private void FillClientPaymentsList() { string paramStr = " "; if (rblActive.SelectedIndex > 0) { paramStr += " AND Active = " + rblActive.SelectedValue; } if (txtName.Text.Trim() != String.Empty) { paramStr += " AND PaymentID = " + txtName.Text; } if (Page.RouteData.Values["clientId"] != null) { long cID = Convert.ToInt64(Page.RouteData.Values["clientId"]); paramStr += string.Format(" AND Client_ID = {0} ", cID); // Assign client links. lnkAddPayment.HRef = string.Format("{0}{1}/addpayments.aspx", "client-", cID); var statistics = new SaleInvoicesManager().GetClientSalesPaymentsShortStatistics(cID); if (statistics != null) { //decimal invoicesVal = (decimal)result.Sum(s => s.SalePrice); //decimal paymVal = (decimal)result.Where(e => e.InOutType == "payment").Sum(ss => ss.ExpenseValue); //var firstBalance = result.FirstOrDefault().OpeningBalance; string usedCurrency = "(AED)"; // ((result.Where(r => r.ExchangeRate == 1).FirstOrDefault() != null) ? (result.Where(r => r.ExchangeRate == 1).FirstOrDefault().CurrencySymbol) : (result.FirstOrDefault().CurrencySymbol)); //decimal openVal = (firstBalance != null ? (decimal)firstBalance : 0); divOpeningbalance.InnerHtml = string.Format("{0:F} {1}", statistics.ClientFirstBalance, usedCurrency); divTotalInvoices.InnerHtml = "<a href='" + Request.Url.AbsolutePath.Replace("payments", "invoices") + "'>" + string.Format("{0:F} {1}", statistics.Invoices, usedCurrency) + "</a>"; divTotalPayments.InnerHtml = string.Format("{0:F} {1}", (statistics.Payments + statistics.SubPayments + statistics.InvoicesFirstAmount + statistics.NewBalance), usedCurrency); divRemainder.InnerHtml = string.Format("{0:F} {1}", ((statistics.ClientFirstBalance + statistics.Invoices) - (statistics.Payments + statistics.SubPayments + statistics.InvoicesFirstAmount + statistics.NewBalance)), usedCurrency); if (statistics.NewBalance > 0) { divNewBalance.InnerHtml = string.Format("<a class='toolTip' title='Divide this amount on invoices.' href='{0}-{1}/viewsubinvoices.aspx'>{2:F} {3}</a>", ResolveClientUrl("subinvoice"), cID, statistics.NewBalance, usedCurrency); } else { divNewBalance.InnerHtml = "0.00 (AED)"; } } } var result = new ClientPaymentsManager().GetClientPayments(paramStr); if (result != null) { gvClientPayments.DataSource = result; gvClientPayments.DataBind(); if (result.FirstOrDefault() != null) { lblClientName.Text = " for: " + result.FirstOrDefault().ClientName; } } }
private void ShowClientPaymentInformation(int Id) { var result = new ClientPaymentsManager().GetClientPaymentDetails(Id); if (result != null) { //hfID.Value = result.ClientPaymentID.ToString(); txtDate.Text = MinutesuaeConcrete.GetDateOnly(result.PaymentDate); txtPaymentValue.Text = result.PaymentValue.ToString(); txtReceivedName.Text = result.ReceiverName; txtShortdesc.Text = result.Notes; //cbActive.Checked = (bool)result.Active; ddlClients.SelectedValue = result.Client_ID.ToString(); ddlCurrency.SelectedValue = result.Currency_ID.ToString(); ddlExchangeCo.SelectedValue = result.ExchangeCompany_ID.ToString(); if (result.Invoice_ID != null) { ltlInvoiceID.Text = result.Invoice_ID.ToString(); } } }