Esempio n. 1
        private static void ClampingTest()
            Console.WriteLine($"Clamping Functions");
            Console.WriteLine($"    x   default    limits    SmoothStep3    SmoothStep5    SmoothStep7    SmterStep");

            for (double x = -5.0; x < 5.0; x += 0.1)
                double clampDefault = Clamping.Clamp(x);
                double clampLimited = Clamping.Clamp(x, -2.0, 1.5);
                double smoothStep   = Clamping.SmoothStep(x); //same as SmoothStep3
                double smoothStep3  = Clamping.SmoothStep3(x, -2.0, 2.0);
                double smoothStep5  = Clamping.SmoothStep5(x, -2.0, 2.0);
                double smoothStep7  = Clamping.SmoothStep7(x, -2.0, 2.0);
                double smootherStep = Clamping.SmootherStep(x, -2.0, 2.0);

                Console.WriteLine($"{x,5:N1} {clampDefault,9:N1} {clampLimited,9:N1} {smoothStep3,14:N3} {smoothStep5,14:N3} {smoothStep7,14:N3} {smootherStep,12:N3}");


            Console.CursorVisible = true;

            for (double x = -0.5; x <= 1.5; x += 0.1)
                double clampDefault = Clamping.Clamp(x);
                double clampLimited = Clamping.Clamp(x, -2.0, 1.5);
                double smoothStep   = Clamping.SmoothStep(x); //same as SmoothStep3
                double smoothStep3  = Clamping.SmoothStep3(x);
                double smoothStep5  = Clamping.SmoothStep5(x);
                double smoothStep7  = Clamping.SmoothStep7(x);
                double smootherStep = Clamping.SmootherStep(x);

                Console.WriteLine($"Clamping.Clamp({x:N1}) = {clampDefault:N3}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Clamping.Clamp({x:N1}, -2.0, 1.5) = {clampLimited:N3}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Clamping.SmoothStep({x:N1}) = {smoothStep:N3}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Clamping.SmoothStep3({x:N1}) = {smoothStep3:N3}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Clamping.SmoothStep5({x:N1}) = {smoothStep5:N3}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Clamping.SmoothStep7({x:N1}) = {smoothStep7:N3}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Clamping.SmootherStep({x:N1}) = {smootherStep:N3}");
Esempio n. 2
        static bool Prefix(cCameraControl __instance, KeyDef ____zoomIn, KeyDef ____zoomOut, MViewAndControl ____options, MouseLook ____mouseLookY)
            /*if (lastTime != Time.timeScale)
             * {
             *  lastTime = Time.timeScale;
             *  AdvLogger.LogInfo("Time.timeScale changed to " + lastTime);
             * }*/
            Transform           cam = __instance.Cam;
            FocusCameraSettings fcs = __instance._externalCameraFocusSettings;

            if (fcs?.PositionOfFocus == null || !fcs.PositionOfFocus.Valid ||
                __instance.CameraState != enumCameraState.detached &&
                __instance.CameraState != enumCameraState.unparented)
            else if (____mouseLookY.axes == enumRotationAxes.MouseXAndY)
                // Check if user is doing top-down strategic map and don't rotate if so.
                Vector3 myPos   = fcs.PositionOfFocus.Position;
                bool    topdown = FleetControlGUI.Instance.MenuActive && ____options.TopDownViewLocked;
                if (!topdown)
                    // TODO: Integrate Ace Combat style camera into new camera mode.

                    /*MainConstruct target = Main.subject != null ? getTarget(Main.subject) : null;
                     * if (target != null && !target.Destroyed)
                     * {
                     *  Vector3 up = Main.subject.SafeUp;
                     *  myPos += up * Main.subject.AllBasics.GetActualHeight();
                     *  Vector3 diff = target.SafePosition - myPos;
                     *  Quaternion look = Quaternion.LookRotation(diff, up);
                     *  // Vector3 ea = look.eulerAngles;
                     *  ____mouseLookY.transform.localEulerAngles = look.eulerAngles; // new Vector3(ea.x, ea.y, 0f);
                     *  ____mouseLookY.rotationX = ____mouseLookY.transform.localEulerAngles.y;
                     *  ____mouseLookY.rotationY = 0f;
                     * }
                     * else
                     * {*/
                    // Record rotational change if any.
                    // Unity euler angles are Z, X, Y.
                    float xChange = 0f;
                    if (Main.rotation != null && Main.rotation.Valid)
                        Quaternion rot = Main.rotation.Rotation;
                        xChange           = rot.eulerAngles.y - Main.lastRotation.eulerAngles.y;
                        Main.lastRotation = rot;
                        Main.rotation = null;
                    // TODO: Smoothing speed setting.
                    xRotVel = Mathf.Lerp(xRotVel, MouseLook_Update_Patch.xIntent, 0.02f);
                    yRotVel = Mathf.Lerp(yRotVel, MouseLook_Update_Patch.yIntent, 0.02f);
                    ____mouseLookY.rotationX  = ____mouseLookY.transform.localEulerAngles.y + xChange + xRotVel;
                    ____mouseLookY.rotationY += yRotVel;
                    // The numbers -89 and 89 are hard-coded/unmodified values from vanilla.
                    ____mouseLookY.rotationY = Mathf.Clamp(____mouseLookY.rotationY, -89f, 89f);
                    ____mouseLookY.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(-____mouseLookY.rotationY, ____mouseLookY.rotationX, 0f);
                    // Since DoingStrategicFocus inhibits zoom in/out, switch to another method.
                    fcs.DistanceMethod = fcs.DistanceMethod == DistanceChangeMethod.DoingStrategicFocus ?
                                         DistanceChangeMethod.MaintainCurrentFocusDistance : fcs.DistanceMethod;
                else // Disallow focus camera zoom when in strategic view.
                    fcs.DistanceMethod = DistanceChangeMethod.DoingStrategicFocus;
                // Done with mouse input for this frame, so remove it.
                MouseLook_Update_Patch.xIntent = MouseLook_Update_Patch.yIntent = 0f;

                // Copied from vanilla function.
                Vector3 focus   = myPos;
                Vector3 forward = cam.forward;
                Vector3 b       = focus - forward * fcs.Distance;

                // Don't move the camera's altitude if strategic view is already setting it.
                if (topdown)
                    b.y = cam.position.y;
                    // TODO: Clamp altitude of b based on terrain.

                __instance.Cam.position = b; // Removed lerp.
                // Again copied from vanilla function.
                float axis = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel");
                if (____zoomIn.IsKey(KeyInputEventType.Held, ModifierAllows.AllowShift) ||
                    axis > 0f)
                    // TODO: Possibly check keybinding instead?
                    int num = OptionsListener.ShiftHeld ? 4 : 1;
                    ____options.FocusCameraDistance -= 0.1f * (float)num;
                    ____options.FocusCameraDistance *= 1f - 0.02f * (float)num;
                    ____options.FocusCameraDistance  = Clamping.Clamp(____options.FocusCameraDistance, 1f, 1000f);
                else if (____zoomOut.IsKey(KeyInputEventType.Held, ModifierAllows.AllowShift) ||
                         axis < 0f)
                    int num = OptionsListener.ShiftHeld ? 4 : 1;
                    ____options.FocusCameraDistance += 0.1f * (float)num;
                    ____options.FocusCameraDistance *= 1f + 0.02f * (float)num;
                    ____options.FocusCameraDistance  = Clamping.Clamp(____options.FocusCameraDistance, 1f, 1000f);