public override void Visit(CiAssert statement) { IncludeAssert(); Write("assert("); if (statement.Message == null) { statement.Cond.Accept(this, CiPriority.Argument); } else if (statement.Cond is CiLiteralFalse) { Write('!'); statement.Message.Accept(this, CiPriority.Primary); } else { statement.Cond.Accept(this, CiPriority.CondAnd); Write(" && "); statement.Message.Accept(this, CiPriority.Argument); } WriteLine(");"); }
CiExpr ParseConstInitializer() { if (Eat(CiToken.LeftBrace)) { return new CiCollection { Line = this.Line, Items = ParseCollection(CiToken.RightBrace) } } ; return(ParseExpr()); } CiExpr[] ParseCollection(CiToken closing) { List <CiExpr> items = new List <CiExpr>(); if (!See(closing)) { do { items.Add(ParseExpr()); }while (Eat(CiToken.Comma)); } Expect(closing); return(items.ToArray()); } void CheckXcrementParent() { if (this.XcrementParent != null) { string op = this.CurrentToken == CiToken.Increment ? "++" : "--"; throw ParseException(op + " not allowed on the right side of " + this.XcrementParent); } } bool SeeDigit() { int c = PeekChar(); return(c >= '0' && c <= '9'); } CiInterpolatedString ParseInterpolatedString() { int line = this.Line; List <CiInterpolatedPart> parts = new List <CiInterpolatedPart>(); do { string prefix = (string)this.CurrentValue; NextToken(); CiExpr arg = ParseExpr(); CiExpr width = null; char format = ' '; int precision = -1; if (Eat(CiToken.Comma)) { width = ParseExpr(); } if (See(CiToken.Colon)) { format = (char)ReadChar(); if ("DdEeFfGgXx".IndexOf(format) < 0) { throw ParseException("Invalid format specifier"); } if (SeeDigit()) { precision = ReadChar() - '0'; if (SeeDigit()) { precision = precision * 10 + ReadChar() - '0'; } } NextToken(); } parts.Add(new CiInterpolatedPart(prefix, arg) { WidthExpr = width, Format = format, Precision = precision }); Check(CiToken.RightBrace); } while (ReadInterpolatedString() == CiToken.InterpolatedString); string suffix = (string)this.CurrentValue; NextToken(); return(new CiInterpolatedString(parts.ToArray(), suffix) { Line = line }); } CiExpr ParseParenthesized() { Expect(CiToken.LeftParenthesis); CiExpr result = ParseExpr(); Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); return(result); } CiExpr ParsePrimaryExpr() { CiExpr result; switch (this.CurrentToken) { case CiToken.Increment: case CiToken.Decrement: CheckXcrementParent(); goto case CiToken.Minus; case CiToken.Minus: case CiToken.Tilde: case CiToken.ExclamationMark: case CiToken.New: return(new CiPrefixExpr { Line = this.Line, Op = NextToken(), Inner = ParsePrimaryExpr() }); case CiToken.Literal: result = new CiLiteral(this.CurrentValue) { Line = this.Line }; NextToken(); break; case CiToken.InterpolatedString: result = ParseInterpolatedString(); break; case CiToken.LeftParenthesis: Expect(CiToken.LeftParenthesis); result = ParseType(); Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); break; case CiToken.Id: result = ParseSymbolReference(null); break; case CiToken.List: result = ParseListType(); break; case CiToken.Dictionary: result = ParseDictionaryType(CiSystem.DictionaryClass); break; case CiToken.SortedDictionary: result = ParseDictionaryType(CiSystem.SortedDictionaryClass); break; case CiToken.Resource: NextToken(); Expect(CiToken.Less); if (ParseId() != "byte") { throw ParseException("Expected resource<byte[]>"); } Expect(CiToken.LeftBracket); Expect(CiToken.RightBracket); Expect(CiToken.Greater); result = new CiPrefixExpr { Line = this.Line, Op = CiToken.Resource, Inner = ParseParenthesized() }; break; default: throw ParseException("Invalid expression"); } for (;;) { switch (this.CurrentToken) { case CiToken.Dot: NextToken(); result = ParseSymbolReference(result); break; case CiToken.LeftParenthesis: if (!(result is CiSymbolReference symbol)) { throw ParseException("Expected a method"); } NextToken(); result = new CiCallExpr { Line = this.Line, Method = symbol, Arguments = ParseCollection(CiToken.RightParenthesis) }; break; case CiToken.LeftBracket: result = new CiBinaryExpr { Line = this.Line, Left = result, Op = NextToken(), Right = See(CiToken.RightBracket) ? null : ParseExpr() }; Expect(CiToken.RightBracket); break; case CiToken.Increment: case CiToken.Decrement: CheckXcrementParent(); goto case CiToken.ExclamationMark; case CiToken.ExclamationMark: case CiToken.Hash: result = new CiPostfixExpr { Line = this.Line, Inner = result, Op = NextToken() }; break; default: return(result); } } } CiExpr ParseMulExpr() { CiExpr left = ParsePrimaryExpr(); for (;;) { switch (this.CurrentToken) { case CiToken.Asterisk: case CiToken.Slash: case CiToken.Mod: left = new CiBinaryExpr { Line = this.Line, Left = left, Op = NextToken(), Right = ParsePrimaryExpr() }; break; default: return(left); } } } CiExpr ParseAddExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseMulExpr(); while (See(CiToken.Plus) || See(CiToken.Minus)) { left = new CiBinaryExpr { Line = this.Line, Left = left, Op = NextToken(), Right = ParseMulExpr() } } ; return(left); } CiExpr ParseShiftExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseAddExpr(); while (See(CiToken.ShiftLeft) || See(CiToken.ShiftRight)) { left = new CiBinaryExpr { Line = this.Line, Left = left, Op = NextToken(), Right = ParseAddExpr() } } ; return(left); } CiExpr ParseRelExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseShiftExpr(); for (;;) { switch (this.CurrentToken) { case CiToken.Less: case CiToken.LessOrEqual: case CiToken.Greater: case CiToken.GreaterOrEqual: left = new CiBinaryExpr { Line = this.Line, Left = left, Op = NextToken(), Right = ParseShiftExpr() }; break; default: return(left); } } } CiExpr ParseEqualityExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseRelExpr(); while (See(CiToken.Equal) || See(CiToken.NotEqual)) { left = new CiBinaryExpr { Line = this.Line, Left = left, Op = NextToken(), Right = ParseRelExpr() } } ; return(left); } CiExpr ParseAndExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseEqualityExpr(); while (See(CiToken.And)) { left = new CiBinaryExpr { Line = this.Line, Left = left, Op = NextToken(), Right = ParseEqualityExpr() } } ; return(left); } CiExpr ParseXorExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseAndExpr(); while (See(CiToken.Xor)) { left = new CiBinaryExpr { Line = this.Line, Left = left, Op = NextToken(), Right = ParseAndExpr() } } ; return(left); } CiExpr ParseOrExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseXorExpr(); while (See(CiToken.Or)) { left = new CiBinaryExpr { Line = this.Line, Left = left, Op = NextToken(), Right = ParseXorExpr() } } ; return(left); } CiExpr ParseCondAndExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseOrExpr(); while (See(CiToken.CondAnd)) { string saveXcrementParent = this.XcrementParent; this.XcrementParent = "&&"; left = new CiBinaryExpr { Line = this.Line, Left = left, Op = NextToken(), Right = ParseOrExpr() }; this.XcrementParent = saveXcrementParent; } return(left); } CiExpr ParseCondOrExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseCondAndExpr(); while (See(CiToken.CondOr)) { string saveXcrementParent = this.XcrementParent; this.XcrementParent = "||"; left = new CiBinaryExpr { Line = this.Line, Left = left, Op = NextToken(), Right = ParseCondAndExpr() }; this.XcrementParent = saveXcrementParent; } return(left); } CiExpr ParseExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseCondOrExpr(); if (See(CiToken.QuestionMark)) { CiSelectExpr result = new CiSelectExpr { Line = this.Line, Cond = left }; NextToken(); string saveXcrementParent = this.XcrementParent; this.XcrementParent = "?"; result.OnTrue = ParseExpr(); Expect(CiToken.Colon); result.OnFalse = ParseExpr(); this.XcrementParent = saveXcrementParent; return(result); } return(left); } CiExpr ParseType() { CiExpr left = ParseExpr(); if (Eat(CiToken.Range)) { return new CiBinaryExpr { Line = this.Line, Left = left, Op = CiToken.Range, Right = ParseExpr() } } ; return(left); } CiExpr ParseAssign(bool allowVar) { CiExpr left = ParseType(); switch (this.CurrentToken) { case CiToken.Assign: case CiToken.AddAssign: case CiToken.SubAssign: case CiToken.MulAssign: case CiToken.DivAssign: case CiToken.ModAssign: case CiToken.AndAssign: case CiToken.OrAssign: case CiToken.XorAssign: case CiToken.ShiftLeftAssign: case CiToken.ShiftRightAssign: return(new CiBinaryExpr { Line = this.Line, Left = left, Op = NextToken(), Right = ParseAssign(false) }); case CiToken.Id: if (allowVar) { return(ParseVar(left)); } return(left); default: return(left); } } CiVar ParseVar(CiExpr type) { CiVar def = new CiVar { Line = this.Line, TypeExpr = type, Name = ParseId() }; if (Eat(CiToken.Assign)) { def.Value = ParseAssign(false); } return(def); } CiVar ParseVar() { return(ParseVar(ParseType())); } CiConst ParseConst() { Expect(CiToken.Const); CiConst konst = new CiConst { Line = this.Line, TypeExpr = ParseType(), Name = ParseId() }; Expect(CiToken.Assign); konst.Value = ParseConstInitializer(); Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); return(konst); } CiBlock ParseBlock() { int line = this.Line; Expect(CiToken.LeftBrace); List <CiStatement> statements = new List <CiStatement>(); while (!Eat(CiToken.RightBrace)) { statements.Add(ParseStatement()); } return(new CiBlock { Line = line, Statements = statements.ToArray() }); } CiAssert ParseAssert() { CiAssert result = new CiAssert { Line = this.Line }; Expect(CiToken.Assert); result.Cond = ParseExpr(); if (Eat(CiToken.Comma)) { result.Message = ParseExpr(); } Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); return(result); } CiBreak ParseBreak() { if (this.CurrentLoopOrSwitch == null) { throw ParseException("break outside loop or switch"); } CiBreak result = new CiBreak(this.CurrentLoopOrSwitch) { Line = this.Line }; Expect(CiToken.Break); Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); if (this.CurrentLoopOrSwitch is CiLoop loop) { loop.HasBreak = true; } return(result); } CiContinue ParseContinue() { if (this.CurrentLoop == null) { throw ParseException("continue outside loop"); } CiContinue result = new CiContinue(this.CurrentLoop) { Line = this.Line }; Expect(CiToken.Continue); Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); return(result); } void ParseLoopBody(CiLoop loop) { CiLoop outerLoop = this.CurrentLoop; CiCondCompletionStatement outerLoopOrSwitch = this.CurrentLoopOrSwitch; this.CurrentLoopOrSwitch = this.CurrentLoop = loop; loop.Body = ParseStatement(); this.CurrentLoopOrSwitch = outerLoopOrSwitch; this.CurrentLoop = outerLoop; } CiDoWhile ParseDoWhile() { CiDoWhile result = new CiDoWhile { Line = this.Line }; Expect(CiToken.Do); ParseLoopBody(result); Expect(CiToken.While); result.Cond = ParseParenthesized(); Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); return(result); } CiFor ParseFor() { CiFor result = new CiFor { Line = this.Line }; Expect(CiToken.For); Expect(CiToken.LeftParenthesis); if (!See(CiToken.Semicolon)) { result.Init = ParseAssign(true); } Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); if (!See(CiToken.Semicolon)) { result.Cond = ParseExpr(); } Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); if (!See(CiToken.RightParenthesis)) { result.Advance = ParseAssign(false); } Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); ParseLoopBody(result); return(result); } void ParseForeachIterator(CiForeach result) { result.Add(new CiVar { Line = this.Line, TypeExpr = ParseType(), Name = ParseId() }); } CiForeach ParseForeach() { CiForeach result = new CiForeach { Line = this.Line }; Expect(CiToken.Foreach); Expect(CiToken.LeftParenthesis); if (Eat(CiToken.LeftParenthesis)) { ParseForeachIterator(result); Expect(CiToken.Comma); ParseForeachIterator(result); Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); } else { ParseForeachIterator(result); } Expect(CiToken.In); result.Collection = ParseExpr(); Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); ParseLoopBody(result); return(result); } CiIf ParseIf() { CiIf result = new CiIf { Line = this.Line }; Expect(CiToken.If); result.Cond = ParseParenthesized(); result.OnTrue = ParseStatement(); if (Eat(CiToken.Else)) { result.OnFalse = ParseStatement(); } return(result); } CiNative ParseNative() { int line = this.Line; Expect(CiToken.Native); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); this.CopyTo = sb; try { Expect(CiToken.LeftBrace); int nesting = 1; for (;;) { if (See(CiToken.EndOfFile)) { throw ParseException("Native block not terminated"); } if (See(CiToken.LeftBrace)) { nesting++; } else if (See(CiToken.RightBrace) && --nesting == 0) { break; } NextToken(); } } finally { this.CopyTo = null; } NextToken(); Trace.Assert(sb[sb.Length - 1] == '}'); sb.Length--; return(new CiNative { Line = line, Content = sb.ToString() }); } CiReturn ParseReturn() { CiReturn result = new CiReturn { Line = this.Line }; NextToken(); if (!See(CiToken.Semicolon)) { result.Value = ParseExpr(); } Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); return(result); } CiSwitch ParseSwitch() { CiSwitch result = new CiSwitch { Line = this.Line }; Expect(CiToken.Switch); result.Value = ParseParenthesized(); Expect(CiToken.LeftBrace); CiCondCompletionStatement outerLoopOrSwitch = this.CurrentLoopOrSwitch; this.CurrentLoopOrSwitch = result; List <CiCase> cases = new List <CiCase>(); while (Eat(CiToken.Case)) { List <CiExpr> values = new List <CiExpr>(); CiExpr value; do { value = ParseExpr(); values.Add(value); Expect(CiToken.Colon); } while (Eat(CiToken.Case)); if (See(CiToken.Default)) { throw StatementException(value, "Please remove case before default"); } CiCase kase = new CiCase { Values = values.ToArray() }; List <CiStatement> statements = new List <CiStatement>(); for (;;) { statements.Add(ParseStatement()); switch (this.CurrentToken) { case CiToken.Case: case CiToken.Default: case CiToken.RightBrace: break; default: continue; } break; } kase.Body = statements.ToArray(); cases.Add(kase); } if (cases.Count == 0) { throw ParseException("Switch with no cases"); } result.Cases = cases.ToArray(); if (Eat(CiToken.Default)) { Expect(CiToken.Colon); List <CiStatement> statements = new List <CiStatement>(); do { statements.Add(ParseStatement()); }while (!See(CiToken.RightBrace)); result.DefaultBody = statements.ToArray(); } Expect(CiToken.RightBrace); this.CurrentLoopOrSwitch = outerLoopOrSwitch; return(result); } CiThrow ParseThrow() { CiThrow result = new CiThrow { Line = this.Line }; Expect(CiToken.Throw); result.Message = ParseExpr(); Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); return(result); } CiWhile ParseWhile() { CiWhile result = new CiWhile { Line = this.Line }; Expect(CiToken.While); result.Cond = ParseParenthesized(); ParseLoopBody(result); return(result); } CiStatement ParseStatement() { switch (this.CurrentToken) { case CiToken.LeftBrace: return(ParseBlock()); case CiToken.Assert: return(ParseAssert()); case CiToken.Break: return(ParseBreak()); case CiToken.Const: return(ParseConst()); case CiToken.Continue: return(ParseContinue()); case CiToken.Do: return(ParseDoWhile()); case CiToken.For: return(ParseFor()); case CiToken.Foreach: return(ParseForeach()); case CiToken.If: return(ParseIf()); case CiToken.Native: return(ParseNative()); case CiToken.Return: return(ParseReturn()); case CiToken.Switch: return(ParseSwitch()); case CiToken.Throw: return(ParseThrow()); case CiToken.While: return(ParseWhile()); default: CiExpr expr = ParseAssign(true); Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); return(expr); } } CiCallType ParseCallType() { switch (this.CurrentToken) { case CiToken.Static: NextToken(); return(CiCallType.Static); case CiToken.Abstract: NextToken(); return(CiCallType.Abstract); case CiToken.Virtual: NextToken(); return(CiCallType.Virtual); case CiToken.Override: NextToken(); return(CiCallType.Override); case CiToken.Sealed: NextToken(); return(CiCallType.Sealed); default: return(CiCallType.Normal); } } void ParseMethod(CiMethod method) { method.IsMutator = Eat(CiToken.ExclamationMark); Expect(CiToken.LeftParenthesis); if (!See(CiToken.RightParenthesis)) { do { CiCodeDoc doc = ParseDoc(); CiVar param = ParseVar(); param.Documentation = doc; method.Parameters.Add(param); } while (Eat(CiToken.Comma)); } Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); method.Throws = Eat(CiToken.Throws); if (method.CallType == CiCallType.Abstract) { Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); } else if (See(CiToken.FatArrow)) { method.Body = ParseReturn(); } else { method.Body = ParseBlock(); } } public CiClass ParseClass(CiCallType callType) { Expect(CiToken.Class); CiClass klass = new CiClass { Parent = this.Program, Filename = this.Filename, Line = this.Line, CallType = callType, Name = ParseId() }; if (Eat(CiToken.Colon)) { klass.BaseClassName = ParseId(); } Expect(CiToken.LeftBrace); List <CiConst> consts = new List <CiConst>(); List <CiField> fields = new List <CiField>(); List <CiMethod> methods = new List <CiMethod>(); while (!Eat(CiToken.RightBrace)) { CiCodeDoc doc = ParseDoc(); CiVisibility visibility; switch (this.CurrentToken) { case CiToken.Internal: visibility = CiVisibility.Internal; NextToken(); break; case CiToken.Protected: visibility = CiVisibility.Protected; NextToken(); break; case CiToken.Public: visibility = CiVisibility.Public; NextToken(); break; default: visibility = CiVisibility.Private; break; } if (See(CiToken.Const)) { // const CiConst konst = ParseConst(); konst.Documentation = doc; konst.Visibility = visibility; consts.Add(konst); continue; } callType = ParseCallType(); // \ class | static | normal | abstract | sealed // method \| | | | // --------+--------+--------+----------+------- // static | + | + | + | + // normal | - | + | + | + // abstract| - | - | + | - // virtual | - | + | + | - // override| - | + | + | + // sealed | - | + | + | + if (callType == CiCallType.Static || klass.CallType == CiCallType.Abstract) { // ok } else if (klass.CallType == CiCallType.Static) { throw ParseException("Only static members allowed in a static class"); } else if (callType == CiCallType.Abstract) { throw ParseException("Abstract methods allowed only in an abstract class"); } else if (klass.CallType == CiCallType.Sealed && callType == CiCallType.Virtual) { throw ParseException("Virtual methods disallowed in a sealed class"); } if (visibility == CiVisibility.Private && callType != CiCallType.Static && callType != CiCallType.Normal) { throw ParseException("{0} method cannot be private", callType); } CiExpr type = Eat(CiToken.Void) ? null : ParseType(); if (See(CiToken.LeftBrace) && type is CiCallExpr call) { // constructor if (call.Method.Name != klass.Name) { throw ParseException("Constructor name doesn't match class name"); } if (callType != CiCallType.Normal) { throw ParseException("Constructor cannot be {0}", callType); } if (call.Arguments.Length != 0) { throw ParseException("Constructor parameters not supported"); } if (klass.Constructor != null) { throw ParseException("Duplicate constructor, already defined in line {0}", klass.Constructor.Line); } if (visibility == CiVisibility.Private) { visibility = CiVisibility.Internal; // TODO } klass.Constructor = new CiMethodBase { Line = call.Line, Documentation = doc, Visibility = visibility, Parent = klass, Name = klass.Name, Body = ParseBlock() }; continue; } int line = this.Line; string name = ParseId(); if (See(CiToken.LeftParenthesis) || See(CiToken.ExclamationMark)) { // method CiMethod method = new CiMethod { Line = line, Documentation = doc, Visibility = visibility, CallType = callType, TypeExpr = type, Name = name }; method.Parameters.Parent = klass; ParseMethod(method); methods.Add(method); continue; } // field if (visibility == CiVisibility.Public) { throw ParseException("Field cannot be public"); } if (callType != CiCallType.Normal) { throw ParseException("Field cannot be {0}", callType); } if (type == null) { throw ParseException("Field cannot be void"); } CiField field = new CiField { Line = line, Documentation = doc, Visibility = visibility, TypeExpr = type, Name = name }; if (Eat(CiToken.Assign)) { field.Value = ParseExpr(); } Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); fields.Add(field); } klass.Consts = consts.ToArray(); klass.Fields = fields.ToArray(); klass.Methods = methods.ToArray(); return(klass); } public CiEnum ParseEnum() { Expect(CiToken.Enum); CiEnum enu = new CiEnum { Parent = this.Program, Filename = this.Filename, IsFlags = Eat(CiToken.Asterisk), Line = this.Line, Name = ParseId() }; Expect(CiToken.LeftBrace); do { CiConst konst = new CiConst { Visibility = CiVisibility.Public, Documentation = ParseDoc(), Line = this.Line, Name = ParseId(), Type = enu }; if (Eat(CiToken.Assign)) { konst.Value = ParseExpr(); } else if (enu.IsFlags) { throw ParseException("enum* symbol must be assigned a value"); } enu.Add(konst); } while (Eat(CiToken.Comma)); Expect(CiToken.RightBrace); return(enu); } public void Parse(string filename, TextReader reader) { Open(filename, reader); while (!See(CiToken.EndOfFile)) { CiCodeDoc doc = ParseDoc(); CiContainerType type; bool isPublic = Eat(CiToken.Public); switch (this.CurrentToken) { // class case CiToken.Class: type = ParseClass(CiCallType.Normal); break; case CiToken.Static: case CiToken.Abstract: case CiToken.Sealed: type = ParseClass(ParseCallType()); break; // enum case CiToken.Enum: type = ParseEnum(); break; // native case CiToken.Native: this.Program.TopLevelNatives.Add(ParseNative().Content); continue; default: throw ParseException("Expected class or enum"); } type.Documentation = doc; type.IsPublic = isPublic; this.Program.Add(type); } } } }
public override void Visit(CiAssert statement) { }