public void Init() { // инициализация IoC IoCInitializer.Init(); dealRepository = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IDealRepository>()); clientContractIndicatorService = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IClientContractIndicatorService>()); dealIndicatorService = Mock.Get(IoCContainer.Resolve <IDealIndicatorService>()); blockingService = new BlockingService(dealRepository.Object, dealIndicatorService.Object, clientContractIndicatorService.Object); var employee = new Employee("Иван", "Рюрикович", "Васильевич", new EmployeePost("Царь"), null); user = new User(employee, "И.В. Грозный", "ivanvas", "ivanvas", new Team("Тестовая команда", null), null); var clientType = new ClientType("Тестовый тип клиента"); var region = new ClientRegion("Дубовка"); var clientServiceProgram = new ClientServiceProgram("Программа удовлетворения клиента"); clientOk = new Client("Клиент без блокировки", clientType, ClientLoyalty.Follower, clientServiceProgram, region, 5); clientWithManualBlocking = new Client("Клиент с ручной блокировкой", clientType, ClientLoyalty.Follower, clientServiceProgram, region, 5); clientWithManualBlocking.Block(user); clientWithPaymentDelayBlocking = new Client("Клиент с блокировкой по просрочке платежа", clientType, ClientLoyalty.Follower, clientServiceProgram, region, 5); clientWithCreditLimitBlocking = new Client("Клиент с блокировкой по кредитному лимиту", clientType, ClientLoyalty.Follower, clientServiceProgram, region, 5); dealWithPrePayment = new Deal("Сделка с предоплатой", user); dealWithPrePayment.AddQuota(new DealQuota("Quota 1 с предоплатой", 7)); dealWithPostPayment14d20k = new Deal("Сделка с отсрочкой платежа 14 дн 20k", user); dealWithPostPayment14d20k.AddQuota(new DealQuota("Quota 2 с отсрочкой платежа 14 дн 20k", 8, 14, 20000.0M)); dealWithPostPayment7d40k = new Deal("Сделка с отсрочкой платежа 7 дн 40k", user); dealWithPostPayment7d40k.AddQuota(new DealQuota("Quota 3 с отсрочкой платежа 7 дн 40k", 8, 7, 40000.0M)); dealWithPostPayment10d30k = new Deal("Сделка с отсрочкой платежа 10 дн 30k", user); dealWithPostPayment10d30k.AddQuota(new DealQuota("Quota 4 с отсрочкой платежа 10 дн 30k", 8, 10, 30000.0M)); }
public void Init() { clientType = new ClientType("Тестовый тип клиента") { Id = 1 }; serviceProgram = new ClientServiceProgram("Тестовая программа") { Id = 2 }; region = new ClientRegion("Тестовый регион") { Id = 3 }; legal = new LegalForm("ООО", EconomicAgentType.JuridicalPerson) { Id = 5 }; juridicalPerson = new JuridicalPerson(legal) { Id = 6 }; client = new Client("Тестовый клиент", clientType, ClientLoyalty.Customer, serviceProgram, region, 5) { Id = 4 }; clientOrganization = new ClientOrganization("Тестовая организация клиента", "Тестовая организация клиента", juridicalPerson) { Id = 7 }; var employee = new Employee("Иван", "Рюрикович", "Васильевич", new EmployeePost("Царь"), null); user = new User(employee, "И.В. Грозный", "ivanvas", "ivanvas", new Team("Тестовая команда", null), null); }
/// <summary> /// This function is used to update the contents of the text box. /// </summary> /// <param name="CurrTime">Currend time information</param> /// <param name="CurrKeyboard">Current state of the keyboard.</param> /// <param name="CurrMouse">Current state of the mouse.</param> /// <param name="ProcessMouseEvent">Set true to allow this object to process mouse events, false to ignore them</param> protected override void UpdateContents(GameTime CurrTime, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.KeyboardState CurrKeyboard, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.MouseState CurrMouse, bool ProcessMouseEvent) { if ((ProcessMouseEvent == true) && ((CurrMouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) || (CurrMouse.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed))) //Mouse button is pressed { if (ClientRegion.Contains(CurrMouse.Position) == false) //Mouse is outside of the control, it has lost focus { if (HasFocus != false) { HasChanged = true; } HasFocus = false; } } if (HasFocus != false) //Only update if the control has focus { string Input = MGInput.GetTypedChars(CurrKeyboard, cPriorKeys); if (CurrTime.TotalGameTime.Milliseconds <= 500) { if (cCursorOn == false) { HasChanged = true; } cCursorOn = true; } else { if (cCursorOn == true) { HasChanged = true; } cCursorOn = false; } if (Input.CompareTo("\b") == 0) { if (Text.Length > 0) { Text = Text.Substring(0, Text.Length - 1); HasChanged = true; } } else { Text += Input; HasChanged = true; } } }
public void Init() { clientType = new ClientType("Тестовый тип клиента") { Id = 1 }; serviceProgram = new ClientServiceProgram("Тестовая программа") { Id = 2 }; region = new ClientRegion("Тестовый регион") { Id = 3 }; client = new Client("Тестовый клиент", clientType, ClientLoyalty.Customer, serviceProgram, region, 5) { Id = 4 }; user = new User(new Employee("Иван", "Иванов", "Иванович", new EmployeePost("Менеджер"), null), "Иванов Иван", "ivanov", "pa$$w0rd", new Team("Тестовая команда", null), null); var juridicalLegalForm = new LegalForm("ООО", EconomicAgentType.JuridicalPerson); juridicalPerson = new JuridicalPerson(juridicalLegalForm) { Id = 1 }; accountOrganization = new AccountOrganization("Тестовое юридическое лицо", "Тестовое юридическое лицо", juridicalPerson) { Id = 1 }; clientOrganization = new ClientOrganization("Тестовая организация клиента", "Тестовая организация клиента", new JuridicalPerson(juridicalLegalForm) { Id = 2 }) { Id = 3 }; contract = new ClientContract(accountOrganization, clientOrganization, "12", "1", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now); }
public DynamicClient(string path, ClientRegion? region = null, string publicKey = null) : base(path, region, publicKey) { }
public WoWClient(ClientRegion? region = null, string publicKey = null, string privateKey = null) : base("wow", region, publicKey, privateKey) { }