Esempio n. 1
        public void Reset(GameEngine gameEngine, MainCharacter mainCharacter, ContentManager content)

            MainCharacter = mainCharacter;
            Content       = content;
            Arial         = content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Arial");

            // Initialize buttons
            StartButtonImg = Content.Load <Texture2D>("start");
            ExitButtonImg  = Content.Load <Texture2D>("exit");
            LoadingTxt     = Content.Load <Texture2D>("loading");

            float StartX   = (Game1.GetWindowSize().X / 2) - (StartButtonImg.Width / 2);
            float StartY   = Game1.GetWindowSize().Y / 3;
            float ExitX    = (Game1.GetWindowSize().X / 2) - (ExitButtonImg.Width / 2);
            float ExitY    = 2 * Game1.GetWindowSize().Y / 3;
            float LoadingX = (Game1.GetWindowSize().X / 2) - (LoadingTxt.Width / 2);
            float LoadingY = (Game1.GetWindowSize().Y / 2) - (LoadingTxt.Height / 2);

            StartButton   = new ClickableTexture(StartButtonImg, new Vector2(StartX, StartY));
            ExitButton    = new ClickableTexture(ExitButtonImg, new Vector2(ExitX, ExitY));
            LoadingTxtPos = new Vector2(LoadingX, LoadingY);

            // important to reset these components to null when the manager is reloaded
            KeyboardInputMenu = null;

            GState = StartupState.StartMenu;

            MouseState     = Mouse.GetState();
            PrevMouseState = MouseState;
Esempio n. 2
        public void Reset(GameEngine gameEngine, MainCharacter mainCharacter, ContentManager content)
            if (Interviewees.Count == MaxInterviewees)
                GState = LocationState.ConfirmedReturn;
                GState = LocationState.Normal;

            MainCharacter   = mainCharacter;
            Content         = content;
            IsTransitioning = false;
            Point WindowSize = Game1.GetWindowSize();

            // Load Characters
            String CharPath = Path.Combine(Content.RootDirectory, "characters.txt");
            String CharJSON = File.ReadAllText(CharPath);

            CharList = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <AllCharacters>(CharJSON);

            // Load Case Info
            String CasePath = Path.Combine(Content.RootDirectory, "case" + MainCharacter.CurrentCase + ".txt");
            String CaseJSON = File.ReadAllText(CasePath);
            Case   Case     = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Case>(CaseJSON);

            // Visual Elements
            Background = new Background(content, BGImagePath);
            CharPics   = new Dictionary <string, ClickableTexture>();
            Greetings  = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            Notebook     = Content.Load <Texture2D>("notebook_icon");
            NotebookRect = new Rectangle(WindowSize.X - 100, 20, 70, 70);
            MapIcon      = Content.Load <Texture2D>("map-icon");
            MapIconRect  = new Rectangle(WindowSize.X - 200, 20, 70, 70);

            Arial      = content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Arial");
            SpeechMenu = null;

            int     NumSuspects = Case.Suspects.Count;
            Vector2 CharPos     = new Vector2(WindowSize.X / 6, WindowSize.Y / 3); // may want to customize position at a given location later

            foreach (string Suspect in Case.Suspects)
                Greetings[Suspect] = CharList.AllChars[Suspect].Greetings[0];
                Texture2D CharTexture = Content.Load <Texture2D>(CharList.AllChars[Suspect].ImagePath);
                CharPics[Suspect] = new ClickableTexture(CharTexture, CharPos);
                CharPos.X        += 0.75f * WindowSize.X / NumSuspects;
            IntervieweeListRect = new Rectangle(WindowSize.X / 4, 2 * WindowSize.Y / 3, WindowSize.X / 2, WindowSize.Y / 4);

            TextOffset = new Vector2(0, Arial.MeasureString("A").Y);

            MouseState     = Mouse.GetState();
            PrevMouseState = MouseState;
Esempio n. 3
        public void Reset(GameEngine gameEngine, MainCharacter mainCharacter, ContentManager content)
            if (IsTransitioning)
                GState          = CalendarState.ActivityChoice;
                Background      = new Background(content, "bulletin");
                IsTransitioning = false;

            Point WindowSize = Game1.GetWindowSize();


            // Common to all Modes
            Background     = new Background(content, "bulletin");
            MainCharacter  = mainCharacter;
            Content        = content;
            JustBreathe    = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/JustBreathe20");
            Arial          = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Arial");
            GState         = CalendarState.ActivityChoice;
            MouseState     = Mouse.GetState();
            PrevMouseState = MouseState;

            // Load Case Info (will want to create method for this)
            String CasePath = Path.Combine(Content.RootDirectory, "case" + MainCharacter.CurrentCase + ".txt");
            String CaseJSON = File.ReadAllText(CasePath);

            Case = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Case>(CaseJSON);

            ThisMonday = MainCharacter.GetDate();

            ActivityRect = new Rectangle(WindowSize.X / 2, WindowSize.Y / 2, 500, 300);
            // eventually pull from Activity list json.
            Dictionary <string, string> Activities = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "Have a tea party", "charm" },
                { "Fight a dragon", "courage" },
                { "Have a chat", "empathy" },
                { "Go to the library", "intelligence" },
                { "Pump iron", "strength" },
                { "Start a business", "money" }

            ActivitiesList = new OptionsList(Activities, JustBreathe,
                                             new Point(ActivityRect.X + 10, ActivityRect.Y + 30));
            PeopleList = new OptionsList(Case.CharDict, JustBreathe,
                                         new Point(ActivityRect.X + 4 * ActivityRect.Width / 6, ActivityRect.Y + 30));

            ConfirmButton = null;
            Calendar      = new Calendar(new Rectangle(110, 150, 960, 200), JustBreathe, ThisMonday);
            Notebook      = new ClickableTexture(Content.Load <Texture2D>("notebook_icon"), new Vector2(WindowSize.X - 100, 20));
Esempio n. 4
        public void Reset(GameEngine gameEngine, MainCharacter mainCharacter, ContentManager content)
            if (IsTransitioning)
                if (TestimonyId > -1 && TestimonyId == IdContradict[0])
                    Testimony NextTestimony = (from testimony in TestimonyList.Testimonies
                                               where testimony.PrevId == TestimonyId
                                               select testimony).ToList()[0];
                    string Text = NextTestimony.SpokenText;
                    EventScript    = new EventScript(MainCharacter, Content, Text);
                    TestimonyId    = NextTestimony.Id;
                    IsContradicted = true;
                else if (IdContradict[0] > -1)
                    string Text = "%ost/gumshoe\nExcuse me, what are you suggesting?? @redgeworth #disgusted\n+n: 100";
                    EventScript     = new EventScript(MainCharacter, Content, Text);
                    IdContradict[0] = -1;
                GState          = InterviewState.PlayText;
                Background      = new Background(Content, "castle");
                IsTransitioning = false;
                GState = InterviewState.TopicChoice;


            // Common to all Modes
            Background      = new Background(content, "castle");
            MainCharacter   = mainCharacter;
            Content         = content;
            IsTransitioning = false;
            Arial           = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Arial");

            // Load Testimonies
            String path          = Path.Combine(Content.RootDirectory, "testimonies.txt");
            String TestimonyJSON = File.ReadAllText(path);

            TestimonyList = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <TestimonyList>(TestimonyJSON);

            ContradictButton = new ClickableTexture(Content.Load <Texture2D>("notebook_icon"),
                                                    new Vector2(Game1.GetWindowSize().X - 100, 20));
            TopicButtons = new List <Button>();
            Vector2          TopicPos  = new Vector2(500, 450);
            HashSet <string> TopicTags = (from testimony in TestimonyList.Testimonies
                                          where testimony.IsInitial ||
                                          (MainCharacter.TestimonyIds.Contains(testimony.Id) && testimony.CharacterKey == CharacterKey)
                                          select testimony.TopicTag).ToHashSet();
            Dictionary <string, string> Topics = (from topic in TestimonyList.Topics
                                                  where TopicTags.Contains(topic.Value)
                                                  select topic).ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);

            foreach (string Topic in Topics.Keys)
                TopicButtons.Add(new Button(Topic, Arial, TopicPos));
                TopicPos.Y += 75;
            TopicButtons.Add(new Button("Bye!", Arial, TopicPos));
Esempio n. 5
        public void Reset(GameEngine gameEngine, MainCharacter mainCharacter, ContentManager content)
            // Commmon to all Modes
            MainCharacter  = mainCharacter;
            Content        = content;
            Background     = new Background(content, NotebookPath);
            MouseState     = Mouse.GetState();
            PrevMouseState = MouseState;
            GState         = NotebookState.Stats;
            Arial          = content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Arial");
            JustBreathe    = content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/JustBreathe20");
            JustBreathe25  = content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/JustBreathe25");

            // Load Characters (convert to method)
            String path     = Path.Combine(Content.RootDirectory, "characters.txt");
            String CharJSON = File.ReadAllText(path);

            AllChars = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <AllCharacters>(CharJSON);

            // Load Case (convert to method)
            String CasePath = Path.Combine(Content.RootDirectory, "case" + MainCharacter.CurrentCase + ".txt");
            String CaseJSON = File.ReadAllText(CasePath);

            Case = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Case>(CaseJSON);

            // Load Testimonies (convert to method)
            path = Path.Combine(Content.RootDirectory, "testimonies.txt");
            String TestimonyJSON = File.ReadAllText(path);

            TestimonyList = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <TestimonyList>(TestimonyJSON);

            // Always start by viewing stats.
            Point WindowSize = Game1.GetWindowSize();

            // Fixed Visual Elements
            ReturnIcon     = Content.Load <Texture2D>("return-icon");
            ReturnIconRect = new Rectangle(WindowSize.X - 100, 20, 70, 70);

            int TabOffset = WindowSize.X / 10 - 8;

            PeopleTab = new ClickableTexture(Content.Load <Texture2D>("tab_people"), new Vector2(TabOffset, TabOffset));
            StatsTab  = new ClickableTexture(Content.Load <Texture2D>("tab_stats"),
                                             new Vector2(TabOffset, PeopleTab.Rect.Y + PeopleTab.Rect.Height));
            TestimonyTab = new ClickableTexture(Content.Load <Texture2D>("tab_testimony"),
                                                new Vector2(TabOffset, StatsTab.Rect.Y + StatsTab.Rect.Height));
            OptionsTab = new ClickableTexture(Content.Load <Texture2D>("tab_options"),
                                              new Vector2(TabOffset, TestimonyTab.Rect.Y + TestimonyTab.Rect.Height));

            // Variable Visual Elements
            MainOptionsList  = null;
            TopicOptionsList = null;
            QuitButton       = null;
            SaveButton       = null;

            // Text Spacing
            TextOffset = new Vector2(0.0f, JustBreathe.MeasureString("A").Y + 0.5f);
            Indent     = new Vector2(Arial.MeasureString("A").X, 0.0f);

            // Represents bounds of open notebook
            OpenNotebookRect = new Rectangle((int)(0.12f * WindowSize.X),
                                             (int)(0.15f * WindowSize.Y + TextOffset.Y),
                                             (int)(0.75f * WindowSize.X),
                                             (int)(0.71f * WindowSize.Y));