public void GetLinhas() { try { var get = new Class_Get_Dropdown_NPC(); ddlBlocks.DataSource = get.GetLinha(); ddlBlocks.DataTextField = "Linhas"; ddlBlocks.DataValueField = "LinhaId"; ddlBlocks.DataBind(); ListItem item = new ListItem("SELECIONE A LINHA", "VALUES", true); item.Selected = true; ddlBlocks.Items.Add(item); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
public void GetLocation() { try { var get = new Class_Get_Dropdown_NPC(); ddlLocation.DataSource = get.GetLocation(); ddlLocation.DataTextField = "Location"; ddlLocation.DataValueField = "LocationId"; ddlLocation.DataBind(); ListItem item = new ListItem("SELECT O LOCATION", "VALUES", true); item.Selected = true; ddlLocation.Items.Add(item); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
public void GetSintomas() { try { var get = new Class_Get_Dropdown_NPC(); DdlSimtomas.DataSource = get.GetSymtomns(); DdlSimtomas.DataTextField = "CodSintomas"; DdlSimtomas.DataValueField = "SintomasId"; DdlSimtomas.DataBind(); ListItem item = new ListItem("SELECIONE O SINTOMA", "VALUES", true); item.Selected = true; DdlSimtomas.Items.Add(item); } catch (Exception ex) { lblMsgError.Text = "Erro ao listar os sintomas: " + ex.Message; } }
public void GetDefectCause() { try { var get = new Class_Get_Dropdown_NPC(); ddlDefectCause.DataSource = get.GetDefectCause(); ddlDefectCause.DataTextField = "Causa"; ddlDefectCause.DataValueField = "CausaId"; ddlDefectCause.DataBind(); ListItem item = new ListItem("SELECIONE A CAUSA", "VALUES", true); item.Selected = true; ddlDefectCause.Items.Add(item); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
public void GetInspProcess() { try { var get = new Class_Get_Dropdown_NPC(); ddlInpsProcess.DataSource = get.GetInspProcess(); ddlInpsProcess.DataTextField = "InspProcess"; ddlInpsProcess.DataValueField = "ProcessID"; ddlInpsProcess.DataBind(); ListItem item = new ListItem("SELECIONE INSP.PROCESSO", "VALUES", true); item.Selected = true; ddlInpsProcess.Items.Add(item); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
protected void lkbSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string cn = txtCn.Text; string cod = txtCn.Text; PnGlobal = txtCn.Text; //var listar = new GetDataEntradaRepair(); var listar = new Class_Get_Dropdown_NPC(); Model_NPC mod = listar.GetDataToInput(cod, cn); if (mod != null) { txtModels.Text = mod.Model; txtPartNumber.Text = mod.PartNumbe; } else { lblMsgError.Text = "Nenhum item encontrado para este codigo: "; } /*AQUI CHAMO O METODO PARA REGISTRAR OS DADOS QUE VEM DE MAIN LINE NO BANCO SQL LOGO APOS A PESQUISA DOS MESMO*/ InsertInputRepairOfMainlin(); /*FIM */ var RetunCod = new GetDataEntradaRepair(); SeacherRepair modCod = RetunCod.GetCodRegisterNPC(cod, cn); if (modCod != null) { lblCodEntrada.Text = Convert.ToString(modCod.EntradaId); } } catch (Exception ex) { Panel1.Visible = true; lblMsgError.Text = "Error to the search: " + ex.Message; } try { titleLista.Visible = true; string pn = txtCn.Text; var listaGrid = new GetDataEntradaRepair(); GrdLista.DataSource = listaGrid.GetAllDataPerPartnumber(PnGlobal); GrdLista.DataBind(); if (GrdLista.Rows.Count < 1) { Panel1.Visible = true; lblMsgError.Text = "Nenhum item encontrado, pois não há entrada registrada. "; } Entrada mod = listaGrid.CountRegisterEntrada(PnGlobal);//AQUI FAZ CONTAGEM DOS REGISTROS if (mod != null) { lblCount.InnerText = "Total de Reparos: " + mod.Serial; } else { lblCount.InnerText = "Nenhum item encontrado: " + mod.Serial; } } catch (Exception ex) { Panel1.Visible = true; lblMsgError.Text = "Nenhuma entrada encontrada: " + ex.Message; } }