Esempio n. 1
        private void buttonDrugDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //----------------------Delete Drug Form PharmasyTable
            string drugId = textBoxDrugIdDelete.Text;

            if (drugId != "")
                //---------------------------------------Query For found Id Exist in database
                string    query = "Select COUNT (*)  FROM PharmasyTable WHERE Id= '" + drugId + "'";
                DataTable dt    = new DataTable();
                ClassCommon.SqlC_DAOpenFillCose(query, dt);
                string truevalue = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();

                if (truevalue == "1")
                    buttonShowPharmasyList_Click(sender, e);
                    MessageBox.Show("ID " + drugId + " Not Found");
                MessageBox.Show("Please Fill All Field");
Esempio n. 2
        private void buttonUpdateCopies_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //----------------------Update Copies of Drugs
            string givenID     = textBoxDrugIdUpdateCopies.Text;
            string givenCopies = textBoxUpdateCopies.Text;

            if (givenID != "" && givenCopies != "")
                //---------------------------------------Query For found Id Exist in database
                string    query = "Select COUNT (*)  FROM PharmasyTable WHERE Id= '" + givenID + "'";
                DataTable dt    = new DataTable();
                ClassCommon.SqlC_DAOpenFillCose(query, dt);
                string truevalue = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();

                if (truevalue == "1")
                    int    Copies    = Convert.ToInt16(givenCopies);
                    string colmnName = "Copies";
                    ClassUpdate.UpdateAnyForPharmasy(colmnName, givenID, Copies);
                    buttonShowPharmasyList_Click(sender, e);
                    MessageBox.Show("ID " + givenID + " Not Found");
                MessageBox.Show("Please Fill All Field");
Esempio n. 3
        private void Listen()
            while (true)
                    if (listener.IsListening)
                        var context = listener.GetContext();

                        //       Console.WriteLine("context= {0} | {1}", context.Request, context.Request.Headers);

                        Task.Run(() => HandleContextAsync(context));
                catch (ThreadAbortException)
                catch (Exception error)
                    ClassCommon.WriteLine("=>{0} An Error occurred: {1}  Message: {2} {3}",
                                          DateTime.Now, error.StackTrace, error.Message, Environment.NewLine);
Esempio n. 4
        private void buttonDeleteDonorInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //----------------------Delete Donor from Donor Table
            string DonorMobile = textBoxDonorIDtoDelete.Text;

            if (DonorMobile != "")
                //---------------------------------------Query For found Id Exist in database
                string    query = "Select COUNT (*)  FROM DonorTable WHERE Mobile= '" + DonorMobile + "'";
                DataTable dt    = new DataTable();
                ClassCommon.SqlC_DAOpenFillCose(query, dt);
                string truevalue = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();

                if (truevalue == "1")
                    buttonShowDonorList_Click(sender, e);
                    MessageBox.Show("ID " + DonorMobile + " Not Found");
                MessageBox.Show("Please Fill Field");
Esempio n. 5
        private void buttonDrugInsert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //-----------------------Insert New Drugs
            string id          = textBoxDrugIdInsert.Text;
            string name        = textBoxDrugName.Text;
            string givenprice  = textBoxDrugPriceInsert.Text;
            string givencopies = textBoxDrugCopiesInsert.Text;

            if (id != "" && name != "" && givenprice != "" && givencopies != "")
                //---------------------------------------Query For found Id Exist in database
                string    query = "Select COUNT (*)  FROM PharmasyTable WHERE Id= '" + id + "'";
                DataTable dt    = new DataTable();
                ClassCommon.SqlC_DAOpenFillCose(query, dt);
                string truevalue = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                if (truevalue == "0")
                    int Price  = Convert.ToInt16(givenprice);
                    int Copies = Convert.ToInt16(givencopies);
                    ClassInsert.InsertInPharmasyTable(id, name, Price, Copies);
                    buttonShowPharmasyList_Click(sender, e);
                    MessageBox.Show("Given Id already In Database");
                MessageBox.Show("Please Fill All Field");
Esempio n. 6
        private void buttonShowAdminDGV_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //---------------------showing Admin Information in DataGridView
            string    query = "SELECT * FROM AccountTable WHERE Username = '******'";
            DataTable dt    = new DataTable();

            ClassCommon.SqlC_DAOpenFillCose(query, dt);
            dataGridViewAdmin.DataSource = dt;
            buttonShowAdminDGV.Text      = "Refresh";
Esempio n. 7
        private void buttonShowDonorList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //-----------Show Table in DataGridView for Blood Donor
            string    query = "SELECT * FROM DonorTable";
            DataTable dt    = new DataTable();

            ClassCommon.SqlC_DAOpenFillCose(query, dt);
            dataGridViewDonorList.DataSource = dt;
            buttonShowDonorList.Text         = "Refresh";
        private void buttonSellDrug_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string drugSellId = textBoxDrugId.Text;
            string col        = textBoxCollected.Text;
            string ret        = textBoxReturned.Text;

            string    query2 = "Select COUNT (*)  FROM PharmasyTable WHERE Id= '" + drugSellId + "'";
            DataTable dt2    = new DataTable();

            ClassCommon.SqlC_DAOpenFillCose(query2, dt2);
            string truevalue = dt2.Rows[0][0].ToString();

            if (truevalue == "1")
                if (drugSellId != "" && col != "" && ret != "")     //------------- For Exception Handel (Sell Button Click Without Input)
                    string    query = "SELECT Price , Name ,Copies, SoldCopies FROM PharmasyTable WHERE Id= '" + drugSellId + "' ";
                    DataTable dt    = new DataTable();
                    ClassCommon.SqlC_DAOpenFillCose(query, dt);
                    int    orginalPrice = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Rows[0][0].ToString());
                    string drugName     = dt.Rows[0][1].ToString();
                    int    RemainCopies = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Rows[0][2].ToString());
                    int    SoldCopies   = Convert.ToInt16(dt.Rows[0][3].ToString());

                    int collected = Convert.ToInt16(col);
                    int returned  = Convert.ToInt16(ret);

                    if (((collected - returned) == orginalPrice) && RemainCopies > 0)
                        string colmnName = "Copies";
                        ClassUpdate.UpdateAnyForPharmasy(colmnName, drugSellId, RemainCopies - 1);

                        string colmnName2 = "SoldCopies";
                        ClassUpdate.UpdateAnyForPharmasy(colmnName2, drugSellId, SoldCopies + 1);

                        MessageBox.Show("This Producted is sold, Now Print Recipt", "Success");
                        printReceipt(drugSellId, drugName, collected, returned, orginalPrice);
                        MessageBox.Show("Sell Not Possible ", "Price Not Matched", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                    MessageBox.Show("Fill All Box ", "Enter All Textbox", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                MessageBox.Show("This Id Is not Exist In Database");
Esempio n. 9
        public static string firstStepOfVerification(string username, string password)
            string    query = "SELECT COUNT (*) FROM AccountTable WHERE Username = '******' AND Password = '******' ";
            DataTable dt    = new DataTable();

            ClassCommon.SqlC_DAOpenFillCose(query, dt);

            string trueFalseValue = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();

Esempio n. 10
        private void buttonShowSoldList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //-----------Show Table in DataGridView for Sold List

            string    query = "SELECT * FROM PharmasyTable WHERE TodayStatus= 'Sold' ";
            DataTable dt    = new DataTable();

            ClassCommon.SqlC_DAOpenFillCose(query, dt);
            dataGridViewShowSoldList.DataSource = dt;
            buttonShowSoldList.Text             = "Refresh";
        public FormShowDrugList(string query)

            //-----------Show Table in DataGridView for Blood Donor

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            ClassCommon.SqlC_DAOpenFillCose(query, dt);
            dataGridViewShowDrugListnForm.DataSource = dt;
Esempio n. 12
        private void buttonDeleteSoldList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //---------------------------------------------Delete Sold Item
            DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("Are You Sure To Delete Sold Data ", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);

            if (res == DialogResult.Yes)
                string    query = "UPDATE PharmasyTable SET TodayStatus=' ' ,SoldCopies = '0' WHERE TodayStatus = 'Sold' ";
                DataTable dt    = new DataTable();
                ClassCommon.SqlC_DAOpenFillCose(query, dt);
                buttonShowSoldList_Click(sender, e);
Esempio n. 13
        private void buttonAddDonorComment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //--------------------Adding Donor Comment
            string DonorMobile = textBoxDonorIdToAddComment.Text;

            if (DonorMobile != "")
                //---------------------------------------Query For found Id Exist in database
                string    query = "Select COUNT (*)  FROM DonorTable WHERE Mobile= '" + DonorMobile + "'";
                DataTable dt    = new DataTable();
                ClassCommon.SqlC_DAOpenFillCose(query, dt);
                string truevalue = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();

                if (truevalue == "1")
                    if (radioButtonActive.Checked)
                        string comment = "Active " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
                        ClassUpdate.UpdateDonorComment(DonorMobile, comment);
                        buttonShowDonorList_Click(sender, e);
                    else if (radioButtonNoComment.Checked)
                        string comment = "";
                        ClassUpdate.UpdateDonorComment(DonorMobile, comment);
                        buttonShowDonorList_Click(sender, e);
                        MessageBox.Show("Please Check A RadioButton");
                    MessageBox.Show("This Mobile No Foun in Database");
                MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Mobile No");
Esempio n. 14
        private void buttonTotalSoldAmount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //-------------------------------------Get Total Sold Ammount
            string    query = "SELECT SUM(SoldCopies*Price) FROM PharmasyTable WHERE TodayStatus = 'Sold'";
            DataTable dt    = new DataTable();

            ClassCommon.SqlC_DAOpenFillCose(query, dt);
            string getSum = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();

            if (getSum == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Total Sold Amount ::" + 0);
                int amount = Convert.ToInt16(getSum);
                MessageBox.Show("Total Sold Amount ::" + amount);
Esempio n. 15
        private void buttonNewRegistration_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //--------------------------------------------------New Account Registration
            if (radioButtonAdmin.Checked == false && radioButtonEmployee.Checked == false)
                MessageBox.Show("Please Check Admin or Employee", "Check Radio Button", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                //----------------Complete Registration
                string name     = textBoxRegName.Text;
                string username = textBoxRegUN.Text;
                string password = textBoxRegPW.Text;
                string mobile   = textBoxRegMobile.Text;
                string address  = textBoxRegAddress.Text;
                if ((radioButtonAdmin.Checked == true && username.StartsWith("a")) || (radioButtonEmployee.Checked == true && username.StartsWith("e")))
                    string    query = "Select COUNT (*)  FROM AccountTable WHERE Username= '******'";
                    DataTable dt    = new DataTable();
                    ClassCommon.SqlC_DAOpenFillCose(query, dt);
                    string truevalue = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();

                    if (truevalue == "0")
                        ClassInsert.InsertAdminEmployeeRegistration(name, username, password, mobile, address);
                        MessageBox.Show(username + " Username Already Exist");
                    MessageBox.Show("Admin Username must start with (a) and\nEmployee Username must start with (e)", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Esempio n. 16
        private async Task HandleContextAsync(HttpListenerContext listenerContext)
            string rawUrl = listenerContext.Request.RawUrl;
            HttpListenerRequest  request  = listenerContext.Request;
            HttpListenerResponse response = listenerContext.Response;
            int segmentsCount             = request.Url.Segments.Length;

            //   Console.WriteLine("rawUrl: {0} | {1} | {2} | {3}", rawUrl, request.HttpMethod, response, segmentsCount);

            if (request.HttpMethod == "PUT")
                int statusCode;
                if (new Regex(@"/servers/(\S+)/info(/?$)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).IsMatch(rawUrl))
                    string input    = ClassCommon.ShowRequestData(request);
                    string endpoint = request.Url.Segments[segmentsCount - 2].Replace("/", "");
                    statusCode = AccessData.PutServerInfo(endpoint, input);

                    //        Console.WriteLine("input: {0} | endpoint {1} | statusCode {2} ", input, endpoint, statusCode);
                else if (new Regex(@"/servers/(\S+)/matches/", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).IsMatch(rawUrl))
                    string input          = ClassCommon.ShowRequestData(request);
                    string endpoint       = request.Url.Segments[segmentsCount - 3].Replace("/", "");
                    string matchTimestamp = request.Url.Segments[segmentsCount - 1].Replace("/", "").Replace("Z", "").Replace("T", " ");
                    statusCode = AccessData.PutMatchInfo(endpoint, matchTimestamp, input);
                    //            Console.WriteLine("input: {0} | {1} | {2}", input, endpoint, matchTimestamp);
                    statusCode = 400;

                response.StatusCode = statusCode;

                //        Console.WriteLine("report {0} statusCode= {1}", response.OutputStream, response.StatusCode);

                using (var writer = new StreamWriter(response.OutputStream))
            else if (request.HttpMethod == "GET")
                string responseStr = string.Empty;
                if (new Regex(@"/servers/(\S+)/matches/", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).IsMatch(rawUrl))
                    string endpoint       = request.Url.Segments[segmentsCount - 3].Replace("/", "");
                    string matchTimestamp = request.Url.Segments[segmentsCount - 1].Replace("/", "").Replace("Z", "").Replace("T", " ");
                    responseStr = AccessData.GetMatchInfo(endpoint, matchTimestamp);
                else if (new Regex(@"/servers/info(/?$)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).IsMatch(rawUrl))
                    responseStr = AccessData.GetAllServersInfo();
                else if (new Regex(@"/servers/(\S+)/info(/?$)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).IsMatch(rawUrl))
                    string endpoint = request.Url.Segments[segmentsCount - 2].Replace("/", "");
                    responseStr = AccessData.GetServerInfo(endpoint);
                else if (new Regex(@"/servers/(\S+)/stats(/?$)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).IsMatch(rawUrl))
                    string endpoint = request.Url.Segments[segmentsCount - 2].Replace("/", "");
                    responseStr = AccessData.GetServerStats(endpoint);
                else if (new Regex(@"/players/(\S+)/stats(/?$)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).IsMatch(rawUrl))
                    string playerName = request.Url.Segments[segmentsCount - 2].Replace("/", "");
                    responseStr = AccessData.GetPlayerStats(playerName);
                else if (new Regex(@"/reports/recent-matches", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).IsMatch(rawUrl))
                    int    count;
                    string lastSegment    = request.Url.Segments[segmentsCount - 1].Replace("/", "").ToLower();
                    bool   isCorrectCount = ClassCommon.isCorrectCountForReport(lastSegment, "recent-matches", out count);
                    if (isCorrectCount)
                        responseStr = AccessData.RecentMatches(count);
                else if (new Regex(@"/reports/best-players", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).IsMatch(rawUrl))
                    int    count;
                    string lastSegment    = request.Url.Segments[segmentsCount - 1].Replace("/", "").ToLower();
                    bool   isCorrectCount = ClassCommon.isCorrectCountForReport(lastSegment, "best-players", out count);
                    if (isCorrectCount)
                        responseStr = AccessData.BestPlayers(count);
                else if (new Regex(@"/reports/popular-servers", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).IsMatch(rawUrl))
                    int    count;
                    string lastSegment    = request.Url.Segments[segmentsCount - 1].Replace("/", "").ToLower();
                    bool   isCorrectCount = ClassCommon.isCorrectCountForReport(lastSegment, "popular-servers", out count);
                    if (isCorrectCount)
                        responseStr = AccessData.PopularServers(count);
                response.StatusCode = (responseStr == string.Empty) ? (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound : (int)HttpStatusCode.OK;
                using (var writer = new StreamWriter(response.OutputStream))
                    await writer.WriteLineAsync(responseStr);
                response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
                using (var writer = new StreamWriter(listenerContext.Response.OutputStream))
        private void buttonCompleteRegistration_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (checkBoxDonorAgree.Checked)
                //-------------------------------------taking data for Donor Registration
                string name       = textBoxDonorName.Text;
                string mobile     = textBoxDonorMobile.Text;
                int    age        = Convert.ToInt16(numericUpDownDonorAge.Value);
                string sex        = comboBoxDonorSex.Text;
                string address    = textBoxDonorAddress.Text;
                string bloodGroup = "";

                if (radioButtonAp.Checked)
                    bloodGroup = "A+";
                if (radioButtonAm.Checked)
                    bloodGroup = "A-";
                if (radioButtonABp.Checked)
                    bloodGroup = "AB+";
                if (radioButtonABm.Checked)
                    bloodGroup = "AB-";
                if (radioButtonBp.Checked)
                    bloodGroup = "B+";
                if (radioButtonBm.Checked)
                    bloodGroup = "B-";
                if (radioButtonOp.Checked)
                    bloodGroup = "O+";
                if (radioButtonOm.Checked)
                    bloodGroup = "O-";

                if (mobile.Length == 14 && bloodGroup != "")
                    //---------------------------------Check for mobile existance
                    string    query = "Select COUNT (*)  FROM DonorTable WHERE Mobile= '" + mobile + "'";
                    DataTable dt    = new DataTable();
                    ClassCommon.SqlC_DAOpenFillCose(query, dt);
                    string truevalue = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString();

                    if (truevalue == "0")
                        //-----------------------------------All Data Get Successfully,Insert in Database
                        ClassInsert.InsertRegistrationDonorTable(mobile, bloodGroup, name, address, sex, age);
                        MessageBox.Show("This number is Already registered Before");
                    string message = "Mobile Number Must Be valied(14 Number with +880) \nMust Check Your Blood GrouP";
                    MessageBox.Show(message, "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                MessageBox.Show("You Must Need To Agree", "Message");