Esempio n. 1
        public static WikiV2 FindOrCreateProjectWiki(ClientSampleContext context)
            VssConnection  connection = context.Connection;
            WikiHttpClient wikiClient = connection.GetClient <WikiHttpClient>();

            Guid projectId = ClientSampleHelpers.FindAnyProject(context).Id;

            List <WikiV2> wikis        = wikiClient.GetAllWikisAsync(projectId).SyncResult();
            WikiV2        wikiToReturn = wikis != null && wikis.Count != 0
                ? wikis.Find(w => w.Type == WikiType.ProjectWiki)
                : null;

            if (wikiToReturn == null)
                // No project wiki existing. Create one.
                var createParameters = new WikiCreateParametersV2()
                    Name      = "sampleProjectWiki",
                    ProjectId = projectId,
                    Type      = WikiType.ProjectWiki

                wikiToReturn = wikiClient.CreateWikiAsync(createParameters).SyncResult();

Esempio n. 2
        public static int GetAnyWikiPageId(ClientSampleContext context, WikiV2 wiki)
            string         path       = GetAnyWikiPagePath(context, wiki);
            VssConnection  connection = context.Connection;
            WikiHttpClient wikiClient = connection.GetClient <WikiHttpClient>();

            WikiPage anyPage = wikiClient.GetPageAsync(
                project: wiki.ProjectId,
                wikiIdentifier: wiki.Id,
                path: path,
                recursionLevel: VersionControlRecursionType.OneLevel).SyncResult().Page;

            if (!anyPage.Id.HasValue)
                WikiPageCreateOrUpdateParameters parameters = new WikiPageCreateOrUpdateParameters()
                    Content = "Wiki page content"

                WikiPageResponse wikiPageResponse = wikiClient.CreateOrUpdatePageAsync(
                    project: wiki.ProjectId,
                    wikiIdentifier: wiki.Id,
                    path: "SamplePage" + new Random().Next(1, 999),
                    Version: null).SyncResult();

                context.Log("Create page '{0}' in wiki '{1}'", wikiPageResponse.Page.Path, wiki.Name);

                anyPage = wikiPageResponse.Page;

Esempio n. 3
        public static GitRepository FindAnyRepository(ClientSampleContext context, Guid projectId)
            GitRepository repo;

            if (!FindAnyRepository(context, projectId, out repo))
                throw new Exception("No repositories available. Create a repo in this project and run the sample again.");

Esempio n. 4
        private static GitPullRequest CreatePullRequestInternal(ClientSampleContext context, GitRepository repo, GitHttpClient gitClient)
            // we need a new branch with changes in order to create a PR
            // first, find the default branch
            string defaultBranchName = WithoutRefsPrefix(repo.DefaultBranch);
            GitRef defaultBranch     = gitClient.GetRefsAsync(repo.Id, filter: defaultBranchName).Result.First();

            // next, craft the branch and commit that we'll push
            GitRefUpdate newBranch = new GitRefUpdate()
                Name        = $"refs/heads/vsts-api-sample/{ChooseRefsafeName()}",
                OldObjectId = defaultBranch.ObjectId,
            string       newFileName = $"{ChooseItemsafeName()}.md";
            GitCommitRef newCommit   = new GitCommitRef()
                Comment = "Add a sample file",
                Changes = new GitChange[]
                    new GitChange()
                        ChangeType = VersionControlChangeType.Add,
                        Item       = new GitItem()
                            Path = $"/vsts-api-sample/{newFileName}"
                        NewContent = new ItemContent()
                            Content     = "# Thank you for using VSTS!",
                            ContentType = ItemContentType.RawText,

            // create the push with the new branch and commit
            GitPush push = gitClient.CreatePushAsync(new GitPush()
                RefUpdates = new GitRefUpdate[] { newBranch },
                Commits    = new GitCommitRef[] { newCommit },
            }, repo.Id).Result;

            // finally, create a PR
            var pr = gitClient.CreatePullRequestAsync(new GitPullRequest()
                SourceRefName = newBranch.Name,
                TargetRefName = repo.DefaultBranch,
                Title         = $"Add {newFileName} (from VSTS REST samples)",
                Description   = "Adding this file from the pull request samples",

Esempio n. 5
        public void Initialize()
            string connectionUrl = TestContext.Properties["connectionUrl"] as string;
            string userName      = TestContext.Properties["password"] as string;
            string password      = TestContext.Properties["password"] as string;

            ClientSampleContext context = new ClientSampleContext(new Uri(connectionUrl), new VssBasicCredential(userName, password));

            ClientSample         = new T();
            ClientSample.Context = context;
Esempio n. 6
        public static string GetAnyWikiPagePath(ClientSampleContext context, WikiV2 wiki)
            VssConnection  connection = context.Connection;
            WikiHttpClient wikiClient = connection.GetClient <WikiHttpClient>();

            WikiPage rootPage = wikiClient.GetPageAsync(
                project: wiki.ProjectId,
                wikiIdentifier: wiki.Id,
                path: "/",
                recursionLevel: VersionControlRecursionType.OneLevel).SyncResult().Page;

Esempio n. 7
        public static GitPullRequestStatus CreatePullRequestStatus(ClientSampleContext context, Guid repositoryId, int pullRequestId, int?iterationId = null)
            VssConnection connection = context.Connection;
            GitHttpClient gitClient  = connection.GetClient <GitHttpClient>();

            using (new ClientSampleHttpLoggerOutputSuppression())
                GitPullRequestStatus status        = GenerateSampleStatus(iterationId);
                GitPullRequestStatus createdStatus = gitClient.CreatePullRequestStatusAsync(status, repositoryId, pullRequestId).Result;

Esempio n. 8
        public static WikiPageResponse CreatePage(ClientSampleContext context, WikiV2 wiki, string path)
            VssConnection  connection = context.Connection;
            WikiHttpClient wikiClient = connection.GetClient <WikiHttpClient>();

            WikiPageCreateOrUpdateParameters parameters = new WikiPageCreateOrUpdateParameters()
                Content = "Wiki page content"

            WikiPageResponse wikiPageResponse = wikiClient.CreateOrUpdatePageAsync(
                project: wiki.ProjectId,
                wikiIdentifier: wiki.Id,
                path: path,
                Version: null).SyncResult();

Esempio n. 9
        public static GitPullRequest AbandonPullRequest(ClientSampleContext context, GitRepository repo, int pullRequestId)
            VssConnection connection = context.Connection;
            GitHttpClient gitClient  = connection.GetClient <GitHttpClient>();

            using (new ClientSampleHttpLoggerOutputSuppression())
                // clean up after ourselves (and in case logging is on, don't log these calls)
                ClientSampleHttpLogger.SetSuppressOutput(context, true);

                // abandon the PR
                GitPullRequest updatedPr = new GitPullRequest()
                    Status = PullRequestStatus.Abandoned,

                var pullRequest = gitClient.UpdatePullRequestAsync(updatedPr, repo.Id, pullRequestId).Result;

Esempio n. 10
        public static GitPullRequest CreatePullRequest(ClientSampleContext context, GitRepository repo)
            VssConnection connection = context.Connection;
            GitHttpClient gitClient  = connection.GetClient <GitHttpClient>();

            using (new ClientSampleHttpLoggerOutputSuppression())
                GitPullRequest pullRequest = gitClient.GetPullRequestsAsync(
                    new GitPullRequestSearchCriteria()
                    Status = PullRequestStatus.Active

                if (pullRequest == null)
                    pullRequest = CreatePullRequestInternal(context, repo, gitClient);

Esempio n. 11
        public static WikiV2 FindOrCreateCodeWiki(ClientSampleContext context)
            VssConnection  connection = context.Connection;
            WikiHttpClient wikiClient = connection.GetClient <WikiHttpClient>();

            Guid projectId = ClientSampleHelpers.FindAnyProject(context).Id;

            List <WikiV2> wikis        = wikiClient.GetAllWikisAsync(projectId).SyncResult();
            WikiV2        wikiToReturn = wikis != null && wikis.Count != 0
                ? wikis.Find(w => w.Type == WikiType.CodeWiki)
                : null;

            if (wikiToReturn == null)
                // No code wiki existing. Create one.
                GitHttpClient        gitClient    = connection.GetClient <GitHttpClient>();
                List <GitRepository> repositories = gitClient.GetRepositoriesAsync(projectId).Result;
                Guid repositoryId = repositories[0].Id;

                var createParameters = new WikiCreateParametersV2()
                    Name         = "sampleCodeWiki",
                    ProjectId    = projectId,
                    RepositoryId = repositoryId,
                    Type         = WikiType.CodeWiki,
                    MappedPath   = "/",    // any folder path in the repository
                    Version      = new GitVersionDescriptor()
                        Version = "master"

                wikiToReturn = wikiClient.CreateWikiAsync(createParameters).SyncResult();

Esempio n. 12
        private static bool FindAnyRepository(ClientSampleContext context, Guid projectId, out GitRepository repo)
            // Check if we already have a repo loaded
            if (!context.TryGetValue <GitRepository>("$someRepo", out repo))
                VssConnection connection = context.Connection;
                GitHttpClient gitClient  = connection.GetClient <GitHttpClient>();

                using (new ClientSampleHttpLoggerOutputSuppression())
                    // Check if an ID was already set (this could have been provided by the caller)
                    Guid repoId;
                    if (!context.TryGetValue <Guid>("repositoryId", out repoId))
                        // Get the first repo
                        repo = gitClient.GetRepositoriesAsync(projectId).Result.FirstOrDefault();
                        // Get the details for this repo
                        repo = gitClient.GetRepositoryAsync(repoId.ToString()).Result;

                if (repo != null)
                    context.SetValue <GitRepository>("$someRepo", repo);
                    // create a project here?
                    throw new Exception("No repos available for running the sample.");

            return(repo != null);
Esempio n. 13
        public static GitRepository FindAnyRepositoryOnAnyProject(ClientSampleContext context)
            Guid projectId = ClientSampleHelpers.FindAnyProject(context).Id;

            return(FindAnyRepository(context, projectId));