Esempio n. 1
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> DbInstanceStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var entitiDetails = (EntitiDetails)stepContext.Options;

            switch (entitiDetails.Intent)
            case "Acronym":
                return(await stepContext.NextAsync(entitiDetails.Acronym, cancellationToken));

            case "Build_Deployment":

                if (entitiDetails.Project == "DB-Deployment")
                    if (entitiDetails.Buildwar == null)
                        entitiDetails.Buildwar = (string)stepContext.Result;
                    entitiDetails.DbInstance = entitiDetails.Environment;
                    return(await stepContext.NextAsync(entitiDetails, cancellationToken));

                    //return await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(TextPrompt), new PromptOptions { Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please enter DB Instance name") }, cancellationToken);
                else if (entitiDetails.Project == "RMI-Deployment")
                    entitiDetails.DbInstance = "VPMTST1";
                    return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(TextPrompt), new PromptOptions { Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please enter the repository for deployment") }, cancellationToken));
                    if (entitiDetails.Buildwar == null)
                        entitiDetails.Buildwar = (string)stepContext.Result;
                    return(await stepContext.NextAsync(entitiDetails, cancellationToken));

            case "Trigger_Service":
                if (entitiDetails.Portfolio == "PCA" || entitiDetails.Portfolio == "CCV")
                    if (entitiDetails.Tag == null && entitiDetails.Project.ToUpper() != "PRODUCTIONDAILYHEALTHCHECK")
                        entitiDetails.Tag = ((FoundChoice)stepContext.Result).Value.ToString();
                    if (entitiDetails.Tag == "DerivationLogic")
                        return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt),
                                                             new PromptOptions
                            Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please select the test"),
                            Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(new List <string> {
                                "DMUVDerivationForSingleSource", "DMUVDerivationForMultipleSources", "SubsetDerivationForSingleSource", "SubsetDerivationForMultipleSources"
                            RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text("Sorry, I'm still learning. Please provide the valid option or below mentioned Sequence Number."),
                        }, cancellationToken));
                    else if (entitiDetails.Tag == "DMUVFunctionality")
                        return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt),
                                                             new PromptOptions
                            Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please select the test"),
                            Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(new List <string> {
                                "DateBand", "NoChange", "Subset", "SuperPayerDelta", "IndividualDelta", "POS", "CMUS", "MUE/NonMUE", "Undo", "NonMUEStateMedicaid", "SelectAllBulkActions"
                            RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text("Sorry, I'm still learning. Please provide the valid option or below mentioned Sequence Number."),
                        }, cancellationToken));
                    else if (entitiDetails.Tag == "Custom")
                        return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(TextPrompt), new PromptOptions { Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please enter tag for customized execution.\n\n" + "For Single Ex: @Tag , For Multiple Ex: @Tag1,@Tag2") }, cancellationToken));
                    else if (entitiDetails.Tag == "AutoDerivation")
                        var entitiDetails1 = stepContext.Result != null
                                             await LuisHelper.ExecuteLuisQuery(Configuration, Logger, stepContext.Context, cancellationToken)
                                             new EntitiDetails();

                        var eDetails = (EntitiDetails)entitiDetails1;
                        entitiDetails.TravelDate = eDetails.TravelDate;

                    return(await stepContext.NextAsync(entitiDetails, cancellationToken));
                    if (entitiDetails.Client == null && (entitiDetails.Project.ToUpper() != "PRODUCTIONDAILYHEALTHCHECK"))
                        if (/*entitiDetails.Project.ToUpper() != "ANNOCODER"&&*/ entitiDetails.Environment != "PROD")
                            entitiDetails.Client = ((FoundChoice)stepContext.Result).Value.ToString();
                        return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt),
                                                             new PromptOptions
                            Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please select the test"),
                            Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices((entitiDetails.Project.ToUpper() == "ANNOCODER") ? new List <string> {
                            } : new List <string> {
                                "Smoke", "Regression"
                            RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text("Sorry, I'm still learning. Please provide the valid option or below mentioned Sequence Number."),
                        }, cancellationToken));
                        return(await stepContext.NextAsync(entitiDetails, cancellationToken));

                return(await stepContext.NextAsync(entitiDetails, cancellationToken));
        public void ShouldRenderChoicesAsAList()
            var activity = ChoiceFactory.List(colorChoices, "select from:");

            Assert.AreEqual("select from:\n\n   1. red\n   2. green\n   3. blue", activity.Text);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// AppendChoices is utility method to build up a message activity given all of the options.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prompt">prompt.</param>
        /// <param name="channelId">channelId.</param>
        /// <param name="choices">choices to present.</param>
        /// <param name="style">listType.</param>
        /// <param name="options">options to control the choice rendering.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">cancellation Token.</param>
        /// <returns>bound activity ready to send to the user.</returns>
        protected virtual IMessageActivity AppendChoices(IMessageActivity prompt, string channelId, IList <Choice> choices, ListStyle style, ChoiceFactoryOptions options = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            // Get base prompt text (if any)
            var text = prompt != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(prompt.Text) ? prompt.Text : string.Empty;

            // Create temporary msg
            IMessageActivity msg;

            switch (style)
            case ListStyle.Inline:
                msg = ChoiceFactory.Inline(choices, text, null, options);

            case ListStyle.List:
                msg = ChoiceFactory.List(choices, text, null, options);

            case ListStyle.SuggestedAction:
                msg = ChoiceFactory.SuggestedAction(choices, text);

            case ListStyle.HeroCard:
                msg = ChoiceFactory.HeroCard(choices, text);

            case ListStyle.None:
                msg      = Activity.CreateMessageActivity();
                msg.Text = text;

                msg = ChoiceFactory.ForChannel(channelId, choices, text, null, options);

            // Update prompt with text, actions and attachments
            if (prompt != null)
                // clone the prompt the set in the options (note ActivityEx has Properties so this is the safest mechanism)
                prompt = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Activity>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(prompt));

                prompt.Text = msg.Text;

                if (msg.SuggestedActions != null && msg.SuggestedActions.Actions != null && msg.SuggestedActions.Actions.Count > 0)
                    prompt.SuggestedActions = msg.SuggestedActions;

                if (msg.Attachments != null && msg.Attachments.Any())
                    prompt.Attachments = msg.Attachments;

                msg.InputHint = InputHints.ExpectingInput;
Esempio n. 4
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> CompanyStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Get the Plan
            //    string food = BotMethods.GetDocument("eatingplan", "ButlerOverview.json", this.botConfig.Value.StorageAccountUrl, this.botConfig.Value.StorageAccountKey);
            //    plan = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Plan>(food);
            //    dayId = plan.Planday.FindIndex(x => x.Name == DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek.ToString().ToLower());
            //    valid = true;
            //    valid = false;

            IMealService mealService = new MealService(this.clientFactory.CreateClient(), this.botConfig.Value);
            var          meals       = await mealService.GetMeals(string.Empty, string.Empty);

            var mealEnumerator = meals.GetEnumerator();

            this.planDay = new PlanDay();
            while (mealEnumerator.MoveNext())
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.planDay.Restaurant1))
                    this.planDay.Restaurant1 = mealEnumerator.Current.Restaurant;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.planDay.Restaurant2) && this.planDay.Restaurant1 != mealEnumerator.Current.Restaurant)
                    this.planDay.Restaurant2 = mealEnumerator.Current.Restaurant;

            stepContext.Values["name"] = stepContext.Context.Activity.From.Name;
            if (companyStatus == "extern")
                stepContext.Values["companyStatus"] = companyStatus;
                return(await stepContext.NextAsync());
                //if (DateTime.Now.IsDaylightSavingTime())

                //    if (DateTime.Now.Hour > 12)
                //    {
                //        await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text($"Es ist nach 12 Uhr. Bitte bestelle für einen anderen Tag."));
                //        return await stepContext.BeginDialogAsync(nameof(OrderForOtherDayDialog));
                //    }
                //    if (DateTime.Now.Hour + 1 > 12)
                //    {
                //        await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text($"Es ist nach 12 Uhr. Bitte bestelle für einen anderen Tag."));
                //        return await stepContext.BeginDialogAsync(nameof(OrderForOtherDayDialog));
                //    }

                return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(
                           new PromptOptions
                    Prompt = MessageFactory.Text(nextOrderDialogWhoPrompt),
                    Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(new List <string> {
                        nextOrderDialogMyself, nextOrderDialogTrainee, nextOrderDialogCostumer
                    Style = ListStyle.HeroCard,
                }, cancellationToken));
Esempio n. 5
        private void AddGetExactBeerNameDialog()
            const string usualBeerDialog = "usualBeer";

            AddDialog(new WaterfallDialog(usualBeerDialog, new WaterfallStep[]
                (stepContext, cancellationToken) =>
                    string usualBeer = (string)stepContext.Options;
                    return(stepContext.PromptAsync(Inputs.Confirm, new PromptOptions
                        Prompt = MessageFactory.Text(
                            $"Would you like your usual {usualBeer}?",
                            $"Would you like your usual {usualBeer}?",
                    }, cancellationToken));
                (stepContext, cancellationToken) =>
                    var usualConfirmed = (bool)stepContext.Result;
                    if (usualConfirmed)
                        string usualBeer = (string)stepContext.Options;
                        return(stepContext.EndDialogAsync(usualBeer, cancellationToken));

                    return(stepContext.PromptAsync(Inputs.Text, new PromptOptions
                        Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("So what can I offer you instead?", "So what can I offer you instead?", InputHints.ExpectingInput),
                    }, cancellationToken));
                (stepContext, cancellationToken) =>
                    var beerName = (string)stepContext.Result;
                    return(stepContext.EndDialogAsync(beerName, cancellationToken));

            AddDialog(new WaterfallDialog(DialogIds.GetExactBeerName, new WaterfallStep[]
                async(stepContext, cancellationToken) =>
                    var beerName = (string)stepContext.Options;
                    if (beerName != null)
                        return(await stepContext.NextAsync(beerName, cancellationToken));

                    var userInfo = await _userInfo.GetAsync(stepContext.Context, () => new UserInfo(), cancellationToken);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInfo.UsualBeer))
                        return(await stepContext.BeginDialogAsync(usualBeerDialog, userInfo.UsualBeer, cancellationToken));

                    return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(Inputs.Text, new PromptOptions
                        Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("What beer would you like to order?", "What beer would you like to order?", InputHints.ExpectingInput),
                    }, cancellationToken));
                async(stepContext, cancellationToken) =>
                    var beerName = (string)stepContext.Result;
                    var beers    = await _beerService.BeersGetBySearchTermAsync(beerName, cancellationToken);
                    switch (beers.Count)
                    case 0:
                        await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(
                            $"Oops! I haven't found any beer! {Emoji.Disappointed}",
                            "Oops! I haven't found any beer!",
                            cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
                        return(await stepContext.ReplaceDialogAsync(DialogIds.GetExactBeerName, cancellationToken: cancellationToken));

                    case 1:
                        return(await stepContext.EndDialogAsync(beers[0].Name, cancellationToken));

                            var choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(beers.Random(10).Select(beer => beer.Name).ToList());
                            return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(Inputs.Choice, new PromptOptions
                                Prompt = MessageFactory.Text(
                                    "I'm not sure which one",
                                    "I'm not sure which one"),
                                RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text(
                                    "I probably drank too much. I'm not sure which one.",
                                    "I probably drank too much. I'm not sure which one."),
                                Choices = choices,
                            }, cancellationToken));
                (stepContext, cancellationToken) =>
                    var beerChoice = (FoundChoice)stepContext.Result;
                    return(stepContext.EndDialogAsync(beerChoice.Value, cancellationToken));
        public void Create_WithEmptyChoiceText_ThrowsException(string choiceText)
            var choice = ChoiceFactory.Create(choiceText, 0);

            Assert.That(choice, Is.Null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolve everything is OK.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> ResolveIsEverythingOk(
            WaterfallStepContext stepContext,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            CustomerState customerState =
                await _customerService.GetCustomerStateById(stepContext.Context.Activity.From.Id);

            var whatToChange = stepContext.Result as FoundChoice;

            // Save name, if prompted.
            if (whatToChange == null)
                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(ShowCartDialog.GetPrintableCart(customerState.Cart, "order"));

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(GetPrintableCustomerInfo(customerState));

                return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(
                           new PromptOptions
                    Prompt = MessageFactory.Text(Messages.GetUserInfoPromptIsOrderOk),
                    RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text(Messages.GetUserInfoPromptIsOrderOk + Messages.CancelPrompt),
                    Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(new List <string> {
                        Messages.Yes, Messages.No
                switch (whatToChange.Value)
                case Messages.Name:
                    customerState.Name = null;

                case Messages.Email:
                    customerState.Email = null;

                case Messages.PhoneNumber:
                    customerState.PhoneNumber = null;

                case Messages.Address:
                    customerState.Address = null;

                case Messages.PostCode:
                    customerState.PostCode = null;

                case Messages.City:
                    customerState.City = null;

                case Messages.IsAddressMatchShippingAddress:
                    customerState.IsShippingAdressMatch = null;

                case Messages.ShippingName:
                    customerState.ShippingName = null;

                case Messages.ShippingAddress:
                    customerState.ShippingAddress = null;

                case Messages.ShippingPostCode:
                    customerState.ShippingPostCode = null;

                case Messages.ShippingCity:
                    customerState.ShippingCity = null;

                await _customerService.UpdateCustomerState(customerState);

                stepContext.ActiveDialog.State["stepIndex"] = DialogIndex[whatToChange.Value];
                return(await stepContext.ContinueDialogAsync());
        private static async Task <DialogTurnResult> CategoryStep3Async(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            stepContext.Values["category2"] = ((FoundChoice)stepContext.Result).Value;
            string category2 = (string)stepContext.Values["category2"];

            var promptList = new List <string> {
                "T-Shirts", "PhotoFrames", "Bouquets"

            var attachment = new List <Attachment>();
            var reply      = MessageFactory.Attachment(attachment);

            reply.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;

            if (category2 == "T-Shirts")
                var cardDisplay1 = new Attachment();
                var cardDisplay2 = new Attachment();
                var cardDisplay3 = new Attachment();

                cardDisplay1.Name        = "Men Orange & Black Solid Casual T-shirt";
                cardDisplay1.ContentType = "image/png";
                cardDisplay1.ContentUrl  = " 1.png";

                cardDisplay2.Name        = "U.S. Polo Assn Men Fit Casual T-shirt";
                cardDisplay2.ContentType = "image/png";
                cardDisplay2.ContentUrl  = " 2.png";

                cardDisplay3.Name        = "Striped Men Hooded Neck Red, Black T-shirt";
                cardDisplay3.ContentType = "image/png";
                cardDisplay3.ContentUrl  = " 3.png";


                promptList = new List <string> {
                    "Orange & Black shirt", "U.S. Polo shirt", "Hooded Neck shirt"

            if (category2 == "Cakes")
                var cardDisplay1 = new Attachment();
                var cardDisplay2 = new Attachment();
                var cardDisplay3 = new Attachment();

                cardDisplay1.Name        = "Mango & Strawberry flavored Cup cake";
                cardDisplay1.ContentType = "image/png";
                cardDisplay1.ContentUrl  = " 1.png";

                cardDisplay2.Name        = "Cream & Vanilla cup cakes";
                cardDisplay2.ContentType = "image/png";
                cardDisplay2.ContentUrl  = " 2.png";

                cardDisplay3.Name        = "Color full cake";
                cardDisplay3.ContentType = "image/png";
                cardDisplay3.ContentUrl  = " 3.png";


                promptList = new List <string> {
                    "Mango & Strawberry cupcake", "Cream & Vanilla cupcake", "Color full cake"

            if (category2 == "Candies")
                var cardDisplay1 = new Attachment();
                var cardDisplay2 = new Attachment();
                var cardDisplay3 = new Attachment();

                cardDisplay1.Name        = "Color full candy";
                cardDisplay1.ContentType = "image/png";
                cardDisplay1.ContentUrl  = " 1.png";

                cardDisplay2.Name        = "All fruit flavored candies";
                cardDisplay2.ContentType = "image/png";
                cardDisplay2.ContentUrl  = " 2.png";

                cardDisplay3.Name        = "Candies";
                cardDisplay3.ContentType = "image/png";
                cardDisplay3.ContentUrl  = " 3.png";


                promptList = new List <string> {
                    "Color full candy", "All fruit flavored candies", "Candies"
            // WaterfallStep always finishes with the end of the Waterfall or with another dialog; here it is a Prompt Dialog.
            // Running a prompt here means the next WaterfallStep will be run when the user's response is received.
            await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync($"Here are {stepContext.Values["category"]} collections");

            await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(reply);

            return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt),

                                                 new PromptOptions
                Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("  "),
                Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(new List <string> {
                    promptList[0], promptList[1], promptList[2]
            }, cancellationToken));
        private static async Task <DialogTurnResult> CategoryStep2Async(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            stepContext.Values["category"] = ((FoundChoice)stepContext.Result).Value;
            string category = (string)stepContext.Values["category"];

            var promptList = new List <string> {
                "T-Shirts", "PhotoFrames", "Bouquets"

            var attachment = new List <Attachment>();
            var reply      = MessageFactory.Attachment(attachment);

            reply.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;

            if (category == "Men")
                var cardDisplay1 = new Attachment();
                var cardDisplay2 = new Attachment();
                var cardDisplay3 = new Attachment();

                cardDisplay1.Name        = "T-Shirts";
                cardDisplay1.ContentType = "image/png";
                cardDisplay1.ContentUrl  = "";

                cardDisplay2.Name        = "PhotoFrame";
                cardDisplay2.ContentType = "image/png";
                cardDisplay2.ContentUrl  = " frames.png";

                cardDisplay3.Name        = "Bouquets";
                cardDisplay3.ContentType = "image/png";
                cardDisplay3.ContentUrl  = "";


                promptList = new List <string> {
                    "T-Shirts", "PhotoFrames", "Bouquets"

            if (category == "Women")
                var cardDisplay1 = new Attachment();
                var cardDisplay2 = new Attachment();
                var cardDisplay3 = new Attachment();

                cardDisplay1.Name        = "Cosmetics";
                cardDisplay1.ContentType = "image/png";
                cardDisplay1.ContentUrl  = "";

                cardDisplay2.Name        = "Fashion";
                cardDisplay2.ContentType = "image/png";
                cardDisplay2.ContentUrl  = "";

                cardDisplay3.Name        = "Cakes";
                cardDisplay3.ContentType = "image/png";
                cardDisplay3.ContentUrl  = "";


                promptList = new List <string> {
                    "Cosmetics", "Fashion", "Cakes"

            if (category == "Kids")
                var cardDisplay1 = new Attachment();
                var cardDisplay2 = new Attachment();
                var cardDisplay3 = new Attachment();

                cardDisplay1.Name        = "Toys";
                cardDisplay1.ContentType = "image/png";
                cardDisplay1.ContentUrl  = "";

                cardDisplay2.Name        = "Candies";
                cardDisplay2.ContentType = "image/png";
                cardDisplay2.ContentUrl  = "";

                cardDisplay3.Name        = "Fashion";
                cardDisplay3.ContentType = "image/png";
                cardDisplay3.ContentUrl  = "";


                promptList = new List <string> {
                    "Toys", "Candies", "Fashion"
            // WaterfallStep always finishes with the end of the Waterfall or with another dialog; here it is a Prompt Dialog.
            // Running a prompt here means the next WaterfallStep will be run when the user's response is received.
            await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync($"Here are {stepContext.Values["category"]} collections");

            await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(reply);

            return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt),

                                                 new PromptOptions
                Prompt = MessageFactory.Text(""),
                Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(new List <string> {
                    promptList[0], promptList[1], promptList[2]
            }, cancellationToken));
Esempio n. 10
        private static async Task <DialogTurnResult> FindShopStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            string Input = (string)stepContext.Result;

            string     site    = Startup.KakaoAPI;
            string     query   = string.Format("{0}?query={1}", site, Input + " 서브웨이");
            WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(query);
            string     rkey    = Startup.KakaoKey;

            string header = "KakaoAK " + rkey;

            request.Headers.Add("Authorization", header);

            WebResponse  response = request.GetResponse();
            Stream       stream   = response.GetResponseStream();
            StreamReader reader   = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8);

            string json = reader.ReadToEnd();


            JObject jtemp = JObject.Parse(json);
            JArray  array = JArray.Parse(jtemp["documents"].ToString());

            var attachments = new List <Attachment>();
            var reply       = MessageFactory.Attachment(attachments);

            reply.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;

            List <string> places = new List <string>();

            places.Add("다시 검색하기");
            if (array.Count < 1)
                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync("검색 결과가 없습니다.");

                return(await stepContext.ReplaceDialogAsync(nameof(LocationDialog)));
            foreach (JObject jobj in array)
                string place_name   = jobj["place_name"].ToString();
                string phone        = jobj["phone"].ToString();
                string address_name = jobj["address_name"].ToString();

                string id       = jobj["id"].ToString();
                string kakaoUrl = "" + id;

                var heroCard = new HeroCard
                    Title    = place_name,
                    Subtitle = phone,
                    Text     = address_name,
                    Buttons  = new List <CardAction>
                        new CardAction(ActionTypes.OpenUrl, value: kakaoUrl, title: "카카오맵에서 확인하기"),
                        new CardAction(ActionTypes.PostBack, "여기서 주문하기", value: place_name)
            await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text("주문할 서브웨이 지점을 선택하세요"), cancellationToken);

            await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(reply, cancellationToken);

            return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt),
                                                 new PromptOptions
                Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(places),
            }, cancellationToken));
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> IntroStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var processDetails = (ProcessDetails)stepContext.Options;
            var text           = string.Empty;
            var rpaService     = new RPAService();
            var response       = rpaService.GetConversationFlow(stepContext.Context.Activity.Conversation.Id);
            var result         = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ConversationFlow> >(response.Content);

            if (result.Count > 0)
                processDetails.CurrentQuestion = result[0];
                if (processDetails.CurrentQuestion.u_last_question_index == 0 && processDetails.AttemptCount == 0)
                    text = "Process " + processDetails.ProcessSelected.Name + " needs input parameters, please start entering them below.";
                else if (processDetails.AttemptCount != 0 && processDetails.CurrentQuestion.u_last_question_index == 0)
                    text = "Input parameters entered are incorrect, please re-enter them below.";

                //delete record from SN
                rpaService.DeactivatedConversationFlow(processDetails.CurrentQuestion.sys_id, stepContext.Context.Activity.Conversation.Id);
                if (processDetails.CurrentQuestion.u_type.Contains("Bool"))
                    var boolParamTrue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new PromptOption {
                        Id = "boolParam", Value = "true"
                    var boolParamFalse = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new PromptOption {
                        Id = "boolParam", Value = "false"
                    var choices = new List <Choice> {
                        new Choice
                            Value  = "true",
                            Action = new CardAction(ActionTypes.PostBack, "true", null, "true", "true", value: boolParamTrue, null)
                        new Choice
                            Value  = "false",
                            Action = new CardAction(ActionTypes.PostBack, "false", null, "false", "false", value: boolParamFalse, null)
                    return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(TextPrompt), new PromptOptions { Prompt = (Activity)ChoiceFactory.SuggestedAction(choices, text + Environment.NewLine + "For " + processDetails.CurrentQuestion.u_param_name.UppercaseFirst() + " choose one option below.") }, cancellationToken));
                    return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(TextPrompt), new PromptOptions { Prompt = MessageFactory.Text(text + Environment.NewLine + "Enter " + processDetails.CurrentQuestion.u_param_name.UppercaseFirst() + ":") }, cancellationToken));
                processDetails.CurrentQuestion = new ConversationFlow();
                //get parameters entered

                return(await stepContext.NextAsync(processDetails, cancellationToken));
Esempio n. 12
        public MainMenuHelperDialog(IStatePropertyAccessor <SelectedLanguageState> selectedLanguagePropertyAccessor, IStatePropertyAccessor <CustomWrapperPromptState> customWrapperPromptStateAccessor) : base(MainMenuHelperDialogId)
            this._selectedLanguageStatePropertyAccessor    = selectedLanguagePropertyAccessor;
            this._customWrapperPromptStatePropertyAccessor = customWrapperPromptStateAccessor;
            this.InitialDialogId = MainMenuHelperDialogId;

            List <string> _mainMenuChoices = new List <string>()
                "FAQ QnAMaker", "Azure Search", "Azure Search Facets", "Adaptive Card", "Choose Language"
            ChoicePrompt cp = new ChoicePrompt("choicePrompt");

            cp.Style = ListStyle.SuggestedAction;

            this.AddDialog(new QnAMakerDialog("QnADialog"));
            this.AddDialog(new AzureSearchDialog("AzureSearchDialog", selectedLanguagePropertyAccessor));
            this.AddDialog(new AzureSearchFacetsDialog("AzureSearchFacetsDialog"));
            this.AddDialog(new AdaptiveCardDialog("AdaptiveCardDialog", customWrapperPromptStateAccessor));
            this.AddDialog(new ChooseLanguageDialog("ChooseLanguageDialog", selectedLanguagePropertyAccessor));

            // Define the conversation flow using the waterfall model.
                new WaterfallDialog(this.InitialDialogId, new WaterfallStep[]
                async(stepContext, ct) =>
                    SelectedLanguageState selectedLanguage = await _selectedLanguageStatePropertyAccessor.GetAsync(
                        () => new SelectedLanguageState()
                        SelectedLanguage = "en-us"

                    var cultureInfo = LanguageService.LanguageChoiceMap.ContainsKey(selectedLanguage.SelectedLanguage) ? new CultureInfo(LanguageService.LanguageChoiceMap[selectedLanguage.SelectedLanguage]) : new CultureInfo("en-us");
                    CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = cultureInfo;

                    return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(
                               new PromptOptions
                        Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(new List <string> {
                            MainMenuHelperDialogStrings.Option1, MainMenuHelperDialogStrings.Option2, MainMenuHelperDialogStrings.Option3, MainMenuHelperDialogStrings.Option4, MainMenuHelperDialogStrings.Option5
                        Prompt = MessageFactory.Text(MainMenuHelperDialogStrings.Prompt),
                        RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text(MainMenuHelperDialogStrings.RetryPrompt)
                async(stepContext, ct) =>
                    var menuChoice = ((FoundChoice)stepContext.Result).Value;

                    SelectedLanguageState selectedLanguage = await _selectedLanguageStatePropertyAccessor.GetAsync(
                        () => new SelectedLanguageState()
                        SelectedLanguage = "en-us"

                    var cultureInfo = LanguageService.LanguageChoiceMap.ContainsKey(selectedLanguage.SelectedLanguage) ? new CultureInfo(LanguageService.LanguageChoiceMap[selectedLanguage.SelectedLanguage]) : new CultureInfo("en-us");
                    CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = cultureInfo;

                    if (menuChoice == MainMenuHelperDialogStrings.Option1)
                        return(await stepContext.BeginDialogAsync("QnADialog"));
                    else if (menuChoice == MainMenuHelperDialogStrings.Option2)
                        return(await stepContext.BeginDialogAsync("AzureSearchDialog"));
                    else if (menuChoice == MainMenuHelperDialogStrings.Option3)
                        return(await stepContext.BeginDialogAsync("AzureSearchFacetsDialog"));
                    else if (menuChoice == MainMenuHelperDialogStrings.Option4)
                        return(await stepContext.BeginDialogAsync("AdaptiveCardDialog"));
                    else if (menuChoice == MainMenuHelperDialogStrings.Option5)
                        return(await stepContext.BeginDialogAsync("ChooseLanguageDialog"));

                    return(await stepContext.NextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
                async(stepContext, ct) =>
                    return(await stepContext.ReplaceDialogAsync(MainMenuHelperDialogId).ConfigureAwait(false));
Esempio n. 13
        public AzureSearchFacetsDialog(string dialogId) : base(dialogId)
            const string imageBaseURI = @"";

            // ID of the child dialog that should be started anytime the component is started.
            this.InitialDialogId = dialogId;

            this.AddDialog(new ChoicePrompt("navigatePrompt"));

            // Define the conversation flow using the waterfall model.
                new WaterfallDialog(dialogId, new WaterfallStep[]
                async(stepContext, ct) =>
                    List <string> _dayChoices = new List <string>()

                    var facets = SearchService.FindFacets("day", null);
                    facets.Values.ToList().ForEach(i => i.ToList().ForEach(j => _dayChoices.Add(j.Value.ToString())));
                    //_dayChoices.AddRange(facets.Select(_ => _.Key));

                    return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(
                               new PromptOptions
                        Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(_dayChoices),
                        Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("[Azure Search Facets Dialog] What day would you like to hear more information about the event?"),
                        RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please tell me which day you would like to hear more information?")
                async(stepContext, ct) =>
                    var userAnswer   = ((FoundChoice)stepContext.Result).Value;
                    this.selectedDay = userAnswer;

                    await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync("what Genres would you like to see on" + userAnswer + "?");

                    List <string> _dayChoices = new List <string>()
                    string searchStr = "day:" + userAnswer;
                    if (userAnswer == "Any")
                        searchStr        = null;
                        this.selectedDay = null;

                    var facets = SearchService.FindFacets("genre", searchStr);
                    facets.Values.ToList().ForEach(i => i.ToList().ForEach(j => _dayChoices.Add(j.Value.ToString())));
                    //_dayChoices.AddRange(facets.Select(_ => _.Key));

                    return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(
                               new PromptOptions
                        Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(_dayChoices),
                        Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("[Azure Search Facets Dialog] Here are all the genres for " + userAnswer + "?"),
                        RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please tell me which genre you would like to hear information?")
                async(stepContext, ct) =>
                    var userAnswer = ((FoundChoice)stepContext.Result).Value;

                    await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync("Based on what you've told me, here are the results you're looking for!");

                    var perf = SearchService.FindPerformances(null, userAnswer, this.selectedDay);

                    List <HeroCard> cards = new List <HeroCard>();
                    foreach (BO.Performance p in perf)
                                      new List <string>()

                    var reply = CarouselCardService.GenerateCarouselCard(
                        cards.Select(_ => _.ToAttachment()).ToList <Attachment>());

                    await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(reply);

                    return(await stepContext.NextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false));
Esempio n. 14
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> PortfolioStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var entitiDetails = (EntitiDetails)stepContext.Options;

            switch (entitiDetails.Intent)
            case "Acronym":
                return(await stepContext.NextAsync(entitiDetails.Acronym, cancellationToken));

            case "Trigger_Service":
                if (entitiDetails.Portfolio == null)
                    entitiDetails.Portfolio = entitiDetails.Portfolio = ((FoundChoice)stepContext.Result).Value.ToString();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitiDetails.Project))
                    if (entitiDetails.Tag == "AutoDerivation" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitiDetails.Environment) || entitiDetails.Tag == "CommitFile")
                        return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt),
                                                             new PromptOptions
                            Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please select the environment"),
                            Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(new List <string> {
                                "DEV", "QA", "UAT", "PROD"
                            Style = ListStyle.Auto,
                            RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text("Sorry, I'm still learning. Please provide the valid option or below mentioned Sequence Number."),
                        }, cancellationToken));
                    if (entitiDetails.Project.ToUpper() == "PRODUCTIONDAILYHEALTHCHECK" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitiDetails.Portfolio))
                        entitiDetails.Portfolio = ((FoundChoice)stepContext.Result).Value.ToString();
                    return(await stepContext.NextAsync(entitiDetails, cancellationToken));

                //if (entitiDetails.Project == "ProductionDailyHealthCheck")
                //    return await stepContext.NextAsync(entitiDetails, cancellationToken);
                if (entitiDetails.Portfolio.ToUpper() == "PCA")
                    return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt),
                                                         new PromptOptions
                        Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please select the project"),
                        Choices = GetProjectChoices(entitiDetails.Portfolio),
                        Style = ListStyle.List,
                        RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text("Sorry, I'm still learning. Please provide the valid option or below mentioned Sequence Number."),
                    }, cancellationToken));
                else if (entitiDetails.Portfolio.ToUpper() == "CCV")
                    return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt),
                                                         new PromptOptions
                        Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please select the project"),
                        Choices = GetProjectChoices(entitiDetails.Portfolio),
                        Style = ListStyle.Auto,
                        RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text("Sorry, I'm still learning. Please provide the valid option or below mentioned Sequence Number."),
                    }, cancellationToken));
                //else if (entitiDetails.Tag.Contains("AutoDerivation"))

                //    return await stepContext.NextAsync(entitiDetails, cancellationToken);
                    return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt),
                                                         new PromptOptions
                        Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please select the project"),
                        Choices = GetProjectChoices(entitiDetails.Portfolio),
                        Style = ListStyle.Auto,
                        RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text("Sorry, I'm still learning. Please provide the valid option or below mentioned Sequence Number."),
                    }, cancellationToken));

            case "Build_Deployment":
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitiDetails.Project))
                    return(await stepContext.NextAsync(entitiDetails, cancellationToken));
                //entitiDetails.Portfolio = entitiDetails.Portfolio = ((FoundChoice)stepContext.Result).Value.ToString();
                return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt),
                                                     new PromptOptions
                    Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please select the project"),
                    Choices = GetProjectChoices(entitiDetails.Intent),
                    Style = ListStyle.Auto,
                    RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text("Sorry, I'm still learning. Please provide the valid option or below mentioned Sequence Number."),
                }, cancellationToken));

                return(await stepContext.NextAsync(entitiDetails.Project, cancellationToken));
 private static async Task ShowChoices(ITurnContext turnContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     // Create the message
     var message = ChoiceFactory.ForChannel(turnContext.Activity.ChannelId, _options, "Secondary Bot: Please type a message or choose an option");
     await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(message, cancellationToken);
        //Check if input is empty or additionally it is asked to filter for countries, then add country option list
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> SelectionStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Continue using the same selection list, if any, from the previous iteration of this dialog.
            var list = stepContext.Options as List <string> ?? new List <string>();

            bool filterForCountry = false;

            if (stepContext.Options.GetType().ToString().Equals("Microsoft.BotBuilderSamples.FilterForWordDetails"))
                FilterForWordDetails filterForWordDetails = (FilterForWordDetails)stepContext.Options;
                usedColumn = filterForWordDetails.usedColumn;
                // Check if filter for Word Dialog input is empty
                if (filterForWordDetails.columnName == null)
                    string messageNull   = "I could not recognize what column you want to apply that filter to. Please say something like \"Filter for Germany and Canada\"";
                    var    cancelMessage = MessageFactory.Text(messageNull, CancelMsgText, InputHints.IgnoringInput);
                    await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(cancelMessage, cancellationToken);

                    return(await stepContext.CancelAllDialogsAsync(cancellationToken));

                //Filter for country
                for (int i = 0; i < filterForWordDetails.columnName.Length; i++)
                    string s = UppercaseFirst(filterForWordDetails.columnName[i]);

                    //becomes true when you enter "filter for country"
                    if (string.Equals(s, "Country") || string.Equals(s, "Countries"))
                        filterForCountry = true;

                if (( == null) && (filterForWordDetails.segment == null) && (filterForWordDetails.product == null) && !filterForCountry)
                    string messageNull = "I could not recognize what column you want to apply that filter to. Please say something like \"Filter for Germany and Canada\"";

                    var cancelMessage = MessageFactory.Text(messageNull, CancelMsgText, InputHints.IgnoringInput);
                    await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(cancelMessage, cancellationToken);

                    return(await stepContext.CancelAllDialogsAsync(cancellationToken));

                //Breaks if we did not recognize any countries
                if (!filterForCountry)
                    filterForWordDetails.columnName = list.ToArray();
                    ConsoleWriter.WriteLineInfo("Filter for: " + string.Join(", ", list));
                    ConsoleWriter.WriteLineInfo("ColumnName: " + filterForWordDetails.columnName[0]);
                    await BOT_Api.SendFilterForWord(stepContext, usedColumn, list.ToArray());

                    return(await stepContext.EndDialogAsync(filterForWordDetails.columnName));

            //if user entered "FILTER FOR COUNTRY" OR "COUNTRIES":

            stepContext.Values[CountriesSelected] = list;
            //Create a prompt message
            string message;

            if (list[0] == "Country")
                message = $"Please choose a country to filter to finish.";
            else if (list[0] == "Countries")
                message = $"Please choose a country to filter to finish.";
                message = $"You have selected **{String.Join(", ", list)}**. You can filter for an additional country, " +
                          $"or choose `{DoneOption}` to finish.";

            // Create the list of options to choose from.
            var options = _countryOptions.ToList();

            if (list.Count > 0)
                options = options.Except(list).ToList();

            var promptOptions = new PromptOptions
                Prompt      = MessageFactory.Text(message),
                RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please choose an option from the list."),
                Choices     = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(options),

            // Prompt the user for a choice.
            return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt), promptOptions, cancellationToken));
Esempio n. 17
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> HandleChoiceAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            // Get the user's info. (Since the type factory is null, this will throw if state does not yet have a value for user info.)
            //UserInfo userInfo = await _accessors.UserInfoAccessor.GetAsync(stepContext.Context, null, cancellationToken);

            // Check the user's input and decide which dialog to start.
            // Pass in the guest info when starting either of the child dialogs.
            string choice = (stepContext.Result as string)?.Trim()?.ToLowerInvariant();

            switch (choice)
            case "1":
            case "adaptive card":
                //return await stepContext.BeginDialogAsync(CardsExampleDialogId, userInfo.Guest, cancellationToken);
                var reply = stepContext.Context.Activity.CreateReply();

                reply.Attachments = new List <Attachment>();

                var adaptiveCardJson = await Demo.Cards.CardsUtility.GetCardText("Locations");

                AdaptiveCardParseResult adaptiveCard;
                    adaptiveCard = AdaptiveCard.FromJson(adaptiveCardJson);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;

                var card = adaptiveCard.Card;

                reply.Attachments.Add(new Attachment()
                    Content     = card,
                    ContentType = AdaptiveCard.ContentType,
                    Name        = "Card"

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync("This is an example of an Adaptive Card.  Adaptive cards can be customized.  View more at");

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(reply, cancellationToken);


            case "2":
            case "animation card":

                var animationCardReply = stepContext.Context.Activity.CreateReply();

                var animationCard = new AnimationCard()
                    Title    = "Getting started with Microsoft Bot Framework and Azure Bot Services",
                    Text     = "Animation Card Text",
                    Subtitle = "Animation Card Subtitle",
                    Buttons  = new List <CardAction> {
                        new CardAction(type: "messageBack", title: "Button 1")
                    Media = new List <MediaUrl> {
                        new MediaUrl(url: "")

                // Add the card to our reply.
                animationCardReply.Attachments = new List <Attachment>()

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(animationCardReply, cancellationToken);

                // ContinueDialog doesn't wait for user input and keeps moving through the "waterfall"
                return(await stepContext.ContinueDialogAsync());

            case "3":
            case "audio card":

                var audioCardReply = stepContext.Context.Activity.CreateReply();

                var audioCard = new AudioCard()
                    Title    = "Jazz Trio",
                    Text     = "Audio Card Text",
                    Subtitle = "Audio Card Subtitle",
                    Media    = new List <MediaUrl> {
                        new MediaUrl(url: "")

                // Add the card to our reply.
                audioCardReply.Attachments = new List <Attachment>()

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(audioCardReply, cancellationToken);

                string[] choices = new string[] { "This is great!", "Show me more." };
                await stepContext.PromptAsync(
                    new PromptOptions
                    Prompt  = MessageFactory.Text("What do you think?"),
                    Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(choices),


            case "4":
            case "hero card":
                // Present the user with a set of "suggested actions".
                //List<string> menu = new List<string> { "Reserve Table", "Wake Up" };

                //await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.SuggestedActions(menu, "How can I help you?"), cancellationToken: cancellationToken);

                //return Dialog.EndOfTurn;

                var heroCardReply = stepContext.Context.Activity.CreateReply();

                // Create a HeroCard with options for the user to choose to interact with the bot.
                var heroCard = new HeroCard
                    Text     = "This is an example of a Hero Card.  Select an option to view other card options.",
                    Subtitle = "This is the subtitle of the hero card.",
                    Title    = "This is the title of the hero card.",
                    Images   = new List <CardImage> {
                        new CardImage("", "Example Image"), new CardImage("", "Example Image 2")
                    Buttons = new List <CardAction>()
                        new CardAction(ActionTypes.Call, title: "Call", value: "+11234567890"),
                        new CardAction(ActionTypes.OpenUrl, title: "Open Url", value: ""),

                // Add the card to our reply.
                heroCardReply.Attachments = new List <Attachment>()

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(heroCardReply, cancellationToken);


            case "5":
            case "thumbnail card":

                var thumbnailCardReply = stepContext.Context.Activity.CreateReply();

                var thumbnailCard = new ThumbnailCard
                    Title    = "Thumbnail Card Title",
                    Subtitle = "Subtitle",
                    Text     = "Learn more about how to use Language Understanding with your bot.",
                    Buttons  = new List <CardAction> {
                        new CardAction("openUrl", "Learn More", value: ""), new CardAction("postBack", "Got it", value: "::gotit::")
                    Images = new List <CardImage>
                        new CardImage("", "LUIS", new CardAction("openUrl", "Language Understanding", value: "")),

                thumbnailCardReply.Attachments = new List <Attachment>()

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(thumbnailCardReply, cancellationToken);


            case "6":
            case "receipt card":

                var receiptCardReply = stepContext.Context.Activity.CreateReply();

                var receiptCard = new ReceiptCard
                    Title = "Example Receipt Card",
                    Facts = new List <Fact>
                        new Fact("Name:", "Adam"),
                        new Fact("Company:", "Microsoft"),
                        new Fact("Location:", "Redmond, WA"),
                        new Fact("Website:", ""),
                        new Fact("----------", ""),
                        new Fact("Order Number:", "912304"),
                        new Fact("Payment Method:", "Visa *1234"),
                        new Fact("----------", ""),
                    Items = new List <ReceiptItem>
                        new ReceiptItem("Bing Spell Check", "sku: 123456", "Spell check for your bot", new CardImage(""), "$1.00", "1000"),
                        new ReceiptItem("Text Analytics API", "sku: 65421", "Analytics, Sentiment and more", new CardImage(""), "$2.00", "2000")
                    Tax   = "$12.45",
                    Total = "$5,000"

                receiptCardReply.Attachments = new List <Attachment>()

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(receiptCardReply, cancellationToken);


            case "7":
            case "signin card":

                var signinCardReply = stepContext.Context.Activity.CreateReply();

                var signinCard = new SigninCard
                    Text    = "Sign In to your Account",
                    Buttons = new List <CardAction>
                        new CardAction("signin", "Sign In", value: "{CLIENT_ID}&scope={SCOPE}")

                signinCardReply.Attachments = new List <Attachment> {

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(signinCardReply, cancellationToken);


            case "8":
            case "video card":

                var videoCardReply = stepContext.Context.Activity.CreateReply();

                var videoCard = new VideoCard
                    Title    = "Getting started with Microsoft Bot Framework and Azure Bot Services",
                    Text     = "Animation Card Text",
                    Subtitle = "Animation Card Subtitle",
                    Buttons  = new List <CardAction> {
                        new CardAction(type: "messageBack", title: "Video Card Button")
                    Media = new List <MediaUrl> {
                        new MediaUrl(url: "")

                videoCardReply.Attachments = new List <Attachment> {

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(videoCardReply, cancellationToken);


            case "9":
            case "carousel card":

                var carouselCardReply = stepContext.Context.Activity.CreateReply();

                carouselCardReply.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.Carousel;

                var carouselCard1 = new HeroCard
                    Title  = "Title 1",
                    Text   = "Text 1",
                    Images = new List <CardImage> {
                        new CardImage("")

                var carouselCard2 = new HeroCard
                    Title  = "Title 2",
                    Text   = "Text 2",
                    Images = new List <CardImage> {
                        new CardImage("")

                carouselCardReply.Attachments = new List <Attachment> {
                    carouselCard1.ToAttachment(), carouselCard2.ToAttachment()

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(carouselCardReply, cancellationToken);


            case "10":
            case "go back":
                return(await stepContext.EndDialogAsync());

                // If we don't recognize the user's intent, start again from the beginning.
                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(
                    "Sorry, I don't understand that command. Please choose an option from the list.");

                return(await stepContext.ReplaceDialogAsync(Id, null, cancellationToken));
Esempio n. 18
        private PromptOptions BuildOptions(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, ChatState state)
            Stanza current = null;
            string text    = "";

            while (true)
                current = proc.GetStanza(state.CurrentStanzaID);
                if (text.Length > 0)
                    text += "\n";

                text += proc.GetPhrase(((InstructionStanza)current).Text).Internal;

                if (!current.HasNext || current.StanzaType == "Question" || current.Next[0] == "end")
                state.CurrentStanzaID = current.Next[0];

            if (current.StanzaType == "Question")
                QuestionStanza qs = (QuestionStanza)current;

                IList <Choice> choices = new List <Choice>();

                for (int i = 0; i < qs.Answers.Length; i += 1)
                    var choice = new Choice
                        Value = proc.GetPhrase(qs.Answers[i]).Internal
                    if (choice.Value.ToLower().StartsWith("yes"))
                        choice.Synonyms = new List <string> {
                            "yes", "yup", "y"
                    else if (choice.Value.ToLower().StartsWith("no"))
                        choice.Synonyms = new List <string> {
                            "no", "nope", "n"

                return(new PromptOptions {
                    Prompt = MessageFactory.Text(text), Choices = choices.ToArray()

            if (!current.HasNext || current.Next[0] == "end")
                stepContext.Values[DoneKey] = true;

            return(new PromptOptions {
                Prompt = MessageFactory.Text(text), Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(new string[] { "OK" })
Esempio n. 19
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> ParseAllGivenInformationStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var luisResult = (LuisResult)stepContext.Options;

            var documentModel = new AccountDocumentModel
                //get ira or standard account type
                AccountType = GetEntityModelResolution(luisResult, AccountTypeEntity),
                //get account document
                AccountDocument = GetEntityModelResolution(luisResult, DocumentTypeEntity)

            documentModel.SetIsIra(); //determines if account is an IRA acct or Standard

            //if any account type was specified.
            if (documentModel.IsIra.HasValue)
                stepContext.Values[DocumentModelValue] = documentModel;

                //the account requested is an IRA
                if (documentModel.IsIra == 1)
                    return(await DispatchIraAccountDocumentAsync(stepContext, documentModel, cancellationToken));

                //account is standard
                return(await DispatchNonIraAccountDocumentAsync(stepContext, documentModel, cancellationToken));
                //no account has been supplied

                //if the document specified is an IRA transfer form, but the user did not specify IRA
                if (Common.IraOnlyDocumentTypes.Contains(documentModel.AccountDocument))
                    documentModel.AccountType = "ira";
                    stepContext.Values[DocumentModelValue] = documentModel;
                    return(await DispatchIraAccountDocumentAsync(stepContext, documentModel, cancellationToken));

                //otherwise, prompt for which account type.
                var msg = "Which type of account would you like to see ";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(documentModel.AccountDocument))
                    msg += " documents for?";
                    msg += $" the {documentModel.AccountDocument} application/form for?";

                msg = ChannelFormattingService.FormatSimpleMessage(stepContext.Context, msg);

                stepContext.Values[DocumentModelValue] = documentModel;

                return(await stepContext.PromptAsync($"{nameof(AccountDocumentsDialog)}.accountType", new PromptOptions
                    Prompt = MessageFactory.Text(msg),
                    RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text(ChannelFormattingService.FormatSimpleMessage(stepContext.Context, "Please select a valid account type")),
                    Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(AccountTypeChoices)
                }, cancellationToken));
Esempio n. 20
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> ShowCardStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var attachments = new List <Attachment>();

            var reply = MessageFactory.Attachment(attachments);

            var initialValue = new JObject {
                { "count", 0 }

            card = new HeroCard
                Title    = "BotFramework Hero Card",
                Subtitle = "Microsoft Bot Framework",
                Text     = "Build and connect intelligent bots to interact with your users naturally wherever they are," +
                           " from text/sms to Skype, Slack, Office 365 mail and other popular services.",
                Buttons = new List <CardAction>
                    new CardAction
                        Type  = ActionTypes.MessageBack,
                        Title = "Update card",
                        Text  = "Update"
                    new CardAction
                        Type  = ActionTypes.MessageBack,
                        Title = "Who am I?",
                        Text  = "whoami"
                    new CardAction
                        Type  = ActionTypes.MessageBack,
                        Title = "Delete card",
                        Text  = "Delete"


            // Send the card(s) to the user as an attachment to the activity
            await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(reply, cancellationToken);

            //return new DialogTurnResult(DialogTurnStatus.Waiting);
            //return await stepContext.NextAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
            //return await stepContext.EndDialogAsync();

            var choices = new List <string>
                "One", "Two", "Three"

            return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(
                       new PromptOptions
                Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(choices)
Esempio n. 21
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> IntroStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var processDetails = (ProcessDetails)stepContext.Options;
            var bot            = new Robot();

            foreach (var r in processDetails.ProcessSelected.Releases)
                if (r.robots.Count > 1)
                    if (r.robots.Any(b => b.Shown == false))
                        bot       = r.robots.Find(b => b.Shown == false);
                        bot.Shown = true;
                    bot = new Robot();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(
                processDetails.ProcessSelected.FirstBot = true;
                //all processed
                foreach (var r in processDetails.ProcessSelected.Releases)
                    if (r.robots.Count > 1)
                        var robots = new List <string>();
                        foreach (var b in r.robots)
                            if (b.Selected)
                        if (robots.Count == 0)
                            foreach (var re in processDetails.ProcessSelected.Releases)
                                if (re.robots.Count > 1)
                                    foreach (var b in re.robots)
                                        b.Shown = false;
                            processDetails.ProcessSelected.ReEnterBot = true;
                            return(await stepContext.ReplaceDialogAsync(nameof(RobotsDialog), processDetails, cancellationToken));
                        r.u_robots = string.Join(',', robots);
                //if needs params
                if (processDetails.ProcessSelected.Releases.Any(r => r.parameters_required == true))
                    var rpaService = new RPAService();
                    //set all params for this conversation to false(maybe was interrupted by a notification)
                    rpaService.DeactivatedConversationFlow(string.Empty, stepContext.Context.Activity.Conversation.Id);
                    rpaService.SaveConversationFlow(processDetails.ProcessSelected, stepContext.Context.Activity.Conversation.Id);
                    return(await stepContext.ReplaceDialogAsync(nameof(ParametersProcessDialog), processDetails, cancellationToken));
                    return(await stepContext.ReplaceDialogAsync(nameof(StartProcessSharedDialog), processDetails, cancellationToken));
                var message = string.Empty;
                if (processDetails.ProcessSelected.FirstBot)
                    if (processDetails.ProcessSelected.ReEnterBot)
                        message = "You have to select at least one Bot." + Environment.NewLine;
                        processDetails.ProcessSelected.ReEnterBot = false;
                    message += "Select the Bot(s) to trigger " + processDetails.ProcessSelected.Name + " process." + Environment.NewLine + "For each one select " + '"' + "Yes or No" + '"';
                    processDetails.ProcessSelected.FirstBot = false;
                processDetails.ProcessSelected.Bot = bot;
                var rpaService = new RPAService();
                var choices    = rpaService.GetConfirmChoices();
                return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(TextPrompt), new PromptOptions
                    Prompt = (Activity)ChoiceFactory.SuggestedAction(choices, message + Environment.NewLine +
                }, cancellationToken));
Esempio n. 22
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> DispatchStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext,
                                                                CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Call LUIS and gather any potential booking details. (Note the TurnContext has the response to the prompt.)
            var message   = stepContext.Context;
            var qnaResult = await _botServices.QnAMakerService.GetAnswersAsync(message);

            var luisResult = await _botServices.LuisService.RecognizeAsync <LuisContactModel>(message, cancellationToken);

            var thresholdScore = 0.80;

            // Check if score is too low, then it is not understood.
            if ((luisResult.TopIntent().score < thresholdScore || (luisResult.TopIntent().score > thresholdScore && luisResult.TopIntent().intent == LuisContactModel.Intent.None)) &&
                (qnaResult.FirstOrDefault()?.Score *2 ?? 0) < thresholdScore)
                var askAgain = "I can't seem to find my brain ... Could you please ask it again later?";

                // Responses when no answer available
                List <string> notUnderstoodResponses = new List <string>(new String[] { "I'll have to look that up. I'll let you know when I found something!",
                                                                                        "I will ask someone. I'll let you know when I got an answer.",
                                                                                        "Hmmm. Good question. Give me some time and I will try to figure it out. I will keep you updated!" });
                var notUnderstood = notUnderstoodResponses[random.Next(notUnderstoodResponses.Count)];

                // Responses on timeout
                List <string> answerLateResponse = new List <string>(new String[] { "It's taking longer than I'd expect to find an answer. " +
                                                                                    "I'm not that old though. I will notify you when I'm ready.", "I thought I was smart and quick, but right now I only seem to be smart. " +
                                                                                    "Anyway, you'll hear from me when I got something!", "I'm sorry. I'm having trouble finding an answer right now. It seems like " +
                                                                                    "I'm not perfect after all. However, I'll notify you when I found an answer." });
                var answerLate = answerLateResponse[random.Next(answerLateResponse.Count)];

                // Responses to nonsense input
                List <string> responsesToNonsense = new List <string>(new String[] { "That doesn't seem to make sense to me.",
                                                                                     "I'm sorry, I didn't understand you.", "You might have made a typo there. Could you try again?",
                                                                                     "I sometimes really don\'t get what you mean.", "You lost me there.", "I guess I\'m not supposed to understand that? Am I?" });
                var responseToNonsense = responsesToNonsense[random.Next(responsesToNonsense.Count)];

                // Responses to offensive input
                List <string> responsesToOffensive = new List <string>(new String[] {
                    "I find your language quite upsetting.",
                    "Please do watch your language, we want to be nice to other people don't we?",
                    "I'll pretend I didn't read that. Please watch your language.",
                    "I personally don\'t speak that kind of language.", "Maybe you could rephrase that?",
                    "I would not say it is proper to say that.", "As a gentle bot I would not dare to talk like that.",
                    "O my goodness. Gentle bots would not dare to talk like that."
                var responseToOffensive = responsesToOffensive[random.Next(responsesToOffensive.Count)];

                //sending to server
                ServerAnswer answer = null;
                    answer = await Task.Run(() => conchatbot.SendQuestionAndWaitForAnswer(Globals.userID, message.Activity.Text, Globals.timeout));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Debug.WriteLine("Exception while requesting questions:\n" + e);
                    // If you want to send the exception to the user.
                    //await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(e.ToString()), cancellationToken);
                    await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(askAgain), cancellationToken);

                    return(await stepContext.NextAsync(null, cancellationToken));

                if (answer == null)
                    await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(answerLate), cancellationToken);
                else if (answer.status_code == (int)ServerStatusCode.Nonsense)
                    // nonsense
                    await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(responseToNonsense), cancellationToken);
                else if (answer.status_code == (int)ServerStatusCode.Offensive)
                    // offensive
                    await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(responseToOffensive), cancellationToken);
                else if (answer.answer_id < 0 || answer.answer == "" || answer == null)
                    await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(notUnderstood), cancellationToken);
                    await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(answer.answer), cancellationToken);

                    this._answer_id   = answer.answer_id;
                    this._question_id = answer.question_id;
                    //to ask the user if the answer was or was not a good answer to his/her question

                        return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt), new PromptOptions
                            Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Was this a good answer? I would be grateful if you could press the YES button!"),
                            RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please press one of the following buttons."),
                            Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(feedbackChoices),
                            Style = ListStyle.HeroCard,
                        }, cancellationToken));
                    catch (Exception e)

                return(await stepContext.NextAsync(null, cancellationToken));

            // Check on scores between Luis and Qna.
            if (luisResult.TopIntent().intent != LuisContactModel.Intent.None && luisResult.TopIntent().score >= (qnaResult.FirstOrDefault()?.Score ?? 0))
                // Block proactive messaging while in LUIS dialog.
                // Start the Luis Weather dialog.
                return(await stepContext.BeginDialogAsync(nameof(LuisContactDialog), luisResult, cancellationToken));

                // Show a Qna message.
                var qnaMessage = MessageFactory.Text(qnaResult.First().Answer, qnaResult.First().Answer,

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(qnaMessage, cancellationToken);

                return(await stepContext.NextAsync(null, cancellationToken));
Esempio n. 23
        private void AddMainDialog()
            const string orderStateEntry = "beerOrder";

            AddDialog(new WaterfallDialog(DialogIds.Main, new WaterfallStep[]
                (stepContext, cancellationToken) =>
                    var beerOrder = (BeerOrder)stepContext.Options ?? new BeerOrder();
                    stepContext.Values[orderStateEntry] = beerOrder;
                    return(stepContext.BeginDialogAsync(DialogIds.GetExactBeerName, beerOrder.BeerName, cancellationToken));
                (stepContext, cancellationToken) =>
                    var beerOrder      = (BeerOrder)stepContext.Values[orderStateEntry];
                    beerOrder.BeerName = (string)stepContext.Result;

                    if (beerOrder.Chaser != 0)
                        return(stepContext.NextAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken));

                    return(stepContext.PromptAsync(Inputs.Choice, new PromptOptions
                        Prompt = MessageFactory.Text(
                            "Which chaser would you like next to your beer?",
                            "Which chaser would you like next to your beer?",
                        RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text(
                            "I probably drank too much. Which chaser would you like next to your beer?",
                            "I probably drank too much. Which chaser would you like next to your beer?",
                        Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(PossibleChasers),
                    }, cancellationToken));
                (stepContext, cancellationToken) =>
                    var beerOrder = (BeerOrder)stepContext.Values[orderStateEntry];
                    if (beerOrder.Chaser == 0)
                        var chaserChoice = (FoundChoice)stepContext.Result;
                        beerOrder.Chaser = Enum.Parse <Chaser>(chaserChoice.Value);

                    if (beerOrder.Side != 0)
                        return(stepContext.NextAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken));

                    return(stepContext.PromptAsync(Inputs.Choice, new PromptOptions
                        Prompt = MessageFactory.Text(
                            "How about something to eat?",
                            "How about something to eat?",
                        RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text(
                            "I probably drank too much. Which side dish would you like next to your beer?",
                            "I probably drank too much. Which side dish would you like next to your beer?",
                        Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(PossibleSideDishs),
                    }, cancellationToken));
                (stepContext, cancellationToken) =>
                    var beerOrder = (BeerOrder)stepContext.Values[orderStateEntry];
                    if (beerOrder.Side == 0)
                        var sideDishChoice = (FoundChoice)stepContext.Result;
                        beerOrder.Side     = Enum.Parse <SideDish>(sideDishChoice.Value);

                    return(stepContext.PromptAsync(Inputs.Confirm, new PromptOptions
                        Prompt = MessageFactory.Text(
                            $"Just to make sure, do you want a {beerOrder.BeerName} beer with {beerOrder.Chaser} and some {beerOrder.Side} on the side?",
                            $"Just to make sure, do you want a {beerOrder.BeerName} beer with {beerOrder.Chaser} and some {beerOrder.Side} on the side?",
                    }, cancellationToken));
                async(stepContext, cancellationToken) =>
                    var orderConfirmed = (bool)stepContext.Result;
                    if (orderConfirmed)
                        var beerOrder = (BeerOrder)stepContext.Values[orderStateEntry];
                        await _userInfo.SetAsync(stepContext.Context, new UserInfo {
                            UsualBeer = beerOrder.BeerName
                        }, cancellationToken);
                        await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(
                            $"Cheers {Emoji.Beers}",
                            @"<speak version=""1.0"" xmlns="""" xml:lang=""en-US""><prosody pitch=""high"">Cheers</prosody></speak>",
                            cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
                        await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(
                            $"Maybe I'll get it right next time {Emoji.Confused}",
                            "Maybe I'll get it right next time",
                            cancellationToken: cancellationToken);

                    return(await stepContext.EndDialogAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken));
            InitialDialogId = DialogIds.Main;
Esempio n. 24
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> DbInstanceStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var entitiDetails = (EntitiDetails)stepContext.Options;

            if (entitiDetails.Environment == null)
                entitiDetails.Environment = ((FoundChoice)stepContext.Result).Value.ToString();
            if (entitiDetails.Project == "App-Deployment")
                return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(TextPrompt), new PromptOptions { Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please enter war to deploy the build.\n\n" + " Ex:Ipp-Portal:<version>,Loginservice:<version>,Client-Profile:<version>") }, cancellationToken));
            else if (entitiDetails.Project == "CIT-Deployment")
                return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(TextPrompt), new PromptOptions { Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please enter war to deploy the build.\n\n" + " Ex: hello-world.war:<version>") }, cancellationToken));

            else if (entitiDetails.Project == "RMI-Deployment" || entitiDetails.Project == "DB-Deployment")
                if (entitiDetails.Project == "RMI-Deployment")
                    entitiDetails.HostName = entitiDetails.Environment == "QA(VPMTST1)" ? "usdtrmi03" : "usddevrmi01";
                Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                dic.Add("QA(VPMTST1)", "VPMTST1");
                dic.Add("SprintTest(VPMSPTE)", "VPMSPTE");
                dic.Add("SprintDemo(VPMDEMO)", "VPMDEMO");
                dic.Add("CICD(VPMCICD)", "VPMCICD");
                entitiDetails.DbInstance = dic[entitiDetails.Environment].ToString();
                if (entitiDetails.Project == "DB-Deployment")
                    return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt),
                                                         new PromptOptions
                        Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please select from where you wanto to deploy?"),
                        Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(new List <string> {
                            "trunk", "tags"
                        Style = ListStyle.Auto,
                        RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text("Sorry, I'm still learning. Please provide the valid option or below mentioned Sequence Number."),
                    }, cancellationToken));
                    return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(TextPrompt), new PromptOptions { Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please enter the repository for deployment") }, cancellationToken));
            else if (entitiDetails.Project == "Informatica-Deployment")
                return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt),
                                                     new PromptOptions
                    Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please select the repository branch or press 1 to skip the branch selection"),
                    Choices = GetBranches(),
                    Style = ListStyle.Auto,
                    RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text("Sorry, I'm still learning. Please provide the valid option or below mentioned Sequence Number."),
                }, cancellationToken));
                if (entitiDetails.Buildwar == null)
                    entitiDetails.Buildwar = (string)stepContext.Result;
                return(await stepContext.NextAsync(entitiDetails, cancellationToken));
        public void ShouldRenderChoicesInline()
            var activity = ChoiceFactory.Inline(colorChoices, "select from:");

            Assert.AreEqual("select from: (1) red, (2) green, or (3) blue", activity.Text);
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> LoopStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            bool isAdding  = true;
            var  orderData = await _orderDataAccessor.GetAsync(stepContext.Context, () => new OrderData(), cancellationToken);

            var topping = (string)stepContext.Result;

            if (topping.Contains("-"))
                isAdding = false;
            if (topping.Contains("?"))
                topping += ",가이드";

            var client   = new TextAnalyticsClient(endpoint, credentials);
            var response = KeyPhraseExtraction(client, topping);

            foreach (var pharase in response.Value)
                if (pharase == "완성")
                    if (orderData.Cheese.Count == 0 || orderData.Sauce.Count == 0)
                        return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt),
                                                             new PromptOptions
                            Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("치즈 혹은 소스가 선택되지 않았어요. 이대로 주문할까요?"),
                            Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(new List <string> {
                                "네", "아니오", "주문 취소"
                        }, cancellationToken));
                        return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt),
                                                             new PromptOptions
                            Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("이대로 주문할까요?"),     //confirm factory 확인해보고 코드 수정하기?
                            Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(new List <string> {
                                "네", "아니오", "주문 취소"
                        }, cancellationToken));

                string pharase_type = null;
                if (Topping.vege.Contains(pharase))
                    pharase_type = "야채";
                else if (Topping.cheese.Contains(pharase))
                    pharase_type = "치즈";
                else if (Topping.sauce.Contains(pharase))
                    pharase_type = "소스";
                else if (Topping.topping.Contains(pharase))
                    pharase_type = "추가토핑";
                //토핑 종류
                else if (pharase.Contains("토핑"))
                    //치즈 카드
                    await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(Cards.GetCard("cheese"), cancellationToken);

                    //소스 카드 보여주기
                    await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(Cards.GetCard("sauce"), cancellationToken);

                    //추가 토핑 카드 보여주기
                    await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(Cards.GetCard("topping"), cancellationToken);
                else if (pharase.Contains("가이드") || pharase.Contains("help"))
                    await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(Cards.GetCard("inputTip"), cancellationToken);
                //추천 소스
                else if (pharase.Contains("추천소스"))
                    var sauceRecommendMsg = $"홈페이지에서 제공하는 {orderData.Menu}의 추천 소스는 [";
                    foreach (string sauce in Topping.sauce_recommend[orderData.Menu])
                        sauceRecommendMsg += $"{sauce}, ";
                    sauceRecommendMsg += "] 입니다";
                    await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(sauceRecommendMsg), cancellationToken);
                    await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync("없는 토핑입니다, 다시 입력해주세요!");

                if (pharase_type != null)
                    if (isAdding)//토핑추가
                        switch (pharase_type)
                        case "야채": orderData.Vege.Add(pharase); break;

                        case "치즈": orderData.Cheese.Add(pharase);
                            if (orderData.Cheese.Count > 1)    //치즈가격
                                orderData.Price += Topping.topping_price["치즈 추가"];
                                orderData.Topping.Add("치즈 추가");

                        case "소스": orderData.Sauce.Add(pharase); break;

                        case "추가토핑": orderData.Topping.Add(pharase); orderData.Price += Topping.topping_price[pharase]; break;     //토핑 가격
                        await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(pharase + " 토핑이 추가되었습니다.");
                    else //토핑삭제
                        bool flag = true;
                        switch (pharase_type)
                        case "야채":
                            if (orderData.Vege.Contains(pharase))
                                flag = false;

                        case "치즈":
                            if (orderData.Cheese.Contains(pharase))
                                if (orderData.Cheese.Count > 0)
                                    orderData.Price -= Topping.topping_price["치즈 추가"];
                                    orderData.Topping.Remove("치즈 추가");
                                flag = false;

                        case "소스":
                            if (orderData.Sauce.Contains(pharase))
                                flag = false;

                        case "추가토핑":
                            if (orderData.Topping.Contains(pharase))
                                orderData.Price -= Topping.topping_price[pharase];
                                flag = false;
                        if (flag)
                            await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(pharase + " 토핑이 삭제되었습니다.");
                            await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(pharase + " 토핑은 이미 삭제된 토핑입니다.");
            return(await stepContext.ReplaceDialogAsync(nameof(AddToppingDialog), null, cancellationToken));
Esempio n. 27
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> MainMenuStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var userProfilesFilePath = _configuration["UsersFilePathSource"];
            // Fetch list of all user profile
            string userProfileJson = await _fileUtility.ReadFromFile(userProfilesFilePath);

            List <UserProfile> userProfiles = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <UserProfile> >(userProfileJson);

            stepContext.Values["password"] = (string)stepContext.Result;
            if (stepContext.Values["Language"] == "KISWAHILI")
                //Get the current profile object from user state
                var userProfile = await _botStateService.UserProfileAccessor.GetAsync(stepContext.Context, () => new UserProfile(), cancellationToken);

                //var Location = await _botStateService.LocationAccessor.GetAsync(stepContext.Context, () => new Location(), cancellationToken);
                //save all of the data inside the user profile
                userProfile.Name      = (string)stepContext.Values["Name"];
                userProfile.County    = (string)stepContext.Values["county"];
                userProfile.SubCounty = (string)stepContext.Values["subCounty"];
                userProfile.Ward      = (string)stepContext.Values["ward"];
                userProfile.UserName  = (string)stepContext.Values["userName"];
                userProfile.Password  = (string)stepContext.Values["password"];

                //show Summary to the user
                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text($" Huu Hapa muhtasari wa Profaili yako: "), cancellationToken);

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(string.Format("Jina:{0}", userProfile.Name)), cancellationToken);

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(string.Format("Kaunti:{0}", userProfile.County)), cancellationToken);

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(string.Format("Kaunti ndogo:{0}", userProfile.SubCounty)), cancellationToken);

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(string.Format("Wadi:{0}", userProfile.Ward)), cancellationToken);

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(String.Format("Your Username: {0}", userProfile.UserName)), cancellationToken);

                //await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(string.Format("Details:{0}", GetUserDetails())), cancellationToken);

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(string.Format(" Hongera {0}!Umesajiliwa kutumia huduma yetu.Tafadhali chagua(1.MAIN MENU) kuendelea kutumia huduma", userProfile.Name)), cancellationToken);

                // Save data in userstate
                await _botStateService.UserProfileAccessor.SetAsync(stepContext.Context, userProfile);


                // Save user profiles
                var userProfilesString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userProfiles, Formatting.Indented);
                await _fileUtility.WriteToFile(userProfilesString, userProfilesFilePath);

                //display main menu
                return(await stepContext.PromptAsync($"{nameof(UserRegistrationDialog)}.mainMenu",
                                                     new PromptOptions
                    Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("MAIN MENU"),
                    Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(new List <string> {
                        "TAARIFA ", "HABARI", "RUFAA", "UTAFITI", "SASISHA PROFAILI", "SHARE"
                }, cancellationToken));

                stepContext.Values["mainMenu"] = (FoundChoice)stepContext.Result;
                //waterfallStep always finishes with the end of the waterfall or with another dialog here it is the end
                return(await stepContext.EndDialogAsync(cancellationToken : cancellationToken));

                //Get the current profile object from user state
                var userProfile = await _botStateService.UserProfileAccessor.GetAsync(stepContext.Context, () => new UserProfile(), cancellationToken);

                //var Location = await _botStateService.LocationAccessor.GetAsync(stepContext.Context, () => new Location(), cancellationToken);
                //save all of the data inside the user profile
                userProfile.Name      = (string)stepContext.Values["Name"];
                userProfile.County    = (string)stepContext.Values["county"];
                userProfile.SubCounty = (string)stepContext.Values["subCounty"];
                userProfile.Ward      = (string)stepContext.Values["ward"];
                userProfile.UserName  = (string)stepContext.Values["userName"];
                userProfile.Password  = (string)stepContext.Values["password"];

                //show Summary to the user
                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text($"Here is a summary of your Profile:"), cancellationToken);

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(string.Format("Name:{0}", userProfile.Name)), cancellationToken);

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(string.Format("County:{0}", userProfile.County)), cancellationToken);

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(string.Format("SubCounty:{0}", userProfile.SubCounty)), cancellationToken);

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(string.Format("Ward:{0}", userProfile.Ward)), cancellationToken);

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(String.Format("Your Username: {0}", userProfile.UserName)), cancellationToken);

                //await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(string.Format("Details:{0}", GetUserDetails())), cancellationToken);

                await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(string.Format("Congratulations {0}! You are now registered to use our service. Please choose (1.MAIN MENU ) to continue using the service.", userProfile.Name)), cancellationToken);

                //save data in userstate
                await _botStateService.UserProfileAccessor.SetAsync(stepContext.Context, userProfile);

                //Write user details to a json file
                var userDetails = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userProfile, Formatting.Indented);
                var filePath    = @"C:\Users\Tech Jargon\source\repos\FeedBackLegalBot\FeedBackLegalBot\Data\UserDetails.json";
                if (!File.Exists(filePath))
                    File.WriteAllText(filePath, userDetails);
                    File.AppendAllText(filePath, userDetails);

                //display main menu
                return(await stepContext.PromptAsync($"{nameof(UserRegistrationDialog)}.mainMenu",
                                                     new PromptOptions
                    Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("MAIN MENU"),
                    Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(new List <string> {
                        "INFORMATION", "NEWS", "REFERAL", "SURVEY", "UPDATE PROFILE", "SHARE"
                }, cancellationToken));

                stepContext.Values["mainMenu"] = (FoundChoice)stepContext.Result;
                //waterfallStep always finishes with the end of the waterfall or with another dialog here it is the end
                return(await stepContext.EndDialogAsync(cancellationToken : cancellationToken));
Esempio n. 28
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> InitializeStateStepAsync(
            WaterfallStepContext stepContext,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Initalization of static variables
            askedForFeature  = false;
            questionCounter  = 0;
            questionAkedList = new List <string>();

            var context        = stepContext.Context;
            var onTurnProperty = await _onTurnAccessor.GetAsync(context, () => new OnTurnState());

            if (didYouMean != null || (onTurnProperty.Entities[EntityNames.FindItem] != null &&
                                       onTurnProperty.Entities[EntityNames.FindItem].Count() > 0))
                string firstEntity;
                if (didYouMean == null)
                    firstEntity = (string)onTurnProperty.Entities[EntityNames.FindItem].First;
                    firstEntity = didYouMean;

                // Get all items
                pimItems = await _itemService.GetAllItemsByMatchAsync(firstEntity);

                pimFeatures = await _featureService.GetAllFeatures();

                //                var groupCount = _itemService.GetAllItemsCategory(pimItems).Count();

                if (didYouMean != null)
                    didYouMean = null;

                if (pimItems.Count() == 0)
                    await context.SendActivityAsync($"{Messages.NotFound} **{firstEntity}**.");

                    // Try to find if user doesnt do type error
                    didYouMean = await _itemService.FindSimilarItemsByDescription(firstEntity);

                    return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(
                               new PromptOptions
                        Prompt = MessageFactory.Text(string.Format(Messages.FindItemDidYouMean, didYouMean)),
                        RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text(string.Format(Messages.FindItemDidYouMean, didYouMean) + Messages.CancelPrompt),
                        Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(new List <string> {
                            Messages.Yes, Messages.No
                else if (pimItems.Count() == 1)
                    stepContext.ActiveDialog.State["stepIndex"] = ShowItemsDialogIndex;
                    return(await stepContext.ContinueDialogAsync());
                    var prompt = string.Format(Messages.FindItemFound, pimItems.Count(), firstEntity) + Messages.WhatToDoPrompt;

                    return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(
                               new PromptOptions
                        Prompt = MessageFactory.Text(prompt),
                        RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text(prompt + Messages.CancelPrompt),
                        Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(new List <string> {
                            Messages.FindItemShowAllItem, Messages.FindItemSpecialize

            await context.SendActivityAsync(Messages.FindItemForgotItem);

            var categories = await _categoryService.GetAllProductGroupAsync();

            await context.SendActivityAsync(ShowCategoriesDialog.GetPritableGroup(categories));

            return(await stepContext.EndDialogAsync());
        public async Task ShouldAcceptAndRecognizeCustomLocaleDict()
            var convoState  = new ConversationState(new MemoryStorage());
            var dialogState = convoState.CreateProperty <DialogState>("dialogState");

            var adapter = new TestAdapter()
                          .Use(new AutoSaveStateMiddleware(convoState));

            // Create new DialogSet.
            var dialogs = new DialogSet(dialogState);

            var culture = new PromptCultureModel()
                InlineOr      = " customOr ",
                InlineOrMore  = " customOrMore ",
                Locale        = "custom-custom",
                Separator     = "customSeparator",
                NoInLanguage  = "customNo",
                YesInLanguage = "customYes",

            var customDict = new Dictionary <string, ChoiceFactoryOptions>()
                { culture.Locale, new ChoiceFactoryOptions(culture.Separator, culture.InlineOr, culture.InlineOrMore, true) },

            dialogs.Add(new ChoicePrompt("ChoicePrompt", customDict, null, culture.Locale));

            var helloLocale = MessageFactory.Text("hello");

            helloLocale.Locale = culture.Locale;

            await new TestFlow(adapter, async(turnContext, cancellationToken) =>
                var dc = await dialogs.CreateContextAsync(turnContext, cancellationToken);

                var results = await dc.ContinueDialogAsync(cancellationToken);
                if (results.Status == DialogTurnStatus.Empty)
                    await dc.PromptAsync(
                        new PromptOptions
                        Prompt = new Activity {
                            Type = ActivityTypes.Message, Text = "favorite color?", Locale = culture.Locale
                        Choices = _colorChoices,
            .AssertReply((activity) =>
                // Use ChoiceFactory to build the expected answer, manually
                var expectedChoices = ChoiceFactory.Inline(_colorChoices, null, null, new ChoiceFactoryOptions()
                    InlineOr        = culture.InlineOr,
                    InlineOrMore    = culture.InlineOrMore,
                    InlineSeparator = culture.Separator,
                Assert.AreEqual($"favorite color?{expectedChoices}", activity.AsMessageActivity().Text);
Esempio n. 30
        private async Task <DialogTurnResult> TagStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var entitiDetails = (EntitiDetails)stepContext.Options;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitiDetails.Project) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitiDetails.Tag) && entitiDetails.Intent == "Trigger_Service")
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitiDetails.Environment))
                    entitiDetails.Environment = ((FoundChoice)stepContext.Result).Value.ToString();
                if (entitiDetails.Tag == "CommitFile")
                    entitiDetails.MuvKey = (string)stepContext.Result;
                if (entitiDetails.Tag == "AutoDerivation")
                    entitiDetails.ScheduledOption = ((FoundChoice)stepContext.Result).Value.ToString();
                    if (entitiDetails.ScheduledOption == "Schedule")
                        return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(TextPrompt), new PromptOptions { Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please enter the scheduling Date and Time in EST") }, cancellationToken));
                return(await stepContext.NextAsync(entitiDetails, cancellationToken));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitiDetails.Project) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitiDetails.Buildwar) && entitiDetails.Intent == "Build_Deployment")
                return(await stepContext.NextAsync(entitiDetails, cancellationToken));
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitiDetails.Project) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitiDetails.Tag))
                if (entitiDetails.Project.ToUpper() == "PRODUCTIONDAILYHEALTHCHECK")
                    return(await stepContext.NextAsync(entitiDetails, cancellationToken));
            var bookingDetails = entitiDetails;

            if (entitiDetails.Intent == "Acronym")
                entitiDetails.Acronym = (string)stepContext.Result;
                return(await stepContext.NextAsync(entitiDetails.Acronym, cancellationToken));
            else if (entitiDetails.Intent == "Trigger_Service")
                if (entitiDetails.Portfolio == "PCA" || entitiDetails.Portfolio == "CCV")
                    if (entitiDetails.Project == null)
                        entitiDetails.Project = ((FoundChoice)stepContext.Result).Value.ToString();//(string)stepContext.Result;
                    else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitiDetails.Environment))
                        entitiDetails.Environment = ((FoundChoice)stepContext.Result).Value.ToString();
                    if (entitiDetails.Tag == null && entitiDetails.Project.ToUpper() != "PRODUCTIONDAILYHEALTHCHECK")
                        if (entitiDetails.Project.ToUpper() == "CLIENTPROFILE")
                            return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt),
                                                                 new PromptOptions
                                Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please select the test"),
                                Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(new List <string> {
                                    "Smoke", "Regression", "DerivationLogic", "DMUVFunctionality"
                                RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text("Sorry, I'm still learning. Please provide the valid option or below mentioned Sequence Number."),
                            }, cancellationToken));
                            return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt),
                                                                 new PromptOptions
                                Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please select the test"),
                                Choices = ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(new List <string> {
                                    "Smoke", "Regression", "Custom"
                                RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text("Sorry, I'm still learning. Please provide the valid option or below mentioned Sequence Number."),
                            }, cancellationToken));
                    entitiDetails.Environment = ((FoundChoice)stepContext.Result).Value.ToString();
                    if (entitiDetails.Environment != "PROD")
                        return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(ChoicePrompt),
                                                             new PromptOptions
                            Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please select the Client"),
                            Choices = (entitiDetails.Project != "Annocoder") ? GetRapidEnvironments("Client") : GetAnnocoderEnvironments("Client"),
                            //Choices = (entitiDetails.Project != "Annocoder")?GetRapidEnvironments("Client"),// ChoiceFactory.ToChoices(new List<string> { "ROC", "Humana" }),
                            RetryPrompt = MessageFactory.Text("Sorry, I'm still learning. Please provide the valid option or below mentioned Sequence Number."),
                        }, cancellationToken));
                if (entitiDetails.Environment == null)
                    entitiDetails.Environment = ((FoundChoice)stepContext.Result).Value.ToString();
                if (entitiDetails.Project == "App-Deployment")
                    return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(TextPrompt), new PromptOptions { Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please enter war to deploy the build.\n\n" + " Ex:Ipp-Portal:<version>,Loginservice:<version>,Client-Profile:<version>") }, cancellationToken));
                else if (entitiDetails.Project == "RMI-Deployment")
                    entitiDetails.HostName = "usdtrmi03";
                    return(await stepContext.PromptAsync(nameof(TextPrompt), new PromptOptions { Prompt = MessageFactory.Text("Please enter Sql script path to deploy") }, cancellationToken));
            return(await stepContext.NextAsync(entitiDetails, cancellationToken));