Esempio n. 1
        public async Task <JsonResult> CompleteRepair(int id, string status, FeedbackViewModel feedbackVm)
            var result = await Factory.DeleteAsync <IRepairDto>(id.ToString());

            if (result && feedbackVm != null)
                Factory.Save <IFeedbackDto>(feedbackVm);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(feedbackVm.AdditionalFeedback) ||
                    feedbackVm.ConcernsAddressedRate < 5 ||
                    feedbackVm.ReportCompletionRate < 5 ||
                    feedbackVm.ReportCompletionRate < 5 ||
                    feedbackVm.ResponseTimeRate < 5 ||
                    feedbackVm.TechnicianCommunicationRate < 5 ||
                    feedbackVm.TechnicianKnowledgeRate < 5)
                    using (var queue = new MessageQueue())
                        var userGuid = Guid.Parse(User.Identity.GetUserId());
                        await queue.AddNotificationQueueMessageAsync(template : NotificationTemplate.RepairFeedbackEmail, id : feedbackVm.RepairId, userGuid : userGuid);

            if (!result)

            if (status == "complete")
                string billingUrl = Url.Action("Invoice", "Invoicing", new { Area = "Billing", ID = id }, Request?.Url?.Scheme);
                var    task       = new ClientHubMessenger().RepairCompleted(id, billingUrl);


                message = "Repair Updated Successfully.",
                success = true
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task <ActionResult> SelfScanCreate(SelfScanViewModel selfScan)
                // Create Request.
                var request = new RepairRequestScanViewModel
                    RequestTypeID         = 6,
                    ProblemDescription    = "Self Scan",
                    RequestTypeCategoryId = selfScan.CategoryId,
                    SeatRemovedInd        = selfScan.SeatRemovedInd

                // Create Request.
                var requestId = await QuickRequestSave(selfScan, request);

                // Load Report.
                var report = Factory.GetById <IReportDto>(requestId.ToString());

                // Generate Report Html.
                if (report != null && selfScan.DiagnosticResultId.HasValue)
                    // Set Diagnostic.
                    report.DiagnosticResultSelections = new List <IReportDiagnosticResultSelectionItemDto>
                        new ReportDiagnosticResultSelectionItemViewModel
                            ResultId             = selfScan.DiagnosticResultId.Value,
                            AssignedToRequestInd = true,
                            SelectedForReportInd = true

                    // Set User.
                    report.ResponsibleTechUserId = Factory.User.UserGuid;

                    // Set Header.
                    report.ReportHeaderHTML = "Self Scan Report<br/>";

                    if (selfScan.IsAssistedScanRecommended)
                        report.ReportHeaderHTML += "<b style='color:red;'>All modules were not read on this Vehicle, recommend an Assisted Scan be performed.</b><br/>";

                    // Complete Report.
                    report.CompleteReport = true;

                    // Save Report.

                    // Create Notification Tasks.
                    var notifications = new List <Task>();

                    // Generate Notifications.
                    using (var queue = new MessageQueue())
                        notifications.Add(queue.AddNotificationQueueMessageAsync(NotificationTemplate.ShopReportEmail, report.RequestId, Factory.User.UserGuid));
                        notifications.Add(queue.AddMitchellReportQueueMessageAsync(report.RequestId, Factory.User.UserGuid));

                    // Open Connection.
                    using (var conn = new SqlConnection(MvcApplication.ConnectionString))
                        // Get Repair Id.
                        var repairId = await conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <int>("Repair.usp_CloseRepairByRequestId",
                                                                                 new { report.RequestId }, null, null, CommandType.StoredProcedure);

                        // Check Repair.
                        if (repairId > 0)
                            // Close Repair.
                            if (await Factory.DeleteAsync <IRepairDto>(repairId.ToString()))
                                // Send Notifications.
                                var clientMessenger = new ClientHubMessenger();

                    // Execute Notifications.
                    await Task.WhenAll(notifications.ToArray());
            catch (Exception e)

                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, e.Message));

            return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK));
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task <JsonCamelCaseResult> SaveScanReport(ReportViewModel report)
                // Save Report.
                var update = Factory.Save(Mapper.Map <IReportDto>(report));

                // Check for Failure.
                if (update.UpdateResult?.Success != true)
                    return(new JsonCamelCaseResult(update));

                // Load Messengers.
                var clientMessenger  = new ClientHubMessenger();
                var requestMessenger = new ScanRequestHubMessenger();

                // Notify Listeners.
                await(clientMessenger.ScanRequestOutDated(Factory.User.UserGuid, update.RequestId));

                // Check for Completed.
                if (!update.CompleteReport)
                    return(new JsonCamelCaseResult(Mapper.Map <ReportViewModel>(update)));

                // Notify Listeners.

                // Load Notification Queue.
                var queue = new MessageQueue();

                // Check for Not Cancel.
                if (!update.CancelReport && report.UserCompletedInd)
                    // Send Notifications.
                    await(queue.AddNotificationQueueMessageAsync(NotificationTemplate.ShopReportEmail, update.RequestId,

                    // Send Completed Report to Mitchell.
                    await(queue.AddMitchellReportQueueMessageAsync(update.RequestId, Factory.User.UserGuid));

                    // Check for Auto Close Bypass.
                    if (!report.AutoRepairCloseBypass)
                        // Run Auto Close Logic.
                        using (var conn = new SqlConnection(MvcApplication.ConnectionString))
                            // Get Repair Id.
                            var repairId = await conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <int>("Repair.usp_CloseRepairByRequestId",
                                                                                     new { report.RequestId }, null, null, CommandType.StoredProcedure);

                            // Check Repair.
                            if (repairId > 0)
                                // Close Repair.
                                if (await Factory.DeleteAsync <IRepairDto>(repairId.ToString()))
                                    // Update Repair Complete.
                                    update.AllowEdit      = false;
                                    update.RepairComplete = true;

                                    // Send Notifications.

                // Check for Cancelled.
                if (update.CancelReport)
                    // Look for Cancel Reason Template.
                    var cancelReason = await Factory.GetByIdAsync <ICancelReasonTypeDto>(update.CancelReasonTypeId.ToString());

                    if (cancelReason?.NotificationTemplate != null)
                        // Send Notification.
                        await(queue.AddNotificationQueueMessageAsync(cancelReason.NotificationTemplate.Value, report.RequestId, Factory.User.UserGuid));

                // Return Data.
                return(new JsonCamelCaseResult(Mapper.Map <ReportViewModel>(update)));
            catch (Exception e)
                // Log Exception.

                // Create Result.
                report.UpdateResult = new UpdateResultViewModel(false, e.Message);

                // Return Data.
                return(new JsonCamelCaseResult(report));