Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>Queues the chunk at the writer</summary>
        /// <param name="chunk">Chunk, ready for write</param>
        /// <param name="lazyOverwrite">Ovewrite lazily equivalent chunks</param>
        /// <remarks>Warning: the overwriting applies to equivalent chunks, see <c>ChunkPredicateEquiv</c>
        /// and will only make sense for queued (not yet writen) chunks
        /// </remarks>
        public void QueueChunk(PngChunk chunk, bool lazyOverwrite)
            ChunksListForWrite cl = GetChunkListW();

            if (ReadOnly)
                throw new PngjException("cannot set chunk : readonly metadata");
            if (lazyOverwrite)
                ChunkHelper.TrimList(cl.GetQueuedChunks(), new ChunkPredicateEquiv(chunk));
Esempio n. 2
 public PngWriter(Stream outputStream, ImageInfo imgInfo, string filename)
     this.filename       = ((filename == null) ? "" : filename);
     this.outputStream   = outputStream;
     ImgInfo             = imgInfo;
     CompLevel           = 6;
     ShouldCloseStream   = true;
     IdatMaxSize         = 0;
     CompressionStrategy = EDeflateCompressStrategy.Filtered;
     rowb         = new byte[imgInfo.BytesPerRow + 1];
     rowbprev     = new byte[rowb.Length];
     rowbfilter   = new byte[rowb.Length];
     chunksList   = new ChunksListForWrite(ImgInfo);
     metadata     = new PngMetadata(chunksList);
     filterStrat  = new FilterWriteStrategy(ImgInfo, FilterType.FILTER_DEFAULT);
     unpackedMode = false;
     needsPack    = (unpackedMode && imgInfo.Packed);
Esempio n. 3
        public PngWriter( Stream outputStream, ImageInfo imgInfo,
				String filename )
            this.filename = ( filename == null ) ? "" : filename;
            this.outputStream = outputStream;
            this.ImgInfo = imgInfo;
            this.CompLevel = 6;
            this.ShouldCloseStream = true;
            this.IdatMaxSize = 0;
            this.CompressionStrategy = EDeflateCompressStrategy.Filtered;
            rowb = new byte [ imgInfo.BytesPerRow + 1 ];
            rowbprev = new byte [ rowb.Length ];
            rowbfilter = new byte [ rowb.Length ];
            chunksList = new ChunksListForWrite ( ImgInfo );
            metadata = new PngMetadata ( chunksList );
            filterStrat = new FilterWriteStrategy ( ImgInfo, FilterType.FILTER_DEFAULT );
            unpackedMode = false;
            needsPack = unpackedMode && imgInfo.Packed;
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
   /// Constructs a PngWriter from a outputStream, with optional filename or description
   /// </summary>
   /// <remarks>
   /// After construction nothing is writen yet. You still can set some
   /// parameters (compression, filters) and queue chunks before start writing the pixels.
   /// See also <c>FileHelper.createPngWriter()</c>
   /// </remarks>
   /// <param name="outputStream">Opened stream for binary writing</param>
   /// <param name="imgInfo">Basic image parameters</param>
   /// <param name="filename">Optional, can be the filename or a description.</param>
   public PngWriter(Stream outputStream, ImageInfo imgInfo,
           String filename) {
       this.filename = filename == null ? "" : filename;
       this.outputStream = outputStream;
       ImgInfo = imgInfo;
       // defaults settings
       CompLevel = 6;
       ShouldCloseStream = true;
       IdatMaxSize = 0; // use default
       CompressionStrategy = EDeflateCompressStrategy.Filtered;
       // prealloc
       //scanline = new int[imgInfo.SamplesPerRowPacked];
       rowb = new byte[imgInfo.BytesPerRow + 1];
       rowbprev = new byte[rowb.Length];
       rowbfilter = new byte[rowb.Length];
       chunksList = new ChunksListForWrite(ImgInfo);
       metadata = new PngMetadata(chunksList);
       filterStrat = new FilterWriteStrategy(ImgInfo, FilterType.FILTER_DEFAULT);
       unpackedMode = false;
       needsPack = unpackedMode && imgInfo.Packed;