Esempio n. 1
        private async Task SetupEntries()
            var componentId = GameObject.Lot.GetComponentId(ComponentId.VendorComponent);

            var vendorComponent = await ClientCache.FindAsync <Core.Client.VendorComponent>(componentId);

            var matrices = ClientCache.FindAll <Core.Client.LootMatrix>(vendorComponent.LootMatrixIndex);

            var shopItems = new List <ShopEntry>();

            foreach (var matrix in matrices)
                shopItems.AddRange(ClientCache.FindAll <LootTable>(matrix.LootTableIndex)
                                   .ToArray().Select(lootTable =>
                    Debug.Assert(lootTable.Itemid != null, "lootTable.Itemid != null");
                    Debug.Assert(lootTable.SortPriority != null, "lootTable.SortPriority != null");

                    return(new ShopEntry
                        Lot = new Lot(lootTable.Itemid.Value),
                        SortPriority = lootTable.SortPriority.Value

            Entries = shopItems.ToArray();
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the scripted activity component.
        /// </summary>
        protected ScriptedActivityComponent()
            _random = new Random();

            Listen(OnStart, async() =>
                if (!GameObject.Settings.TryGetValue("activityID", out var id))

                // Get the activity info.
                var activityId = (int)id;
                ActivityInfo   = await ClientCache.FindAsync <Activities>(activityId);
                if (ActivityInfo == default)
                    Logger.Error($"{GameObject} has an invalid activityID: {activityId}");

                // Get and sort the activities.
                Rewards = ClientCache.FindAll <ActivityRewards>(activityId).ToSortedList((a, b) =>
                    if (a.ChallengeRating != b.ChallengeRating)
                        return((a.ChallengeRating ?? 1) - (b.ChallengeRating ?? 1));
                    return((a.ActivityRating ?? -1) - (b.ActivityRating ?? -1));
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the inventory for the game object, only for non-player GameObjects does this automatically equip the
        /// items as the component cannot know when the inventory manager component will be available to load the
        /// items from.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task LoadAsync()
            if (!(GameObject is Player))
                var component = ClientCache.FindAll <ComponentsRegistry>(GameObject.Lot).FirstOrDefault(c =>
                                                                                                        c.Componenttype == (int)ComponentId.InventoryComponent);
                var itemTemplates = ClientCache.FindAll <Core.Client.InventoryComponent>(component.Componentid)
                                    .Where(i => i.Itemid != default).ToArray();

                foreach (var itemTemplate in itemTemplates)
                    if (itemTemplate.Itemid == default)

                    var lot           = (Lot)itemTemplate.Itemid;
                    var componentId   = lot.GetComponentId(ComponentId.ItemComponent);
                    var itemComponent = await ClientCache.FindAsync <ItemComponent>(componentId);

                    if (itemComponent.ItemType == default)

                    var item = await Item.Instantiate(GameObject, lot, default, (uint)(itemTemplate.Count ?? 1));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates an item using static information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner">The owner of this item</param>
        /// <param name="lot">The lot of this item</param>
        /// <param name="inventory">The inventory to add the item to, if left empty, this item will be left unmanaged</param>
        /// <param name="count">The count of the item to add</param>
        /// <param name="slot">The slot to add the item to</param>
        /// <param name="extraInfo">Optional LDD to set on the item</param>
        /// <param name="objectId">Explicit object Id for this item, generally only used for player instance items</param>
        /// <param name="rootItem">The root item this item is based on</param>
        /// <param name="isEquipped">Whether the game object has this item equipped or not</param>
        /// <param name="isBound">Whether the game object has bound this item or not</param>
        /// <param name="lootType">Where this item came from</param>
        /// <remarks>Note that <c>Start</c> still needs to be called on the item to be registered properly in the world.</remarks>
        /// <returns>The instantiated item or <c>null</c> if no slot could be acquired or if the item couldn't be added to the inventory</returns>
        public static async Task <Item> Instantiate(GameObject owner, Lot lot,
                                                    Inventory inventory, uint count, uint slot = default, LegoDataDictionary extraInfo = default,
                                                    ObjectId objectId = default, Item rootItem = default, bool isEquipped = false, bool isBound = false, LootType lootType = LootType.None)
            // Try to find the slot at which this item should be inserted if no explicit slot is provided
            if (inventory != default && slot == default)
                    slot = inventory.ClaimSlot();
                catch (InventoryFullException)

            var itemTemplate      = (await ClientCache.FindAsync <Core.Client.Objects>(lot));
            var itemRegistryEntry = (await ClientCache.FindAllAsync <ComponentsRegistry>(lot)).FirstOrDefault(
                r => r.Componenttype == (int)ComponentId.ItemComponent

            if (itemRegistryEntry == default)
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task PlayEmoteHandler(PlayEmoteMessage message, Player player)
            var animation = await ClientCache.FindAsync <Emotes>(message.EmoteId);

            player.Zone.BroadcastMessage(new PlayAnimationMessage
                Associate   = player,
                AnimationId = animation.AnimationName,
                Priority    = 0.4f,
                Scale       = 1,

            player.Zone.ExcludingMessage(new EmotePlayedMessage
                Associate = player,
                EmoteId   = message.EmoteId,
                Target    = message.Target
            }, player);

            if (player.TryGetComponent <MissionInventoryComponent>(out var missionInventoryComponent))
                await missionInventoryComponent.UseEmoteAsync(message.Target, message.EmoteId);

            if (message.Target?.OnEmoteReceived != default)
                await message.Target.OnEmoteReceived.InvokeAsync(message.EmoteId, player);
Esempio n. 6
        protected RailActivatorComponent()
            Listen(OnStart, async() =>
                RailActivatorComponentId = GameObject.Lot.GetComponentId(ComponentId.RailActivator);

                var railComponent = await ClientCache.FindAsync <Core.Client.RailActivatorComponent>(RailActivatorComponentId);

                ActivatorDamageImmune = (bool)GameObject.Settings["rail_activator_damage_immune"];
                LoopSound             = (string)GameObject.Settings["rail_loop_sound"];
                NoAggro = (bool)GameObject.Settings["rail_no_aggro"];
                NotifyActivatorArrived = (bool)GameObject.Settings["rail_notify_activator_arrived"];
                Path = (string)GameObject.Settings["rail_path"];
                // TODO: investigate why PathDirection 0 makes the movement a straight line instead of the reverse path
                PathDirection     = (bool)GameObject.Settings["rail_path_direction"];
                PathStart         = (uint)GameObject.Settings["rail_path_start"];
                ShowNameBillboard = (bool)GameObject.Settings["rail_show_name_billboard"];
                UseDb             = (bool)GameObject.Settings["rail_use_db"];

                StartAnim = railComponent.StartAnim;
                LoopAnim  = railComponent.LoopAnim;
                StopAnim  = railComponent.StopAnim;

                StartSound = railComponent.StartSound;
                StopSound  = railComponent.StopSound;

                // these 3 fields can be null
                var startEffect = railComponent.StartEffectID;
                if (startEffect != null)
                    var split       = startEffect.Split(':');
                    StartEffectId   = int.Parse(split[0]);
                    StartEffectType = split[1];

                var duringEffect = railComponent.EffectIDs;
                if (duringEffect != null)
                    var split        = duringEffect.Split(':');
                    DuringEffectId   = int.Parse(split[0]);
                    DuringEffectType = split[1];

                var stopEffect = railComponent.StopEffectID;
                if (stopEffect != null)
                    var split      = stopEffect.Split(':');
                    StopEffectId   = int.Parse(split[0]);
                    StopEffectType = split[1];

                CameraLocked     = railComponent.CameraLocked ?? true;
                CollisionEnabled = railComponent.PlayerCollision ?? false;

                Listen(GameObject.OnInteract, OnInteract);
Esempio n. 7
        public async Task Buy(Lot lot, uint count, Player player)
            var componentId   = lot.GetComponentId(ComponentId.ItemComponent);
            var itemComponent = await ClientCache.FindAsync <ItemComponent>(componentId);

            if (count == default || itemComponent.BaseValue <= 0)

            var character = player.GetComponent <CharacterComponent>();
            var cost      = (uint)((itemComponent.BaseValue ?? 0) * count);

            if (cost > character.Currency)

            // If we have to buy this with an alternative currency
            if (itemComponent.CurrencyLOT != null)
                var alternativeCurrencyLot  = (Lot)itemComponent.CurrencyLOT;
                var alternativeCurrencyCost = itemComponent.AltCurrencyCost ?? 0;
                var inventory = player.GetComponent <InventoryManagerComponent>();

                if (alternativeCurrencyCost > inventory.FindItems(alternativeCurrencyLot)
                    .Select(i => (int)i.Count).Sum())

                await inventory.RemoveLotAsync(alternativeCurrencyLot, (uint)alternativeCurrencyCost);

            character.Currency -= cost;

            await player.GetComponent <InventoryManagerComponent>().AddLotAsync(lot, count, lootType: LootType.Vendor);

            player.Message(new VendorTransactionResultMessage
                Associate = GameObject,
                Result    = TransactionResult.Success

            await OnBuy.InvokeAsync(lot, count, player);
Esempio n. 8
        protected DestructibleComponent()
            OnSmashed = new Event <GameObject, Player>();

            OnResurrect = new Event();

            Listen(OnStart, async() =>
                if (GameObject.Settings.TryGetValue("respawn", out var resTimer))
                    ResurrectTime = resTimer switch
                        uint timer => timer,
                        float timer => timer,
                        int timer => timer,
                        _ => ResurrectTime

                var container = GameObject.AddComponent <LootContainerComponent>();

                await container.CollectDetailsAsync();

                GameObject.Layer = StandardLayer.Smashable;

                var entry             = GameObject.Lot.GetComponentId(ComponentId.DestructibleComponent);
                var cdClientComponent = (await ClientCache.FindAsync <Core.Client.DestructibleComponent>(entry));

                if (cdClientComponent == default)
                    Logger.Error($"{GameObject} has a corrupt Destructible Component of id: {entry}");

                if (GameObject.TryGetComponent(out DestroyableComponent stats))
                    Stats = stats;

                    Listen(Stats.OnDeath, async() =>
                        await SmashAsync(
                            Stats.LatestDamageSource is Player player ? player : default,
Esempio n. 9
        public async void StartCombatAI()
            SkillComponent        = GameObject.GetComponent <SkillComponent>();
            DestructibleComponent = GameObject.GetComponent <DestructibleComponent>();
            QuickBuildComponent   = GameObject.GetComponent <QuickBuildComponent>();
            Stats = GameObject.GetComponent <DestroyableComponent>();

            foreach (var skillEntry in SkillComponent.DefaultSkillSet)
                var skillInfo = await ClientCache.FindAsync <SkillBehavior>(skillEntry.SkillId);

                SkillEntries.Add(new NpcSkillEntry
                    SkillId         = skillEntry.SkillId,
                    Cooldown        = 0,
                    AbilityCooldown = (skillInfo.Cooldown ?? 1) * 1000,
                    Tree            = await BehaviorTree.FromSkillAsync((int)skillEntry.SkillId)

            Zone.Update(GameObject, delta => CalculateCombat(delta), 1);
Esempio n. 10
        public override Task LoadAsync()
            Listen(Zone.OnPlayerLoad, player =>
                Listen(player.OnFireServerEvent, async(eventName, message) =>
                    if (eventName == "ZonePlayer")
                        var launchpad          = message.Associate.GetComponent <RocketLaunchpadComponent>();
                        var id                 = launchpad.GameObject.Lot.GetComponentId(ComponentId.RocketLaunchComponent);
                        var launchpadComponent = await ClientCache.FindAsync <RocketLaunchpadControlComponent>(id);

                        // TargetZone is 0 for the LUP launchpad, ignore it
                        if (launchpadComponent.TargetZone != null && launchpadComponent.TargetZone != 0)
                            var target = (ZoneId)launchpadComponent.TargetZone;

                            // We don't want to lock up the server on a world server request, as it may take time.
                            var _ = Task.Run(async() =>
                                player.GetComponent <CharacterComponent>().LaunchedRocketFrom = Zone.ZoneId;
                                var success = await player.SendToWorldAsync(target);

                                if (!success)
                                    player.SendChatMessage($"Failed to transfer to {target}, please try later.");


Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads generic CdClient information about the mission.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task LoadTemplateAsync()
            var mission = await ClientCache.FindAsync <Core.Client.Missions>(MissionId);

            PrerequisiteMissions = mission.PrereqMissionID;
            IsMission            = mission.IsMission ?? true;
            IsChoiceReward       = (mission.IsChoiceReward ?? false) && IsMission;
            DefinedType          = mission.Definedtype;
            DefinedSubType       = mission.Definedsubtype;

            // Possible stat rewards
            RewardMaxHealth          = mission.Rewardmaxhealth ?? 0;
            RewardMaxImagination     = mission.Rewardmaximagination ?? 0;
            RewardMaxInventory       = mission.Rewardmaxinventory ?? 0;
            RewardCurrency           = mission.Rewardcurrency ?? 0;
            RewardCurrencyRepeatable = mission.Rewardcurrencyrepeatable ?? 0;
            RewardScore  = mission.LegoScore ?? 0;
            Repeatable   = mission.Repeatable ?? false;
            CooldownTime = mission.CooldownTime ?? 0;

            // Emotes
            RewardEmote1 = mission.Rewardemote ?? -1;
            RewardEmote2 = mission.Rewardemote2 ?? -1;
            RewardEmote3 = mission.Rewardemote3 ?? -1;
            RewardEmote4 = mission.Rewardemote4 ?? -1;

            // First optional reward item
            RewardItem1                = mission.Rewarditem1 ?? 0;
            RewardItem1Count           = mission.Rewarditem1count ?? 1;
            RewardItem1Repeatable      = mission.Rewarditem1repeatable ?? 0;
            RewardItem1RepeatableCount = mission.Rewarditem1repeatcount ?? 1;

            // Second optional reward item
            RewardItem2                = mission.Rewarditem2 ?? 0;
            RewardItem2Count           = mission.Rewarditem2count ?? 1;
            RewardItem2Repeatable      = mission.Rewarditem2repeatable ?? 0;
            RewardItem2RepeatableCount = mission.Rewarditem2repeatcount ?? 1;

            // Third optional reward item
            RewardItem3                = mission.Rewarditem3 ?? 0;
            RewardItem3Count           = mission.Rewarditem3count ?? 1;
            RewardItem3Repeatable      = mission.Rewarditem3repeatable ?? 0;
            RewardItem3RepeatableCount = mission.Rewarditem3repeatcount ?? 1;

            // Fourth optional reward item
            RewardItem4                = mission.Rewarditem4 ?? 0;
            RewardItem4Count           = mission.Rewarditem4count ?? 1;
            RewardItem4Repeatable      = mission.Rewarditem4repeatable ?? 0;
            RewardItem4RepeatableCount = mission.Rewarditem4repeatcount ?? 1;

            // Optional increment for vault inventory size
            RewardBankInventory = mission.Rewardbankinventory ?? 0;

            // Load all the tasks for this mission
            var tasks = await ClientCache.MissionTasksWithMissionIdCacheTable.FindAllAsync <MissionTasks>(MissionId);

            Tasks = new List <MissionTaskInstance>();

            var index = 0;

            foreach (var task in tasks)
                var taskType = (MissionTaskType)(task.TaskType ?? 0);
                if (!TaskTypes.TryGetValue(taskType, out var type))
                    Logger.Debug($"No {nameof(MissionTaskInstance)} for {taskType} found.");

                if (task.Uid != null)
                    var instance = (MissionTaskInstance)Activator.CreateInstance(type, this, task.Uid.Value,
                    if (instance == default || task.Uid == default)
                        Logger.Error($"Invalid task: {type} [{task.Uid}]");

