public void When_multiple_asertion_rules_are_added_with_the_fluent_api_they_should_be_executed_from_right_to_left()
            // Arrange
            var subject  = new ClassWithOnlyAProperty();
            var expected = new ClassWithOnlyAProperty();

            // Act
            Action act =
                () =>
                                             opts =>
                                             opts.Using <object>(context => { throw new Exception(); })
                                             .When(s => true)
                                             .Using <object>(context => { })
                                             .When(s => true));

            // Assert
                "a different assertion rule should handle the comparision before the exception throwing assertion rule is hit");
        public void When_multiple_equivalency_steps_are_added_they_should_be_executed_from_right_to_left()
            // Arrange
            var subject  = new ClassWithOnlyAProperty();
            var expected = new ClassWithOnlyAProperty();

            // Act
            Action act =
                () =>
                                             opts =>
                                             opts.Using(new ThrowExceptionEquivalencyStep <NotSupportedException>())
                                             .Using(new ThrowExceptionEquivalencyStep <InvalidOperationException>()));

            // Assert
            act.ShouldThrow <NotSupportedException>();
        public void When_an_equivalency_does_not_handle_the_comparison_later_equivalency_steps_should_stil_be_ran()
            // Arrange
            var subject  = new ClassWithOnlyAProperty();
            var expected = new ClassWithOnlyAProperty();

            // Act
            Action act =
                () =>
                                             opts =>
                                             opts.Using(new NeverHandleEquivalencyStep())
                                             .Using(new ThrowExceptionEquivalencyStep <InvalidOperationException>()));

            // Assert
            act.ShouldThrow <InvalidOperationException>();