// Main constructor that initializes everything except window public Algorithm(CitiesLocations _citiesLocations, CitiesConnections _citiesConnectios, City _startCity, City _finalCity, Alg_Speed _algSpeed, Heuristic _algHeuristic, ref GraphLayoutCity _graphLayout, ref TextBox _textBoxLog, ResourceDictionary _resourceDictionary, GraphManager _graphManager) { citiesLocations = _citiesLocations; citiesConnecitons = _citiesConnectios; StartCity = _startCity; FinalCity = _finalCity; AlgSpeed = _algSpeed; AlgHeuristic = _algHeuristic; graphLayout = _graphLayout; textBoxLog = _textBoxLog; resourceDictionary = _resourceDictionary; IsRunning = false; Window = null; CanContinue = false; graphManager = _graphManager; }
public void CalculateDistance_with_a_valid_route_should_return_the_distance() { RoutesCalculator routesCalculator = new RoutesCalculator(); City A = new City('A'); City B = new City('B'); City C = new City('C'); City D = new City('D'); City E = new City('E'); A.Connections.Add(B, 5); B.Connections.Add(C, 4); C.Connections.Add(D, 8); D.Connections.Add(C, 8); D.Connections.Add(E, 6); A.Connections.Add(D, 5); C.Connections.Add(E, 2); E.Connections.Add(B, 3); A.Connections.Add(E, 7); Assert.IsTrue(9 == routesCalculator.CalculateDistance(A, B, C)); Assert.IsTrue(5 == routesCalculator.CalculateDistance(A, D)); Assert.IsTrue(13 == routesCalculator.CalculateDistance(A, D, C)); Assert.IsTrue(22 == routesCalculator.CalculateDistance(A, E, B, C, D)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.IsSecureConnection) { string serverName = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"]); string filePath = Request.FilePath; Response.Redirect("http://" + serverName + filePath); } if (!TerritorySite.BL.Linq.Territory.IsCurrentTerritoryAssigned()) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { DoDataBind(); City thisCity = new City(CurrentUser.CurrentAccount.CityId); this.address.Value = thisCity.Description + ", " + thisCity.StateProvince.Description; LiteralHiddenId.Text = HiddenFieldMemory.ClientID; LiteralHiddenCenterId.Text = HiddenFieldCenterMemory.ClientID; this.ButtonDone.Attributes.Add("onmousedown", "javascript:savePoints();"); } this.LiteralKey.Text = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GMAPKEY"]; this.Form.Attributes.Add("onload", "LoadMap()"); ShowScript = true; } else { LabelMessage.Text = "You cannot modify the map while the territory is assigned"; tableContent.Visible = false; ShowScript = false; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DBConnection bindComboBox = new DBConnection(); City cities = new City(); DataTable DT = new DataTable(); DT = bindComboBox.BindDropdown(cities.SearchCities(), "City_Name", "City_Number"); CityDDL.DataSource = DT; CityDDL.DataValueField = "City_Number"; CityDDL.DataTextField = "City_Name"; CityDDL.DataBind(); GenderDDL.Items.Add("Male"); GenderDDL.Items.Add("Female"); //EmployeeType EmployeeType empType = new EmployeeType(); DT = bindComboBox.BindDropdown(empType.SearchEmployeeTypes(), "Employee_Type_Name", "Employee_Type_Number"); EmployeeTypeDDL.DataSource = DT; EmployeeTypeDDL.DataValueField = "Employee_Type_Name"; EmployeeTypeDDL.DataTextField = "Employee_Type_Number"; EmployeeTypeDDL.DataBind(); }
partial void Cities_Inserting(City entity) { entity.InsertDate = DateTime.Now; entity.InsertUser = Application.User.Name; entity.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; entity.UpdateUser = Application.User.Name; }
public IList<City> Load() { using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection("server = localhost; user id = root; password = ; database = test")) { conn.Open(); var cmd = conn.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "set character set 'utf8'"; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); var cmdText = @"select * from dol_city"; cmd = conn.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = cmdText; var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); var cityList = new List<City>(); while (reader.Read()) { var city = new City() { ID = reader.GetInt32("id"), Name = reader.GetString("city_name"), X = reader.GetFloat("x"), Y = reader.GetFloat("y") }; cityList.Add(city); } reader.Close(); return cityList; } }
public void WriteToFile(String fileName, City from, City to, List<Link> links) { var excel = new Excel.Application(); excel.DisplayAlerts = false; excel.Workbooks.Add(); excel.Range["A1", "D1"].Borders.LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; excel.Range["A1", "D1"].Font.Size = 14; excel.Range["A1", "D1"].Font.Bold = true; excel.Range["A1"].Value = "From"; excel.Range["B1"].Value = "To"; excel.Range["C1"].Value = "Distance"; excel.Range["D1"].Value = "Transport Mode"; int row = 2; foreach (var l in links) { excel.Range["A" + row.ToString()].Value = l.FromCity.Name; excel.Range["B" + row.ToString()].Value = l.ToCity.Name; excel.Range["C" + row.ToString()].Value = l.Distance; excel.Range["D" + row.ToString()].Value = l.TransportMode.ToString(); row++; } excel.Columns.AutoFit(); Excel._Workbook doc = excel.ActiveWorkbook; doc.SaveAs(fileName); doc.Close(); }
IEnumerable<City> GetCitiesFromPageHtml(String html) { var startRegionMarker = "<select id=\"filterAddressTown\""; var endRegionMarker = "</select>"; var startIndex = html.IndexOf(startRegionMarker); var endIndex = html.IndexOf(endRegionMarker, startIndex) + endRegionMarker.Length; var citiesXml = html.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex); var cities = new List<City>(); var parsed = XDocument.Parse(citiesXml); foreach (var elem in parsed.Elements().First().Elements()) { var city = new City() { Id = elem.Attribute("value").Value.Trim(), Name = elem.Value.Trim() }; if (city.Id == "0") continue; cities.Add(city); } return cities; }
public Car(int xPos, int yPos, City city, Passenger passenger) { XPos = xPos; YPos = yPos; City = city; Passenger = passenger; }
public void WriteToFile(String fileName, City from, City to, List<Link> links) { var workbook = _excelApp.Workbooks.Add(); var worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[1]; worksheet.Cells[1, 1] = "From"; worksheet.Cells[1, 2] = "To"; worksheet.Cells[1, 3] = "Distance"; worksheet.Cells[1, 4] = "Transport Mode"; Range range; range = worksheet.get_Range("A1", "D1"); range.Font.Size = 14; range.Font.Bold = true; range.BorderAround2(XlLineStyle.xlContinuous, XlBorderWeight.xlThin); int row = 2; foreach (var l in links) { worksheet.Cells[row, 1] = l.FromCity.Name; worksheet.Cells[row, 2] = l.ToCity.Name; worksheet.Cells[row, 3] = l.Distance; worksheet.Cells[row, 4] = l.TransportMode; ++row; } workbook.SaveAs(fileName, XlFileFormat.xlOpenXMLWorkbook); workbook.Close(); return ; }
public int Insert(City city) { hotelContext.Cities.Add(city); Save(); return city.ID; }
public void WriteToFile(String fileName, City from, City to, List<Link> links) { Application app = new Application(); Workbook wb = app.Workbooks.Add(); Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets.Add(); ws.Range["A1"].Value = "From"; ws.Range["B1"].Value = "To"; ws.Range["C1"].Value = "Distance"; ws.Range["D1"].Value = "Transport Mode"; Range formatRange; formatRange = ws.Range["A1", "D1"]; formatRange.EntireRow.Font.Bold = true; formatRange.EntireRow.Font.Size = 14; formatRange.BorderAround2(XlLineStyle.xlContinuous, XlBorderWeight.xlThin); int row = 2; links.ForEach( l => { int localRow = row; ws.Range["A" + localRow].Value = l.FromCity.Name; ws.Range["B" + localRow].Value = l.ToCity.Name; ws.Range["C" + localRow].Value = l.Distance; ws.Range["D" + localRow].Value = l.TransportMode; }); wb.SaveAs(fileName, XlFileFormat.xlOpenXMLWorkbook); wb.Close(); }
public bool CreateCity(string name) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)){ if (name.Length > 50) { return false; } City city = this.CityRepository.Get(s => s.Name == name).FirstOrDefault(); if (city == null) { City newCity = new City(); newCity.Name = name; newCity.IsDeleted = false; this.CityRepository.Insert(newCity); this.Save(); return true; } else if (city.IsDeleted == true) { city.IsDeleted = false; this.CityRepository.Update(city); this.Save(); return true; } else { return false; } } return false; }
public override void Execute(params string[] commandParams) { string name = commandParams[0]; string houseName = commandParams[1]; int defense = int.Parse(commandParams[2]); decimal upgradeCost = decimal.Parse(commandParams[3]); double initialFoodStorage = double.Parse(commandParams[4]); double foodProduction = double.Parse(commandParams[5]); decimal taxBase = decimal.Parse(commandParams[6]); string cityType = commandParams[7]; var controllingHouse = this.Engine.Continent.GetHouseByName(houseName); if (controllingHouse == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("controllingHouse"); } ICity city; if (cityType == "default") { city = new City(name, controllingHouse, defense, upgradeCost, initialFoodStorage, foodProduction, taxBase); } else { var type = (CityType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CityType), cityType); city = new City(name, controllingHouse, defense, upgradeCost, initialFoodStorage, foodProduction, taxBase, type); } this.Engine.Continent.AddCity(city); this.Engine.Continent.CityNeighborsAndDistances.Add(city, new Dictionary<ICity, double>()); controllingHouse.AddCityToHouse(city); this.Engine.Render("Successfully created city {0}", city.Name); }
protected void uploadMiasta_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(fileMiasta.HasFile) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(fileMiasta.FileBytes); XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); int i = 0; Repository<City, Guid> cityrep = new Repository<City, Guid>(); using (XmlReader r = XmlReader.Create(stream, settings)) { XPathDocument xpathDoc = new XPathDocument(r); XPathNavigator xpathNav = xpathDoc.CreateNavigator(); string xpathQuery = "/teryt/catalog/row/col[attribute::name='NAZWA']"; XPathExpression xpathExpr = xpathNav.Compile(xpathQuery); XPathNodeIterator xpathIter = xpathNav.Select(xpathExpr); while (xpathIter.MoveNext()) { City city = new City(); city.Name = xpathIter.Current.Value; cityrep.SaveOrUpdate(city); if (i % 500 == 0) HBManager.Instance.GetSession().Flush(); i++; //AddressManager.InsertCity(new City { Name = xpathIter.Current.Value }); } } HBManager.Instance.GetSession().Flush(); } }
public static City GetCityByID(int id) { City city = new City(); SqlCityProvider sqlCityProvider = new SqlCityProvider(); city = sqlCityProvider.GetCityByID(id); return city; }
/// <summary> /// 添加数据 /// </summary> public void AddData() { var city = new City(); object obj = CityCollection.Instance.Add(city); // obj就是数据库返回自动增长列 }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool canContinue = false; try { double.Parse(TextBoxHeight.Text); double.Parse(TextBoxWidth.Text); LabelSizeError.Visible = false; canContinue = true; } catch { LabelSizeError.Visible = true; } if (canContinue) { if (int.Parse(DropDownListLanguages.SelectedValue) > 509) { Account newAccount = CurrentUser.CurrentAccount; bool isEditing = !newAccount.IsNew; newAccount.Description = TextBoxDescription.Text; newAccount.CountryId = int.Parse(DropDownCountry.SelectedValue); newAccount.LanguageId = int.Parse(DropDownListLanguages.SelectedValue); newAccount.CityId = int.Parse(DropDownListCityList.SelectedValue); newAccount.TrackNames = CheckBoxNames.Checked; newAccount.TrackPhoneNumbers = CheckBoxPhoneNumbers.Checked; newAccount.PrintHeight = double.Parse(TextBoxHeight.Text); newAccount.PrintUnit = DropDownListUnit.SelectedValue; newAccount.PrintWidth = double.Parse(TextBoxWidth.Text); newAccount.IsForeignLanguage = CheckBoxIsForeignLanguage.Checked; newAccount.Save(); CurrentUser.SetAccountCookie(newAccount); if (!isEditing) { if (AccountUserMap.GetForCurrentUser() == null) { AccountUserMap newMap = new AccountUserMap(); newMap.AccountId = newAccount.AccountId; newMap.UserId = CurrentUser.UserName; newMap.Save(); } Language defaultLanguage = new Language(509); defaultLanguage.AddLanguageToCurrentAccount(); defaultLanguage = new Language(int.Parse(DropDownListLanguages.SelectedValue)); defaultLanguage.AddLanguageToCurrentAccount(); City selectedCity = new City(int.Parse(this.DropDownListCityList.SelectedValue)); selectedCity.AssociateWithCurrentAccount(); } LabelMessage.Text = "Saved."; Saved(); CurrentUser.Refresh(); } else { LabelMessage.Text = "Please select a valid language"; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if (Request.QueryString["Action"] == "delete") { string x = Request.QueryString["x"].ToString(); string y = Request.QueryString["y"].ToString(); var db = new TerritorySite.BL.Linq.TerritoryDBDataContext(); var addressToDelete = (from deleteAddress in db.Addresses where deleteAddress.TerritoryId == TerritoryId & deleteAddress.Long.Contains(x) & deleteAddress.Lat.Contains(y) select deleteAddress).FirstOrDefault(); if (addressToDelete != null) { Address.Delete(addressToDelete.AddressId); } } DoDataBind(); City thisCity = new City(CurrentUser.CurrentAccount.CityId); } this.LiteralKey.Text = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GMAPKEY"]; }
public GuardCaptain(City city) : base(AIType.AI_Vendor, FightMode.None, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4) { City = city; Female = Utility.RandomDouble() > 0.75; Blessed = true; Name = Female ? NameList.RandomName("female") : NameList.RandomName("male"); Title = "the guard captain"; Body = Female ? 0x191 : 0x190; HairItemID = Race.RandomHair(Female); FacialHairItemID = Race.RandomFacialHair(Female); HairHue = Race.RandomHairHue(); Hue = Race.RandomSkinHue(); SetStr(150); SetInt(50); SetDex(150); SetWearable(new ShortPants(1508)); if (Female) SetWearable(new FemaleStuddedChest()); else SetWearable(new PlateChest()); SetWearable(new BodySash(1326)); SetWearable(new Halberd()); CantWalk = true; }
static void Main(string[] args) { TestMap tm = new TestMap(); City city1 = new City(2, 2, tm); Console.WriteLine(city1); city1.CollectResources(); city1.CollectResources(); Console.WriteLine(city1); City city2 = new City(3, 2, tm); //Console.WriteLine(city2); //city2.CollectResources(); //City2.CollectResources(); //Console.WriteLine(city2); Corner c = new Corner(2, 2, tm); foreach (Tile t in c.GetAdjacentTiles(2)) Console.WriteLine(t); //var unit = new TestUnit(0, 0, tm); //foreach (Tile t in unit.AvailableTiles()) // Console.WriteLine(t); //Console.WriteLine(unit); //Console.WriteLine(unit.MoveTo(new Tile(1, 2, tm))); //Console.WriteLine(unit); Console.Read(); }
public static void MakeNodeList(Node root,int DummyCount) { AllNodesButRoot.Clear(); foreach (City c in cities) { if (c != null && c.id != 0 && c.id != root.id&& c.isLarge==true ) { AllNodesButRoot.Add(c); } } foreach (Resort r in resorts) { if (r != null) { AllNodesButRoot.Add(r); } } for(int i = 1; i <= DummyCount; i++) { City dummy = new City(); // dummy.id = AllNodesButRoot.Count + 1+i; dummy.id = root.id ; dummy.name = root.name; dummy.isDummy = true; AllNodesButRoot.Add(dummy); } return; }
private static int GetMinDistance(Map map, City currentCity, Stack<City> visited) { int? minDistance = null; var currentDistance = 0; if (currentCity != null && visited.Any()) { currentDistance = visited.Peek().Roads.Single(x => x.City.Name == currentCity.Name).Distance; } var unvisited = map.Cities.Except(visited).Where(x => !Equals(x, currentCity)); if (currentCity != null) { visited.Push(currentCity); unvisited = unvisited.Intersect(currentCity.Roads.Select(x => x.City)); } foreach (var city in unvisited) { int distance = GetMinDistance(map, city, visited); if (minDistance == null || distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; } } if (currentCity != null) { visited.Pop(); } currentDistance += minDistance ?? 0; return currentDistance; }
public string WriteToFile(String fileName, City from, City to, List<Link> links) { object misValue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; Application excelApplication = new Application(); Workbook excelWorkBook = excelApplication.Workbooks.Add(misValue); Worksheet excelWorkSheet = excelWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1); excelWorkSheet.Cells[1, 1] = "From"; excelWorkSheet.Cells[1, 2] = "To"; excelWorkSheet.Cells[1, 3] = "Distance"; excelWorkSheet.Cells[1, 4] = "Transport Mode"; Range _range; _range = excelWorkSheet.get_Range("A1", "D1"); _range.Font.Size = 14; _range.Font.Bold = true; Borders borders = _range.Borders; borders.LineStyle = XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; borders.Weight = 2d; int j = 2; foreach (var l in links) { excelWorkSheet.Cells[j, 1] = l.FromCity.Name + " (" + l.FromCity.Country + ")"; excelWorkSheet.Cells[j, 2] = l.ToCity.Name + " (" + l.ToCity.Country + ")"; excelWorkSheet.Cells[j, 3] = l.Distance; excelWorkSheet.Cells[j, 4] = l.TransportMode.ToString(); ++j; } excelWorkBook.SaveAs(fileName); excelWorkBook.Close(); return "Ok"; }
public void Initialize() { inventory = new Inventory(); city = new City("Madrid", 800); city.Prices.Add("Vieiras", 500); city.Prices.Add("Centollos", 450); }
public CityApi(City c) { if (c != null) { Id = c.Id; Name = c.Name; } }
private static City getCity() { City cityForMock = new City(10000, "Zagreb"); Mock<ICitiesRepository> citiesRepositoryMock = new Mock<ICitiesRepository>(); citiesRepositoryMock.Setup(x => x.GetCityByPostalCode(10000)).Returns(cityForMock); return citiesRepositoryMock.Object.GetCityByPostalCode(10000); }
internal void Load(City city) { idBox.Value = (decimal)city.Id; nameBox.Text = city.Name; ccBox.Text = city.CountryCode; isEnabledBox.Checked = city.Enabled; displayOrderBox.Value = city.__isset.displayOrder ? (decimal)city.DisplayOrder : 0M; }
internal static City createCityFromDALCity(CarpoolingDAL.City city) { City nc = new City(); nc.Id = city.idCity; nc.Name = city.name; nc.PostalNumer = city.postalNumber; return nc; }
void OnDestroy() { instance = null; }
public void GetName(string name) { City c = City.GetMyCity(); City.name = name; }
public void Update(City pt) { pt.ObjectState = ObjectState.Modified; _unitOfWork.Repository <City>().Update(pt); }
public City GetCityById(int cityId) { City city = _context.Cities.Include(c => c.Photos).FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == cityId); return(city); }
public City Add(City model) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext executionContext) { //Create the tracing service ITracingService tracingService = executionContext.GetExtension <ITracingService>(); //Create the context IWorkflowContext context = executionContext.GetExtension <IWorkflowContext>(); IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = executionContext.GetExtension <IOrganizationServiceFactory>(); IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId); tracingService.Trace("Loaded UpsertSupplierWorkflow"); tracingService.Trace("CREATING Contact object with the input values"); tracingService.Trace("Checkpoint 1"); Contact contact = new Contact(); int partyid = PartyID.Get <int>(executionContext); tracingService.Trace("Starting assigning attribute variables."); contact.First_Name = FirstName.Get <string>(executionContext).ToString(); tracingService.Trace("First Name Populated"); tracingService.Trace(string.Format("Setting party id = {0}", partyid)); contact.Party_Id = partyid; tracingService.Trace("Party ID populated"); contact.Last_Name = LastName.Get <string>(executionContext).ToString(); tracingService.Trace("Last Name Populated"); contact.Payment_Method = PaymentMethod.Get <string>(executionContext).ToString(); tracingService.Trace("Payment Method Populated"); contact.SIN = SIN.Get <string>(executionContext).ToString(); tracingService.Trace("SIN Populated"); contact.Address1 = Address1.Get <string>(executionContext).ToString(); tracingService.Trace("Address1 Populated"); contact.Country_Code = Country.Get <string>(executionContext).ToString(); tracingService.Trace("Country Populated"); contact.City = City.Get <string>(executionContext).ToString(); tracingService.Trace("City Populated"); contact.Province_Code = Province.Get <string>(executionContext).ToString(); tracingService.Trace("Province Populated"); contact.Postal_Code = PostalCode.Get <string>(executionContext).ToString(); tracingService.Trace("Postal Code Populated"); tracingService.Trace("Checkpoint 2"); EntityReference contactRef = ContactReference.Get <EntityReference>(executionContext); contact.ID = contactRef.Id; tracingService.Trace("Fetching the Configs"); ////Get the configuration record for Oracle_T4A group from the configs entity and get the connection value from the record. var configs = Helper.GetSystemConfigurations(service, ConfigEntity.Group.ORACLE_T4A, string.Empty); tracingService.Trace("Fetching Connection"); string connection = Helper.GetConfigKeyValue(configs, ConfigEntity.Key.CONNECTION, ConfigEntity.Group.ORACLE_T4A); try { tracingService.Trace("Fetching Oracle Response by making call to Helper.UpsertSupplierInOracle()"); OracleResponse response = Helper.UpsertSupplierInOracle(contact, connection, tracingService); if (response.TransactionCode == OracleResponse.T4A_STATUS.OK) { tracingService.Trace("Inside OracleResponse.T4A_STATUS.OK \nRetriving and setting response values to output"); PartyID.Set(executionContext, response.PartyId); tracingService.Trace("Party ID Output Param is set"); } tracingService.Trace("Setting up transaction code and transaction message"); TransactionCode.Set(executionContext, response.TransactionCode.Trim()); TransactionMessage.Set(executionContext, response.TransactionMessage); } catch (InvalidWorkflowException ex) { Helper.LogIntegrationError(service, ErrorType.CONTACT_ERROR, IntegrationErrorCodes.UPSERT_SUPPLIER.GetIntValue(), Strings.T4A_FER_ERROR, string.Format("Error Description: {0} ", ex.Message), contactRef); } catch (Exception ex) { Helper.LogIntegrationError(service, ErrorType.CONTACT_ERROR, IntegrationErrorCodes.UPSERT_SUPPLIER.GetIntValue(), Strings.T4A_FER_ERROR, string.Format("Error Description: {0} ", ex.Message), contactRef); } }
public ActionResult Add([FromBody] City city) { _appRepository.Add(city); _appRepository.SaveAll(); return(Ok(city)); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return(PostalCode.GetHashCodeIgnoreCase() ^ Address1.GetHashCodeIgnoreCase() ^ City.GetHashCodeIgnoreCase()); }
public static void Main() { int option; List <City> cities = new List <City>(); do { Console.WriteLine("Menu"); Console.WriteLine("1. Add a city"); Console.WriteLine("2. View all cities"); Console.WriteLine("3. Edit a city"); Console.WriteLine("4. Search"); Console.WriteLine("5. Delete"); Console.WriteLine("6. Insert in position"); Console.WriteLine("0. Exit"); Console.Write("Enter option: "); option = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); switch (option) { case 0: break; case 1: // Add a new city City newCity; Console.Write("Enter name of city: "); newCity.name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter population of city: "); newCity.population = Convert.ToInt32( Console.ReadLine()); cities.Add(newCity); break; case 2: // View all the cities for (int i = 0; i < cities.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine("City {0}:", i + 1); Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", cities[i].name); Console.WriteLine("Population: {0}", cities[i].population); } break; case 3: // Edit a city Console.WriteLine("Which city do you want to edit?"); int cityToEdit = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()) - 1; City cityData = cities[cityToEdit]; Console.Write("Enter name of city (it was {0}): ", cityData.name); string newName = Console.ReadLine(); if (newName != "") { cityData.name = newName; } Console.Write("Enter population of city (it was {0}): ", cityData.population); string newPopulationAsString = Console.ReadLine(); if (newPopulationAsString != "") { cityData.population = Convert.ToInt32( newPopulationAsString); } cities[cityToEdit] = cityData; break; case 4: // Search in cities Console.WriteLine("Which text do you want to find?"); string search = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); for (int i = 0; i < cities.Count; i++) { if (cities[i].name.ToUpper().Contains(search)) { Console.WriteLine("City {0}:", i + 1); Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", cities[i].name); Console.WriteLine("Population: {0}", cities[i].population); } } break; case 5: // Delete a city Console.Write("Enter the position of delete: "); int positionToDelete = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()) - 1; cities.RemoveAt(positionToDelete); break; case 6: // Insert in a certain position Console.Write("Enter the position of insert: "); int positionToInsert = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()) - 1; City cityToInsert; Console.Write("Enter name of city: "); cityToInsert.name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter population of city: "); cityToInsert.population = Convert.ToInt32( Console.ReadLine()); cities.Insert(positionToInsert, cityToInsert); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Option no valid. Repeat please"); break; } }while (option != 0); }
public void DeleteCity(City city) { db.Cities.Remove(city); db.SaveChanges(); }
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] City body) { var entity = _manager.Add(body); return(ResponseJson(entity)); }
public City Add(City pt) { _unitOfWork.Repository <City>().Insert(pt); return(pt); }
public City Create(City pt) { pt.ObjectState = ObjectState.Added; _unitOfWork.Repository <City>().Insert(pt); return(pt); }
// compare to for property class public virtual int CompareTo(Object alpha) //virtual so that derived class Apartment can also compare units { // Always check for null if (alpha == null) { throw new Exception("ERROR: CompareTo argument is null."); } Property rightOp = alpha as Property; // Next, check if the typecast was successful or not if (rightOp != null) { string[] splitSting; string nameStreetleft; string houseNumleft; string nameStreetright; string houseNumright; // split address to find street name and number of house for both right and left objects // left side splitSting = StreetAddr.Split(); houseNumleft = splitSting[0]; nameStreetleft = String.Join(" ", splitSting, 1, splitSting.Length - 1); // right side splitSting = rightOp.StreetAddr.Split(); houseNumright = splitSting[0]; nameStreetright = String.Join(" ", splitSting, 1, splitSting.Length - 1); // compare state if (State.CompareTo(rightOp.State) < 0) { return(-1); } else if (State.CompareTo(rightOp.State) > 0) { return(1); } // compare city else if (City.CompareTo(rightOp.City) < 0) { return(-1); } else if (City.CompareTo(rightOp.City) > 0) { return(1); } // compare street name else if (nameStreetleft.CompareTo(nameStreetright) < 0) { return(-1); } else if (nameStreetleft.CompareTo(nameStreetright) > 0) { return(1); } // compare street house number else if (houseNumleft.CompareTo(houseNumright) < 0) { return(-1); } else if (houseNumleft.CompareTo(houseNumright) > 0) { return(1); } else if (this is House) { // ensoure there are no duplicate house addresses that have diffrent amount of floors return(0); } else { return(1); } // compare subclasses next } // else they are not a Property object else { throw new Exception("ERROR: Property object compared to non-Property object."); } }
public async Task <CurrentBuilding> InsertCurrentBuilding(CurrentBuilding currentBuilding, City city) { _dbContext.CurrentBuildings.Add(currentBuilding); city.CurrentBuilding = currentBuilding; await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return(currentBuilding); }
void FixedUpdate() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { userPaused = !userPaused; } if (userPaused) { return; } //CalcBorderStuff(); civilizaitons.CopyTo(civsCopy, 0); foreach (Civilization civ in civsCopy) { if (civ == null) { continue; // skip empty civs; } Profiler.BeginSample("City Expansion"); foreach (City city in civ.Cities) { if (Random.value > 0.2f) { continue; } HexRef xref; int maxDistance = Mathf.CeilToInt(Mathf.Pow(Random.value, 3) * 2.99f); maxDistance = Mathf.Max(maxDistance, 1); bool foundTile = TryGetNewCityTileLocation(city, out xref, maxDistance); if (foundTile) { float tileValue = CalcCityTileValue(xref, city); if (tileValue > tileValueTreshold) { SetOwnership(xref.Index, civ.civID); } } } // end for each city Profiler.EndSample(); //Conquest if (Random.value < 0.005f) { Profiler.BeginSample("Conquest"); int roffset = Random.Range(0, civ.Cities.Count); for (int i = 0; i < civ.Cities.Count; i++) { City sourceCity = civ.Cities[(i + roffset) % civ.Cities.Count]; int dist; City targetCity = GetNearestCityWithCondition(sourceCity.Hex, out dist, o => o.ownerID != civ.civID); if (dist <= 6) { Civilization targetCiv = GetCiv(targetCity.ownerID); Debug.LogFormat(" {0} captured {1} from {2}", civ.name, targetCity.name, GetCiv(targetCity.ownerID)); if (targetCiv == null) { Debug.Log("OwnerID: " + targetCity.ownerID); Debug.LogFormat(" {0} captured {1} from {2}", civ.civIndex, targetCity.name, GetCiv(targetCity.ownerID).civIndex); Debug.LogError("Target City's Civ is Null"); break; } CaptureCity(targetCity, civ); break; } } Profiler.EndSample(); } // ChanceForRebellion else if (CanSpawnNewCivs() && civ.Cities.Count >= 6 && Random.value < 0.004f) { Profiler.BeginSample("Rebellion"); City rebelCity = civ.Cities[Random.Range(1, civ.Cities.Count - 1)]; Debug.LogFormat("Rebellion at {0}!", rebelCity.name); Civilization newCiv = StartNewCiv(rebelCity); TransferCityTerritory(rebelCity, newCiv, civ); Profiler.EndSample(); } else if (civ.Cities.Count < maxCitiesPerCiv && Random.value < 0.005f) // spawn new city { Profiler.BeginSample("Spawning Civs"); HexRef xref; bool foundCityLocation = TryGetNewCityLocation(civ, out xref); if (foundCityLocation) // if true cell is valid { float cityValue = CalcCityValue(xref); if (cityValue > cityValueTreshold) { City newCity = spawnCity(xref); civ.AddCity(newCity); } } Profiler.EndSample(); } } // Spawn New Civ if (CanSpawnNewCivs() && Random.value < 0.0003f) { SpawnCivs(1, 20); } // remove dead civilizations RemoveDeadCivs(); // if(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) // { // Hex mouseHex = gameGrid.MouseHex(); // Hex[] circle = Hex.HexCircle(mouseHex,3); // circle = gameGrid.ValidHexes(circle); // foreach(Hex h in circle) // { // int index = gameGrid.HexToIndex(h); // SetOwnership(index, 5); // } // } } // end fixed Update
public void CaptureCity(City city, Civilization newOwner) { Civilization oldOwner = GetCiv(city.ownerID); CaptureCity(city, newOwner, oldOwner); }
public ActionResult Results() { List <City> newCities = City.GetAllCities(); return(View(newCities)); }
public void CaptureCity(City city, Civilization newOwner, Civilization oldOwner) { newOwner.AddCity(city); TransferCityTerritory(city, newOwner, oldOwner); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Import() { var path = Path.Combine( _env.ContentRootPath, String.Format("Data/Source/worldcities.xlsx")); using (var stream = new FileStream( path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (var ep = new ExcelPackage(stream)) { // get the first worksheet var ws = ep.Workbook.Worksheets[0]; // initialize the record counters var nCountries = 0; var nCities = 0; #region Import all Countries // create a list containing all the countries already existing // into the Database (it will be empty on first run). var lstCountries = _context.Countries.ToList(); // iterates through all rows, skipping the first one for (int nRow = 2; nRow <= ws.Dimension.End.Row; nRow++) { var row = ws.Cells[nRow, 1, nRow, ws.Dimension.End.Column]; var name = row[nRow, 5].GetValue <string>(); // Did we already created a country with that name? if (lstCountries.Where(c => c.Name == name).Count() == 0) { // create the Country entity and fill it with xlsx data var country = new Country(); country.Name = name; country.ISO2 = row[nRow, 6].GetValue <string>(); country.ISO3 = row[nRow, 7].GetValue <string>(); // save it into the Database _context.Countries.Add(country); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); // store the country to retrieve its Id later on lstCountries.Add(country); // increment the counter nCountries++; } } #endregion #region Import all Cities // iterates through all rows, skipping the first one for (int nRow = 2; nRow <= ws.Dimension.End.Row; nRow++) { var row = ws.Cells[nRow, 1, nRow, ws.Dimension.End.Column]; // create the City entity and fill it with xlsx data var city = new City(); city.Name = row[nRow, 1].GetValue <string>(); city.Name_ASCII = row[nRow, 2].GetValue <string>(); city.Lat = row[nRow, 3].GetValue <decimal>(); city.Lon = row[nRow, 4].GetValue <decimal>(); // retrieve CountryId var countryName = row[nRow, 5].GetValue <string>(); var country = lstCountries.Where(c => c.Name == countryName) .FirstOrDefault(); city.CountryId = country.Id; // save the city into the Database _context.Cities.Add(city); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); // increment the counter nCities++; } #endregion return(new JsonResult(new { Cities = nCities, Countries = nCountries })); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { city = GetComponent <City>(); }
private void BindAllComboBoxes() { try { //countries combobox countryList = countryRepo.GetAll().ToList(); Utilities.Validation.BindComboBox(cmbCountryOnState, countryList, "Name", "Id", true); Utilities.Validation.BindComboBox(cmbCountryOnDistrict, countryList, "Name", "Id", true); Utilities.Validation.BindComboBox(cmbCountryOnCity, countryList, "Name", "Id", true); Utilities.Validation.BindComboBox(cmbCountryOnArea, countryList, "Name", "Id", true); Utilities.Validation.BindComboBox(cmbCountryOnSociety, countryList, "Name", "Id", true); country = countryList.SingleOrDefault(c => c.IsSelected == true); if (country != null) { cmbCountryOnState.SelectedValue = country.Id; cmbCountryOnDistrict.SelectedValue = country.Id; cmbCountryOnCity.SelectedValue = country.Id; cmbCountryOnArea.SelectedValue = country.Id; cmbCountryOnSociety.SelectedValue = country.Id; //state combobox stateList = stateRepo.GetAll().Where(s => s.CountryId == country.Id).ToList(); Utilities.Validation.BindComboBox(cmbStateOnDistrict, stateList, "Name", "Id", true); Utilities.Validation.BindComboBox(cmbStateOnCity, stateList, "Name", "Id", true); Utilities.Validation.BindComboBox(cmbStateOnArea, stateList, "Name", "Id", true); Utilities.Validation.BindComboBox(cmbStateOnSociety, stateList, "Name", "Id", true); state = stateList.SingleOrDefault(s => s.IsSelected == true); if (state != null) { cmbStateOnDistrict.SelectedValue = state.Id; cmbStateOnCity.SelectedValue = state.Id; cmbStateOnArea.SelectedValue = state.Id; cmbStateOnSociety.SelectedValue = state.Id; //district combobox districtList = districtRepo.GetAll().Where(s => s.StateId == state.Id).ToList(); Utilities.Validation.BindComboBox(cmbDistrictOnCity, districtList, "Name", "Id", true); Utilities.Validation.BindComboBox(cmbDistrictOnArea, districtList, "Name", "Id", true); Utilities.Validation.BindComboBox(cmbDistrictOnSociety, districtList, "Name", "Id", true); district = districtList.SingleOrDefault(s => s.IsSelected == true); if (district != null) { cmbDistrictOnCity.SelectedValue = district.Id; cmbDistrictOnArea.SelectedValue = district.Id; cmbDistrictOnSociety.SelectedValue = district.Id; //city combobox cityList = cityRepo.GetAll().Where(d => d.DistrictId == district.Id).ToList(); Utilities.Validation.BindComboBox(cmbCityOnArea, cityList, "Name", "Id", true); Utilities.Validation.BindComboBox(cmbCityOnSociety, cityList, "Name", "Id", true); city = cityList.SingleOrDefault(c => c.IsSelected == true); if (city != null) { cmbCityOnArea.SelectedValue = city.Id; cmbCityOnSociety.SelectedValue = city.Id; //area combobox areaList = areaRepo.GetAll().Where(c => c.CityId == city.Id).ToList(); Utilities.Validation.BindComboBox(cmbAreaOnSociety, areaList, "Name", "Id", true); area = areaList.SingleOrDefault(a => a.IsSelected == true); if (area != null) { cmbAreaOnSociety.SelectedValue = area.Id; } } } } } Utilities.Validation.BindComboBox(cmbCategory, categoryRepo.GetAll(), "Name", "Id", true); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
public void Dispose() { City.DeleteAll(); }
public void GenerateCity() { // use our seed for generation Random.State currentRNGState = Random.state; Random.InitState(citySeed); myCity = new City(); myCity.thisCity = new GameObject("NewCity"); myCity.cityNoiseOffset = new Vector2(Random.Range(-10000, 10000), Random.Range(-10000, 10000)); GK.VoronoiDiagram cityDiagram = new GK.VoronoiDiagram(); //generate points List <Vector2> points = CreateCityPoint(myCity.cityNoiseOffset);// calulate voroni fracture sites //calculate city cityDiagram = new GK.VoronoiCalculator().CalculateDiagram(points);//calculate vorino diagram (ie roads seperating suburbs) using out sites //bounding List <Vector2> Polygon = new List <Vector2>(); Polygon.Add(new Vector2(0, 0)); Polygon.Add(new Vector2(citySize.x, 0)); Polygon.Add(new Vector2(citySize.x, citySize.y)); Polygon.Add(new Vector2(0, citySize.y)); List <Vector2> clippedSite = new List <Vector2>(); for (int siteIndex = 0; siteIndex < cityDiagram.Sites.Count; siteIndex++) { new GK.VoronoiClipper().ClipSite(cityDiagram, Polygon, siteIndex, ref clippedSite);// clip each of our suburbs if (clippedSite.Count > 0) { // assign and create a suburb object Suburb newSuburb = new Suburb(); myCity.suburbs.Add(newSuburb); newSuburb.thisSuburb = new GameObject("Suburb"); newSuburb.sitePosition = cityDiagram.Sites[siteIndex]; newSuburb.thisSuburb.transform.position = new Vector3(newSuburb.sitePosition.x, 0, newSuburb.sitePosition.y); newSuburb.thisSuburb.transform.SetParent(myCity.thisCity.transform); newSuburb.borders = new List <Vector2>(clippedSite); float xCoord = myCity.cityNoiseOffset.x + newSuburb.sitePosition.x / citySize.x * noiseScale; float yCoord = myCity.cityNoiseOffset.x + newSuburb.sitePosition.y / citySize.y * noiseScale; float noiseValue = curve.Evaluate(Mathf.PerlinNoise(xCoord, yCoord)); for (int i = 0; i < curve.keys.Length; i++)//set which type of suburb will be generated bassed off our noise weight at the suburbs position { if (noiseValue == curve.keys[i].value) { switch (i) { case 0: { newSuburb.suburbType = residentialSettings; break; } case 1: { newSuburb.suburbType = urbanSettings; break; } default: { newSuburb.suburbType = citySettings; break; } } } } newSuburb.seed = Random.Range(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue); } } Random.state = currentRNGState; }
public IActionResult Put([FromBody] City body) { var entity = _manager.Update(body); return(ResponseJson(_manager.Update(entity))); }
public void Delete(City pt) { _unitOfWork.Repository <City>().Delete(pt); }
public void Sample() { using (var store = NewDocumentStore()) { using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { #region lazy_operations_querying_1 IEnumerable <User> users = session .Query <User>() .Where(x => x.Name == "john"); #endregion } using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { #region lazy_operations_querying_2 Lazy <IEnumerable <User> > lazyUsers = session .Query <User>() .Where(x => x.Name == "John") .Lazily(); #endregion #region lazy_operations_querying_3 IEnumerable <User> users = lazyUsers.Value; #endregion } using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { #region lazy_operations_querying_4 IEnumerable <User> users = null; IEnumerable <City> cities = null; session .Query <User>() .Where(x => x.Name == "John") .Lazily(x => users = x); session .Query <City>() .Where(x => x.Name == "New York") .Lazily(x => cities = x); session.Advanced.Eagerly.ExecuteAllPendingLazyOperations(); #endregion } using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { #region lazy_operations_querying_5 Lazy <IEnumerable <User> > users = session.Advanced .LuceneQuery <User>() .WhereEquals("Name", "John") .Lazily(); #endregion } using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { #region lazy_operations_loading_1 User user = session.Load <User>("users/1"); #endregion } using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { #region lazy_operations_loading_2 Lazy <User> lazyUser = session.Advanced.Lazily.Load <User>("users/1"); #endregion #region lazy_operations_loading_3 User user = lazyUser.Value; #endregion } using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { #region lazy_operations_loading_4 User user = null; session.Advanced.Lazily.Load <User>("users/1", x => user = x); session.Advanced.Eagerly.ExecuteAllPendingLazyOperations(); #endregion } using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { #region lazy_operations_loading_5 var users = session.Advanced.Lazily.LoadStartingWith <User>("users/1"); #endregion } #region lazy_operations_loading_7 using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { var user = new User { Id = "users/1", Name = "John", CityId = "cities/1" }; var city = new City { Id = "cities/1", Name = "New York" }; session.Store(user); session.Store(city); session.SaveChanges(); } #endregion using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { #region lazy_operations_loading_8 var lazyUser = session.Advanced.Lazily .Include("CityId") .Load <User>("users/1"); var user = lazyUser.Value; var isCityLoaded = session.Advanced.IsLoaded("cities/1"); // will be true #endregion } using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { #region lazy_operations_facets_1 Lazy <FacetResults> lazyFacetResults = session .Query <Camera>("CameraCost") .Where(x => x.Cost >= 100 && x.Cost <= 300) .ToFacetsLazy("facets/CameraFacets"); FacetResults facetResults = lazyFacetResults.Value; #endregion } using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { #region lazy_operations_suggest_1 Lazy <SuggestionQueryResult> lazySuggestionResult = session .Query <User>() .Where(x => x.Name == "John") .SuggestLazy(); SuggestionQueryResult suggestionResult = lazySuggestionResult.Value; #endregion } } }
public static void Access(Parahuman parahuman) { Console.Clear(); String welcomeText = "You are accessing the editor for " + parahuman.name + ".\n"; Console.WriteLine(welcomeText); String input; String[] keys; while (true) { Console.Write("> "); input = Console.ReadLine(); keys = input.Split(' '); switch (keys[0].ToLower()) { case "printall": parahuman.Query(); break; case "rename": if (keys.Length >= 2) { if (keys.Length >= 3 && keys[1] == "civilian") { parahuman.civilian_name = LanguageTools.GetWordsStarting(keys, 2); Console.WriteLine(LanguageTools.Possessive(parahuman.name) + " civilian name is now " + parahuman.civilian_name + ".\n"); break; } else { parahuman.name = LanguageTools.GetWordsStarting(keys, 1); Console.WriteLine(LanguageTools.Possessive(parahuman.civilian_name) + " cape name is now " + parahuman.name + ".\n"); break; } } ConsoleTools.PrintInvalidSyntax(); break; case "health": if (keys.Length == 2) { if (Enum.TryParse(keys[1], true, out Health health)) { parahuman.health = health; Console.WriteLine(LanguageTools.Possessive(parahuman.name) + " state of health is now " + parahuman.health.ToString().ToLower() + ".\n"); break; } if (int.TryParse(keys[1], out int healthint)) { parahuman.health = (Health)healthint; Console.WriteLine(LanguageTools.Possessive(parahuman.name) + " state of health is now " + parahuman.health.ToString().ToLower() + ".\n"); break; } Console.WriteLine("\"" + keys[1] + "\" is not a valid health setting.\nOptions: Deceased, Down, Injured, Healthy OR 0, 1, 2, 3.\n"); break; } ConsoleTools.PrintInvalidSyntax(); break; case "alignment": if (keys.Length == 1) { parahuman.alignment = ConsoleTools.RequestAlignment("> Enter new alignment: "); } ConsoleTools.PrintInvalidSyntax(); break; case "pid": if (keys.Length == 1) { parahuman.ID = ConsoleTools.RequestInt("> Enter new PID: "); } ConsoleTools.PrintInvalidSyntax(); break; case "threshold": if (keys.Length == 2) { if (Enum.TryParse(keys[1], out Threat threshold)) { parahuman.reveal_threshold = threshold; Console.WriteLine(LanguageTools.Possessive(parahuman.name) + " escalation threshold has been set to " + threshold + ".\n"); break; } else { Console.WriteLine("\"" + keys[1] + "\" is not a valid escalation threshold. It must be an integer from 0-4 (inclusive).\n"); break; } } ConsoleTools.PrintInvalidSyntax(); break; case "set": if (keys.Length % 2 == 1) { Rating parentRating = null; bool writesub = false; if (keys[1] == "subrating") { if (!Enum.TryParse(keys[2], true, out Classification parentClssf)) { Console.WriteLine("\"" + keys[2] + "\" is not a valid rating wrapper.\nOptions: Master, Breaker, Tinker.\n"); break; } if (parentClssf != Classification.Master && parentClssf != Classification.Breaker && parentClssf != Classification.Tinker) { Console.WriteLine("\"" + keys[2] + "\" is not a valid rating wrapper.\nOptions: Master, Breaker, Tinker.\n"); break; } parentRating = parahuman.ratings.Find(rat => rat.clssf == parentClssf); if (parentRating == null) { Console.WriteLine(parahuman.name + "does not have a " + keys[2] + "rating.\n"); break; } writesub = true; } for (int i = (writesub ? 3 : 1); i < keys.Length; i += 2) { if (!Enum.TryParse(keys[i], true, out Classification clssf)) { PrintInvalidWrapper(keys[i]); break; } if (!int.TryParse(keys[i + 1], out int num)) { Console.WriteLine("\"" + keys[i + 1] + "\" is not an integer."); break; } if (num < 0 || num > 12) { Console.WriteLine("Requested " + clssf.ToString() + " rating number out of range. Must be within 0-12 (inclusive)."); break; } if (writesub) //Write to subrating of parentRating { Rating subrating = parentRating.subratings.Find(rat => rat.clssf == clssf); if (subrating == null) { subrating = new Rating(clssf, num); parentRating.subratings.Add(new Rating(clssf, num)); Console.WriteLine(parahuman.name + " has gained a " + clssf.ToString() + " subrating of " + num.ToString() + " under " + parentRating.clssf.ToString()); } else { subrating.num = num; Console.WriteLine(parahuman.name + "'s " + clssf.ToString() + " subrating (under " + parentRating.clssf.ToString() + ") has been changed to " + num.ToString()); } } else //Write to rating { Rating rating = parahuman.ratings.Find(rat => rat.clssf == clssf); if (rating == null) { rating = new Rating(clssf, num); parahuman.ratings.Add(new Rating(clssf, num)); Console.WriteLine(parahuman.name + " has gained a " + clssf.ToString() + " rating of " + num.ToString()); } else { rating.num = num; Console.WriteLine(LanguageTools.Possessive(parahuman.name) + " " + clssf.ToString() + " rating has been changed to " + num.ToString()); } } } Console.WriteLine(""); break; } ConsoleTools.PrintInvalidSyntax(); break; case "trueform": if (keys.Length >= 2) { String name = LanguageTools.GetWordsStarting(keys, 1); Parahuman para = City.Get <Parahuman>(name); if (para == null) { ConsoleTools.PrintNotFound <Parahuman>(name); break; } Console.WriteLine(""); para.Query(); Console.WriteLine(""); if (ConsoleTools.Confirms(LanguageTools.Possessive(parahuman.name) + " true form will be set to the above. Confirm?", true)) { parahuman.true_form = para; Console.WriteLine(LanguageTools.Possessive(parahuman.name) + " true form has been set.\n"); City.Delete(para); para.ID = parahuman.ID; break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Operation cancelled"); break; } } ConsoleTools.PrintInvalidSyntax(); break; case "edit": if (keys.Length == 2 && keys[1] == "trueform") { Access(parahuman.true_form); Console.WriteLine(welcomeText); } break; case "delete": if (keys.Length == 2) { if (keys[1] == "trueform") { parahuman.true_form = null; Console.WriteLine("The true form of " + parahuman.name + " has been deleted.\n"); break; } int index = -1; if (!Enum.TryParse(keys[1], true, out Classification clssf)) { PrintInvalidPower(keys[1]); break; } index = parahuman.ratings.FindIndex(rating => rating.clssf == clssf); if (index == -1) { Console.WriteLine(parahuman.name + " does not have a " + clssf.ToString() + " rating.\n"); break; } parahuman.ratings.RemoveAt(index); Console.WriteLine(LanguageTools.Possessive(parahuman.name) + " " + clssf.ToString() + " rating has been removed.\n"); break; } if (keys.Length == 3) { Rating parentRating; int index = -1; if (!Enum.TryParse(keys[1], true, out Classification parentClssf)) { PrintInvalidWrapper(keys[1]); break; } if (parentClssf != Classification.Master && parentClssf != Classification.Breaker && parentClssf != Classification.Tinker) { PrintInvalidWrapper(keys[1]); break; } parentRating = parahuman.ratings.Find(rat => rat.clssf == parentClssf); if (parentRating == null) { Console.WriteLine(parahuman.name + " does not have a " + keys[1] + " rating.\n"); break; } if (!Enum.TryParse(keys[2], true, out Classification subClssf)) { PrintInvalidPower(keys[2]); break; } index = parentRating.subratings.FindIndex(rat => rat.clssf == subClssf); if (index == -1) { Console.WriteLine(parahuman.name + " does not have a " + keys[2] + " subrating under " + keys[1] + ".\n"); break; } parentRating.subratings.RemoveAt(index); Console.WriteLine(LanguageTools.Possessive(parahuman.name) + " " + subClssf.ToString() + " subrating under " + parentClssf.ToString() + " has been removed.\n"); break; } ConsoleTools.PrintInvalidSyntax(); break; case "exit": Console.Clear(); return; default: ConsoleTools.PrintInvalidCommand(); break; } } }
internal void TransferCity(City city) { cities.Add(city); }
public bool Delete(City entity) { _db.Cities.Remove(entity); return(Save()); }