internal bool HasOfferRights( MediaRightsEnum right, ClientTypeEnum clientType, PriceTypeEnum priceType) { return(this.GetOfferRight(right, clientType, priceType) != null); }
public WebSocketPrimusServer(string urlPath, ClientTypeEnum clientTypeEnum, Form1 formRef) : base(urlPath, false) { Console.WriteLine($"Primus module started on {this.BaseRoute} !"); this._formRef = formRef; this.ClientType = clientTypeEnum; }
public double GetCallMinuetPrice(ClientTypeEnum clientType) { if (!prices.ContainsKey((clientType, ServiceType.Call))) { using (var context = new CellularDbContext()) { var price = context.ClientTypes.Find(clientType).CallMinutesPrice; prices[(clientType, ServiceType.Call)] = price;
public decimal DailyValue(int weekDaysCount, int weekendDaysCount, ClientTypeEnum ClientType) { var totalDays = weekDaysCount + weekendDaysCount; if (ClientType == ClientTypeEnum.Fidelity) { return(((weekDaysCount * FidelityWeekPrice) + (weekendDaysCount * FidelityWeekendPrice)) / totalDays); } return(((weekDaysCount * RegularWeekPrice) + (weekendDaysCount * RegularWeekendPrice)) / totalDays); }
public JustCarpetClient(ILogger logger, HttpClient httpclient = null, ClientTypeEnum clientType = ClientTypeEnum.Live) { URL = clientType == ClientTypeEnum.Live ? "" : "https://localhost:44384"; _logger = logger; _httpClient = httpclient ?? new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri(URL) }; }
public Client(string ID, string FirstName, string LastName, ClientTypeEnum ClientType, string Address, string ContactNumber, DateTime BirthDate) { this.ID = ID; this.FirstName = FirstName; this.LastName = LastName; this.ClientType = ClientType; this.Address = Address; this.ContactNumber = ContactNumber; this.BirthDate = BirthDate; }
private WebServer CreateWebServer(string url, ClientTypeEnum clientTypeEnum) { var server = new WebServer(o => o .WithUrlPrefix(url) .WithMode(HttpListenerMode.EmbedIO)) .WithModule(new WebSocketPrimusServer("/primus/", clientTypeEnum, this)); // Listen for state changes. server.StateChanged += (s, e) => $"WebServer New State - {e.NewState}".Info(); return(server); }
internal bool HasRights(ClientTypeEnum clientType) { if (FeatureEnablement.IsFeatureEnabled(Features.eMarketplace) && this.Rights != null) { foreach (Right right in Rights) { if (clientType == right.ClientTypeEnum) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
internal Right GetOfferRight(ClientTypeEnum clientType, PriceTypeEnum priceType) { if (FeatureEnablement.IsFeatureEnabled(Features.eMarketplace) && this.Rights != null) { foreach (Right right in Rights) { if (clientType == right.ClientTypeEnum && priceType == right.PriceTypeEnum && Guid.Empty != right.OfferId) { return(right); } } } return(null); }
internal bool HasRights(MediaRightsEnum right, ClientTypeEnum clientType) { if (FeatureEnablement.IsFeatureEnabled(Features.eMarketplace) && this.Rights != null) { foreach (Right right1 in Rights) { if (right == right1.RightEnum && clientType == right1.ClientTypeEnum) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
internal Right GetOfferRight( MediaRightsEnum right, ClientTypeEnum clientType, PriceTypeEnum priceType) { if (FeatureEnablement.IsFeatureEnabled(Features.eMarketplace) && this.Rights != null) { foreach (Right right1 in Rights) { if (right == right1.RightEnum && clientType == right1.ClientTypeEnum && (priceType == right1.PriceTypeEnum && Guid.Empty != right1.OfferId)) { return(right1); } } } return(null); }
private WebServer CreateWebServer(string url, ClientTypeEnum clientTypeEnum) { var server = new WebServer(o => o .WithUrlPrefix(url) .WithMode(HttpListenerMode.EmbedIO)) .WithCors() .WithStaticFolder("/primus/primus.js", "data/primus.js", true, m => m.WithContentCaching(true).WithDefaultExtension(".js")) .WithModule(new WebSocketPrimusServer("/primus/", clientTypeEnum, this)) .WithStaticFolder("/", "data/", false); // .HandleHttpException(DataResponseForHttpException).HandleUnhandledException(DataResponseForHandleUnhandledException); // Listen for state changes. server.StateChanged += (s, e) => $"WebServer New State - {e.NewState}".Info(); return(server); }
public static string ToClientTypeString(this ClientTypeEnum clientType) { switch (clientType) { case ClientTypeEnum.Bet: return("下注服务端"); case ClientTypeEnum.Client: return("万利投注软件"); case ClientTypeEnum.Crawl: return("折扣采集端"); case ClientTypeEnum.Unknow: return("赔率采集端"); case ClientTypeEnum.Sell: return("赛事信息采集端"); default: return(""); } }
public void AddMessageToDataGridView(ClientTypeEnum clientTypeEnum, string message) { if (!Record || !message.StartsWith("4{")) { return; } var time = $"{DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString()}:{DateTime.Now.Minute}"; this.dataGridView1.Invoke(new Action(() => this.dataGridView1.Rows.Add(new string[] { time, $"{Enum.GetName(typeof(ClientTypeEnum), clientTypeEnum)}", message }))); this.dataGridView1.Invoke(new Action(() => dataGridView1.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = dataGridView1.RowCount - 1)); }
internal static ClientTypeEnum ToClientType(string value) { ClientTypeEnum clientTypeEnum = ClientTypeEnum.None; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { switch (value) { case "Zune 3.0": clientTypeEnum = ClientTypeEnum.Zune; break; case "WinMobile 7.0": case "WinMobile 7.1": clientTypeEnum = ClientTypeEnum.WindowsPhone; break; } } return(clientTypeEnum); }
public static ConcurrentDictionary <string, Session> GetClientsGroup(ClientTypeEnum clientType) { switch (clientType) { case ClientTypeEnum.Sell: return(SellClients); case ClientTypeEnum.Crawl: return(CrawlerClients); case ClientTypeEnum.Bet: return(BetClients); case ClientTypeEnum.Client: return(Clients); case ClientTypeEnum.Strategy: return(StrategyClients); default: // 异常情况(可能是需求后期变更,未及时调整这里) throw new NotFindSessionException($"未找到{clientType.ToString()}类型的Session"); } }
public ClientEntity(ClientTypeEnum clientType) { ClientType = clientType; }
public Mods.Client SaveClientDetails(int id, string password, string firstName, string lastName, int registeredBy, ClientTypeEnum clientTypeId) { using (var httpClient = new HttpClient()) { httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(URLSERVERBASE); httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Clear(); var clientEdited = new Mods.Client() { Id = id, FirstName = firstName, LastName = lastName, Password = password, RegisteredBy = registeredBy, ClientTypeId = clientTypeId }; var response = httpClient.PutAsJsonAsync("api/Clients/EditClient", clientEdited).Result; if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string jsonResult = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Cellular.Common.Models.Client>(jsonResult)); } return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SuggestionListRequest"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="q">Specifies the search to complete.</param> /// <param name="client">Determines the type of response you want.</param> public SuggestionListRequest(string q, ClientTypeEnum client) { _q = q; _client = client; }
public void AddNewClient(int id, string lastName, string firstName, string password, int employeeId, ClientTypeEnum clientTypeId) { using (var httpClient = new HttpClient()) { httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(URLSERVERBASE); var client = new Common.Models.Client() { Id = id, FirstName = firstName, LastName = lastName, Password = password, RegisterationDate = DateTime.Now, RegisteredBy = employeeId, ClientTypeId = clientTypeId }; httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Clear(); httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); var response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync("api/Clients/AddClient", client).Result; if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { throw new Exception("Can't add this client"); } } }
private OutOfPackage GetOutOfPackage(double minuetsDifference, int smsesDifference, ClientTypeEnum clientType) { var result = new OutOfPackage(); result.AdditionalMinuets = minuetsDifference > 0 ? minuetsDifference : 0; result.AdditionalSMSes = smsesDifference > 0 ? smsesDifference : 0; result.TotalAdditionalPrice = result.AdditionalMinuets * priceList.GetCallMinuetPrice(clientType) + result.AdditionalSMSes * priceList.GetSMSPrice(clientType); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 移除一个Session /// </summary> /// <param name="clientId"></param> /// <param name="clientType"></param> /// <exception cref="NotFindSessionException"></exception> public static Session RemoveByClientId(string clientId, ClientTypeEnum clientType) { return(GetClientsGroup(clientType).RemoveByClientId(clientId)); }