private static void AssignClassSkills(CharacterBase character, ClassType type) { switch (type) { case ClassType.Bard: AssignBardSkills(character); break; case ClassType.Berserker: AssignBerserkerSkills(character); break; case ClassType.Crusader: AssignCrusaderSkills(character); break; case ClassType.Elementalist: AssignElementalistSkills(character); break; case ClassType.Monk: AssignMonkSkills(character); break; case ClassType.Priest: AssignPriestSkills(character); break; case ClassType.Ranger: AssignRangerSkills(character); break; case ClassType.Rogue: AssignRogueSkills(character); break; } }
public static int GetPrice(DateTime classDate, ClassType classType) { int calculatedPrice = int.MaxValue; int basePrice = 0; int salePrice = 0; switch (classType) { case ClassType.PMP: calculatedPrice = basePrice = pmpCost; salePrice = pmpCostSale; break; case ClassType.CAPM: calculatedPrice = basePrice = capmCost; salePrice = capmCostSale; break; case ClassType.SixSigmaGreenBelt: calculatedPrice = basePrice = l6giCost; salePrice = l6giCostSale; break; case ClassType.SixSigmaBlackBelt: calculatedPrice = basePrice = l6biCost; salePrice = l6biCostSale; break; } if (salePrice >= 0) calculatedPrice = salePrice; if (classDate > DateTime.Now.AddDays(earlyBirdDuration)) { calculatedPrice -= earlyBirdDiscountAmount; } if (calculatedPrice < basePrice) return calculatedPrice; else return basePrice; }
// define event: // !StreetChanged(string street, string houseNo) // define command: // ?ChangeStreet(Guid addressId, string street, string houseNo) public void Parse(string line) { switch (line[0]) { case '?': this.ClassType = ClassType.Event; break; case '!': this.ClassType = ClassType.Command; break; case '#': this.ClassType = ClassType.Handler; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("Line start [{0}] is not supported.", line[0])); } line = line.Substring(1); int index = line.IndexOf('('); this.Name = line.Substring(0, index); line = line.Substring(index + 1).Trim(new[] {'(', ')'}); while (line.Length > 0) { index = line.IndexOf(','); if (index < 0) { index = line.Length; } string prop = line.Substring(0, index).Trim(); PropertyToGenerate propertyToGenerate = new PropertyToGenerate(); propertyToGenerate.Parse(prop); this.Properties.Add(propertyToGenerate); if (index + 1 < line.Length) line = line.Substring(index + 1); else break; } }
public CycleYear(int year, CycleCode cycleCode, ClassType classType) : this() { Year = year; CycleCode = cycleCode; ClassType = classType; }
public Class(CompilationUnit cu, ClassType t, Modifier m, IRegion region) { = cu; classType = t; this.region = region; modifiers = (ModifierEnum)m; }
protected ClassSymbol(ClassType type) { ClassType = type; Block = new ProgramContext(); AppendChild(Block); IsInitialize = true; }
public AirlinerClass(ClassType type, int seatingCapacity) { this.Type = type; this.SeatingCapacity = seatingCapacity; this.RegularSeatingCapacity = seatingCapacity; this.Facilities = new Dictionary<AirlinerFacility.FacilityType, AirlinerFacility>(); }
public ClassProxy(IClass c) { this.FullyQualifiedName = c.FullyQualifiedName; this.Documentation = c.Documentation; this.modifiers = c.Modifiers; this.classType = c.ClassType; }
public CharacterClass(ClassType classType, int level, IClassModifier modifier) { ClassType = classType; Level = level; Modifier = modifier; Saves = new ClassSaves(modifier.FortitudeSaveType, modifier.ReflexSaveType, modifier.WillSaveType, Level); Attack = new Attack(_attackBonusses[modifier.AttackBonusType], level); }
public ClassProxy(BinaryReader reader) { FullyQualifiedName = reader.ReadString(); Documentation = reader.ReadString(); offset = reader.ReadUInt32(); modifiers = (ModifierEnum)reader.ReadUInt32(); classType = (ClassType)reader.ReadInt16(); }
public FigureToolboxItemNode(string name, ClassType classType, bool isAbstract, Gdk.Pixbuf icon) : base() { is_abstract = isAbstract; _classType = classType; Name = name; Icon = icon; }
public ClassBlock(string name, ClassType type) { Name = name; Type = type; _fields = new List<Field>(); _methods = new List<Method>(); }
public Book(ClassType _t, int _pages, int _pict, int _tables, int _len) { this.pages = _pages; this.type = _t; = _pict; this.tables = _tables; this.length = _len; //this.signs = new Dictionary<int, int>(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new character and levels it up to the given level /// </summary> public static ICharacter CreateCharacter(Race race, ClassType classType, int level, Dictionary<AbilityType, int> abilityScores) { var character = CreateCharacter(race, classType, abilityScores); character.Experience.AddLevels(level); while (character.Experience.CanLevel) { character.LevelUp(classType); } return character; }
public GameDataObject(string name, string description, ClassType classType) { Name = name; Description = description; ClassType = classType; BaseClasses = new List<string>(); Behaviours = new List<Behaviour>(); Properties = new List<Property>(); InOuts = new List<IO>(); }
public ClassDeclaration(TextPosition tp, string name, ClassType type, TupleLiteral attr, TupleLiteral generic, TupleLiteral inherit, ProgramContext block) : base(tp, name, type, block) { AttributeAccess = attr; DecGenerics = generic; InheritAccess = inherit; AppendChild(AttributeAccess); AppendChild(DecGenerics); AppendChild(InheritAccess); }
protected ClassSymbol(TextPosition tp, string name, ClassType type, ProgramContext block) : base(tp) { Name = name; ClassType = type; Block = block; This = new ThisSymbol(this); Block.Append(This); AppendChild(Block); IsInitialize = true; }
public void ShouldInvokeClassMethodWhenInvokingMethodBaseOfInterface() { var classType = new ClassType (); classType.Called.Should ().BeFalse (); var methodBase = typeof(IInterfaceType).GetMethod("Method"); methodBase.Invoke (classType, new object[0]); classType.Called.Should ().BeTrue (); }
public Character(string name, ClassType classType, int age, int hp, int strength, int agility, int intelligence, int gold) { Name = name; Class = classType; Age = age; MaxHP = hp; HP = hp; Strength = strength; Agility = agility; Intelligence = intelligence; Gold = gold; }
public DefaultCharacter(Race race, ClassType classType, Dictionary<AbilityType, int> abilityScores, IModifierProvider modifierProvider) : this(modifierProvider) { Race = race; InitializeProperties(); _abilities = new CharacterAbilities(abilityScores); var characterClass = ClassProvider.GetNewClass(classType, _modifierProvider); Classes.Add(classType, characterClass); // Once all the properties are set, OnCreation can be called, which will process all modifiers for this character/class/race OnCreation(classType); }
public void EnumFlagTester(ClassType enumFlagArg) { switch (enumFlagArg) { case ClassType.DataStructure: Console.WriteLine("ds"); break; case ClassType.Hybrid: Console.WriteLine("hyb"); break; } }
protected int GradeCount(ClassType ct) { switch (ct) { case ClassType.九年一贯制: return 9; case ClassType.小学: return 6; default: return 3; } }
public AddFigureDialog(string typeName, ClassType type, PointD point, ClassDesigner designer) { this.Build (); this.designer = designer; this.point = point; this.type = type; Title = String.Format ("Add new {0}", typeName); typeLabel.Text = String.Format ("{0} name:", typeName); accessModifier.InsertText (0, "Default"); accessModifier.InsertText (1, "public"); accessModifier.InsertText (2, "internal"); }
public void EnumFlagArgumentFunction(ClassType args) { switch (args) { case ClassType.DataStructure: Console.WriteLine("1"); break; case ClassType.Hybrid: Console.WriteLine("2"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("3"); break; } }
public IEnumerable<ClassEntry> GetClassEntries(string filePath, ClassType classType) { List<string> lines = new List<string>(File.ReadAllLines(filePath)); RemoveUsingAndNamspace(lines); int classIndex = lines.FindLastIndex(x => x.Contains("public class ")); while (classIndex >= 0) { yield return ProcessExampleClass(lines, classIndex, classType); classIndex = lines.FindLastIndex(x => x.Contains("public class ")); } }
public ClassInstance(Class classData, ClassType classType, TimeSpan from, TimeSpan to, string room, WeekDay day, WeekType weekType, Teacher teacher, string uid = "") { this.classData = classData; this.classType = classType; this.from = from; = to; = room; this.weekDay = day; this.weekType = weekType; this.teacher = teacher; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uid)) this.uid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); else this.uid = uid; }
public Class(StatModifier initialModifier, StatModifier levelModifier, ClassType ctype, string description, Uri imageSource, IDictionary<string, Ability> _abilities, Weapon _startingWeapon, Armour _startingHelm, Armour _startingChest, Armour _startingGloves, Armour _startingBoots, Armour _startingLegs) { this.initialModifier = initialModifier; this.levelModifier = levelModifier; _type = ctype; _description = description; this.imageSource = imageSource; abilities = _abilities; startingWeapon = _startingWeapon; startingHelm = _startingHelm; startingChest = _startingChest; startingGloves = _startingGloves; startingBoots = _startingBoots; startingLegs = _startingLegs; }
public void BindClass(ClassType ct) { switch (ct) { case ClassType.LabClass: LabClassBLL lcb = new LabClassBLL(); cmbClass.DataSource = null; cmbClass.DataSource = lcb.GetAllLabClass(); cmbClass.DisplayMember = "LabClassID"; cmbClass.ValueMember = "LabClassID"; break; case ClassType.TheoryClass: TheoryClassBLL tcb = new TheoryClassBLL(); cmbClass.DataSource = null; cmbClass.DataSource = tcb.GetAllTheoryClass(); cmbClass.DisplayMember = "TheoryClassID"; cmbClass.ValueMember = "TheoryClassID"; break; } }
private void AppendEmbededAttribute(List<AttributeSymbol> list, Type type, out ClassType classType) { classType = ClassType.Class; if (type.GetCustomAttribute<GlobalScopeAttribute>() != null) list.Add(Root.GlobalScope); if (type.IsAbstract) list.Add(Root.Abstract); if (type.IsClass) classType = ClassType.Class; if (type.IsInterface) classType = ClassType.Trait; if (type.IsNestedFamily) list.Add(Root.Protected); if (type.IsNestedFamORAssem) list.Add(Root.Protected); if (type.IsNestedPublic) list.Add(Root.Public); if (type.IsPublic) list.Add(Root.Public); if (type.IsSealed) list.Add(Root.Final); if (type.IsValueType) classType = ClassType.Class; if (type.IsGenericParameter) { var gattr = type.GenericParameterAttributes; if (gattr.HasFlag(GenericParameterAttributes.Contravariant)) list.Add(Root.Contravariant); if (gattr.HasFlag(GenericParameterAttributes.Covariant)) list.Add(Root.Covariant); if (gattr.HasFlag(GenericParameterAttributes.DefaultConstructorConstraint)) list.Add(Root.ConstructorConstraint); if (gattr.HasFlag(GenericParameterAttributes.NotNullableValueTypeConstraint)) list.Add(Root.ValueConstraint); if (gattr.HasFlag(GenericParameterAttributes.ReferenceTypeConstraint)) list.Add(Root.ReferenceConstraint); } }
/// <summary> /// Distance Rate base stats for Character by Class & Level /// </summary> /// <param name="class"></param> /// <param name="level"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal int DistanceRate(ClassType @class, byte level) { return(_distRate[(byte)@class, level]); }
internal int ElementRate(ClassType @class, byte level) { return(0); }
internal int HitRate(ClassType @class, byte level) { return(_hitRate[(byte)@class, level]); }
public AbstractClassProxyPropertyGenerator(ClassType type, Property property, ISymbolMap symbols, INamespaceSet namespaces) : base(type, property, symbols, namespaces) { }
public int MaxHit(ClassType @class, byte level) { return(_maxHit[(byte)@class, level]); }
private static void ValidateOperationModifiers(Operation operation) { if (operation.IsStatic) { if (operation.IsVirtual) { throw new BadSyntaxException(string.Format( Strings.ErrorInvalidModifierCombination, "virtual", "static")); } if (operation.IsAbstract) { throw new BadSyntaxException(string.Format( Strings.ErrorInvalidModifierCombination, "abstract", "static")); } if (operation.IsOverride) { throw new BadSyntaxException(string.Format( Strings.ErrorInvalidModifierCombination, "override", "static")); } if (operation.IsSealed) { throw new BadSyntaxException(string.Format( Strings.ErrorInvalidModifierCombination, "sealed", "static")); } } if (operation.IsVirtual) { if (operation.IsAbstract) { throw new BadSyntaxException(string.Format( Strings.ErrorInvalidModifierCombination, "abstract", "virtual")); } if (operation.IsOverride) { throw new BadSyntaxException(string.Format( Strings.ErrorInvalidModifierCombination, "override", "virtual")); } if (operation.IsSealed) { throw new BadSyntaxException(string.Format( Strings.ErrorInvalidModifierCombination, "sealed", "virtual")); } } if (operation.IsHider) { if (operation.IsOverride) { throw new BadSyntaxException(string.Format( Strings.ErrorInvalidModifierCombination, "new", "override")); } if (operation.IsSealed) { throw new BadSyntaxException(string.Format( Strings.ErrorInvalidModifierCombination, "new", "sealed")); } } if (operation.IsSealed) { if (operation.IsAbstract) { throw new BadSyntaxException(string.Format( Strings.ErrorInvalidModifierCombination, "sealed", "abstract")); } if (!operation.IsOverride) { operation.IsOverride = true; } } if (operation.IsAbstract) { ClassType parent = operation.Parent as ClassType; if (parent == null) { throw new BadSyntaxException(Strings.ErrorInvalidModifier); } else { parent.Modifier = ClassModifier.Abstract; } } }
public void VisitClass(ClassType ct) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public int MagicalDefence(ClassType @class, byte level) { return(_magicalDef[(byte)@class, level]); }
public ClassLevel5eWrapper(ClassType classType, int level, List <GenericFeature> features) { this.level = level; this.classType = classType; this.features = features; }
public void TestExecuteQueryProcedure() { string prName = "prGetUsers"; Dictionary <string, Object> inParams = new Dictionary <string, object>(); inParams.Add("UserId", 4); List <User> list = BaseDAL.ExecuteQueryProcedure <User>(prName, inParams, ClassType.GetType("User")); }
public virtual T Visit(ClassType node) { Visit((CompositeType)node); return(traverse(node.self)); }
public Hero(String name, ClassType classType) { = name; this.classType = classType; }
public int MinDistance(ClassType @class, byte level) { return(_minDist[(byte)@class, level]); }
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// <paramref name="classType"/> is null. /// </exception> internal ClassShape(ClassType classType) : base(classType) { _class = classType; }
public int MinHit(ClassType @class, byte level) { return(_minHit[(int)@class, level]); }
public override void Initialize( Type parentClassType, Type declaredPropertyType, Type?runtimePropertyType, ClassType runtimeClassType, MemberInfo?memberInfo, JsonConverter converter, JsonIgnoreCondition?ignoreCondition, JsonSerializerOptions options) { base.Initialize( parentClassType, declaredPropertyType, runtimePropertyType, runtimeClassType, memberInfo, converter, ignoreCondition, options); switch (memberInfo) { case PropertyInfo propertyInfo: { bool useNonPublicAccessors = GetAttribute <JsonIncludeAttribute>(propertyInfo) != null; MethodInfo?getMethod = propertyInfo.GetMethod; if (getMethod != null && (getMethod.IsPublic || useNonPublicAccessors)) { HasGetter = true; Get = options.MemberAccessorStrategy.CreatePropertyGetter <T>(propertyInfo); } MethodInfo?setMethod = propertyInfo.SetMethod; if (setMethod != null && (setMethod.IsPublic || useNonPublicAccessors)) { HasSetter = true; Set = options.MemberAccessorStrategy.CreatePropertySetter <T>(propertyInfo); } break; } case FieldInfo fieldInfo: { Debug.Assert(fieldInfo.IsPublic); HasGetter = true; Get = options.MemberAccessorStrategy.CreateFieldGetter <T>(fieldInfo); if (!fieldInfo.IsInitOnly) { HasSetter = true; Set = options.MemberAccessorStrategy.CreateFieldSetter <T>(fieldInfo); } break; } default: { IsForClassInfo = true; HasGetter = true; HasSetter = true; break; } } GetPolicies(ignoreCondition, defaultValueIsNull: Converter.CanBeNull); }
internal int DarkResistance(ClassType @class, byte level) { return(0); }
public string VisitClass(ClassType ct) { return(DefaultPrefix); }
/// <summary> /// Defence rate base stats for Character by Class & Level /// </summary> /// <param name="class"></param> /// <param name="level"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal int DefenceRate(ClassType @class, byte level) { return(_hitDodge[(byte)@class, level]); }
public override void Initialize( Type parentClassType, Type declaredPropertyType, Type?runtimePropertyType, ClassType runtimeClassType, MemberInfo?memberInfo, JsonConverter converter, JsonIgnoreCondition?ignoreCondition, JsonNumberHandling?parentTypeNumberHandling, JsonSerializerOptions options) { base.Initialize( parentClassType, declaredPropertyType, runtimePropertyType, runtimeClassType, memberInfo, converter, ignoreCondition, parentTypeNumberHandling, options); switch (memberInfo) { case PropertyInfo propertyInfo: { bool useNonPublicAccessors = GetAttribute <JsonIncludeAttribute>(propertyInfo) != null; MethodInfo?getMethod = propertyInfo.GetMethod; if (getMethod != null && (getMethod.IsPublic || useNonPublicAccessors)) { HasGetter = true; Get = options.MemberAccessorStrategy.CreatePropertyGetter <T>(propertyInfo); } MethodInfo?setMethod = propertyInfo.SetMethod; if (setMethod != null && (setMethod.IsPublic || useNonPublicAccessors)) { HasSetter = true; Set = options.MemberAccessorStrategy.CreatePropertySetter <T>(propertyInfo); } break; } case FieldInfo fieldInfo: { Debug.Assert(fieldInfo.IsPublic); HasGetter = true; Get = options.MemberAccessorStrategy.CreateFieldGetter <T>(fieldInfo); if (!fieldInfo.IsInitOnly) { HasSetter = true; Set = options.MemberAccessorStrategy.CreateFieldSetter <T>(fieldInfo); } break; } default: { IsForClassInfo = true; HasGetter = true; HasSetter = true; break; } } _converterIsExternalAndPolymorphic = !converter.IsInternalConverter && DeclaredPropertyType != converter.TypeToConvert; PropertyTypeCanBeNull = DeclaredPropertyType.CanBeNull(); _propertyTypeEqualsTypeToConvert = typeof(T) == DeclaredPropertyType; GetPolicies(ignoreCondition, parentTypeNumberHandling, defaultValueIsNull: PropertyTypeCanBeNull); }
public SpellCard(string name, ClassType cardType, CardRarity rarity, string text, int cost, CardType type) : base(name, cardType, rarity, text, cost, type) { }
internal int HitCriticalRate(ClassType @class, byte level) { return(_criticalHitRate[(byte)@class, level]); }
public bool InsertClass(ClassType newClass) { return(model.InsertTypeEntity(newClass)); }
internal int DistCritical(ClassType @class, byte level) { return(_criticalDist[(byte)@class, level]); }
private void AddClass(ClassType classType) { AddShape(new ClassShape(classType)); }
/// <summary> /// Distance Defence base stats for Character by Class & Level /// </summary> /// <param name="class"></param> /// <param name="level"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal int DistanceDefence(ClassType @class, byte level) { return(_distDef[(byte)@class, level]); }
public IEnumerable <WorkItem> VisitClass(ClassType ct) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void Read(BinaryReader reader) { EntityId = reader.ReadInt32(); PositionX = reader.ReadInt64(); PositionY = reader.ReadInt64(); PositionZ = reader.ReadInt64(); Pitch = reader.ReadSingle(); Roll = reader.ReadSingle(); Yaw = reader.ReadSingle(); Health = reader.ReadSingle(); Experience = reader.ReadInt32(); Level = reader.ReadInt32(); Class = (ClassType)reader.ReadByte(); Specialization = reader.ReadByte(); unknown1 = reader.ReadUInt32(); unknown2 = reader.ReadUInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < EquipmentCount; ++i) { Item item = new Item(); item.Read(reader); Equipment.Add(item); } Name = reader.ReadLongString(); Race = reader.ReadInt32(); Gender = reader.ReadByte(); reader.Skip(3); Face = reader.ReadInt32(); Hair = reader.ReadInt32(); HairColor = Utility.FromAbgr(reader.ReadInt32()); int inventoryCount = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < inventoryCount; ++i) { Inventory inventory = new Inventory(); inventory.Read(reader); Inventories.Add(inventory); } Coins = reader.ReadInt32(); PlatinumCoins = reader.ReadInt32(); int craftingRecipeCount = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < craftingRecipeCount; ++i) { Item item = new Item(); item.Read(reader); CraftingRecipes.Add(item); } int worldCount = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < worldCount; ++i) { World world = new World(); world.Read(reader); Worlds.Add(world); } int lastWorldSeed = reader.ReadInt32(); string lastWorldName = reader.ReadLongString(); LastWorld = Worlds.FirstOrDefault(w => w.Seed == lastWorldSeed && w.Name == lastWorldName) ?? new World { Name = lastWorldName, Seed = lastWorldSeed }; ManaCubes = reader.ReadInt32(); reader.Skip(4); PetMasterSkillLevel = reader.ReadInt32(); PetRidingSkillLevel = reader.ReadInt32(); ClimbingSkillLevel = reader.ReadInt32(); HangGlidingSkillLevel = reader.ReadInt32(); SwimmingSkillLevel = reader.ReadInt32(); SailingSkillLevel = reader.ReadInt32(); TierOneSkillLevel = reader.ReadInt32(); TierTwoSkillLevel = reader.ReadInt32(); TierThreeSkillLevel = reader.ReadInt32(); unknown4 = reader.ReadInt32(); unknown5 = reader.ReadInt32(); }
public override object Exec(ClassType ct, object arg) { this.codeGenerator.ldelemRef(this.indent); return(null); }
protected int GradeCount(ClassType classType) { switch ((int)classType) { case 1: return 9; case 2: return 3; case 3: return 6; case 4: return 3; case 6: return 3; default: return 0; } }
public ClassLevel5e(ClassType t, int level, List <GenericFeature> features = null) : base(features) { classType = t; this.level = level; }