Esempio n. 1
    public static Vector3[] GenerateTerrainMesh(Vector3[] parentVertices, float[,] heightMap, float heightMultiplier, AnimationCurve _heightCurve)
        AnimationCurve heightCurve = new AnimationCurve(_heightCurve.keys);

        int   width    = heightMap.GetLength(0);
        int   height   = heightMap.GetLength(1);
        float topLeftX = (width - 1) / -2f;
        float topLeftZ = (height - 1) / 2f;

        int verticesPerLine = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Sqrt(parentVertices.Length));

        ChunkMeshData meshData = new ChunkMeshData(width, height);

        int vertexIndex = 0;

        for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
            for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                meshData.vertices[vertexIndex] = new Vector3(topLeftX + x, heightCurve.Evaluate(heightMap[x, y]) * heightMultiplier, topLeftZ - y);

        public void GenerateSegment()
            var meshData = new ChunkMeshData();

            // Generate mesh

            // Hide chunk with old data if chunk mesh is empty since we can't push empty mesh
            /*chunkCollider.IsActive = */ chunkModel.IsActive = meshData.Triangles.Count > 0;

            // Early out (upload only if we have some mesh)
            if (meshData.Triangles.Count == 0)

            // Wait until chunk is loaded
            // while(!chunkMesh.IsLoaded && chunkMesh.LoadedLODs < 1) Thread.Sleep(10);

            // UpdateSegment mesh
            //chunkMesh.LODs[0].Meshes[0].BuildMesh(meshData.Vertices.ToArray(), meshData.Triangles.ToArray(), meshData.Normals.ToArray());

            // UpdateSegment collisions
            // chunkCollisionData.CookCollision(CollisionDataType.TriangleMesh, chunkMesh);
            latestMeshData = meshData;
        private void Quad(ChunkMeshData meshData, Vector3 bottomLeft,
                          Vector3 topLeft,
                          Vector3 topRight,
                          Vector3 bottomRight,
                          int width,
                          int height,
                          Block voxel,
                          bool backFace)
            bottomLeft.Y  += yOffset;
            bottomRight.Y += yOffset;
            topLeft.Y     += yOffset;
            topRight.Y    += yOffset;

            int offset = (int)meshData.Vertices.Count;

            meshData.Vertices.AddRange(new [] { topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight });
            meshData.Triangles.AddRange(backFace ? new int[] { 2 + offset, 3 + offset, 1 + offset, 1 + offset, 0 + offset, 2 + offset } : new int[] { 2 + offset, 0 + offset, 1 + offset, 1 + offset, 3 + offset, 2 + offset });
            var normal = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(topRight - topLeft, bottomRight - topLeft));

            if (backFace)
                normal *= -1;

            meshData.Normals.AddRange(new [] { normal, normal, normal, normal });
 public void Update()
     if (latestMeshData != null && chunkModel && latestMeshData.Triangles.Count > 0)
         chunkMesh.LODs[0].Meshes[0].UpdateMesh(latestMeshData.Vertices.ToArray(), latestMeshData.Triangles.ToArray(), latestMeshData.Normals.ToArray());
         latestMeshData = null;
    public void GenerateMeshData(int ChunkX, int ChunkY, HeightsGenerator generator)
        this.ChunkX = ChunkX;
        this.ChunkY = ChunkY;

        bool create = ChunkData == null;

        if (ChunkData == null)
            ChunkData = new ChunkMeshData();

        int ThisChunkSize = ChunkSize + 1;

        if (create)
            ChunkData.vertices  = new Vector3[ThisChunkSize * ThisChunkSize];
            Heights             = new float[ThisChunkSize * ThisChunkSize];
            ChunkData.triangles = new int[(ThisChunkSize - 1) * (ThisChunkSize - 1) * 6];
            ChunkData.colors    = new Color32[ThisChunkSize * ThisChunkSize];
            ChunkData.uv        = new Vector2[ThisChunkSize * ThisChunkSize];

        for (int vertex_index = 0, i = 0; i <= ChunkSize; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j <= ChunkSize; j++, vertex_index++)
                if (create)
                    float h = generator.GetHeight(i + (ChunkX * (ChunkSize)), j + (ChunkY * (ChunkSize)));
                    SetHeight(i, j, h);

                    Color color = generator.GetColor(i + (ChunkX * (ChunkSize)), j + (ChunkY * (ChunkSize)), h);
                    SetColor(i, j, color);

                    ChunkData.vertices[vertex_index] = new Vector3();

                    ChunkData.uv[vertex_index] = new Vector2((float)i / (float)ThisChunkSize, (float)j / (float)ThisChunkSize);

                float height = GetHeight(i, j);
                ChunkData.vertices[vertex_index].Set(i, height, j);

                if (i < ChunkSize && j < ChunkSize)
                    ChunkData.AddTriangle(vertex_index, vertex_index + ThisChunkSize + 1, vertex_index + ThisChunkSize);
                    ChunkData.AddTriangle(vertex_index + ThisChunkSize + 1, vertex_index, vertex_index + 1);

        ChunkData.vertex_index = 0;

        NeedsUpdate = true;
Esempio n. 6
    public static Mesh Generate(float[,] heightMap, float scale)
        int borderedSize = heightMap.GetLength(0);
        int meshSize     = borderedSize - 2;

        int[,] vertexIndicesMap = new int[borderedSize, borderedSize];
        int           meshVertexIndex   = 0;
        int           borderVertexIndex = -1;
        ChunkMeshData meshData          = new ChunkMeshData(meshSize);

        for (int y = 0; y < borderedSize; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < borderedSize; x++)
                bool isBorderVertex = y == 0 || y == borderedSize - 1 || x == 0 || x == borderedSize - 1;

                if (isBorderVertex)
                    vertexIndicesMap[x, y] = borderVertexIndex;
                    vertexIndicesMap[x, y] = meshVertexIndex;
        for (int y = 0; y < borderedSize; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < borderedSize; x++)
                Vector3 vertexPosition = new Vector3((x - 1) * scale, heightMap[x, y], (y - 1) * scale);
                meshData.AddVertex(vertexPosition, vertexIndicesMap[x, y]);
                if (x < borderedSize - 1 && y < borderedSize - 1)
                    int a = vertexIndicesMap[x, y];
                    int b = vertexIndicesMap[x, y + 1];
                    int c = vertexIndicesMap[x + 1, y];
                    int d = vertexIndicesMap[x + 1, y + 1];
                    meshData.AddTriangle(a, d, c);
                    meshData.AddTriangle(d, a, b);
Esempio n. 7
    /// <summary>
    /// 异步构建chunk
    /// </summary>
    public async void BuildChunkForAsync(Action callBackForComplete)
        if (!isInit)
            isBuildChunk = false;
        if (isBuildChunk)
        isBuildChunk = true;
        await Task.Run(() =>
            //遍历chunk, 生成其中的每一个Block
                lock (lockForBlcok)
                    Stopwatch stopwatch = TimeUtil.GetMethodTimeStart();
                    chunkMeshData = new ChunkMeshData();


                    for (int i = 0; i < chunkData.chunkSectionDatas.Length; i++)
                        ChunkSectionData chunkSection = chunkData.chunkSectionDatas[i];
                        if (!chunkSection.IsRender())

                        for (int x = 0; x < chunkSection.sectionSize; x++)
                            for (int y = 0; y < chunkSection.sectionSize; y++)
                                for (int z = 0; z < chunkSection.sectionSize; z++)
                                    Block block = chunkData.GetBlockForLocal(x, y + chunkSection.yBase, z);;
                                    if (block == null || block.blockType == BlockTypeEnum.None)
                                    Vector3Int localPosition = new Vector3Int(x, y + chunkSection.yBase, z);
                                    block.BuildBlock(this, localPosition);
                                    block.InitBlock(this, localPosition, 0);
                    TimeUtil.GetMethodTimeEnd("Time_BuildChunkForAsync:", stopwatch);
            catch (Exception e)
                LogUtil.LogError("BuildChunkForAsync:" + e.ToString());

        isBuildChunk = false;
Esempio n. 8
    } // CalculateFace 
    void CreateChunkMesh (ChunkMeshData chunkData)
        // Data
        GameObject chunk = new GameObject("Chunk(" + chunkData.x + "|" + chunkData.y + ")");
        Mesh mesh = chunk.AddComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
        chunk.transform.position = new Vector3(chunkData.x, chunkData.y, 0);
        chunk.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>().materials = materials;
        chunk.transform.parent = this.transform;

        // Set submesh data
        mesh.subMeshCount = 9;

        // Insert data
        mesh.vertices = chunkData.vertices.ToArray();
        mesh.SetTriangles(chunkData.triangles[0], 0);
        mesh.SetTriangles(chunkData.triangles[1], 1);
        mesh.SetTriangles(chunkData.triangles[2], 2);
        mesh.SetTriangles(chunkData.triangles[3], 3);
        mesh.SetTriangles(chunkData.triangles[4], 4);
		mesh.SetTriangles(chunkData.triangles[5], 5);
		mesh.SetTriangles(chunkData.triangles[6], 6);
		mesh.SetTriangles(chunkData.triangles[7], 7);
		mesh.SetTriangles(chunkData.triangles[8], 8);
        mesh.uv = chunkData.uv.ToArray();

		// Collider mesh
		Mesh colliderMesh = new Mesh();
		colliderMesh.vertices = chunkData.colliderVertices.ToArray();
		colliderMesh.triangles = chunkData.colliderTriangles.ToArray ();

		// Collider object
		GameObject chunkCollider = new GameObject ();
		chunkCollider.AddComponent<MeshCollider> ().sharedMesh = colliderMesh;
		chunkCollider.transform.parent = chunk.transform;
		chunkCollider.transform.position = chunk.transform.position; = "Collider";
		chunkCollider.tag = "Chunk";

        // Do other shit

		// Remove old chunk, if destroyOld == true
		if (chunkData.destroyOld)
			string name = "Chunk(" + chunkData.x + "|" + chunkData.y + ")";

    } // CreateChunkMesh
Esempio n. 9
    } // CalculateMeshData
	void CalculateFace (int x, int y, ref ChunkMeshData chunkData, ref int squareCount, ref int squareCountCollider, int side)
		Vector3[] tempVertices =  new Vector3[0];
		switch (side)
			case 0:
				// Add vertices
				tempVertices = new Vector3[] 
					new Vector3 (x, y, -.5f),
					new Vector3 (x, y + 1f, -.5f),
					new Vector3 (x + 1f, y + 1f, -.5f),
					new Vector3 (x + 1f, y, -.5f)
			case 1:
				// Add vertices
				tempVertices = new Vector3[] {
					new Vector3 (x, y + 1f, -.5f),
					new Vector3 (x, y + 1f, .5f),
					new Vector3 (x + 1f, y + 1f, .5f),
					new Vector3 (x + 1f, y + 1f, -.5f)
			case 2:
				// Add vertices
				tempVertices = new Vector3[] 
					new Vector3 (x, y, .5f),
					new Vector3 (x, y, -.5f),
					new Vector3 (x + 1f, y, -.5f),
					new Vector3 (x + 1f, y, .5f)
			case 3:
				// Add vertices
				tempVertices = new Vector3[] 
					new Vector3 (x, y, .5f),
					new Vector3 (x, y + 1f, .5f),
					new Vector3 (x, y + 1f, -.5f),
					new Vector3 (x, y, -.5f)
			case 4:
				// Add vertices
				tempVertices = new Vector3[] 
					new Vector3 (x + 1f, y, -.5f),
					new Vector3 (x + 1f, y + 1f, -.5f),
					new Vector3 (x + 1f, y + 1f, .5f),
					new Vector3 (x + 1f, y, .5f)

        chunkData.vertices.AddRange(tempVertices); // Visual vertices
		chunkData.colliderVertices.AddRange(tempVertices); // Collider vertices        

		// Triangles for collider
		List<int> colliderTriangles = new List<int>();
		colliderTriangles.AddRange(new int[]
			squareCountCollider * 4,
			(squareCountCollider * 4) + 1,
			(squareCountCollider * 4) + 3,
			(squareCountCollider * 4) + 1,
			(squareCountCollider * 4) + 2,
			(squareCountCollider * 4) + 3
		chunkData.colliderTriangles.AddRange(colliderTriangles.ToArray()); // Collider triangles

		// Add triangles
		List<int> tempTriangles = new List<int>();
		tempTriangles.AddRange(new int[]
			squareCount * 4,
			(squareCount * 4) + 1,
			(squareCount * 4) + 3,
			(squareCount * 4) + 1,
			(squareCount * 4) + 2,
			(squareCount * 4) + 3

		switch (worldBlocks [chunkData.x + x, chunkData.y + y].id) // Insert triangles into correct chunkData.triangles
			case 1: // Grass
					if (side == 1)
						chunkData.triangles [0].AddRange (tempTriangles.ToArray ());
					else if (side == 2)
						chunkData.triangles [2].AddRange (tempTriangles.ToArray ());
						chunkData.triangles [1].AddRange (tempTriangles.ToArray ());
			case 2: // Dirt
					chunkData.triangles [2].AddRange (tempTriangles.ToArray ());
			case 3: // Stone
					chunkData.triangles [3].AddRange (tempTriangles.ToArray ());
			case 4: // Cobblestone
					chunkData.triangles [4].AddRange (tempTriangles.ToArray ());
			case 5: // Wood
					if (side == 1 || side == 2)
						chunkData.triangles [5].AddRange (tempTriangles.ToArray ());
						chunkData.triangles [6].AddRange (tempTriangles.ToArray ());
			case 6: // Planks
					chunkData.triangles [7].AddRange (tempTriangles.ToArray ());
			case 7: // Leaves
					chunkData.triangles [8].AddRange (tempTriangles.ToArray ());
        // Add UV
        chunkData.uv.AddRange(new Vector2[]
            new Vector3(0f, 0f),
            new Vector3(0f, 1f),
            new Vector3(1f, 1f),
            new Vector3(1f, 0f)
        // Increase squareCount                

    } // CalculateFace 
Esempio n. 10
    void CalculateChunkMeshData (int chunkX, int chunkY, bool destroyOld)
        ChunkMeshData chunkData = new ChunkMeshData();

        // Set chunkData position
		chunkData.x = chunkX * chunkSize;
		chunkData.y = chunkY * chunkSize;
		// Destroy old chunk
		chunkData.destroyOld = destroyOld;

        // Visual data
        chunkData.vertices = new List<Vector3>();
		chunkData.triangles = new List<int>[9]{ new List<int>(), new List<int>(), new List<int>(), new List<int>(), new List<int>(), new List<int>(), new List<int>(), new List<int>(), new List<int>() };
        chunkData.uv = new List<Vector2>();
        // Collider data
        chunkData.colliderVertices = new List<Vector3>();
        chunkData.colliderTriangles = new List<int >();
        int squareCount = 0;
		int squareCountCollider = 0;
        for (int x = 0; x < chunkSize; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < chunkSize; y++)
				Block thisBlock = worldBlocks [chunkData.x + x, chunkData.y + y];
				if ( != 0) // Dont do these calculations if the block is air 
	                // Calculate front
					CalculateFace (x, y, ref chunkData, ref squareCount, ref squareCountCollider, 0);

					// Calculate top
					if (worldHeight * chunkSize == chunkData.y + y + 1 || worldBlocks[chunkData.x + x, chunkData.y + y + 1].id == 0 || worldBlocks[chunkData.x + x, chunkData.y + y + 1].id == 7 && worldBlocks[chunkData.x + x, chunkData.y + y].id != 7)
						CalculateFace (x, y, ref chunkData, ref squareCount, ref squareCountCollider, 1);

					// Calculate bottom
					if (chunkData.y + y  == 0 || worldBlocks[chunkData.x + x, chunkData.y + y - 1].id == 0)
						CalculateFace (x, y, ref chunkData, ref squareCount, ref squareCountCollider, 2);

					// Calculate left 
					if (chunkData.x + x == 0 || worldBlocks[chunkData.x + x - 1, chunkData.y + y].id == 0)
						CalculateFace (x, y, ref chunkData, ref squareCount, ref squareCountCollider, 3);
					// Calculate right 
					if (worldWidth * chunkSize == chunkData.x + x + 1 || worldBlocks[chunkData.x + x + 1, chunkData.y + y].id == 0)
						CalculateFace (x, y, ref chunkData, ref squareCount, ref squareCountCollider, 4);
        // Add the ChunkMeshData to the queu

    } // CalculateMeshData
Esempio n. 11
        private void UpdateMeshes()
            EntityManager.AddChunkComponentData(_spriteMissingMesh, new ChunkSpriteMeshComponent
                ChunkMeshId = -1

            using (var chunks = _spriteEntities.CreateArchetypeChunkArray(Allocator.TempJob))
                var materialType        = GetArchetypeChunkSharedComponentType <SharedSpriteMaterialComponent>();
                var chunkSpriteMeshType = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType <ChunkSpriteMeshComponent>();
                var spriteComponentType = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType <SpriteComponent>(true);
                var localToWorldType    = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType <LocalToWorld>(true);
                for (int chunkIdx = 0; chunkIdx < chunks.Length; chunkIdx++)
                    var chunk = chunks[chunkIdx];

                    var spriteMaterial = chunk.GetSharedComponentData(materialType, EntityManager);

                    // find mesh
                    ChunkMeshData meshData;
                        var chunkSpriteMesh = chunk.GetChunkComponentData(chunkSpriteMeshType);
                        if (chunkSpriteMesh.ChunkMeshId <= 0)
                            chunkSpriteMesh.ChunkMeshId = _nextMeshId++;
                            chunk.SetChunkComponentData(chunkSpriteMeshType, chunkSpriteMesh);
                            meshData = new ChunkMeshData
                                Material        = chunk.GetSharedComponentData(materialType, EntityManager),
                                Mesh            = new Mesh(),
                                MaterialVersion = LastSystemVersion,
                            meshData = _meshById[chunkSpriteMesh.ChunkMeshId];
                            bool hasMaterialChanged = chunk.DidChange(materialType, meshData.MaterialVersion) && !spriteMaterial.Equals(meshData.Material);
                            if (!chunk.DidChange(localToWorldType, meshData.MeshVersion) &&
                                !chunk.DidChange(spriteComponentType, meshData.MeshVersion) &&
                            if (hasMaterialChanged)
                                meshData.Material        = spriteMaterial;
                                meshData.MaterialVersion = LastSystemVersion;
                        meshData.MeshVersion = LastSystemVersion;
                        _meshById[chunkSpriteMesh.ChunkMeshId] = meshData;

                    // generate mesh
                    int numVertices  = 4 * chunk.Count;
                    var vertices     = new NativeArray <float3>(numVertices, Allocator.Temp);
                    var triangles    = new NativeArray <int>(2 * 3 * chunk.Count, Allocator.Temp);
                    var uvs          = new NativeArray <float2>(numVertices, Allocator.Temp);
                    var colors       = new NativeArray <float4>(numVertices, Allocator.Temp);
                    var localToWorld = chunk.GetNativeArray(localToWorldType);
                    var sprites      = chunk.GetNativeArray(spriteComponentType);

                    for (int i = 0; i < chunk.Count; i++)
                        float4 size = new float4(-sprites[i].HalfSize, sprites[i].HalfSize);
                        vertices[4 * i + 0] = math.mul(localToWorld[i].Value, new float4(size.xy, 0, 1)).xyz;
                        vertices[4 * i + 1] = math.mul(localToWorld[i].Value, new float4(size.zy, 0, 1)).xyz;
                        vertices[4 * i + 2] = math.mul(localToWorld[i].Value, new float4(, 0, 1)).xyz;
                        vertices[4 * i + 3] = math.mul(localToWorld[i].Value, new float4(size.xw, 0, 1)).xyz;

                    for (int i = 0; i < chunk.Count; i++)
                        triangles[6 * i + 0] = 4 * i + 0;
                        triangles[6 * i + 1] = 4 * i + 2;
                        triangles[6 * i + 2] = 4 * i + 1;
                        triangles[6 * i + 3] = 4 * i + 0;
                        triangles[6 * i + 4] = 4 * i + 3;
                        triangles[6 * i + 5] = 4 * i + 2;

                    for (int i = 0; i < chunk.Count; i++)
                        uvs[4 * i + 0] = sprites[i].MinUV;
                        uvs[4 * i + 1] = new float2(sprites[i].MaxUV.x, sprites[i].MinUV.y);
                        uvs[4 * i + 2] = sprites[i].MaxUV;
                        uvs[4 * i + 3] = new float2(sprites[i].MinUV.x, sprites[i].MaxUV.y);

                        colors[4 * i + 0] = sprites[i].Color;
                        colors[4 * i + 1] = sprites[i].Color;
                        colors[4 * i + 2] = sprites[i].Color;
                        colors[4 * i + 3] = sprites[i].Color;

                    Mesh mesh = meshData.Mesh;
                    mesh.SetIndices(triangles, MeshTopology.Triangles, 0);
                    mesh.SetUVs(0, uvs);
        private void Greedy(ChunkMeshData meshData)
            int i, j, k, l, w, h, u, v, n, side = 0;

            int[] x  = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            int[] q  = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            int[] du = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            int[] dv = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };

            Block[] mask = new Block[Chunk.SEGMENT_SIZE * Chunk.SEGMENT_SIZE];

            Block block, block2;

            for (bool backFace = true, b = false; b != backFace; backFace = backFace && b, b = !b)
                for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++)
                    u = (d + 1) % 3;
                    v = (d + 2) % 3;

                    x[0] = 0;
                    x[1] = 0;
                    x[2] = 0;

                    q[0] = 0;
                    q[1] = 0;
                    q[2] = 0;
                    q[d] = 1;

                    if (d == 0)
                        side = backFace ? WEST : EAST;
                    else if (d == 1)
                        side = backFace ? BOTTOM : TOP;
                    else if (d == 2)
                        side = backFace ? SOUTH : NORTH;

                    for (x[d] = -1; x[d] < Chunk.SEGMENT_SIZE;)
                        n = 0;

                        for (x[v] = 0; x[v] < Chunk.SEGMENT_SIZE; x[v]++)
                            for (x[u] = 0; x[u] < Chunk.SEGMENT_SIZE; x[u]++)
                                block  = /*(x[d] >= 0) ?*/ GetVoxelFace(x[0], x[1], x[2], side) /* : null*/;
                                block2 = /*(x[d] < Chunk.SEGMENT_SIZE - 1) ? */ GetVoxelFace(x[0] + q[0], x[1] + q[1], x[2] + q[2], side) /* : null*/;

                                mask[n++] = ((block != null && block2 != null && block.Equals(block2)))
                                            ? null
                                            : backFace ? block2 : block;

                        n = 0;

                        for (j = 0; j < Chunk.SEGMENT_SIZE; j++)
                            for (i = 0; i < Chunk.SEGMENT_SIZE;)
                                if (mask[n] != null)
                                    for (w = 1; i + w < Chunk.SEGMENT_SIZE && mask[n + w] != null && mask[n + w].Equals(mask[n]); w++)

                                    bool done = false;

                                    for (h = 1; j + h < Chunk.SEGMENT_SIZE; h++)
                                        for (k = 0; k < w; k++)
                                            if (mask[n + k + h * Chunk.SEGMENT_SIZE] == null || !mask[n + k + h * Chunk.SEGMENT_SIZE].Equals(mask[n]))
                                                done = true; break;

                                        if (done)

                                    if (!mask[n].Transparent)
                                        x[u] = i;
                                        x[v] = j;

                                        du[0] = 0;
                                        du[1] = 0;
                                        du[2] = 0;
                                        du[u] = w;

                                        dv[0] = 0;
                                        dv[1] = 0;
                                        dv[2] = 0;
                                        dv[v] = h;

                                        Quad(meshData, new Vector3(x[0], x[1], x[2]),
                                             new Vector3(x[0] + du[0], x[1] + du[1], x[2] + du[2]),
                                             new Vector3(x[0] + du[0] + dv[0], x[1] + du[1] + dv[1], x[2] + du[2] + dv[2]),
                                             new Vector3(x[0] + dv[0], x[1] + dv[1], x[2] + dv[2]),

                                    for (l = 0; l < h; ++l)
                                        for (k = 0; k < w; ++k)
                                            mask[n + k + l * Chunk.SEGMENT_SIZE] = null;

                                    i += w;
                                    n += w;
Esempio n. 13
    public void CombineMesh(ChunkMeshData chunkMeshData)
        Mesh.MeshDataArray outMeshDataArray = Mesh.AllocateWritableMeshData(1);
        Mesh.MeshData      outMesh          = outMeshDataArray[0];

        Mesh.MeshDataArray outMeshDataArrayCollider = Mesh.AllocateWritableMeshData(1);
        Mesh.MeshData      outMeshCollider          = outMeshDataArrayCollider[0];

        Mesh.MeshDataArray outMeshDataArrayTrigger = Mesh.AllocateWritableMeshData(1);
        Mesh.MeshData      outMeshTrigger          = outMeshDataArrayTrigger[0];

        int subMeshCount      = 0;
        int subMeshIndexCount = 0;

        List <int> trisDataAll = new List <int>();
        List <SubMeshDescriptor> listSubMeshDescriptor = new List <SubMeshDescriptor>();

        for (int i = 0; i < chunkMeshData.dicTris.Length; i++)
            List <int> trisData = chunkMeshData.dicTris[i];
            if (trisData.IsNull())
            SubMeshDescriptor subMeshDesc = new SubMeshDescriptor
                indexStart = subMeshIndexCount,
                indexCount = trisData.Count
            subMeshIndexCount += trisData.Count;

        VertexStruct[] listVertex = chunkMeshData.GetVertexStruct();
        outMesh.SetVertexBufferParams(listVertex.Length, vertexAttributeDescriptors);

        VertexStruct[] listVertexCollider = chunkMeshData.GetVertexStructCollider();
        outMeshCollider.SetVertexBufferParams(listVertexCollider.Length, vertexAttributeDescriptors);

        VertexStruct[] listVertexTrigger = chunkMeshData.GetVertexStructTrigger();
        outMeshTrigger.SetVertexBufferParams(listVertexTrigger.Length, vertexAttributeDescriptors);

        NativeArray <VertexStruct> vertexData         = outMesh.GetVertexData <VertexStruct>();
        NativeArray <VertexStruct> vertexDataCollider = outMeshCollider.GetVertexData <VertexStruct>();
        NativeArray <VertexStruct> vertexDataTrigger  = outMeshTrigger.GetVertexData <VertexStruct>();

        NativeArray <VertexStruct> .Copy(listVertex, vertexData);

        NativeArray <VertexStruct> .Copy(listVertexCollider, vertexDataCollider);

        NativeArray <VertexStruct> .Copy(listVertexTrigger, vertexDataTrigger);

        outMesh.SetIndexBufferParams(trisDataAll.Count, IndexFormat.UInt32);
        outMeshCollider.SetIndexBufferParams(chunkMeshData.trisCollider.Count, IndexFormat.UInt32);
        outMeshTrigger.SetIndexBufferParams(chunkMeshData.trisTrigger.Count, IndexFormat.UInt32);
        NativeArray <int> triangelData         = outMesh.GetIndexData <int>();
        NativeArray <int> triangelDataCollider = outMeshCollider.GetIndexData <int>();
        NativeArray <int> triangelDataTrigger  = outMeshTrigger.GetIndexData <int>();

        NativeArray <int> .Copy(trisDataAll.ToArray(), triangelData);

        NativeArray <int> .Copy(chunkMeshData.trisCollider.ToArray(), triangelDataCollider);

        NativeArray <int> .Copy(chunkMeshData.trisTrigger.ToArray(), triangelDataTrigger);

        outMesh.subMeshCount         = subMeshCount;
        outMeshCollider.subMeshCount = 1;
        outMeshTrigger.subMeshCount  = 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < listSubMeshDescriptor.Count; i++)
            outMesh.SetSubMesh(i, listSubMeshDescriptor[i]);
        outMeshCollider.SetSubMesh(0, new SubMeshDescriptor
            indexStart = 0,
            indexCount = chunkMeshData.trisCollider.Count
        outMeshTrigger.SetSubMesh(0, new SubMeshDescriptor
            indexStart = 0,
            indexCount = chunkMeshData.trisTrigger.Count

        Mesh.ApplyAndDisposeWritableMeshData(outMeshDataArray, chunkMesh);
        Mesh.ApplyAndDisposeWritableMeshData(outMeshDataArrayCollider, chunkMeshCollider);
        Mesh.ApplyAndDisposeWritableMeshData(outMeshDataArrayTrigger, chunkMeshTrigger);






Esempio n. 14
 /// <summary>
 /// 设置数据
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mapForBlock"></param>
 /// <param name="width"></param>
 /// <param name="height"></param>
 /// <param name="minHeight"></param>
 public void SetData(Vector3Int worldPosition, int width, int height)
     chunkData     = new ChunkData(worldPosition, width, height);
     chunkMeshData = new ChunkMeshData();
Esempio n. 15
    public ChunkMeshData BuildChunk(int faceIndex, int chunkX, int chunkY, bool threaded)
        //Init vars for for loop
        int           chunkSize = 8;
        ChunkMeshData data      = new ChunkMeshData();

        Vector3[] verts = new Vector3[chunkSize * chunkSize * 20];
        int[]     tris  = new int[chunkSize * chunkSize * 18 * 3];
        Vector2[] uvs   = new Vector2[chunkSize * chunkSize * 20];

        PlanetFace face       = faces[faceIndex];
        int        xOffset    = chunkX * 8;
        int        yOffset    = chunkY * 8;
        float      uvStepSize = 1f / 16;

        if (threaded)
            //Create verts, tris and uvs
            Parallel.For(0, chunkSize * chunkSize, index =>

                //init local vars
                int vertIndex = index * 12;
                int trisIndex = index * 18 * 3;

                //Get the position in the data array
                int xPos = (index % 8) + xOffset;
                int yPos = Mathf.FloorToInt(index / 8f) + yOffset;

                //Set the top vertices
                float height         = face.heightMap[xPos, yPos];
                verts[vertIndex]     = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos] * height;
                verts[vertIndex + 1] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos] * height;
                verts[vertIndex + 2] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos + 1] * height;
                verts[vertIndex + 3] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos + 1] * height;

                //Set these values based on pillarType later, for now default to grass
                float topCornerX   = uvStepSize * 2;
                float topCornerY   = uvStepSize * 14;
                uvs[vertIndex]     = new Vector2(topCornerX, topCornerY);
                uvs[vertIndex + 1] = new Vector2(topCornerX + uvStepSize, topCornerY);
                uvs[vertIndex + 2] = new Vector2(topCornerX, topCornerY - uvStepSize);
                uvs[vertIndex + 3] = new Vector2(topCornerX + uvStepSize, topCornerY - uvStepSize);

                //Set the middle vertices, double all because uvs
                height = (face.heightMap[xPos, yPos] - 1);
                verts[vertIndex + 4]  = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos] * height;
                verts[vertIndex + 5]  = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos] * height;
                verts[vertIndex + 6]  = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos] * height;
                verts[vertIndex + 7]  = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos] * height;
                verts[vertIndex + 8]  = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos + 1] * height;
                verts[vertIndex + 9]  = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos + 1] * height;
                verts[vertIndex + 10] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos + 1] * height;
                verts[vertIndex + 11] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos + 1] * height;

                float doubleStep    = uvStepSize * 2;
                uvs[vertIndex + 4]  = new Vector2(topCornerX - uvStepSize, topCornerY);
                uvs[vertIndex + 5]  = new Vector2(topCornerX, topCornerY + uvStepSize);
                uvs[vertIndex + 6]  = new Vector2(topCornerX + uvStepSize, topCornerY + uvStepSize);
                uvs[vertIndex + 7]  = new Vector2(topCornerX + doubleStep, topCornerY);
                uvs[vertIndex + 8]  = new Vector2(topCornerX + doubleStep, topCornerY - uvStepSize);
                uvs[vertIndex + 9]  = new Vector2(topCornerX + uvStepSize, topCornerY - doubleStep);
                uvs[vertIndex + 10] = new Vector2(topCornerX, topCornerY - doubleStep);
                uvs[vertIndex + 11] = new Vector2(topCornerX - uvStepSize, topCornerY - uvStepSize);

                //Set the bottom vertices, double all because uvs
                verts[vertIndex + 12] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos];
                verts[vertIndex + 13] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos];
                verts[vertIndex + 14] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos];
                verts[vertIndex + 15] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos];
                verts[vertIndex + 16] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos + 1];
                verts[vertIndex + 17] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos + 1];
                verts[vertIndex + 18] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos + 1];
                verts[vertIndex + 19] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos + 1];

                uvStepSize         *= 2;
                doubleStep         *= 2;
                uvs[vertIndex + 12] = new Vector2(topCornerX - uvStepSize, topCornerY);
                uvs[vertIndex + 13] = new Vector2(topCornerX, topCornerY + uvStepSize);
                uvs[vertIndex + 14] = new Vector2(topCornerX + uvStepSize, topCornerY + uvStepSize);
                uvs[vertIndex + 15] = new Vector2(topCornerX + doubleStep, topCornerY);
                uvs[vertIndex + 16] = new Vector2(topCornerX + doubleStep, topCornerY - uvStepSize);
                uvs[vertIndex + 17] = new Vector2(topCornerX + uvStepSize, topCornerY - doubleStep);
                uvs[vertIndex + 18] = new Vector2(topCornerX, topCornerY - doubleStep);
                uvs[vertIndex + 19] = new Vector2(topCornerX - uvStepSize, topCornerY - uvStepSize);
                uvStepSize         *= 0.5f;

                //Set the top face
                tris[trisIndex]     = vertIndex;
                tris[trisIndex + 1] = vertIndex + 1;
                tris[trisIndex + 2] = vertIndex + 2;
                tris[trisIndex + 3] = vertIndex + 1;
                tris[trisIndex + 4] = vertIndex + 3;
                tris[trisIndex + 5] = vertIndex + 2;

                trisIndex += 6;

                //Set the side faces, once for top sides, once for sides that go to world center

                //Back side
                tris[trisIndex]     = vertIndex;
                tris[trisIndex + 1] = vertIndex + 5;
                tris[trisIndex + 2] = vertIndex + 6;
                tris[trisIndex + 3] = vertIndex + 1;
                tris[trisIndex + 4] = vertIndex;
                tris[trisIndex + 5] = vertIndex + 6;
                //Right side
                tris[trisIndex + 6]  = vertIndex + 1;
                tris[trisIndex + 7]  = vertIndex + 7;
                tris[trisIndex + 8]  = vertIndex + 8;
                tris[trisIndex + 9]  = vertIndex + 3;
                tris[trisIndex + 10] = vertIndex + 1;
                tris[trisIndex + 11] = vertIndex + 8;
                //Front side
                tris[trisIndex + 12] = vertIndex + 3;
                tris[trisIndex + 13] = vertIndex + 9;
                tris[trisIndex + 14] = vertIndex + 10;
                tris[trisIndex + 15] = vertIndex + 2;
                tris[trisIndex + 16] = vertIndex + 3;
                tris[trisIndex + 17] = vertIndex + 10;
                //Left side
                tris[trisIndex + 18] = vertIndex + 2;
                tris[trisIndex + 19] = vertIndex + 11;
                tris[trisIndex + 20] = vertIndex + 4;
                tris[trisIndex + 21] = vertIndex;
                tris[trisIndex + 22] = vertIndex + 2;
                tris[trisIndex + 23] = vertIndex + 4;

                //Bottom side faces
                //Back side
                tris[trisIndex + 24] = vertIndex + 5;
                tris[trisIndex + 25] = vertIndex + 13;
                tris[trisIndex + 26] = vertIndex + 14;
                tris[trisIndex + 27] = vertIndex + 6;
                tris[trisIndex + 28] = vertIndex + 5;
                tris[trisIndex + 29] = vertIndex + 14;
                //Right side
                tris[trisIndex + 30] = vertIndex + 7;
                tris[trisIndex + 31] = vertIndex + 15;
                tris[trisIndex + 32] = vertIndex + 16;
                tris[trisIndex + 33] = vertIndex + 8;
                tris[trisIndex + 34] = vertIndex + 7;
                tris[trisIndex + 35] = vertIndex + 16;
                //Front side
                tris[trisIndex + 36] = vertIndex + 9;
                tris[trisIndex + 37] = vertIndex + 17;
                tris[trisIndex + 38] = vertIndex + 18;
                tris[trisIndex + 39] = vertIndex + 10;
                tris[trisIndex + 40] = vertIndex + 9;
                tris[trisIndex + 41] = vertIndex + 18;
                //Left side
                tris[trisIndex + 42] = vertIndex + 11;
                tris[trisIndex + 43] = vertIndex + 19;
                tris[trisIndex + 44] = vertIndex + 12;
                tris[trisIndex + 45] = vertIndex + 4;
                tris[trisIndex + 46] = vertIndex + 11;
                tris[trisIndex + 47] = vertIndex + 12;

                vertIndex += 20;
                trisIndex += 48;
            int vertIndex = 0;
            int trisIndex = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x < chunkSize; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < chunkSize; y++)
                    //Get the position in the data array
                    int xPos = x + xOffset;
                    int yPos = y + yOffset;

                    //Set the top vertices
                    float height = face.heightMap[xPos, yPos];
                    verts[vertIndex]     = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos] * height;
                    verts[vertIndex + 1] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos] * height;
                    verts[vertIndex + 2] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos + 1] * height;
                    verts[vertIndex + 3] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos + 1] * height;

                    //Set these values based on pillarType later, for now default to grass
                    float topCornerX = uvStepSize * 2;
                    float topCornerY = uvStepSize * 14;
                    uvs[vertIndex]     = new Vector2(topCornerX, topCornerY);
                    uvs[vertIndex + 1] = new Vector2(topCornerX + uvStepSize, topCornerY);
                    uvs[vertIndex + 2] = new Vector2(topCornerX, topCornerY - uvStepSize);
                    uvs[vertIndex + 3] = new Vector2(topCornerX + uvStepSize, topCornerY - uvStepSize);

                    //Set the middle vertices, double all because uvs
                    height = (face.heightMap[xPos, yPos] - 1);
                    verts[vertIndex + 4]  = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos] * height;
                    verts[vertIndex + 5]  = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos] * height;
                    verts[vertIndex + 6]  = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos] * height;
                    verts[vertIndex + 7]  = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos] * height;
                    verts[vertIndex + 8]  = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos + 1] * height;
                    verts[vertIndex + 9]  = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos + 1] * height;
                    verts[vertIndex + 10] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos + 1] * height;
                    verts[vertIndex + 11] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos + 1] * height;

                    float doubleStep = uvStepSize * 2;
                    uvs[vertIndex + 4]  = new Vector2(topCornerX - uvStepSize, topCornerY);
                    uvs[vertIndex + 5]  = new Vector2(topCornerX, topCornerY + uvStepSize);
                    uvs[vertIndex + 6]  = new Vector2(topCornerX + uvStepSize, topCornerY + uvStepSize);
                    uvs[vertIndex + 7]  = new Vector2(topCornerX + doubleStep, topCornerY);
                    uvs[vertIndex + 8]  = new Vector2(topCornerX + doubleStep, topCornerY - uvStepSize);
                    uvs[vertIndex + 9]  = new Vector2(topCornerX + uvStepSize, topCornerY - doubleStep);
                    uvs[vertIndex + 10] = new Vector2(topCornerX, topCornerY - doubleStep);
                    uvs[vertIndex + 11] = new Vector2(topCornerX - uvStepSize, topCornerY - uvStepSize);

                    //Set the bottom vertices, double all because uvs
                    verts[vertIndex + 12] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos];
                    verts[vertIndex + 13] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos];
                    verts[vertIndex + 14] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos];
                    verts[vertIndex + 15] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos];
                    verts[vertIndex + 16] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos + 1];
                    verts[vertIndex + 17] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos + 1, yPos + 1];
                    verts[vertIndex + 18] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos + 1];
                    verts[vertIndex + 19] = face.baseVertexPos[xPos, yPos + 1];

                    uvStepSize         *= 2;
                    doubleStep         *= 2;
                    uvs[vertIndex + 12] = new Vector2(topCornerX - uvStepSize, topCornerY);
                    uvs[vertIndex + 13] = new Vector2(topCornerX, topCornerY + uvStepSize);
                    uvs[vertIndex + 14] = new Vector2(topCornerX + uvStepSize, topCornerY + uvStepSize);
                    uvs[vertIndex + 15] = new Vector2(topCornerX + doubleStep, topCornerY);
                    uvs[vertIndex + 16] = new Vector2(topCornerX + doubleStep, topCornerY - uvStepSize);
                    uvs[vertIndex + 17] = new Vector2(topCornerX + uvStepSize, topCornerY - doubleStep);
                    uvs[vertIndex + 18] = new Vector2(topCornerX, topCornerY - doubleStep);
                    uvs[vertIndex + 19] = new Vector2(topCornerX - uvStepSize, topCornerY - uvStepSize);
                    uvStepSize         *= 0.5f;

                    //Set the top face
                    tris[trisIndex]     = vertIndex;
                    tris[trisIndex + 1] = vertIndex + 1;
                    tris[trisIndex + 2] = vertIndex + 2;
                    tris[trisIndex + 3] = vertIndex + 1;
                    tris[trisIndex + 4] = vertIndex + 3;
                    tris[trisIndex + 5] = vertIndex + 2;

                    trisIndex += 6;

                    //Set the side faces, once for top sides, once for sides that go to world center

                    //Back side
                    tris[trisIndex]     = vertIndex;
                    tris[trisIndex + 1] = vertIndex + 5;
                    tris[trisIndex + 2] = vertIndex + 6;
                    tris[trisIndex + 3] = vertIndex + 1;
                    tris[trisIndex + 4] = vertIndex;
                    tris[trisIndex + 5] = vertIndex + 6;
                    //Right side
                    tris[trisIndex + 6]  = vertIndex + 1;
                    tris[trisIndex + 7]  = vertIndex + 7;
                    tris[trisIndex + 8]  = vertIndex + 8;
                    tris[trisIndex + 9]  = vertIndex + 3;
                    tris[trisIndex + 10] = vertIndex + 1;
                    tris[trisIndex + 11] = vertIndex + 8;
                    //Front side
                    tris[trisIndex + 12] = vertIndex + 3;
                    tris[trisIndex + 13] = vertIndex + 9;
                    tris[trisIndex + 14] = vertIndex + 10;
                    tris[trisIndex + 15] = vertIndex + 2;
                    tris[trisIndex + 16] = vertIndex + 3;
                    tris[trisIndex + 17] = vertIndex + 10;
                    //Left side
                    tris[trisIndex + 18] = vertIndex + 2;
                    tris[trisIndex + 19] = vertIndex + 11;
                    tris[trisIndex + 20] = vertIndex + 4;
                    tris[trisIndex + 21] = vertIndex;
                    tris[trisIndex + 22] = vertIndex + 2;
                    tris[trisIndex + 23] = vertIndex + 4;

                    //Bottom side faces
                    //Back side
                    tris[trisIndex + 24] = vertIndex + 5;
                    tris[trisIndex + 25] = vertIndex + 13;
                    tris[trisIndex + 26] = vertIndex + 14;
                    tris[trisIndex + 27] = vertIndex + 6;
                    tris[trisIndex + 28] = vertIndex + 5;
                    tris[trisIndex + 29] = vertIndex + 14;
                    //Right side
                    tris[trisIndex + 30] = vertIndex + 7;
                    tris[trisIndex + 31] = vertIndex + 15;
                    tris[trisIndex + 32] = vertIndex + 16;
                    tris[trisIndex + 33] = vertIndex + 8;
                    tris[trisIndex + 34] = vertIndex + 7;
                    tris[trisIndex + 35] = vertIndex + 16;
                    //Front side
                    tris[trisIndex + 36] = vertIndex + 9;
                    tris[trisIndex + 37] = vertIndex + 17;
                    tris[trisIndex + 38] = vertIndex + 18;
                    tris[trisIndex + 39] = vertIndex + 10;
                    tris[trisIndex + 40] = vertIndex + 9;
                    tris[trisIndex + 41] = vertIndex + 18;
                    //Left side
                    tris[trisIndex + 42] = vertIndex + 11;
                    tris[trisIndex + 43] = vertIndex + 19;
                    tris[trisIndex + 44] = vertIndex + 12;
                    tris[trisIndex + 45] = vertIndex + 4;
                    tris[trisIndex + 46] = vertIndex + 11;
                    tris[trisIndex + 47] = vertIndex + 12;

                    vertIndex += 20;
                    trisIndex += 48;

        data.verts = verts;
        data.tris  = tris;
        data.uvs   = uvs;

Esempio n. 16
    public ChunkMeshData[] GenerateChunkMeshData(ChunkColumn chunkCol, int yIndex)
        ChunkMeshData[] chunkMeshData = new ChunkMeshData[2];

        // Initializing mesh data's
        for (int i = 0; i < chunkMeshData.Length; i++)
            chunkMeshData[i] = new ChunkMeshData();

        int yOffset = yIndex * ChunkColumn.chunkSize;

        Color32 currentColor;
        int     currentFaceCount;
        int     meshBufferIndex;

        for (int z = 0; z < ChunkColumn.chunkSize; z++)
            for (int y = 0; y < ChunkColumn.chunkSize; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < ChunkColumn.chunkSize; x++)
                    byte currentBlockID = chunkCol.GetBlock(x, y + yOffset, z);
                    if (currentBlockID == 0)
                        // Block is air, don't generate a mesh

                    // Block is not air, generate a mesh
                    currentFaceCount = 0;

                    // Assume block is solid
                    meshBufferIndex = 0;

                    // Compare ID to transparent blockID's
                    if (IsTransparentBlock(currentBlockID))
                        // It's a transparent block, use transparent mesh buffer
                        meshBufferIndex = 1;

                    // Block above
                    if (ShouldDrawFace(currentBlockID, chunkCol.GetBlock(x, y + yOffset + 1, z), meshBufferIndex))
                        chunkMeshData[meshBufferIndex].AddCubeFace(x, y, z, Faces.Top);

                    // North block
                    if (ShouldDrawFace(currentBlockID, chunkCol.GetBlock(x, y + yOffset, z + 1), meshBufferIndex))
                        chunkMeshData[meshBufferIndex].AddCubeFace(x, y, z, Faces.North);

                    // East block
                    if (ShouldDrawFace(currentBlockID, chunkCol.GetBlock(x + 1, y + yOffset, z), meshBufferIndex))
                        chunkMeshData[meshBufferIndex].AddCubeFace(x, y, z, Faces.East);

                    // South block
                    if (ShouldDrawFace(currentBlockID, chunkCol.GetBlock(x, y + yOffset, z - 1), meshBufferIndex))
                        chunkMeshData[meshBufferIndex].AddCubeFace(x, y, z, Faces.South);

                    // West block
                    if (ShouldDrawFace(currentBlockID, chunkCol.GetBlock(x - 1, y + yOffset, z), meshBufferIndex))
                        chunkMeshData[meshBufferIndex].AddCubeFace(x, y, z, Faces.West);

                    // Bottom block
                    if (ShouldDrawFace(currentBlockID, chunkCol.GetBlock(x, y + yOffset - 1, z), meshBufferIndex))
                        chunkMeshData[meshBufferIndex].AddCubeFace(x, y, z, Faces.Bottom);

                    if (currentFaceCount > 0)
                        // Block is visible (has faces)
                        currentColor = EvaluateColor(chunkCol.colCoord.x * ChunkColumn.chunkSize + x,
                                                     yIndex * ChunkColumn.chunkSize + y,
                                                     chunkCol.colCoord.z * ChunkColumn.chunkSize + z,

                        chunkMeshData[meshBufferIndex].AddColor(currentColor, currentFaceCount);

Esempio n. 17
 public void AddGeneratedChunkMesh(ChunkMeshData data)