Esempio n. 1
 public static bool load( ClassBitmap bitmap, String filename )
     using (Texture2D texture = Texture2D.FromStream(
       Plasmacore.device, TitleContainer.OpenStream(filename)))
       init( bitmap, texture );
       return true;
       catch (Exception)
     return false;
Esempio n. 2
        public static void init( ClassBitmap bitmap, ClassString filename )
            String name =;

              if (name.Equals("internal:font_system_17"))
            init( bitmap, embedded_font_system_17 );

              int slash_pos = name.LastIndexOf('/');
              int other_slash_pos = name.LastIndexOf('\\');
              if (slash_pos == -1
            || (other_slash_pos != -1 && other_slash_pos < slash_pos))
            slash_pos = other_slash_pos;
              if (slash_pos != -1)
            name = name.Substring( slash_pos + 1 );

              bool success = true;

              if (name.EndsWith(".png") || name.EndsWith(".jpg") || name.EndsWith(".jpeg"))
            success = load( bitmap, "images/"+name );
            if ( !load( bitmap, "images/" + name + ".png" ) )
              if ( !load( bitmap, "images/" + name + ".jpg" ) )
            success = load( bitmap, "images/" + name + ".jpeg" );

              if ( !success )
            throw new ClassFileNotFoundError(filename);
Esempio n. 3
 public static void init( ClassBitmap bitmap, byte[] bytes )
     using (Texture2D texture = Texture2D.FromStream(
       Plasmacore.device, new MemoryStream(bytes)))
       init( bitmap, texture );
       catch (Exception)
     throw new ClassInvalidOperandError( Bard.str("bytes") );
Esempio n. 4
 public static void init( ClassBitmap bitmap, Texture2D texture )
     int w = texture.Bounds.Width;
       int h = texture.Bounds.Height;
       Color[] colors = new Color[w*h];
       texture.GetData<Color>( colors );
       int[] data = bitmap.property_data;
       int count = colors.Length;
       for (int i=0; i<count; ++i)
     Color color = colors[i];
     data[i] = (color.A<<24) | (color.R<<16) | (color.G<<8) | color.B;
Esempio n. 5
 public static void init( ClassBitmap bitmap, ClassArrayList_of_Byte raw_data )
     init( bitmap, raw_data.property_data );
Esempio n. 6
        public static void copy_pixels_to( ClassBitmap src,
            int src_x, int src_y, int w, int h,
            ClassBitmap dest, int dest_x, int dest_y, bool blend_alpha)
            if (src == null || dest == null)
            throw new ClassNullReferenceError();

              int src_width = src.property_width;
              int dest_width = dest.property_width;

              int[] src_data = src.property_data;
              int[] dest_data = dest.property_data;

              int dest_skip_width = dest_width - w;
              int src_skip_width  = src_width - w;

              int src_i = src_y * src_width + src_x - 1;
              int dest_i = dest_y * dest_width + dest_x - 1;

              if (blend_alpha)
            for (int j=h; j>0; --j)
              for (int i=w; i>0; --i)
            int bottom = dest_data[++dest_i];
            int top    = src_data[++src_i];
            int tr = (top >> 16) & 255;
            int tg = (top >> 8) & 255;
            int tb = (top & 255);
            int r = (bottom >> 16) & 255;
            int g = (bottom >> 8) & 255;
            int b = (bottom & 255);
            int inv_alpha = 255 - ((top >> 24) & 255);

            // we assume that tr, tg, and tb are premultiplied
            tr += ((r * inv_alpha) / 255);
            tg += ((g * inv_alpha) / 255);
            tb += ((b * inv_alpha) / 255);
            dest_data[dest_i] = ((255<<24) | (tr<<16) | (tg<<8) | tb);
              dest_i += dest_skip_width;
              src_i  += src_skip_width;
            for (int j=h; j>0; --j)
              for (int i=w; i>0; --i)
            dest_data[++dest_i] = src_data[++src_i];
              dest_i += dest_skip_width;
              src_i  += src_skip_width;
Esempio n. 7
        public static void set( ClassTexture texture, ClassBitmap bitmap, CompoundVector2 pos )
            int[] data = bitmap.property_data;
              int count = data.Length;

              int w = bitmap.property_width;
              int h = bitmap.property_height;

              Color[] colors = new Color[w*h];
              int src_pos = -1;
              int dest_pos = -1;
              for (int j=h; j>0; --j)
            for (int i=w; i>0; --i)
              // premultiply color components by alpha component
              int c = data[++src_pos];
              int a = (c >> 24) & 255;
              int r = (c >> 16) & 255;
              int g = (c >>  8) & 255;
              int b = c & 255;
              colors[++dest_pos] = new Color( (r*a)/255, (g*a)/255, (b*a)/255, a );

              Texture2D tex = ((NativeTextureData) texture.property_native_data).texture;
              tex.SetData<Color>( 0, new Rectangle((int)pos.property_x,(int)pos.property_y,w,h), colors, 0, w*h );
Esempio n. 8
        public static void init( ClassTexture texture, ClassBitmap bitmap, int pixel_format )
            int[] data = bitmap.property_data;
              int count = data.Length;

              int w = bitmap.property_width;
              int h = bitmap.property_height;
              int wp2 = 1;
              while (wp2 < w) wp2 <<= 1;
              int hp2 = 1;
              while (hp2 < h) hp2 <<= 1;

              int dest_skip = wp2 - w;

              Color[] colors = new Color[wp2*hp2];
              int src_pos = -1;
              int dest_pos = -1;
              for (int j=h; j>0; --j)
            for (int i=w; i>0; --i)
              // premultiply color components by alpha component
              int c = data[++src_pos];
              int a = (c >> 24) & 255;
              int r = (c >> 16) & 255;
              int g = (c >>  8) & 255;
              int b = c & 255;
              colors[++dest_pos] = new Color( (r*a)/255, (g*a)/255, (b*a)/255, a );
            dest_pos += dest_skip;

              Texture2D tex = new Texture2D( Plasmacore.device, wp2, hp2, false, SurfaceFormat.Color );
              tex.SetData<Color>( colors );

              texture.property_native_data = new NativeTextureData(tex);
              texture.property_image_size.property_x = w;
              texture.property_image_size.property_y = h;
              texture.property_texture_size.property_x = wp2;
              texture.property_texture_size.property_y = hp2;