Esempio n. 1
        public int FindExact()
            using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(conn_string.ToString()))
                using (MySqlCommand comm = new MySqlCommand())
                    comm.Connection = conn;

                    if (ClientAcct.Contains(",") || ClientAcct == "PRBCOAV")
                        comm.CommandText = "Select Count(*) from kinsman.blotter_view where Ticker LIKE '%" + Symbol + "%' and Action LIKE '%" + Side + "%' and Price = '" + Avg_Price + "'";
                        var val = Convert.ToInt32(comm.ExecuteScalar());
                        if (val > 0)
                        comm.CommandText = "Select Count(*) from kinsman.blotter_view where Ticker LIKE '%" + Symbol + "%' and Action LIKE '%" + Side + "%' and Shares = '" + Shares + "' and Price = '" + Avg_Price + "'";
                        var val = Convert.ToInt32(comm.ExecuteScalar());
                        if (val > 0)
Esempio n. 2
        public void Upload()
            if (ClientAcct == "PRBCOAV" || ClientAcct == "" || ClientAcct == null)
                throw new Exception("1");
            var _name = Regex.Replace(Environment.UserName, "[']", "");

            using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(conn_string.ToString()))
                using (MySqlCommand comm = new MySqlCommand())
                    comm.Connection = conn;
                    if (ClientAcct.Contains(","))
                        foreach (string str in ClientAcct.Split(',').ToList())
                                comm.CommandText = " Create temporary Table kinsman.tmpTrades like kinsman.trades; Insert into Kinsman.tmpTrades(Ticker,Action, Shares,Price, Portfolio, Commission)Values('" + Symbol + "', '" + Side.requiresShort() + "' , '" + Shares.isBuyOrSell(Side.removeShort()) + "', '" + Avg_Price + "', '" + str.Trim() + "', '" + Commission / 100 + "'); " +
                                                   "Call Instinet_Processor;" + "Call Post_insert_defaults_1;" + " Insert into kinsman.trades(Issuer, Record_Date, Last_Action_Time, Trade_Date, `Settlement Date`, Ticker, Portfolio, `Portfolio Code`, `Old_Weight`, New_Weight, Shares, Action, Direction, Price, Commission, Concession, `Hard Commission Per Share`, `Commission Type`, `Trade Type`, `Trade Type Percentage`, `Issue Type`, `Accrued Interest`, `Security Fee`, `MISC Fee`, Tax, FX, Broker, Allocation_Notes, OPS_Allocations, Trader, Last_Action_By, Is_Complete, Is_Warehoused, Is_Deleted, Is_Block_Trade, Notes, `Blotter Notes`, `Ledger Notes`, `Status`, Source, `Split Id`, Communication, Record_TimeStamp, Batch, Concession_id, Skip_in_audit_trail, `Settlement Amount`, `Cash Flow`, `Full Process Date`, `Process ID`, `Bulk Process ID`, `Process Flag`, `Type Flag`,`Cancel ID`, `Event 1 Corrected`, `Security ID`, `Group`)" +
                                                   "Select '" + _name + "', Current_Timestamp(), Last_Action_Time, Trade_Date, `Settlement Date`, Ticker, Portfolio, `Portfolio Code`, `Old_Weight`, New_Weight, Shares, Action, Direction, Price, Commission, Concession, `Hard Commission Per Share`, `Commission Type`, `Trade Type`, `Trade Type Percentage`, `Issue Type`, `Accrued Interest`, `Security Fee`, `MISC Fee`, Tax, FX, Broker, Allocation_Notes, OPS_Allocations, '" + _name + "', '" + _name + "' , '1', Is_Warehoused, Is_Deleted, Is_Block_Trade, Notes, `Blotter Notes`, `Ledger Notes`, 'Complete', Source, `Split Id`, Communication, Record_TimeStamp, Batch, Concession_id, Skip_in_audit_trail, `Settlement Amount`, `Cash Flow`, `Full Process Date`, `Process ID`, `Bulk Process ID`, `Process Flag`, `Type Flag`,`Cancel ID`, `Event 1 Corrected`, `Security ID`, `Group` from kinsman.tmptrades;" +
                                                   "Drop Temporary Table kinsman.tmpTrades;";
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                comm.CommandText = "Drop temporary Table kinsman.tmpTrades";
                                throw new Exception(ex.Message);
                            comm.CommandText = " Create temporary Table kinsman.tmpTrades like kinsman.trades; Insert into Kinsman.tmpTrades(Ticker,Action, Shares,Price, Portfolio, Commission)Values('" + Symbol + "', '" + Side.requiresShort() + "' , '" + Shares.isBuyOrSell(Side.removeShort()) + "', '" + Avg_Price + "', '" + ClientAcct + "', '" + Commission / 100 + "'); " +
                                               "Call Instinet_Processor;" + "Call Post_insert_defaults_1;" + " Insert into kinsman.trades(Issuer, Record_Date, Last_Action_Time, Trade_Date, `Settlement Date`, Ticker, Portfolio, `Portfolio Code`, `Old_Weight`, New_Weight, Shares, Action, Direction, Price, Commission, Concession, `Hard Commission Per Share`, `Commission Type`, `Trade Type`, `Trade Type Percentage`, `Issue Type`, `Accrued Interest`, `Security Fee`, `MISC Fee`, Tax, FX, Broker, Allocation_Notes, OPS_Allocations, Trader, Last_Action_By, Is_Complete, Is_Warehoused, Is_Deleted, Is_Block_Trade, Notes, `Blotter Notes`, `Ledger Notes`, `Status`, Source, `Split Id`, Communication, Record_TimeStamp, Batch, Concession_id, Skip_in_audit_trail, `Settlement Amount`, `Cash Flow`, `Full Process Date`, `Process ID`, `Bulk Process ID`, `Process Flag`, `Type Flag`,`Cancel ID`, `Event 1 Corrected`, `Security ID`, `Group`)" +
                                               "Select '" + _name + "', Current_Timestamp(), Last_Action_Time, Trade_Date, `Settlement Date`, Ticker, Portfolio, `Portfolio Code`, `Old_Weight`, New_Weight, Shares, Action, Direction, Price, Commission, Concession, `Hard Commission Per Share`, `Commission Type`, `Trade Type`, `Trade Type Percentage`, `Issue Type`, `Accrued Interest`, `Security Fee`, `MISC Fee`, Tax, FX, Broker, Allocation_Notes, OPS_Allocations, '" + _name + "', '" + _name + "' , '1', Is_Warehoused, Is_Deleted, Is_Block_Trade, Notes, `Blotter Notes`, `Ledger Notes`, 'Complete', Source, `Split Id`, Communication, Record_TimeStamp, Batch, Concession_id, Skip_in_audit_trail, `Settlement Amount`, `Cash Flow`, `Full Process Date`, `Process ID`, `Bulk Process ID`, `Process Flag`, `Type Flag`,`Cancel ID`, `Event 1 Corrected`, `Security ID`, `Group` from kinsman.tmptrades;" +
                                               "Drop Temporary Table kinsman.tmpTrades;";
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            comm.CommandText = "Drop temporary Table kinsman.tmpTrades";
                            throw new Exception(ex.Message);
Esempio n. 3
        public void ForceUpdate()
            if (ClientAcct == "PRBCOAV" || ClientAcct == "" || ClientAcct == null)
                throw new Exception("1");
            var _name = Regex.Replace(Environment.UserName, "[']", "");

            using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(conn_string.ToString()))
                using (MySqlCommand comm = new MySqlCommand())
                    comm.Connection = conn;

                    if (ClientAcct.Contains(","))
                        foreach (string str in ClientAcct.Split(',').ToList())
                                comm.CommandText = "Update kinsman.Trades set Kinsman.Trades.Commission = '" + Commission / 100 + "', Kinsman.Trades.Price = '" + Avg_Price + "', Kinsman.Trades.Status = 'Complete', Kinsman.Trades.Is_Complete = '1', Kinsman.Trades.Broker = 'Instinet', Kinsman.Trades.Trader = '" + _name + "' where Trade_Date = '" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
                                                   + "' and Ticker LIKE '%" + Symbol.GetUntilOrEmpty().getFutures() + "%'" + " and Action like '%" + Side.removeShort() + "%' and Portfolio = '" + str.Trim() + "' and Is_Deleted <> '1'";
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new Exception(ex.Message);
                            comm.CommandText = "Update kinsman.Trades set Kinsman.Trades.Commission = '" + Commission / 100 + "', Kinsman.Trades.Price = '" + Avg_Price + "', Kinsman.Trades.Status ='Complete', Kinsman.Trades.Is_Complete = '1', Kinsman.Trades.Broker = 'Instinet', Kinsman.Trades.Trader ='" + _name + "'  where Trade_date = '" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
                                               + "' and Ticker LIKE '%" + Symbol.GetUntilOrEmpty().getFutures() + "%'" + " and Action like '%" + Side.removeShort() + "%' and Shares = '" + Shares.isBuyOrSell(Side.removeShort()) + "' and Is_Deleted <> '1'";
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new Exception(ex.Message);