Esempio n. 1
        internal static void DrawPathGizmos(CinemachinePath path, GizmoType selectionType)
            // Draw the path
            Color colorOld = Gizmos.color;

            Gizmos.color = (Selection.activeGameObject == path.gameObject)
                ? path.m_Appearance.pathColor : path.m_Appearance.inactivePathColor;
            float   step    = 1f / path.m_Appearance.steps;
            Vector3 lastPos = path.EvaluatePosition(path.MinPos);
            Vector3 lastW   = (path.EvaluateOrientation(path.MinPos)
                               * Vector3.right) * path.m_Appearance.width / 2;

            for (float t = path.MinPos + step; t <= path.MaxPos + step / 2; t += step)
                Vector3 p  = path.EvaluatePosition(t);
                Vector3 w  = (path.EvaluateOrientation(t) * Vector3.right) * path.m_Appearance.width / 2;
                Vector3 w2 = w * 1.2f;
                Vector3 p0 = p - w2;
                Vector3 p1 = p + w2;
                Gizmos.DrawLine(p0, p1);
                Gizmos.DrawLine(lastPos - lastW, p - w);
                Gizmos.DrawLine(lastPos + lastW, p + w);
                lastPos = p;
                lastW   = w;
            Gizmos.color = colorOld;
Esempio n. 2
    public IEnumerator SwitchPosition(Vector3 newPosition, CinemachinePath newTrack, int waypointIndex, float transitionSpeed, GameObject target, bool isDelayRng, float Maxdelay)
        showDirector.GetComponent <CinemachineDollyCart>().m_Path = null;
        isSetup = false;

        focus = target;

        yield return(new WaitUntil(() =>
            transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, newPosition, ref zero, 0.5f, transitionSpeed);
            showDirector.transform.position = Vector3.Slerp(showDirector.transform.position, transform.position, 2.0f * Time.deltaTime);

            return Vector3.Distance(transform.position, newPosition) <= 0.1f;

        isSetup = true;
        speed   = 0.5f;
        showDirector.GetComponent <CinemachineDollyCart>().m_Path     = newTrack;
        showDirector.GetComponent <CinemachineDollyCart>().m_Position = waypointIndex;

        if (isDelayRng)
            float rngDelay = Random.Range(4.0f, Maxdelay);
            currentCoroutine = StartCoroutine(DelayUntilNextPosition(rngDelay));
            currentCoroutine = StartCoroutine(DelayUntilNextPosition(Maxdelay));
Esempio n. 3
 public void StartCoroutineSwitchPosition(Vector3 newPosition, CinemachinePath newTrack, int waypointIndex, float transitionSpeed, GameObject target, bool isDelayRng, float Maxdelay)
     if (currentCoroutine != null)
     currentCoroutine = StartCoroutine(SwitchPosition(newPosition, newTrack, waypointIndex, transitionSpeed, target, isDelayRng, Maxdelay));
Esempio n. 4
 public void StartCoroutineSwitchToDeadPlayer(Vector3 newPosition, CinemachinePath newTrack, float transitionSpeed, GameObject target, float Maxdelay, bool deadByFall)
     if (currentCoroutine != null)
     currentCoroutine = StartCoroutine(SwitchToDeadPlayer(newPosition, newTrack, transitionSpeed, target, Maxdelay, deadByFall));
Esempio n. 5
 public void SetNextLoop(CinemachinePath pathLink, CinemachinePath path, int swap, int start)
     nextPathLink       = pathLink;
     nextPath           = path;
     currentSwitchPoint = swap;
     nextStartPoint     = start;
     state = CartState.Linked;
Esempio n. 6
    public IEnumerator SwitchToDeadPlayer(Vector3 newPosition, CinemachinePath newTrack, float transitionSpeed, GameObject target, float Maxdelay, bool deadByFall)
        showDirector.GetComponent <CinemachineDollyCart>().m_Path = null;
        isSetup = false;

        focus = target;

        yield return(new WaitUntil(() =>
            if (!deadByFall)
                if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, newPosition) <= 5.0f)
                    newPosition = transform.position;

                //Director translation to position itself
                if (transform.position.y <= 4.5f)
                    transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, 4.5f, transform.position.z);
                Vector3 positionAbove = new Vector3(target.transform.position.x, 10.0f, target.transform.position.z);

                newPosition = positionAbove;

                if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, positionAbove) <= 5.0f)
                    newPosition = transform.position;

            transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, newPosition, ref zero, 0.5f, transitionSpeed);
            showDirector.transform.position = Vector3.Slerp(showDirector.transform.position, transform.position, 2.0f * Time.deltaTime);

            //Death Track rotation to face player dead body
            Vector3 lookPos = target.transform.position - tracksEvent[2].transform.position;
            lookPos.y = 0;
            Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(lookPos);
            tracksEvent[2].transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(tracksEvent[2].transform.rotation, rotation, 1.0f);

            return Vector3.Distance(transform.position, newPosition) <= 0.1f;

        isSetup = true;
        speed   = 1.0f;

        showDirector.GetComponent <CinemachineDollyCart>().m_Path     = newTrack;
        showDirector.GetComponent <CinemachineDollyCart>().m_Position = 0.0f;

        currentCoroutine = StartCoroutine(DelayUntilNextPosition(Maxdelay));
 private static void DrawTrackeDollyGizmos(CinemachineTrackedDolly target, GizmoType selectionType)
     if (target.IsValid)
         CinemachinePath path = target.m_Path as CinemachinePath;
         if (path != null)
             CinemachinePathEditor.DrawPathGizmos(path, selectionType);
        private static void CreateDollyCameraWithPath()
            CinemachineVirtualCamera vcam = CreateVirtualCamera(
                "CM vcam", typeof(CinemachineComposer), typeof(CinemachineTrackedDolly));
            GameObject go = new GameObject(
                GenerateUniqueObjectName(typeof(CinemachinePath), "DollyTrack"));

            Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(go, "create track");
            CinemachinePath path = Undo.AddComponent <CinemachinePath>(go);

            vcam.GetCinemachineComponent <CinemachineTrackedDolly>().m_Path = path;
Esempio n. 9
        private static void CreateDollyTrackWithCart()
            GameObject go = new GameObject(
                GenerateUniqueObjectName(typeof(CinemachinePath), "DollyTrack"));

            Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(go, "create track");
            CinemachinePath path = Undo.AddComponent <CinemachinePath>(go);

            go = new GameObject(GenerateUniqueObjectName(typeof(CinemachineDollyCart), "DollyCart"));
            Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(go, "create cart");
            CinemachineDollyCart cart = Undo.AddComponent <CinemachineDollyCart>(go);

            Undo.RecordObject(cart, "create track");
            cart.m_Path = path;
Esempio n. 10
    public void CreatePath()
        if (cinemachinePath == null)
            cinemachinePath = this.GetComponent <CinemachinePath>();

        if (offset.Equals(0) && round.Equals(0))
    void AddWaypoint(Transform child, int idx)
        if (!child.GetComponent <CinemachinePath>())
        CinemachinePath childCinemachinePath = child.GetComponent <CinemachinePath>();

        CinemachinePath.Waypoint wp       = childCinemachinePath.m_Waypoints[idx];
        CinemachinePath.Waypoint targetWP = new CinemachinePath.Waypoint();
        targetWP.position = child.localRotation * wp.position + child.localPosition;
        targetWP.tangent  = child.localRotation * wp.tangent;
        targetWP.roll     = wp.roll;
        generatedWaypoints[currentWaypointIndex] = targetWP;
Esempio n. 12
    IEnumerator MoveAlongPath(CinemachinePath path)
        float duration = pathMovementCurve.Duration();
        float progress = 0;

        Debug.Log("Starting lerp with a duration of " + duration);

        pathFollower.path = path;

        while (progress < 1)
            progress += Time.deltaTime / duration;
            Debug.Log("progress is now " + progress);
            pathFollower.SetNormalizedPathPos(pathMovementCurve.Evaluate(progress * duration));
            yield return(null);

Esempio n. 13
    public Lane PutCarOnLane(Lane target)
        // Set lane and place car on GameObject
        _currentLane = target;
        if (CurrentRoad != _currentLane.Road)
            CurrentRoad = _currentLane.Road;

        // Set path
        CinemachinePath path = CurrentRoad.Path;

        _pathLength  = path.PathLength;
        _cart.m_Path = path;

        // Set cart speed, position, and direction
        MovingForward    = _currentLane.PositiveDirection;
        _cartSpeed       = Speed * (MovingForward ? 1 : -1);
        _cart.m_Speed    = _cartSpeed;
        _cart.m_Position = MovingForward ? 0 : _pathLength;
Esempio n. 14
        internal static void DrawPathGizmos(CinemachinePath path, GizmoType selectionType)
            // Draw the path
            Color colorOld = Gizmos.color;

            Gizmos.color = (Selection.activeGameObject == path.gameObject)
                ? path.m_Appearance.pathColor : path.m_Appearance.inactivePathColor;
            float   step    = 1f / path.m_Resolution;
            Vector3 lastPos = path.EvaluatePosition(path.MinPos);
            Vector3 lastW   = (path.EvaluateOrientation(path.MinPos)
                               * Vector3.right) * path.m_Appearance.width / 2;

            for (float t = path.MinPos + step; t <= path.MaxPos + step / 2; t += step)
                Vector3    p  = path.EvaluatePosition(t);
                Quaternion q  = path.EvaluateOrientation(t);
                Vector3    w  = (q * Vector3.right) * path.m_Appearance.width / 2;
                Vector3    w2 = w * 1.2f;
                Vector3    p0 = p - w2;
                Vector3    p1 = p + w2;
                Gizmos.DrawLine(p0, p1);
                Gizmos.DrawLine(lastPos - lastW, p - w);
                Gizmos.DrawLine(lastPos + lastW, p + w);
#if false
                // Show the normals, for debugging
                Gizmos.color =;
                Vector3 y = (q * Vector3.up) * path.m_Appearance.width / 2;
                Gizmos.DrawLine(p, p + y);
                Gizmos.color = (Selection.activeGameObject == path.gameObject)
                    ? path.m_Appearance.pathColor : path.m_Appearance.inactivePathColor;
                lastPos = p;
                lastW   = w;
            Gizmos.color = colorOld;
Esempio n. 15
    public void Copy()
        if (path == null)
            path = GetComponent <CinemachinePath>();
        if (path == null)

        if (singleMode)
            path.m_Waypoints[target] = path.m_Waypoints[source];
            int diff = targetStart - sourceStart;
            for (int i = targetStart; i <= targetEnd; i++)
                path.m_Waypoints[i] = path.m_Waypoints[i - diff];
Esempio n. 16
 private void Awake()
     characterPath = GetComponent <CinemachinePath>();
Esempio n. 17
 private void Start()
     path = GetComponent <CinemachinePath>();
Esempio n. 18
 static void DrawGizmos(CinemachinePath path, GizmoType selectionType)
                   (Selection.activeGameObject == path.gameObject)
         ? path.m_Appearance.pathColor : path.m_Appearance.inactivePathColor);
Esempio n. 19
 private void Awake()
     _waitForSecondsResetPlayer = new WaitForSeconds(1);
     _cinemachinePath           = (CinemachinePath)_cinemachineDollyCart.m_Path;