private void BuildListTree <T>(params T[] arrayElements) { var instance = new ClassWithMembers <List <T> >(arrayElements.ToList(), arrayElements.ToList()); var treeItem = new ObjectTreeItem(instance); treeItem.CreateTree(); Trace.WriteLine(treeItem.ToFormattedString()); }
public void TreeCanHandleGuid() { var instance = new ClassWithMembers <Guid>(new Guid(), new Guid()); var treeItem = new ObjectTreeItem(instance); treeItem.CreateTree(); Trace.WriteLine(treeItem.ToFormattedString()); }
public void TreeCanHandleIpAddress() { var instance = new ClassWithMembers <IPAddress>(new IPAddress(19216811), new IPAddress(19216811)); var treeItem = new ObjectTreeItem(instance); treeItem.CreateTree(); Trace.WriteLine(treeItem.ToFormattedString()); }
private void TestObjectTreeCreation <T>(T property, T field) { var instance = new ClassWithMembers <T>(field, property); var treeItem = new ObjectTreeItem(instance); treeItem.CreateTree(); Trace.WriteLine(treeItem.ToFormattedString()); }
public void TreeCanHandleEnumberable() { var action = new Func <IEnumerable <string> >(CreateString); var instance = new ClassWithMembers <IEnumerable <string> >(action.Invoke(), new List <string>()); var treeItem = new ObjectTreeItem(instance); treeItem.CreateTree(); Trace.WriteLine(treeItem.ToFormattedString()); }
public void TreeCanHandleDelegates() { Del del = delegate(string name) { Console.WriteLine("Notification received for: {0}", name); }; var instance = new ClassWithMembers <Delegate>(del); var treeItem = new ObjectTreeItem(instance); treeItem.CreateTree(); Trace.WriteLine(treeItem.ToFormattedString()); }
public void TreeCanHandleOwnGenericList() { var instance = new ClassWithMembers <OwnGenericListClass <string> >(new OwnGenericListClass <string>() { "test1", "test2" }, new OwnGenericListClass <string>()); var treeItem = new ObjectTreeItem(instance); treeItem.CreateTree(); Trace.WriteLine(treeItem.ToFormattedString()); }
IRecordObject IRecordTypeHandler.Handle(IAnalyze analyze) { if (analyze.LastRecordType == RecordTypeEnumeration.ClassWithId) { return(null); } var record = new ClassWithMembers(); record.ClassInfo = new ClassInfo(analyze); record.LibraryId = analyze.Reader.ReadInt32(); return(record); }
public void TreeCanHandleFunctions() { var instance1 = new ClassWithMembers <Func <string, int> >(s => 5); var instance2 = new ClassWithMembers <Func <string> >(() => "test", () => "test"); var instance3 = new ClassWithMembers <Func <string> >(() => "test", () => "test"); var treeItem1 = new ObjectTreeItem(instance1); var treeItem2 = new ObjectTreeItem(instance2); var treeItem3 = new ObjectTreeItem(instance3); treeItem1.CreateTree(); treeItem2.CreateTree(); treeItem3.CreateTree(); Trace.WriteLine(treeItem1.ToFormattedString()); Trace.WriteLine(treeItem2.ToFormattedString()); Trace.WriteLine(treeItem3.ToFormattedString()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // naming conventions // // Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); // different types of string concatenation & interpolation string someStringValue = "some value"; string anotherStringValue = "another value"; string differentStringValue = "different value"; string doNotConcatStringLikeThis = "Use this to format " + someStringValue + " with " + anotherStringValue + " and " + differentStringValue; string concatString = string.Concat(someStringValue, anotherStringValue, differentStringValue); string formatString = string.Format("Use this to format {0} with {1} and {2}", someStringValue, anotherStringValue, differentStringValue); string interpolateString = $"Use this to format {someStringValue} with {anotherStringValue} and {differentStringValue}"; Console.WriteLine("-----"); // class members Console.WriteLine(ClassWithMembers.StaticString); ClassWithMembers classWithMembers = new ClassWithMembers(); classWithMembers.ChangeSomeValues(10); classWithMembers.WriteSomething(); Console.WriteLine("-----"); // Inheritance & Basic Polymorphism BaseClass bc = new BaseClass(); DerivedClass dc = new DerivedClass(); BaseClass bcdc = new DerivedClass(); bc.Method1(); bc.Method2(); dc.Method1(); dc.Method2(); // runtime polymorphism // calls method1 of derived class because of virtual/override bcdc.Method1(); // calls method2 of base class, because of new keyword (method hiding) bcdc.Method2(); // calls overloaded method2 of derived class because of casting ((DerivedClass)bcdc).Method2("sdf"); Console.WriteLine("-----"); // Polymorphism with abstract base class AbstractShape abstractLine = new DerivedLine(0, 1, 1, 1); abstractLine.ShowOrigin(); double abstractLinePerimeter = abstractLine.GetPerimeter(); AbstractShape abstractCircle = new DerivedCircle(5, 5, 3); abstractCircle.ShowOrigin(); double abstractCircleArea = abstractCircle.GetArea(); DerivedCompoundShape derivedCompound = new DerivedCompoundShape(7, 7); derivedCompound.Add(abstractLine); derivedCompound.Add(abstractCircle); derivedCompound.Add(new DerivedLine(3, 4, 5, 6)); derivedCompound.ShowOrigin(); derivedCompound.PrintShapeType(); // casting works in IDE, but will throw an error at runtime if "line" is smth else than a Line obje //AbstractShape shape = new DerivedCircle(0, 0, 1); //DerivedLine line3 = (DerivedLine)shape; Console.WriteLine("-----"); // Polymorphism with interfaces IBetterShapeComposition betterLine = new BetterLine(0, 1, 1, 1); betterLine.ShowOrigin(); double betterLinePerimeter = betterLine.GetPerimeter(); IBetterShapeComposition betterCircle = new BetterCircle(5, 5, 3); double betterCircleArea = betterCircle.GetArea(); betterCircle.ShowOrigin(); BetterCompoundShape betterCompound = new BetterCompoundShape(7, 7); betterCompound.Add(betterLine); betterCompound.Add(betterCircle); betterCompound.Add(new BetterLine(3, 4, 5, 6)); betterCompound.ShowOrigin(); betterCompound.PrintShapeType(); Console.WriteLine("-----"); // Very good solution for this usecase - Polymorphism with interfaces and a base class Line line = new Line(0, 1, 1, 1); line.ShowOrigin(); double linePerimeter = line.GetPerimeter(); Circle circle = new Circle(5, 5, 3); double circleArea = betterCircle.GetArea(); betterCircle.ShowOrigin(); CompoundShape compoundShape = new CompoundShape(7, 7); compoundShape.Add(line); compoundShape.Add(circle); compoundShape.Add(new Line(3, 4, 5, 6)); compoundShape.ShowOrigin(); compoundShape.PrintShapeType(); Console.WriteLine("-----"); IShapeStack shapeStack = new ShapeStack(5); shapeStack.Push(line); Console.WriteLine($"Is empty? {shapeStack.IsEmpty()}"); if (!shapeStack.IsEmpty()) { shapeStack.DescribeStack(); } Console.WriteLine("-----"); IShapeComposition poppedShape = shapeStack.Pop(); Console.WriteLine("Following shape was popped from stack:"); poppedShape.PrintShapeType(); Console.WriteLine($"Is stack empty? {shapeStack.IsEmpty()}"); Console.WriteLine("-----"); }