Esempio n. 1
    public void updateChunksToLoad()
        //create a blank chunk list
        List <Chunk> newChunks = new List <Chunk>();

        for (int i = ChunkHelpers.getRealtiveChunkCoord(player.transform.position) - (LookUpData.renderDisctance * LookUpData.chunkWidth); i <= ChunkHelpers.getRealtiveChunkCoord(player.transform.position) + (LookUpData.renderDisctance * LookUpData.chunkWidth); i += LookUpData.chunkWidth)
            // get the chunk at this position
            Chunk newLoadedChunk = generateChunk(i);

            // set it to active if it is not

            // add this chunk to the newly loaded chunks

        // go through all the loaded chunks in the last frame
        for (int i = 0; i < currentLoadedChunks.Count; i++)
            // if the chunk is not in the new list of chunks to
            // load then set active to false (unloading)
            if (!newChunks.Contains(currentLoadedChunks[i]))

        // set the current loaded chunks to the new list of chunks
        currentLoadedChunks = newChunks;
Esempio n. 2
    public Chunk getChunk(Vector3 worldPosition)
        Chunk found;

        // get what chunk is at this x position, if there is none then it is null
        chunks.TryGetValue(ChunkHelpers.getRealtiveChunkCoord(worldPosition), out found);
Esempio n. 3
    public void Update()
        // get the chunkX of the chunk that the player is in
        int playerChunkX = ChunkHelpers.getRealtiveChunkCoord(world.player.transform.position);

        // get the chunk variable of the chunkX
        Chunk playerChunk;

        world.chunks.TryGetValue(playerChunkX, out playerChunk);

        // set all the fields in the debug screen to the correct values
        playerX.SetText("" + Mathf.RoundToInt(world.player.transform.position.x));
        playerY.SetText("" + Mathf.RoundToInt(world.player.transform.position.y));
        chunk.SetText("" + playerChunk.chunkX);
        totalChunks.SetText("" + world.chunks.Count);
        biome.SetText("" + playerChunk.biomeRefrence.biome.biomeName);
        seed.SetText("" + world.seed);
        FPS.SetText("" + Mathf.RoundToInt(1 / Time.deltaTime));
Esempio n. 4
    // add a tile to a position in this chunk
    public bool addTile(Vector3Int worldPos, ItemGroup itemGroup)
        // get the locaion of this tile but to the local chunk Coord
        Vector3Int localPos = ChunkHelpers.convertWorldCoordToLocalCoord(worldPos, chunkX);

        // if the tile is outside the chunk then do not add it, or it is air
        if (!isThisTileInThisChunk(localPos) || == 0)

        // if there is no tile in this area then add the new one else return false
        if (tilemap.GetTile(worldPos) == null)
            // set the correct value in the tile id array
            tileIDs[localPos.x, localPos.y] =;

            // change the tile map to fit that change
            tilemap.SetTile(worldPos, itemGroup.tile);

            // check if this tile needs a respective tile entity
            GameObject blockEntity = itemGroup.blockEntity;

            if (blockEntity != null)
                // create a copy of the block entity needed and add that to the
                // block entity list
                GameObject createdBlockEntity = Instantiate(blockEntity, new Vector3(worldPos.x + 0.5f, worldPos.y + 0.5f, worldPos.z), new Quaternion(), transform);

Esempio n. 5
    // removes a tile from the location asked and returns the
    // id of that tile
    public int removeTile(Vector3Int worldPos)
        Vector3Int localPos = ChunkHelpers.convertWorldCoordToLocalCoord(worldPos, chunkX);

        // if this tile is in the chunk bounds then return the tileID
        // at that location, else return the flag - 1
        if (isThisTileInThisChunk(localPos) && tilemap.GetTile(worldPos) != null)
            // get the id of the tile that is there
            int idOfThatTile = tileIDs[localPos.x, localPos.y];

            // if the tile is indestructable then return minus and do not remove the tile
            if (refrenceManager.itemGroups[idOfThatTile].indestructable)

            // remove that tile from the til map
            tilemap.SetTile(worldPos, null);

            // set the id of the tile in out tileID array to 0
            tileIDs[localPos.x, localPos.y] = 0;

            // if the item has an associated blovk entity
            if (refrenceManager.itemGroups[idOfThatTile].blockEntity != null)
                // go through each block entity and see if is in the same position as the tile we are removing
                foreach (GameObject blockEntity in blockEntities)
                    if (Mathf.FloorToInt(blockEntity.transform.position.x) == worldPos.x && Mathf.FloorToInt(blockEntity.transform.position.y) == worldPos.y)

            int itemDropId = refrenceManager.itemGroups[idOfThatTile].dropItemId;

            // if the tile can drop an item
            if (itemDropId != 0)
                // create an ItemEntity
                GameObject itemObject = Instantiate(itemEntityPrefab, new Vector3(worldPos.x + 0.5f, worldPos.y + 0.5f, worldPos.z), new Quaternion(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f), transform);
                ItemEntity itemEntity = itemObject.GetComponent <ItemEntity>();

                itemEntity.itemGroup = refrenceManager.itemGroups[itemDropId];

                // initzialize the entity

                // add the item object to the chunk entities

            // return the id of the tile we broke