Esempio n. 1
        public WorldController(GameTime time, int width, int height)
            Items         = new List <Item>();
            Effects       = new List <Effect>();
            Miscellaneous = new List <GameObject>();

            GameTime        = time;
            ClearEffectTime = GameTime;
            SetWorldSize(width, height);

            ScheduleQueue = new PriorityQueue <ActionGroup>();

            CraftingMenu = new CraftingMenu();

            Items.Add(new Item(width / 2 - 40, height / 2 - 200, ItemType.Spear, 1));

            Miscellaneous.Add(new Campfire(width / 2 - 200, height / 2 - 300));

            PictureRenderer = new DefaultPictureRenderer();

            EntityController = new EntityController(time.Copy(), width, height);
            // EntityController adds an entity to its list. Add world level event listeners to the new entity.
            EntityController.PlayerDied       += EntityController_PlayerDied;
            EntityController.AddGameObject    += Controller_AddGameObject;
            EntityController.RemoveGameObject -= Controller_RemoveGameObject;
            EntityController.CreateEffect     += EntityController_CreateEffect;
            // Make EntityController spawn new entities to add to the world.
            EntityController.CreateObjects(new OrderedPair <int>(width / 2, height / 2));

            PlantController = new PlantController();
            // Plant Controller adds a plant to its list. Add world level event listeners to the new plant.
            PlantController.AddGameObject    += Controller_AddGameObject;
            PlantController.RemoveGameObject += Controller_AddGameObject;

            PlantController.CreateObjects(new OrderedPair <int>(width / 2, height / 2));
Esempio n. 2
        // Update Cycle.
        // Apply logic updates to everything in the world.
        public void Update(GameTime time, int mouseX, int mouseY)
            GameTime = time;

            List <GameObject> allObjects = EntityController.Entities
                                           .Concat(new GameObject[] { EntityController.House })
                                           .Concat(PlantController.Plants.Select(x => (GameObject)x))
                                           .Concat(Items.Select(x => (GameObject)x))

            if (EntityController.Player.IsAlive)

            ObjectMesh = new ObjectMesh(Utilities.WorldWidth, Utilities.WorldHeight, gridSize, allObjects);

            // Send game time and object grid to entity controller to apply decision making and updates.
            Parallel.Invoke(new Action[] { () =>
                                               EntityController.EntityUpdate(GameTime, ObjectMesh, mouseX, mouseY);
                                           } });

            // --- PickupArea ---

            // Spawn in pickups in random locations.
            if (++pickupSpawnCounter > 1000)
                pickupSpawnCounter = 0;

            // Check collisions on Items. Only people can pick up pickups.
            Stack <Item> clearedItems = new Stack <Item>();

            foreach (Item pi in Items)
                // O(n) action now. People pickup items, which removes some or all of the value of the pickup.
                //  This part checks all pickups and removes those that have no value left.
                if (pi.Amount <= 0)
                    clearedItems.Push(pi); // Stack of pickups to remove.
            // Remove pickups from the list.
            while (clearedItems.Count > 0)
                Item p = clearedItems.Pop();

            // --- ScheduleArea ---

            // Check the schedule to apply actions. These are global events that are tied to the gametime.

            while (ScheduleQueue.Length > 0)
                ActionGroup group = ScheduleQueue.PopMin();

                if (group.time <= time)
                    // Apply scheduled action to entities.
                    if (group.gameObject is Entity en && group.action is EntityAction ea)
                        // Entity actions done just once.
                        en.TrySetAction(ea, true);

                    if (group.gameObject is Plant pl && group.action is PlantAction pa)
                        //Console.WriteLine("Assigning scheduled action to plant using pattern matching");

                    if (group.gameObject is Effect ef && group.action is EffectAction efa)
                        //Console.WriteLine("Assigning scheduled action to effect using pattern matching");
                    ScheduleQueue.Insert(group); // Put action group back into the schedule.

            // Force clear effects that have expired.
            if (GameTime > ClearEffectTime)