protected void btnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Classes.Validation objValidate = new Classes.Validation();
            bool error = false;
            litError.Text = "";

            if (!objValidate.isValidName(txtName.Text.ToString()))
                error = true;
                litError.Text += "Invalid Name<br>";

            if (!objValidate.isValidEmail(txtEmail.Text.ToString()))
                error = true;
                litError.Text += "Invalid Email Address<br>";

            if (!objValidate.isValidPassword(txtPassword.Text.ToString()))
                error = true;
                litError.Text += "Invalid Password<br>";

            if (txtPassword.Text.ToString() != txtRePassword.Text.ToString())
                error = true;
                litError.Text += "Passwords do not match<br>";

            if (error)

            Classes.User objUser = new Classes.User();

            if (objUser.addUser(txtName.Text.ToString(), txtEmail.Text.ToString(), txtPassword.Text.ToString(), null, "Customer"))
                string activationCode = objUser.getActivationCode(txtEmail.Text.ToString());

                string activationLink = "http://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/Account/Activate.aspx?code=" + activationCode + "&email=" + txtEmail.Text.ToString(); ;

                string activationMessage = "Hello " + txtName.Text.ToString() + ",<br><br>";
                activationMessage += "Please activate your account by clicking on the link:<br><br>";
                activationMessage += activationLink;

                Classes.Mail objMail = new Classes.Mail(txtEmail.Text.ToString(), "eShopee Account Activation", activationMessage);

                litError.Text = "You are successfully registered";


                litError.Text = "Your account could not be registered";

Esempio n. 2
        protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string email = txtEmail.Text.ToString();
                string password = txtPassword.Text.ToString();
                bool error = false;
                litError.Text = "";

                Classes.Validation objValidate = new Classes.Validation();

                if (!objValidate.isValidEmail(email))
                    error = true;
                    litError.Text += "Invalid Email Address<br>";

                if (!objValidate.isValidPassword(password))
                    error = true;
                    litError.Text += "Invalid Password<br>";

                if (error)

                Classes.Cryptography crypto = new Classes.Cryptography();

                password = crypto.genPassHash(password);

                Classes.User objUser = new Classes.User();

                if (password == objUser.getPassword(email))
                    Session["username"] = email;
                    Session["loggedIn"] = "true";
                    Session["role"] = objUser.getRole(email);


                    litError.Text = "Invalid Account Login Information Provided";

            catch (Exception ex)
                litError.Text = "Invalid Account Login Information Provided";
        protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Classes.User objUser = new Classes.User();
            Classes.Cryptography objCrypto = new Classes.Cryptography();
            Classes.Validation objValidate = new Classes.Validation();

                string email = Session["username"].ToString();
                string oldPassword = txtOldPassword.Text.ToString();
                string newPassword = txtNewPassword.Text.ToString();
                bool error = false;

                if (objUser.getPassword(email) != objCrypto.genPassHash(oldPassword))
                    error = true;
                    litError.Text += "Incorrect Old Password<br>";

                if (!objValidate.isValidPassword(newPassword))
                    error = true;
                    litError.Text = "Invalid New Password";

                if (newPassword != txtConfNewPassword.Text.ToString())
                    error = true;
                    litError.Text = "Passwords Do Not Match";

                if (error)

                if (objUser.setPassword(email, newPassword))
                    litError.Text = "Password Updated Successfully";

            catch (Exception ex)
                litError.Text = "Password Could Not Be Updated";
