories/add/{login}/") ] HttpRequestMessage req, string login, [Table("ExpensesApp")] CloudTable table, [Table("ExpensesApp", "user_{login}", "user_{login}")] UserLogInData entity, TraceWriter log) { if (entity == null) { log.Info($"AddCategory response: BadRequest - no such user"); return(req.CreateResponse( statusCode: HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, value: "User with given login does not exist" )); } AddCategoryDto dto = null; try { dto = await req.Content.ReadAsDeserializedJson <AddCategoryDto>(); } catch { log.Info("AddCategory response: BadRequest - cannot read dto object"); return(req.CreateResponse( statusCode: HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, value: "Please pass a valid dto object in the request content")); } var newCategory = new Category() { Name = dto.Name, Factor = dto.Factor }; var householdId = entity.HouseholdId; var retrieveHouseholdOperation = TableOperation.Retrieve <Household>(householdId, householdId); var householdResult = await table.ExecuteAsync(retrieveHouseholdOperation); if (householdResult.Result != null) { var household = householdResult.Result as Household; if (newCategory.Factor == null) { var members = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Member> >(household.Members); var factor = new Dictionary <string, double>(); foreach (var member in members) { if (member.Login == login) { factor.Add(member.Login, 100); } else { factor.Add(member.Login, 0); } } newCategory.Factor = factor; } var categories = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Category> >(household.CategoriesAggregated); categories.Add(newCategory); household.CategoriesAggregated = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(categories); var updateTableOperation = TableOperation.Replace(household); await table.ExecuteAsync(updateTableOperation); } else { var retrieveUsersOwnCategories = TableOperation.Retrieve <UserDetails>(householdId, entity.PartitionKey); var userDetailsResult = await table.ExecuteAsync(retrieveUsersOwnCategories); if (userDetailsResult.Result != null) { var userDetails = userDetailsResult.Result as UserDetails; var categories = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Category> >(userDetails.Categories); if (newCategory.Factor == null) { newCategory.Factor = new Dictionary <string, double>() { { login, 100 } }; } categories.Add(newCategory); userDetails.Categories = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(categories); var updateTableOperation = TableOperation.Replace(userDetails); await table.ExecuteAsync(updateTableOperation); } else { log.Info($"AddCategory response: InternalServerError - user does not have categories neither in household nor in user detailed info"); return(req.CreateResponse( statusCode: HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, value: "Cannot get categories" )); } } return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)); }