Esempio n. 1
        private bool IsRebalancingRequired(ClientsZnode clients, ResourcesZnode resources)
            // if this is the first rebalancing as coordinator or the last one was not successful then rebalancing is required
            if ( == AssignmentStatus.NoAssignmentYet || !lastRebalancingResult.HasValue || lastRebalancingResult.Value != RebalancingResult.Complete)
                return true;

            // any change to resources requires a rebalancing
            if (resources.HasResourceChange())
                return true;

            // given a client was either added or removed

            // if there are less clients than resources then we require a rebalancing
            if (clients.ClientPaths.Count < resources.Resources.Count)
                return true;

            // given we have an equal or greater number clients than resources

            // if an existing client is currently assigned more than one resource we require a rebalancing
            if (resources.ResourceAssignments.Assignments.GroupBy(x => x.ClientId).Any(x => x.Count() > 1))
                return true;

            // given all existing assignments are one client to one resource

            // if any client for the existing assignments is no longer around then we require a rebalancing
            var clientIds = clients.ClientPaths.Select(GetClientId).ToList();
            foreach (var assignment in resources.ResourceAssignments.Assignments)
                if (!clientIds.Contains(assignment.ClientId, StringComparer.Ordinal))
                    return true;

            // otherwise no rebalancing is required
            return false;
        private async Task <RebalancingResult> AssignResourcesPhaseAsync(CancellationToken rebalancingToken,
                                                                         ResourcesZnode resources,
                                                                         ClientsZnode clients)
            logger.Info(this.clientId, "Coordinator - Assign resources to clients");
            var resourcesToAssign   = new Queue <string>(resources.Resources);
            var resourceAssignments = new List <ResourceAssignment>();
            var clientIndex         = 0;

            while (resourcesToAssign.Any())
                resourceAssignments.Add(new ResourceAssignment()
                    ClientId = GetClientId(clients.ClientPaths[clientIndex]),
                    Resource = resourcesToAssign.Dequeue()

                if (clientIndex >= clients.ClientPaths.Count)
                    clientIndex = 0;

            // write assignments back to resources znode
            resources.ResourceAssignments.Assignments = resourceAssignments;
            this.resourcesVersion = await this.zooKeeperService.SetResourcesAsync(resources);

            if (rebalancingToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            this.status.RebalancingStatus = RebalancingStatus.ResourcesGranted;
            this.status.Version           = await this.zooKeeperService.SetStatus(this.status);

            if (this.onStartDelay.Ticks > 0)
                this.logger.Info(this.clientId, $"Coordinator - Delaying on start for {(int)this.onStartDelay.TotalMilliseconds}ms");
                await WaitFor(this.onStartDelay, rebalancingToken);

            if (rebalancingToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            var leaderAssignments = resourceAssignments.Where(x => x.ClientId == this.clientId).Select(x => x.Resource).ToList();

            await, "Coordinator", leaderAssignments, rebalancingToken, this.coordinatorToken);

            if (rebalancingToken.IsCancellationRequested)

Esempio n. 3
        private async Task PerformLeaderCheckAsync()
            bool checkComplete = false;

            while (!checkComplete)
                    int          maxClientNumber = -1;
                    string       watchChild      = string.Empty;
                    ClientsZnode clients         = await zooKeeperService.GetActiveClientsAsync();

                    foreach (string childPath in clients.ClientPaths)
                        int siblingClientNumber = int.Parse(childPath.Substring(childPath.Length - 10, 10));
                        if (siblingClientNumber > maxClientNumber && siblingClientNumber < clientNumber)
                            watchChild      = childPath;
                            maxClientNumber = siblingClientNumber;

                    if (maxClientNumber == -1)
                        watchSiblingPath = watchChild;
                        siblingId        = watchSiblingPath.Substring(watchChild.LastIndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                        await zooKeeperService.WatchSiblingNodeAsync(watchChild, this);

                        logger.Info(clientId, $"Follower - Set a watch on sibling node {watchSiblingPath}");

                    checkComplete = true;
                catch (ZkNoEphemeralNodeWatchException)
                    // do nothing except wait, the next iteration will find
                    // another client or it wil detect that it itself is the new leader
                    await WaitFor(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
                catch (ZkSessionExpiredException)
                    checkComplete = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    logger.Error(clientId, "Follower - Failed looking for sibling to watch", ex);
                    checkComplete = true;
Esempio n. 4
        private async Task <RebalancingResult> RebalanceAsync(CancellationToken rebalancingToken)
            Stopwatch sw = new();


            logger.Info(clientId, "Coordinator - Get clients and resources list");
            ClientsZnode clients = await zooKeeperService.GetActiveClientsAsync();

            ResourcesZnode resources = await zooKeeperService.GetResourcesAsync(null, null);

            if (resources.Version != resourcesVersion)
                throw new ZkStaleVersionException(
                          "Resources znode version does not match expected value, indicates another client has been made coordinator and is executing a rebalancing.");

            if (rebalancingToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            // if no resources were changed and there are more clients than resources then check
            // to see if rebalancing is necessary. If existing assignments are still valid then
            // a new client or the loss of a client with no assignments need not trigger a rebalancing
            if (!IsRebalancingRequired(clients, resources))
                            "Coordinator - No rebalancing required. No resource change. No change to existing clients. More clients than resources.");

                        $"Coordinator - Assign resources ({string.Join(",", resources.Resources)}) to clients ({string.Join(",", clients.ClientPaths.Select(GetClientId))})");
            Queue <string>            resourcesToAssign   = new(resources.Resources);
            List <ResourceAssignment> resourceAssignments = new();
            int clientIndex = 0;

            while (resourcesToAssign.Any())
                resourceAssignments.Add(new ResourceAssignment
                    ClientId = GetClientId(clients.ClientPaths[clientIndex]), Resource = resourcesToAssign.Dequeue()

                if (clientIndex >= clients.ClientPaths.Count)
                    clientIndex = 0;

            // write assignments back to resources znode
            resources.ResourceAssignments.Assignments = resourceAssignments;
            resourcesVersion = await zooKeeperService.SetResourcesAsync(resources);

            if (rebalancingToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            await store.InvokeOnStopActionsAsync(clientId, "Coordinator");

            if (rebalancingToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            if (onStartDelay.Ticks > 0)
                logger.Info(clientId, $"Coordinator - Delaying on start for {(int)onStartDelay.TotalMilliseconds}ms");
                await WaitFor(onStartDelay, rebalancingToken);

            if (rebalancingToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            List <string> leaderAssignments = resourceAssignments
                                              .Where(x => x.ClientId == clientId)
                                              .Select(x => x.Resource)
            await store.InvokeOnStartActionsAsync(clientId, "Coordinator", leaderAssignments, rebalancingToken,

            if (rebalancingToken.IsCancellationRequested)

Esempio n. 5
        private async Task <StopPhaseResult> StopActivityPhaseAsync(CancellationToken rebalancingToken)
            logger.Info(clientId, "Coordinator - Get active clients and resources");
            ClientsZnode clients = await zooKeeperService.GetActiveClientsAsync();

            List <string>  followerIds = clients.ClientPaths.Select(GetClientId).Where(x => x != clientId).ToList();
            ResourcesZnode resources   = await zooKeeperService.GetResourcesAsync(null, null);

                        $"Coordinator - {followerIds.Count} followers in scope and {resources.Resources.Count} resources in scope");
                        $"Coordinator - Assign resources ({string.Join(",", resources.Resources)}) to clients ({string.Join(",", clients.ClientPaths.Select(GetClientId))})");

            if (resources.Version != resourcesVersion)
                throw new ZkStaleVersionException(
                          "Resources znode version does not match expected value, indicates another client has been made coordinator and is executing a rebalancing.");

            if (rebalancingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                return(new StopPhaseResult(RebalancingResult.Cancelled));

            // if no resources were changed and there are more clients than resources then check
            // to see if rebalancing is necessary. If existing assignments are still valid then
            // a new client or the loss of a client with no assignments need not trigger a rebalancing
            if (!IsRebalancingRequired(clients, resources))
                            "Coordinator - No rebalancing required. No resource change. No change to existing assigned clients. More clients than resources.");
                return(new StopPhaseResult(RebalancingResult.NotRequired));

            logger.Info(clientId, "Coordinator - Command followers to stop");
            status.RebalancingStatus = RebalancingStatus.StopActivity;
            status.Version           = await zooKeeperService.SetStatus(status);

            if (rebalancingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                return(new StopPhaseResult(RebalancingResult.Cancelled));

            await store.InvokeOnStopActionsAsync(clientId, "Coordinator");

            // wait for confirmation that all followers have stopped or for time limit
            while (!rebalancingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                List <string> stopped = await zooKeeperService.GetStoppedAsync();

                if (AreClientsStopped(followerIds, stopped))
                    logger.Info(clientId, $"Coordinator - All {stopped.Count} in scope followers have stopped");

                // check that a client hasn't died mid-rebalancing, if so, trigger a new rebalancing and abort this one.
                // else wait and check again
                ClientsZnode latestClients = await zooKeeperService.GetActiveClientsAsync();

                List <string> missingClients = GetMissing(followerIds, latestClients.ClientPaths);
                if (missingClients.Any())
                                $"Coordinator - {missingClients.Count} followers have disappeared. Missing: {string.Join(",", missingClients)}. Triggering new rebalancing.");
                    return(new StopPhaseResult(RebalancingResult.Cancelled));

                List <string> pendingClientIds = GetMissing(followerIds, stopped);
                            $"Coordinator - waiting for followers to stop: {string.Join(",", pendingClientIds)}");
                await WaitFor(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); // try again in 2s

            if (rebalancingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                return(new StopPhaseResult(RebalancingResult.Cancelled));

            StopPhaseResult phaseResult = new(RebalancingResult.Complete)
                ResourcesZnode = resources, ClientsZnode = clients, FollowerIds = followerIds
