public Core() { TextureHandle bufferTexture = new TextureHandle(); SingleBuffer buffer = new SingleBuffer(); buffer.Load = true; buffer.Texture = bufferTexture; this.Effects.Add(buffer); ClearScreen clear = new ClearScreen(); clear.ClearColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.085f); this.Effects.Add(clear); this.Effects.Add(new RandomMovement()); this.Effects.Add(new CustomScope()); Scope scope = new Scope(); scope.Color = new Color(1, 0.5f, 0, 1); scope.Circular = true; scope.LineWidth = 3; this.Effects.Add(scope); buffer = new SingleBuffer(); buffer.Load = false; buffer.Texture = bufferTexture; this.Effects.Add(buffer); this.Effects.Add(new CircularMovement()); }
public Core() { TextureHandle bufferTexture = new TextureHandle(); SingleBuffer buffer = new SingleBuffer(); buffer.Load = true; buffer.Texture = bufferTexture; Effects.Add(buffer); ClearScreen clear = new ClearScreen(); clear.ClearColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.085f); Effects.Add(clear); Effects.Add(new RandomMovement()); Effects.Add(new CustomScope()); Effects.Add(new OrangeScope()); buffer = new SingleBuffer(); buffer.Load = false; buffer.Texture = bufferTexture; Effects.Add(buffer); Effects.Add(new CircularMovement()); }
public Inferno() { ClearScreen clear = new ClearScreen(); clear.ClearColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.035f); this.Effects.Add(clear); InfernoMovement movement = new InfernoMovement(); this.Effects.Add(movement); Laser laser = new Laser(); laser.Count = 50; laser.StartColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.01f); laser.EndColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.2f); laser.MaxSpeed = 2.5f; laser.MinSpeed = 0.5f; laser.Random = false; laser.Width = 0.05f; this.Effects.Add(laser); InfernoScope scope = new InfernoScope(); this.Effects.Add(scope); }
public GreenFlower() { this.Effects.Add(new RandomMovement()); ClearScreen clear = new ClearScreen(); clear.ClearColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.14f); this.Effects.Add(clear); Scope scope = new Scope(); scope.Color = new Color(0, 1, 0.06f, 0.5f); scope.LineWidth = 5; scope.Circular = true; this.Effects.Add(scope); this.Effects.Add(new DiscMovement()); BurstScope bscope = new BurstScope(); bscope.Rays = 128; bscope.Mode = BurstScope.ColorMode.RayRandom; bscope.Sensitivity = 0.5f; bscope.MinRaySpeed = 0.1f; bscope.MaxRaySpeed = 0.15f; bscope.Wander = 5; bscope.Rotate = 0; this.Effects.Add(bscope); Mirror mirror = new Mirror(); mirror.HorizontalMirror = Mirror.HorizontalMirrorType.RightToLeft; mirror.VerticalMirror = Mirror.VerticalMirrorType.BottomToTop; this.Effects.Add(mirror); }
public ClearScreenPresenter( ClearScreen screen, IPhaseRegister phaseRegister ) { _screen = screen; _phaseRegister = phaseRegister; }
public Connection(string user, IPAddress userip, GetMessage getDel, AddMessage addDel, ClearScreen clrDel) { userName = user; userIP = userip; GetUserMessage = getDel; AddUserMessage = addDel; history = new StringBuilder(); synchronizationContext = SynchronizationContext.Current; ClearUserScreen = clrDel; }
public Connection(string user, IPAddress userip, GetDelegate getDel, DisplayDelegate displayDel, ClearScreen ClearScreen) { userName = user; userIP = userip; get = getDel; display = displayDel; history = new StringBuilder(); synchronizationContext = SynchronizationContext.Current; clearScreen = ClearScreen; }
public SpinningGrid() { ClearScreen clear = new ClearScreen(); clear.ClearColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.075f); Effects.Add(clear); Effects.Add(new GridScope()); Effects.Add(new GridMovement()); }
public GlassWall() { ClearScreen clear = new ClearScreen(); clear.ClearColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.075f); this.Effects.Add(clear); this.Effects.Add(new GlassWallScope()); this.Effects.Add(new GlassWallMovement()); }
protected virtual void onClearScreen(VideoEventArgs e) { if (frameBuffer[frameBuffer.Length - 1] == null) { return; } ClearScreen?.Invoke(this, e); for (int i = 0; i < e.frameBuffer.Length; i++) { e.frameBuffer[i]?.Dispose(); } }
protected virtual void onClearScreen(ClearScreenEventArgs e) { if (frameBuffer[0] == null) { return; } ClearScreen?.Invoke(this, e); for (int i = 0; i < frameBuffer.Length; i++) { frameBuffer[i]?.Dispose(); frameBuffer[i] = null; } }
public SimpleScope() { ClearScreen clear = new ClearScreen(); clear.ClearColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.075f); this.Effects.Add(clear); Scope scope = new Scope(); scope.Color = new Color(0.25f, 0.5f, 1, 1); scope.LineWidth = 3; this.Effects.Add(scope); }
void DealDamage() { if (state != State.Invincible) { currentHealth--; explosionBool = true; explosionObj = Instantiate(explosion, new Vector2(player.transform.position.x, player.transform.position.y), Quaternion.identity); diff = startingHealth - currentHealth; changeState("Invincible"); ClearScreen.clear(); } }
public Grid() { ClearScreen clear = new ClearScreen(); clear.ClearColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.075f); this.Effects.Add(clear); Laser laser = new Laser(); laser.Count = 50; laser.StartColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); laser.EndColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5f); laser.MaxSpeed = 2; laser.MinSpeed = 0.5f; laser.Random = false; laser.Width = 0.05f; this.Effects.Add(laser); this.Effects.Add(new GridMovement()); this.Effects.Add(new GridScope()); }
/// <summary> /// This creates the necessary keys for the user to make changes and /// use the sketcher /// </summary> protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData) { string input; input = keyData.ToString(); if (input == "Down") { y += 10; Refresh(); return(true); } if (input == "Up") { y -= 10; Refresh(); return(true); } if (input == "Right") { x += 10; Refresh(); return(true); } if (input == "Left") { x -= 10; Refresh(); return(true); } if (input == "C") { clearing = ClearScreen.CLEAR; Refresh(); return(true); } if (input == "Escape") { Finish confirm = new Finish(); confirm.Show(); } if (input == "B" && size <= 100) { size = size + difference; } if (input == "S" && size >= 20) { size = size - difference; } if (input == "Up" && input == "Right" || input == "E") { y -= 10; x += 10; Refresh(); return(true); } if (input == "Up" && input == "Left" || input == "Q") { y -= 10; x -= 10; Refresh(); return(true); } if (input == "Down" && input == "Right" || input == "X") { y += 10; x += 10; Refresh(); return(true); } if (input == "Down" && input == "Left" || input == "Z") { y += 10; x -= 10; Refresh(); return(true); } if (input == "F2") { this.BackColor = randomColor(); Refresh(); return(true); } Refresh(); return(false); }
private void Start() { usernamescript = GameObject.FindWithTag("Username").GetComponent <UsernameScript>(); clear = GameObject.FindWithTag("BorderRight").GetComponent <ClearScreen>(); }
public void Handle(ClearScreen message) { DataViewParsed = string.Empty; DataViewHex = string.Empty; DataViewRaw = string.Empty; }
public void OnClearScreen() { ClearScreen?.Invoke(); }
public static bool TryCommand(string Data) { string[] FullCommandWithArguments; FullCommandWithArguments = Data.Split(null); switch (FullCommandWithArguments[0]) { case "about": About.Command(); return(true); case "%execution.path%": ExecutionPaths.Command(); return(true); case "copy": FileCopy.Command(FullCommandWithArguments); return(true); case "exit": Exit.Command(FullCommandWithArguments); return(true); case "stacktolog": StackToLog.Command(); return(true); case "vars": Vars.Command(FullCommandWithArguments); return(true); case "clear": ClearScreen.Command(); return(true); case "lastcommand": LastCommand.Command(); return(true); case "cd": Cd.Command(FullCommandWithArguments); return(true); case "collectgarbage": Functions.AppOnlyScope.Disposal.RunCleanup(); return(true); case "ls": Ls.Command(FullCommandWithArguments); return(true); case "ping": Ping.Command(FullCommandWithArguments); return(true); case "ipinfo": IpInfo.Command(FullCommandWithArguments); return(true); case "commands": CommandList.Command(); return(true); case "help": CommandList.Command(); return(true); case "download": Download.Command(FullCommandWithArguments); return(true); case "start": Run.Command(FullCommandWithArguments); return(true); case "run": Run.Command(FullCommandWithArguments); return(true); default: return(false); } }
protected virtual void OnClearScreen(ClearDirection direction) { ClearScreen?.Invoke(direction); }
void Start() { clearScreen = FindObjectOfType <ClearScreen>(); changeScene = false; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { clearingScreen = FindObjectOfType <ClearScreen>(); }