Esempio n. 1
        private static void InitializeEdges(CircularLinkedList <Vertex> lav)
            // Create a dummy incident edge into the first node from a dummy vertex collinear with
            // the first line segment. This removes special casing for the first bisector computation.
            CircularLinkedListNode <Vertex> firstNode = lav.First;

            Debug.Assert(firstNode != null);
            Debug.Assert(firstNode.Next != null);
            Vector2D firstEdgeDirection = firstNode.Next.Value.Position - firstNode.Value.Position;
            Vertex   prefixVertex       = new Vertex(firstNode.Value.Position - firstEdgeDirection);

            firstNode.Value.inEdge = new Edge(prefixVertex, firstNode.Value);

            // Create a dummy indicent edge from the last node to a dummy vertex collinear with the last
            // line segment. This removes special casing for the last bisector computation.
            CircularLinkedListNode <Vertex> lastNode = lav.Last;

            Debug.Assert(lastNode != null);
            Debug.Assert(lastNode.Previous != null);
            Vector2D lastEdgeDirection = lastNode.Value.Position - lastNode.Previous.Value.Position;
            Vertex   suffixVertex      = new Vertex(lastNode.Value.Position + lastEdgeDirection);

            lastNode.Value.outEdge = new Edge(lastNode.Value, suffixVertex);

            // Create edges between successive pairs of the list
            lav.ForEachPair(delegate(Vertex va, Vertex vb)
                va.outEdge = new Edge(va, vb);
                vb.inEdge  = va.outEdge;
Esempio n. 2
    // Returns true if the specified convex vertex is an ear tip
    private static bool IsEarTip(Vector3[] a_rMeshVertices, int a_iEarTipConvexVertexIndex, CircularLinkedList <int> a_rContourVertexIndexesList, LinkedList <int> a_rReflexVertexIndexesList)
        CircularLinkedListNode <int> rContourVertexNode = a_rContourVertexIndexesList.Find(a_iEarTipConvexVertexIndex);

        int iPreviousContourVertexIndex = rContourVertexNode.Previous.Value;
        int iNextContourVertexIndex     = rContourVertexNode.Next.Value;

        // Retrieve previous (i-1) / current (i) / next (i+1) vertices to form the triangle < Vi-1, Vi, Vi+1 >
        Vector3 f3ConvexContourVertex   = a_rMeshVertices[a_iEarTipConvexVertexIndex];
        Vector3 f3PreviousContourVertex = a_rMeshVertices[iPreviousContourVertexIndex];
        Vector3 f3NextContourVertex     = a_rMeshVertices[iNextContourVertexIndex];

        // Look for an inner point into the triangle formed by the 3 vertices
        // Only need to look over the reflex vertices.
        for (LinkedListNode <int> rReflexIndexNode = a_rReflexVertexIndexesList.First; rReflexIndexNode != null; rReflexIndexNode = rReflexIndexNode.Next)
            // Retrieve the reflex vertex
            int iReflexContourVertexIndex = rReflexIndexNode.Value;

            // Is the point inside the triangle?
            // (Exclude the triangle points themselves)
            Vector3 f3ReflexContourVertex = a_rMeshVertices[iReflexContourVertexIndex];
            if (f3ReflexContourVertex != f3PreviousContourVertex && f3ReflexContourVertex != f3ConvexContourVertex && f3ReflexContourVertex != f3NextContourVertex)
                if (Uni2DMathUtils.IsPointInsideTriangle(f3PreviousContourVertex, f3ConvexContourVertex, f3NextContourVertex, f3ReflexContourVertex) == true)
                    // Point is inside triangle: not an ear tip

        // No point inside the triangle: ear tip found!
Esempio n. 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds the specified item before the specified existing node in the list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="a_rNode">Existing node before which new item will be inserted</param>
    /// <param name="a_rItem">New item to be inserted</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="a_rNode"/> is NULL</exception>
    /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"><paramref name="node"/> doesn't belongs to list</exception>
    public void AddBefore(CircularLinkedListNode <T> a_rNode, T a_rItem)
        if (a_rNode == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("node");
        // ensuring the supplied node belongs to this list
        bool bNodeBelongsToList = this.FindNode(a_rNode);

        if (bNodeBelongsToList == false)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Node doesn't belongs to this list");

        CircularLinkedListNode <T> oNewNode = new CircularLinkedListNode <T>(a_rItem);

        a_rNode.Previous.Next = oNewNode;
        oNewNode.Previous     = a_rNode.Previous;
        oNewNode.Next         = a_rNode;
        a_rNode.Previous      = oNewNode;

        // if the node adding is head node, then repointing head node
        if (a_rNode == m_rFirstNode)
            m_rFirstNode = oNewNode;
Esempio n. 4
    /// <summary>
    /// Appends a specified value to the end of the list and returns the list node
    /// that was created to house it.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Complexity: O(1)
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="value">Value to be added to this list.</param>
    /// <returns>A new CircularLinkedListNode instance belonging to this list containing the appended value.</returns>
    public CircularLinkedListNode <T> Append(T value)
        CircularLinkedListNode <T> newNode = new CircularLinkedListNode <T>(value);

Esempio n. 5
        private TVertex NextVertex(TVertex vertex)
            // TODO: Temporary and horribly inefficient!
            CircularLinkedListNode <TVertex> node = vertices.Find(vertex);

Esempio n. 6
        private void EnqueueOppIntersection(CircularLinkedListNode <Vertex> node, Point2D position)
            double     distanceToSupportingLine = DistanceToSupportingLine(node, position); // TODO: Refactor
            SplitEvent intersection             = new SplitEvent(position, node);

            queueDictionary.Enqueue(distanceToSupportingLine, intersection);
Esempio n. 7
    private bool Append(CircularLinkedListNode <T> node)
        if ((null == node) || (null != node.m_List))
            //-- Node is null or already belongs to another list

        //-- Set self as list
        node.m_List = this;

        if (0 == m_Count)
            //-- One-node list; trivial
            m_First            = node;
            m_First.m_Next     = m_First;
            m_First.m_Previous = m_First;
            //-- Append the node to the tail
            node.m_Previous           = m_First.Previous;
            m_First.m_Previous.m_Next = node;

            //-- Prepend the node to the head
            node.m_Next        = m_First;
            m_First.m_Previous = node;


    /// <summary>
    /// Removes the root node from the specified internal tree and shuffles
    /// the resulting sub-trees back into this heap.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Complexity: O(log n)
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="tree">Iterater to the tree who's root we want to remove.</param>
    private void RemoveRootNode(LinkedListNode <BinomialTree <T> > tree)
        //-- Remove the tree from this heap

        //-- Rejig the heap
        if (0 < tree.Value.Root.Children.Count)
            //-- Add that tree's sub-trees into a spearate heap
            BinomialHeap <T> temp = new BinomialHeap <T>();
            CircularLinkedListNode <BinomialTreeNode <T> > childIter = tree.Value.Root.Children.First;
                //-- Orphan the child
                childIter.Value.m_Parent = null;

                //-- Add the children of the top node as separate trees in the temp
                //   heap from smallest to largest order.
                temp.m_Trees.AddLast(new BinomialTree <T>(childIter.Value));
                childIter = childIter.Next;
            }while(tree.Value.Root.Children.First != childIter);

            //-- Merge the resulting sub-trees back into this heap
Esempio n. 9
 void AddFirstItem(T a_rItem)
     m_rFirstNode          = new CircularLinkedListNode <T>(a_rItem);
     m_rLastNode           = m_rFirstNode;
     m_rFirstNode.Next     = m_rLastNode;
     m_rFirstNode.Previous = m_rLastNode;
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the edges around the supplied vertex are ordered
        /// geometrically in the plane.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool IsOrdered(TVertex vertex)
            if (vertex.Degree <= 2)

            CircularLinkedList <double> angles = new CircularLinkedList <double>();

            foreach (Half h in vertex.HalfEdges)
                double bearing = Bearing(h);
            double min = angles.Min();
            CircularLinkedListNode <double> node = angles.Find(min);
            CircularLinkedListNode <double> end  = node;

            // Check that advancing from this minima they are sorted
                if (node.Value >= node.Next.Value)
                node = node.Next;
            }while (node != end.Previous);
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Re-order the half-edges around vertex such that they
        /// are spatially sorted
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertex"></param>
        private static void Order(TVertex vertex)
            // Put the half-edges into order according to bearing
            SortedDictionary <double, Half> outEdges = new SortedDictionary <double, Half>();

            foreach (Half h in vertex.HalfEdges)
                double bearing = Bearing(h);
                outEdges.Add(bearing, h);
            // Copy into a circular linked-list for convenience
            CircularLinkedList <Half> outEdgesCycle = new CircularLinkedList <Half>(outEdges.Values);

            // Iterate around the list, correcting pointers as we go
            CircularLinkedListNode <Half> node = outEdgesCycle.First;

                Half previousInEdge = node.Previous.Value.pair;
                Half currentOutEdge = node.Value;

                Half currentInEdge = currentOutEdge.pair;
                Half nextOutEdge   = node.Next.Value;

           = currentOutEdge;
                currentOutEdge.previous = previousInEdge;

         = nextOutEdge;
                nextOutEdge.previous = currentInEdge;

                node = node.Next;
            }while (node != outEdgesCycle.Last.Next);
Esempio n. 12
    // Builds indexes lists of reflex and convex vertex
    private static void BuildReflexConvexVertexIndexesLists(Vector3[] a_rContourVerticesArray, CircularLinkedList <int> a_rContourVertexIndexesList, out LinkedList <int> a_rReflexVertexIndexesList, out LinkedList <int> a_rConvexVertexIndexesList)
        LinkedList <int> oReflexVertexIndexesList = new LinkedList <int>( );
        LinkedList <int> oConvexVertexIndexesList = new LinkedList <int>( );

        // Iterate contour vertices
        CircularLinkedListNode <int> rContourNode = a_rContourVertexIndexesList.First;

            int     iContourVertexIndex     = rContourNode.Value;
            Vector3 f3ContourVertex         = a_rContourVerticesArray[iContourVertexIndex];
            Vector3 f3PreviousContourVertex = a_rContourVerticesArray[rContourNode.Previous.Value];
            Vector3 f3NextContourVertex     = a_rContourVerticesArray[rContourNode.Next.Value];

            // Sorting reflex / convex vertices
            // Reflex vertex forms a triangle with an angle >= 180°
            if (IsReflexVertex(f3ContourVertex, f3PreviousContourVertex, f3NextContourVertex) == true)
            else             // angle < 180° => Convex vertex

            rContourNode = rContourNode.Next;
        }while(rContourNode != a_rContourVertexIndexesList.First);

        // Transmit results
        a_rReflexVertexIndexesList = oReflexVertexIndexesList;
        a_rConvexVertexIndexesList = oConvexVertexIndexesList;
Esempio n. 13
        private static double DistanceToSupportingLine(CircularLinkedListNode <Vertex> node, Point2D position)
            // Take the outEdge for all except the last point
            Edge edge = node.Value.outEdge ?? node.Value.inEdge;

            Debug.Assert(edge != null);
            Line2D supportingLine           = new Line2D(edge.source.Bisector.Source,;
            double distanceToSupportingLine = Math.Abs(supportingLine.DistanceTo(position));

Esempio n. 14
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds the new item before the specified existing item in the list.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="a_rExistingItem">Existing item before which new item will be added</param>
    /// <param name="a_rNewItem">New item to be added to the list</param>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><paramref name="existingItem"/> doesn't exist in the list</exception>
    public void AddBefore(T a_rExistingItem, T a_rNewItem)
        // finding a node for the existing item
        CircularLinkedListNode <T> rNode = this.Find(a_rExistingItem);

        if (rNode == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("existingItem doesn't exist in the list");
        this.AddBefore(rNode, a_rNewItem);
Esempio n. 15
    /// <summary>
    /// Removes the first occurance of the supplied item
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="a_rItem">Item to be removed</param>
    /// <returns>TRUE if removed, else FALSE</returns>
    public bool Remove(T a_rItem)
        // finding the first occurance of this item
        CircularLinkedListNode <T> rNodeToRemove = this.Find(a_rItem);

        if (rNodeToRemove != null)

Esempio n. 16
        public override object Task2()
            const int turns  = 10000000;
            const int maxVal = 1000000;

            Dictionary <int, CircularLinkedListNode <int> > lookupTable = new Dictionary <int, CircularLinkedListNode <int> >();

            CircularLinkedList <int> cups = new CircularLinkedList <int>();

            foreach (int i in ParseInput())
                lookupTable[cups.Last.Value] = cups.Last;

            for (int i = 10; i <= maxVal; i++)
                lookupTable[cups.Last.Value] = cups.Last;

            CircularLinkedListNode <int> current = cups.First;

            CircularLinkedListNode <int>[] pickedUpCups = new CircularLinkedListNode <int> [3];
            for (int _ = 0; _ < turns; _++)
                for (int i = 0; i < pickedUpCups.Length; i++)
                    pickedUpCups[i] = current.Next;

                CircularLinkedListNode <int> destNode = lookupTable[current.Value == 1 ? maxVal : current.Value - 1];

                while (Array.IndexOf(pickedUpCups, destNode) != -1)
                    destNode = lookupTable[destNode.Value == 1 ? maxVal : destNode.Value - 1];

                for (int i = pickedUpCups.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    cups.AddAfter(destNode, pickedUpCups[i]);

                current = current.Next;

            CircularLinkedListNode <int> one = lookupTable[1];

            return((ulong)one.Next.Value * (ulong)one.Next.Next.Value == 5403610688);
Esempio n. 17
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets a reverse enumerator
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public IEnumerator <T> GetReverseEnumerator()
        CircularLinkedListNode <T> rCurrent = m_rLastNode;

        if (rCurrent != null)
                yield return(rCurrent.Value);

                rCurrent = rCurrent.Previous;
            } while (rCurrent != m_rLastNode);
Esempio n. 18
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets a forward enumerator
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public IEnumerator <T> GetEnumerator()
        CircularLinkedListNode <T> rCurrent = m_rFirstNode;

        if (rCurrent != null)
                yield return(rCurrent.Value);

                rCurrent = rCurrent.Next;
            } while (rCurrent != m_rFirstNode);
Esempio n. 19
    CircularLinkedListNode <T> FindFirstNodeWithValue(CircularLinkedListNode <T> a_rNode, T a_rValueToCompare)
        CircularLinkedListNode <T> rResult = null;

        if (m_rComparer.Equals(a_rNode.Value, a_rValueToCompare))
            rResult = a_rNode;
        else if (rResult == null && a_rNode.Next != m_rFirstNode)
            rResult = FindFirstNodeWithValue(a_rNode.Next, a_rValueToCompare);
Esempio n. 20
            public void Iterate()
                int sum = elf0.Value + elf1.Value;

                int decades = Math.DivRem(sum, 10, out int remainder);

                if (decades > 0)

                elf0 = recipes.GetNext(elf0, elf0.Value + 1);
                elf1 = recipes.GetNext(elf1, elf1.Value + 1);
Esempio n. 21
    bool FindNode(CircularLinkedListNode <T> a_rNode)
        CircularLinkedListNode <T> rNode = m_rFirstNode;

            if (rNode == a_rNode)

            rNode = rNode.Next;
        }while(rNode != m_rFirstNode);
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if the edge beginning at start has a larger x value
        /// than vertex.X at a y-value of vertex.Y
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startNode">The start of an edge</param>
        /// <param name="vertexNode">The test vertex</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static int LargerXAtVertexY(CircularLinkedListNode <TVertex> startNode, CircularLinkedListNode <TVertex> vertexNode)
            CircularLinkedListNode <TVertex> endNode = startNode.Next;
            Point2D start = startNode.Value.Position;
            Point2D end   = endNode.Value.Position;
            Point2D point = vertexNode.Value.Position;

            if (start.Y == end.Y)
                return(Math.Min(start.X, end.X).CompareTo(point.X));
            Line2D line = new Line2D(start, end);

            return(CompareYProjection(point, line));
Esempio n. 23
            private bool MatchesSequence(CircularLinkedListNode <int> start, int[] sequence)
                var current = start;

                for (int i = 0; i < sequence.Length; i++)
                    if (sequence[i] != current.Value)

                    current = current.Next;

Esempio n. 24
            public override void ModifyLav(AngularBisectorNetwork network)
                Debug.Assert(nodeA.List == nodeB.List);
                CircularLinkedList <Vertex> lav = nodeA.List;
                Vertex vA = nodeA.Value;
                Vertex vB = nodeB.Value;

                //     * Create a new Vertex V with the coordinates of the intersection I
                Vertex v = new Vertex(this.Position);

                //     * insert the new vertex into the LAV. That means connect it with the predecessor
                //       of Va and the successor of Vb in the LAV
                CircularLinkedListNode <Vertex> nodeV = new CircularLinkedListNode <Vertex>(v);

                lav.AddAfter(nodeA, nodeV);

                //     * link the new node V with the appropriate edges ea and eb (pointed to by vertices
                //       Va and Vb
                // TODO: This needs some work for start and end nodes.  What should happen?
                v.inEdge  = vA.inEdge;
                v.outEdge = vB.outEdge;

                // f. for the new node V, created from I, compute:
                //     * the new angle bisector b between the line segments ea and eb, and

                // TODO: This bisector sometimes needs to be revered! But under what circumstances?
                Direction2D bisector = AngularBisector(nodeV.Value.inEdge, nodeV.Value.outEdge);

                // Determine whether the triangle A B V has an acute or obtuse angle at V
                // this is used to determine the direction of the bisector
                Triangle2D triangle = new Triangle2D(vA.Position, vB.Position, v.Position);

                if (triangle.AngleC > (Math.PI / 2.0))
                    bisector = -bisector;

                nodeV.Value.Bisector = new Ray2D(nodeV.Value.Bisector.Source, bisector);

                //     * the intersections of this bisector with the bisectors starting from the neighbour vertices in
                //       the LAV in the same way as in the step 1c
                //     * store the nearer intersection (if it exists) in the priority queue
                network.EnqueueNearestBisectorIntersection(lav, nodeV);
Esempio n. 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds item to the last
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="a_rItem">Item to be added</param>
 public void AddFirst(T a_rItem)
     if (m_rFirstNode == null)
         CircularLinkedListNode <T> oNewNode = new CircularLinkedListNode <T>(a_rItem);
         m_rFirstNode.Previous = oNewNode;
         oNewNode.Previous     = m_rLastNode;
         oNewNode.Next         = m_rFirstNode;
         m_rLastNode.Next      = oNewNode;
         m_rFirstNode          = oNewNode;
Esempio n. 26
        private void Form1_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, PreviewKeyDownEventArgs e)
            if (restart == true)
                restart = false;
                Snake snakehead;
                snakehead = new Snake(0, 0, 30, 30, 30, 4);
       = 0;
       = 0;
                score             = 0;
                label1.Text       = "Score: 0";
                currentDirection  = direction.right;
                CircularLinkedListNode <Snake> runner1 = snake.Head;
                for (int i = snake.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                    runner1 =;
                timer1.Enabled = true;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left && currentDirection != direction.right)
                currentDirection = direction.left;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right && currentDirection != direction.left)
                currentDirection = direction.right;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Up && currentDirection != direction.down)
                currentDirection = direction.up;
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Down && currentDirection != direction.up)
                currentDirection = direction.down;
            CircularLinkedListNode <Snake> runner = snake.Head;

            for (int i = snake.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                runner =;
Esempio n. 27
    private void PlayOneRound(CircularLinkedList <int> linkedList, CircularLinkedListNode <int> f, int maxValue)
        CircularLinkedListNode <int> dest = FindDestinationCup2(f, maxValue);
        var currentNode    = f;
        var firstCupToSwap = f.Next;
        var lastCupToSwap  = f.Next.Next.Next;
        var t = dest.Next;

        f.Next          = lastCupToSwap.Next;
        f.Next.Previous = f;

        dest.Next = firstCupToSwap;
        firstCupToSwap.Previous = dest;

        lastCupToSwap.Next = t;
        t.Previous         = lastCupToSwap;
Esempio n. 28
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a new item to the end of the list
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="a_rItem">Item to be added</param>
 public void AddLast(T a_rItem)
     // if head is null, then this will be the first item
     if (m_rFirstNode == null)
         CircularLinkedListNode <T> oNewNode = new CircularLinkedListNode <T>(a_rItem);
         m_rLastNode.Next      = oNewNode;
         oNewNode.Next         = m_rFirstNode;
         oNewNode.Previous     = m_rLastNode;
         m_rLastNode           = oNewNode;
         m_rFirstNode.Previous = m_rLastNode;
Esempio n. 29
    public void CopyTo(T[] a_rArray, int a_iArrayIndex)
        if (a_rArray == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("array");
        if (a_iArrayIndex < 0 || a_iArrayIndex > a_rArray.Length)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("arrayIndex");

        CircularLinkedListNode <T> rNode = this.m_rFirstNode;

            a_rArray[a_iArrayIndex++] = rNode.Value;
            rNode = rNode.Next;
        } while (rNode != m_rFirstNode);
Esempio n. 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the item at the current index
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="a_iIndex">Zero-based index</param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">index is out of range</exception>
 public CircularLinkedListNode <T> this[int a_iIndex]
         if (a_iIndex >= m_iCountNode || a_iIndex < 0)
             throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");
             CircularLinkedListNode <T> rNode = this.m_rFirstNode;
             for (int i = 0; i < a_iIndex; i++)
                 rNode = rNode.Next;