protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
        if (e.CommandName == "Delete")
            int SubCategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);



        if (e.CommandName == "Edit")
            int SubCategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);

            int CompanyId = 0;
            int CategoryId = 0;
            ylib = new ClassP.ylibWebClass(concls.connect());

            CategoryId = Convert.ToInt16(ylib.GiveTableQueryValue("select CategoryId from SubCategory where SubCategoryId=" + SubCategoryId));
            CompanyId = Convert.ToInt16(ylib.GiveTableQueryValue("select CompanyId from Category where CategoryId=" + CategoryId));

            Response.Redirect("SubCategoryAdd.aspx?CompanyId=" + CompanyId + "&CategoryId=" + CategoryId + "&SubCategoryId=" + SubCategoryId);

    private Boolean DoesProductExists(int SectionCode, int ProductId)
        string SearchString = "";
        Boolean Exists = false;
        ylib = new ClassP.ylibWebClass(constr.connect());

        DataTable DT;

        int CompanyId_; int SubCategoryId_; int CategoryId_; int ProductGroupCode_;

        #region SetListVariables

        CompanyId_ = StringOperation.QueryStringInt16Value(Request.QueryString["CompanyId_"]);
        CategoryId_ = StringOperation.QueryStringInt16Value(Request.QueryString["CategoryId_"]);
        SubCategoryId_ = StringOperation.QueryStringInt16Value(Request.QueryString["SubCategoryId_"]);
        ProductGroupCode_ = StringOperation.QueryStringInt16Value(Request.QueryString["ProductGroupCode_"]);


        #region SetSelectionLabel

        if (CompanyId_ != 0 && CategoryId_ != 0 && SubCategoryId_ != 0 && ProductGroupCode_ != 0)
            SearchString = " CompanyId=" + CompanyId_ + " and CategoryId =" + CategoryId_ + " and SubCategoryId=" + SubCategoryId_ + " and ProductGroupCode=" + ProductGroupCode_;
        else if (CompanyId_ != 0 && CategoryId_ != 0 && SubCategoryId_ != 0)
            SearchString = " CompanyId=" + CompanyId_ + " and CategoryId =" + CategoryId_ + " and SubCategoryId=" + SubCategoryId_ + " and ProductGroupCode is null" ;
        else if (CompanyId_ != 0 && CategoryId_ != 0)
            SearchString = " CompanyId=" + CompanyId_ + " and CategoryId =" + CategoryId_ + " and SubCategoryId is null and ProductGroupCode is null";
        else if (CompanyId_ != 0)
            SearchString = " CompanyId=" + CompanyId_ + " and CategoryId is null and SubCategoryId is null and ProductGroupCode is null"; ;


        #region SetProductCount
        if (SearchString != "")
            SearchString = SearchString + " and sectioncode=" + SectionCode + " and ProductId=" + ProductId;
            SearchString = "SELECT ProductId,ProductTitle,ProductGroupDescription,SubCategoryName,CategoryName   FROM [v_ProductMainPageSection] where " + SearchString;

            DT = ylib.GiveDataTable_BySQLStatement(SearchString);

            if (DT.Rows.Count > 0)
                Exists = true;


        return Exists;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (IsPostBack)

        ProductGroupCode = 0;

        if (Request.QueryString["ID"] != null)
            if (Request.QueryString["ID"] == "True")
                lblMsg.Visible = true;
                lblMsg.Text = "Successfully Added";


        if (Request.QueryString["ProductGroupCode"] != null)
            ProductGroupCode = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString["ProductGroupCode"]);

            ylib = new ClassP.ylibWebClass(concls.connect());

            txtProductGroupName.Text = ylib.GiveTableQueryValue("select ProductGroupDescription from ProductGroup where ProductGroupCode=" + ProductGroupCode);

            ddlSubCategory.Enabled = false;
            ddlCategory.Enabled = false;
            ddlCompany.Enabled = false;

            lblFormLabel.Text = "Edit Product Group";
            btnAdd.Text = "Edit";
    private void BindData()
        int SectionCode = 0;
        FillWebControlClass FCC = new FillWebControlClass();

        ylib = new ClassP.ylibWebClass(constr.connect());

        lblGroupLevel.Text = Request.QueryString["lblGroupLevel"];

        int CompanyId ;        int SubCategoryId ;        int CategoryId;        int ProductGroupCode ;

        #region SetListVariables

        SectionCode = StringOperation.QueryStringInt16Value(Request.QueryString["SectionCode"]);
        CompanyId = StringOperation.QueryStringInt16Value(Request.QueryString["CompanyId"]);
        CategoryId = StringOperation.QueryStringInt16Value(Request.QueryString["CategoryId"]);
        SubCategoryId = StringOperation.QueryStringInt16Value(Request.QueryString["SubCategoryId"]);
        ProductGroupCode = StringOperation.QueryStringInt16Value(Request.QueryString["ProductGroupCode"]);

        #region Write Cookies

        if (CompanyId != 0 && CategoryId != 0 && SubCategoryId != 0 && ProductGroupCode != 0)
        else if (CompanyId != 0 && CategoryId != 0 && SubCategoryId != 0)
        else if (CompanyId != 0 && CategoryId != 0)
            Response.Cookies["CategoryId"].Value = CategoryId.ToString();
            Response.Cookies["CategoryId"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
        else if (CompanyId != 0)
            Response.Cookies["CompanyId"].Value = CompanyId.ToString();
            Response.Cookies["CompanyId"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);



        lblSectionName.Text = ylib.giveValue("select SectionName from   MainPageSection where SectionCode=" + SectionCode);

        #region FillDropDownLists

        dtCompany = taCompany.GetData();
        FCC.FillDropDownList(ref ddlCompany, dtCompany, "CompanyName", "CompanyId",true,true,CompanyId.ToString());

        dtCategory = taCategory.SelectCategorybyCompanyId(CompanyId);
        FCC.FillDropDownList(ref ddlCategory, dtCategory, "CategoryName", "CategoryId", true, true, CategoryId.ToString());

        dtSubCategory = taSubCategory.GetDataByCategoryId(CategoryId);
        FCC.FillDropDownList(ref ddlSubCategory, dtSubCategory, "SubCategoryName", "SubCategoryId", true, true, SubCategoryId.ToString());

        dtProductGroup = taProductGroup.GetDataBySubCategoryId(SubCategoryId);
        FCC.FillDropDownList(ref ddlProductGroupCode, dtProductGroup, "ProductGroupDescription", "ProductGroupCode", true, true, ProductGroupCode.ToString());


        if (CompanyId != 0 && CategoryId != 0 && SubCategoryId != 0 && ProductGroupCode!=0)
            dtProduct = taProduct.GetDataByProductGroupCode(ProductGroupCode);
            dtProduct = taProduct.GetDataByProductGroupCode(0);

        if (dtProduct.Rows.Count > 0)
            GridView1.DataSourceID = null;
            GridView1.DataSource = dtProduct;
            GridView1.DataSourceID = null;
            GridView1.DataSource = dtProduct;
            lblMsg.Text = "No record found";
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (IsPostBack)

        SubCategoryId = 0;

        if (Request.QueryString["ID"] != null)
            if (Request.QueryString["ID"] == "True")
                lblMsg.Visible = true;
                lblMsg.Text = "Successfully Added";


        if (Request.QueryString["SubCategoryId"] != null)
            SubCategoryId = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString["SubCategoryId"]);

            ylib = new ClassP.ylibWebClass(concls.connect());

            txtSubCategory.Text = ylib.GiveTableQueryValue("select SubCategoryName from SubCategory where SubCategoryId=" + SubCategoryId);
            ddlCategory.Enabled = false;
            ddlCompany.Enabled = false;
            lblFormLabel.Text = "Edit Sub Category";
            btnAdd.Text = "Edit";