public bool CreateNewChatRequest(ClientInstance clientInst, ClientObj clientDestination) { NotifyChatEvent(Operation.NewChat, clientInst, clientDestination); if (chatReqEvent != null) { Delegate[] invkList = chatReqEvent.GetInvocationList(); foreach (ChatRequestHandler handler in invkList) { Console.WriteLine("[Server]: Chat Event triggered: invoking handler to inform client"); new Thread(() => { try { handler(clientInst, clientDestination.Port); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("[TriggerEvent]: Exception"); chatReqEvent -= handler; } }).Start(); } } return(true); }
public void Repeater(Operation op, ClientInstance clientInst, ClientObj clientDestination) { if (chatEvent != null) { chatEvent(op, clientInst, clientDestination); } }
private void saveClient(ClientObj client) { clients.Add(client); FileStream db = new FileStream(@"users.txt", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(db); sw.WriteLine(client.Info()); sw.Flush(); sw.Close(); }
public void TrySpawningClient() { for (int i = 0; i < SeatOcuppied.Length; i++) { if (!SeatOcuppied[i]) { SeatOcuppied[i] = true; ClientObj newClientObj = Instantiate(client, seats[i], Quaternion.identity); newClientObj.Seat = i; break; } } }
void ChatRequested(Operation op, ClientInstance clientInst, ClientObj clientDestination) { ChatViewStartDelegate chViStart; switch (op) { case Operation.NewChat: if (!clientInst.Name.Equals(self.Name) && clientDestination.Name.Equals(self.Name)) { chViStart = new ChatViewStartDelegate(OpenChatViewOnRequest); BeginInvoke(chViStart, clientInst); } break; } }
public bool ModifyClient(ClientObj param) { bool success = _client.UpdateClient(param.ClientName, param.ClientAlias, param.ClientBanner, param.RespTime, param.RestTime, param.IsClientActive, param.ExtClientBanner, param.ClientId); if (success) { Log.InfoFormat(param.Computername, param.SystemIp, param.UserName, Constants.ActionType.ModifyClientDetails.ToString()); _audit.InsertAudit(param.UserName, Constants.ActionType.ModifyClientDetails.ToString(), "Client detail changed", DateTime.Now, param.Computername, param.SystemIp); return(true); } else { Log.InfoFormat(param.Computername, param.SystemIp, param.UserName, Constants.ActionType.ModifyClientDetails.ToString()); return(false); } }
/* * Recebe um pedido de criacao de instancia de um novo cliente e informa * todos os clientes sobre isso */ public ClientInstance AddNewClient(string name, string password, string port) { ClientObj client = getClientByName(name, port); string userevent = "login"; if (client == null) { client = new ClientObj(name, password, port); saveClient(client); userevent = "signup"; } else if (client.Password != password) { return(null); } ClientInstance clientInst = new ClientInstance(nr, name, port); Console.WriteLine("[Server]: New client " + userevent + " (" + name + ")"); clientsOnline.Add(client); nr += 1; NotifyClients(Operation.ClientOn, clientInst); if (newClientEvent != null) { Delegate[] invkList = newClientEvent.GetInvocationList(); foreach (NewClientHandler handler in invkList) { Console.WriteLine("[Server]: Join Event triggered: invoking handler to inform client"); new Thread(() => { try { handler(clientInst, clientsOnline); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("[TriggerEvent]: Exception"); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); newClientEvent -= handler; } }).Start(); } } return(clientInst); }
public bool InsertClient(ClientObj param) { string banner = _client.DoFileUpload(param.ClientBanner); bool _clients = _client.InsertClient(param.ClientName, param.ClientAlias, banner, param.RespTime, param.RestTime, param.IsClientActive, param.CreatedBy); if (_clients) { Log.InfoFormat(param.Computername, param.SystemIp, param.UserName, Constants.ActionType.SetupClient.ToString()); _audit.InsertAudit(param.UserName, Constants.ActionType.SetupClient.ToString(), "Setup client account", DateTime.Now, param.Computername, param.SystemIp); return(true); } else { Log.InfoFormat(param.Computername, param.SystemIp, param.UserName, Constants.ActionType.SetupClient.ToString()); return(false); } }
private void loadClients() { try { FileStream db = new FileStream(@"users.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(db); string line = sr.ReadLine(); while (line != null) { string name = line.Split('%')[0]; string password = line.Split('%')[1]; string port = line.Split('%')[2]; ClientObj client = new ClientObj(name, password, port); clients.Add(client); line = sr.ReadLine(); } sr.Close(); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException e) { } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string client = (string)listBox1.SelectedItem; if (client != null) { ClientObj destinationClient = null; clientsOnline = server.GetClientsOnline(); foreach (ClientObj clientObj in clientsOnline) { if (client.Equals(clientObj.Name)) { destinationClient = clientObj; } } if (destinationClient != null) { string destination = destinationClient.Port; //server.CreateNewChatRequest(self, destination); server.CreateNewChatRequest(self, destinationClient); Client.inter.ConnectChat((Chat)RemotingServices.Connect(typeof(Chat), "tcp://localhost:" + Client.port + "/Client/Chat" )); //Client.inter.newMessage += Client.handleNewChatMessage; /* * Fecha form atual e abre novo */ //this.Hide(); var chatView = new ChatView(server, self, destinationClient.Name); //onlineList.Closed += (s, args) => this.Close(); viewChat = chatView; chatView.Show(); } } }
void NotifyChatEvent(Operation op, ClientInstance clientInst, ClientObj clientDestination) { if (chatEvent != null) { Delegate[] invkList = chatEvent.GetInvocationList(); foreach (ChatDelegate handler in invkList) { new Thread(() => { try { handler(op, clientInst, clientDestination); Console.WriteLine("Invoking event handler (NotifyChatEvent)"); } catch (Exception) { chatEvent -= handler; Console.WriteLine("Exception: Removed an event handler (NotifyChatEvent)"); } }).Start(); } } }
public JsonResult ProcessEditClientRequest(ClientObj model) { try { var userData = MvcApplication.GetUserData(User.Identity.Name) ?? new UserData(); if (userData.UserId < 1) { return(Json(new { IsSuccessful = false, Error = "Your session has expired", IsAuthenticated = false })); } var selClient = Session["_CurrentSelClient_"] as ClientObj; if (selClient == null || selClient.ClientId < 1) { return(Json(new { IsSuccessful = false, Error = "Your session has expired", IsAuthenticated = false })); } if (model.ClientId < 1) { return(Json(new { IsAuthenticated = true, IsSuccessful = false, IsReload = false, Error = "Invalid Selection" })); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ClientName) || model.ClientName.Length < 2) { return(Json(new { IsAuthenticated = true, IsSuccessful = false, IsReload = false, Error = "Invalid Client Name" })); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Address) || model.Address.Length < 2) { return(Json(new { IsAuthenticated = true, IsSuccessful = false, IsReload = false, Error = "Invalid Address " })); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.MobileNumber) || model.MobileNumber.Length < 7 || model.MobileNumber.Length > 15) { return(Json(new { IsAuthenticated = true, IsSuccessful = false, IsReload = false, Error = "Invalid Mobile Number " })); } var passObj = new RegResetObj { AdminUserId = userData.UserId, ClientName = model.ClientName, Address = model.Address, ClientId = selClient.ClientId, MobileNumber = model.MobileNumber, Email = model.Email, Status = model.StatusVal ? 1 : 0, }; if (!GenericVal.Validate(model, out var msg)) { return(Json(new { IsAuthenticated = true, IsSuccessful = false, IsReload = false, Error = $"Validation Error Occurred! Detail: {msg}" })); } var response = ClientService.UpdateClient(passObj, userData.Username); if (response?.Status == null) { return(Json(new { IsAuthenticated = true, IsSuccessful = false, IsReload = false, Error = "Error Occurred! Please try again later" })); } if (!response.Status.IsSuccessful) { return(Json(new { IsAuthenticated = true, IsSuccessful = false, IsReload = false, Error = string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.Status.Message.TechnicalMessage) ? "Process Failed! Unable to add course of study" : response.Status.Message.TechnicalMessage })); } Session["_CurrentSelClient_"] = null; var searchObj = new ClientSearchObj { AdminUserId = userData.UserId, ClientId = 0, Status = -2 }; var retVal = ClientService.LoadClients(searchObj, userData.Username); if (retVal?.Status != null && retVal.Clients != null) { var clients = retVal.Clients.OrderBy(m => m.ClientId).ToList(); Session["_ClientList_"] = clients; } return(Json(new { IsAuthenticated = true, IsSuccessful = true, IsReload = false, Error = "" })); } catch (Exception ex) { UtilTools.LogE(ex.StackTrace, ex.Source, ex.Message); return(Json(new { IsAuthenticated = true, IsSuccessful = false, IsReload = false, Error = "Process Error Occurred! Please try again later" })); } }
public ClientResp ClientDetails(ClientObj param) { var success = _client.GetClientDetails(param.ClientId); return(success); }
public HeartBeartTask(ClientObj host) { this.hostObj = host; }
private void Awake() { clientObj = GetComponentInParent <ClientObj>(); }
private void Start() { SeatOcuppied = new bool[seats.Length]; client = Resources.Load <ClientObj>("Prefabs/Client"); timeForSpawn = Random.Range(timeIntervalBetweenSpawns.x, timeIntervalBetweenSpawns.y); }