protected string GetWeightMessage(ChildWeight o) { Child child = Child.GetChildById(o.ChildId); int days = o.Date.Subtract(child.Birthdate).Days; string gender = child.Gender ? "M" : "F"; Weight w = Weight.GetWeight(days, gender); string message = ""; if (o.Weight <= w.SD3neg) { message = "SD<=-3"; } else if (o.Weight <= w.SD2neg) { message = "SD<=-2"; } else if (o.Weight >= w.SD3) { message = "SD>=3"; } else if (o.Weight >= w.SD2) { message = "SD>=2"; } return(message); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!this.Page.IsPostBack) { List <string> actionList = null; string sessionNameAction = ""; if (CurrentEnvironment.LoggedUser != null) { sessionNameAction = "__GIS_actionList_" + CurrentEnvironment.LoggedUser.Id; actionList = (List <string>)Session[sessionNameAction]; } if (CurrentEnvironment.LoggedUser != null) //(actionList.Contains("ViewChildWeight") && { int userId = CurrentEnvironment.LoggedUser.Id; string language = CurrentEnvironment.Language; int languageId = int.Parse(language); List <WordTranslate> wordTranslateList = WordTranslate.GetWordByLanguage(languageId, "ChildWeight"); Dictionary <string, string> wtList = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (WordTranslate vwt in wordTranslateList) { wtList.Add(vwt.Code, vwt.Name); } //controls this.lbChild.Text = wtList["ChildWeightChild"]; this.lblWeight.Text = wtList["ChildWeightWeight"]; this.lblDate.Text = wtList["ChildWeightDate"]; ////grid header text gvChildWeight.Columns[1].HeaderText = wtList["ChildWeightChild"]; gvChildWeight.Columns[3].HeaderText = wtList["ChildWeightWeight"]; gvChildWeight.Columns[2].HeaderText = wtList["ChildWeightDate"]; gvChildWeight.Columns[4].HeaderText = wtList["ChildWeightNotes"]; ////actions //this.btnAdd.Visible = actionList.Contains("AddChildWeight"); this.btnEdit.Visible = actionList.Contains("EditChildWeight"); //validators rfvWeight.ErrorMessage = wtList["ChildWeightMandatory"]; int id = -1; string _id = Request.QueryString["id"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_id)) { int.TryParse(_id, out id); HttpContext.Current.Session["_childId"] = id; Child curChild = Child.GetChildById(id); lnkChild.Text = curChild.Name; lnkChild.PostBackUrl = "Child.aspx?id=" + curChild.Id; lblChildBirthdate.Text = curChild.Birthdate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"); lblDate.Text = DateTime.Today.Date.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"); ChildWeight cw = ChildWeight.GetChildWeightByChildIdAndDate(id, DateTime.Today.Date); if (cw != null) { txtWeight.Text = cw.Weight.ToString(); btnAdd.Visible = false; btnEdit.Visible = false; txtWeight.Enabled = false; if (cw.Date == DateTime.Today.Date) { txtWeight.Enabled = true; btnEdit.Visible = true; } gvChildWeight.DataBind(); btnSupplement.Visible = true; } else { gvChildWeight.DataBind(); btnEdit.Visible = false; btnAdd.Visible = true; } } } else { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } } }
protected void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Page.IsValid) { int id = -1; string _id = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); int.TryParse(_id, out id); int userId = CurrentEnvironment.LoggedUser.Id; ChildWeight o = ChildWeight.GetChildWeightByChildIdAndDate(id, DateTime.Today.Date); o.Weight = Helper.ConvertToDecimal(txtWeight.Text); o.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; o.ModifiedBy = userId; int i = ChildWeight.Update(o); if (i > 0) { lblWeightMessage.Visible = true; string str = GetWeightMessage(o); string message = ""; switch (str) { case "SD<=-3": message = "This child is SIGNIFICANTLY underweight for their age- nutritional counselling and further interventions should be considered."; break; case "SD<=-2": message = "This child’s weight is too low for their age. Consider nutritional counselling for the caregiver."; break; case "SD>=2": message = "This child’s weight is too high for their age. Consider nutritional counselling for the caregiver."; break; case "SD>=3": message = "This child’s weight is too high for their age. Consider nutritional counselling for the caregiver."; break; case "": lblWeightMessage.Visible = false; break; } lblWeightMessage.Text = message; lblSuccess.Visible = true; lblWarning.Visible = false; lblError.Visible = false; gvChildWeight.DataBind(); btnSupplement.Visible = true; } else { lblWeightMessage.Visible = false; lblSuccess.Visible = false; lblWarning.Visible = false; lblError.Visible = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { lblSuccess.Visible = false; lblWarning.Visible = false; lblError.Visible = true; } }