private async Task <RequestEngineResult> ProcessSendingShow(ChildRequests model) { if (model.Approved) { // Autosend await NotificationHelper.Notify(model, NotificationType.RequestApproved); var result = await TvSender.Send(model); if (result.Success) { return(new RequestEngineResult { Result = true, RequestId = model.Id }); } return(new RequestEngineResult { ErrorMessage = result.Message, RequestId = model.Id }); } return(new RequestEngineResult { Result = true, RequestId = model.Id }); }
private RuleResult CheckExistingContent(ChildRequests child, PlexServerContent content) { foreach (var season in child.SeasonRequests) { var episodesToRemove = new List <EpisodeRequests>(); var currentSeasonRequest = content.Episodes.Where(x => x.SeasonNumber == season.SeasonNumber).ToList(); if (!currentSeasonRequest.Any()) { continue; } foreach (var e in season.Episodes) { var existingEpRequest = currentSeasonRequest.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EpisodeNumber == e.EpisodeNumber); if (existingEpRequest != null) { episodesToRemove.Add(e); } } episodesToRemove.ForEach(x => { season.Episodes.Remove(x); }); } var anyEpisodes = child.SeasonRequests.SelectMany(x => x.Episodes).Any(); if (!anyEpisodes) { return(Fail(ErrorCode.EpisodesAlreadyRequested, $"We already have episodes requested from series {child.Title}")); } return(Success()); }
public async Task RequestShow_DoesNotExistAtAll_IsSuccessful() { TvRequestRepo.Setup(x => x.GetChild()).Returns(new List <ChildRequests>().AsQueryable().BuildMock().Object); var req = new ChildRequests { SeasonRequests = new List <SeasonRequests> { new SeasonRequests { Episodes = new List <EpisodeRequests> { new EpisodeRequests { Id = 1, EpisodeNumber = 1, } }, SeasonNumber = 1 } } }; var result = await Rule.Execute(req); Assert.That(result.Success, Is.True); }
public void Setup(NotificationOptions opts, ChildRequests req, CustomizationSettings s) { LoadIssues(opts); string title; if (req == null) { opts.Substitutes.TryGetValue("Title", out title); } else { title = req?.ParentRequest.Title; } ApplicationUrl = (s?.ApplicationUrl.HasValue() ?? false) ? s.ApplicationUrl : string.Empty; ApplicationName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(s?.ApplicationName) ? "Ombi" : s?.ApplicationName; RequestedUser = string.IsNullOrEmpty(req?.RequestedUser.Alias) ? req?.RequestedUser.UserName : req?.RequestedUser.Alias; Title = title; RequestedDate = req?.RequestedDate.ToString("D"); Type = req?.RequestType.ToString(); Overview = req?.ParentRequest.Overview; Year = req?.ParentRequest.ReleaseDate.Year.ToString(); PosterImage = req?.RequestType == RequestType.Movie ? $"{req?.ParentRequest.PosterPath}" : req?.ParentRequest.PosterPath; AdditionalInformation = opts.AdditionalInformation; // DO Episode and Season Lists }
private async Task <RequestEngineResult> ProcessSendingShow(ChildRequests model) { if (model.Approved) { // Autosend var canNotify = await RunSpecificRule(model, SpecificRules.CanSendNotification, string.Empty); if (canNotify.Success) { await NotificationHelper.Notify(model, NotificationType.RequestApproved); } var result = await TvSender.Send(model); if (result.Success) { return(new RequestEngineResult { Result = true, RequestId = model.Id }); } return(new RequestEngineResult { ErrorMessage = result.Message, RequestId = model.Id }); } return(new RequestEngineResult { Result = true, RequestId = model.Id }); }
public async Task RequestShow_AllEpisodesAreaRequested_IsNotSuccessful() { SetupMockData(); var req = new ChildRequests { SeasonRequests = new List <SeasonRequests> { new SeasonRequests { Episodes = new List <EpisodeRequests> { new EpisodeRequests { Id = 1, EpisodeNumber = 1, }, new EpisodeRequests { Id = 1, EpisodeNumber = 2, }, }, SeasonNumber = 1 } }, Id = 1, }; var result = await Rule.Execute(req); Assert.That(result.Success, Is.False); }
private async Task<RequestEngineResult> AfterRequest(ChildRequests model) { var sendRuleResult = await RunSpecificRule(model, SpecificRules.CanSendNotification); if (sendRuleResult.Success) { NotificationHelper.NewRequest(model); } if (model.Approved) { // Autosend NotificationHelper.Notify(model, NotificationType.RequestApproved); var result = await TvSender.Send(model); if (result.Success) { return new RequestEngineResult { Result = true }; } return new RequestEngineResult { ErrorMessage = result.Message }; } await _requestLog.Add(new RequestLog { UserId = (await GetUser()).Id, RequestDate = DateTime.UtcNow, RequestId = model.Id, RequestType = RequestType.TvShow, }); return new RequestEngineResult { Result = true }; }
public async Task<ChildRequests> UpdateChildRequest(ChildRequests request) { await Audit.Record(AuditType.Updated, AuditArea.TvRequest, $"Updated Request {request.Title}", Username); await TvRepository.UpdateChild(request); return request; }
public async Task <RequestEngineResult> MarkAvailable(int modelId) { ChildRequests request = await TvRepository.GetChild().FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == modelId); if (request == null) { return(new RequestEngineResult { ErrorMessage = "Child Request does not exist" }); } request.Available = true; foreach (var season in request.SeasonRequests) { foreach (var e in season.Episodes) { e.Available = true; } } await TvRepository.UpdateChild(request); NotificationHelper.Notify(request, NotificationType.RequestAvailable); return(new RequestEngineResult { Result = true, Message = "Request is now available", }); }
public async Task <SenderResult> Send(ChildRequests model) { var sonarr = await SonarrSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); if (sonarr.Enabled) { var result = await SendToSonarr(model); if (result != null) { return(new SenderResult { Sent = true, Success = true }); } } var dog = await DogNzbSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); if (dog.Enabled) { var result = await SendToDogNzb(model, dog); if (!result.Failure) { return(new SenderResult { Sent = true, Success = true }); } return(new SenderResult { Message = result.ErrorMessage }); } var sr = await SickRageSettings.GetSettingsAsync(); if (sr.Enabled) { var result = await SendToSickRage(model, sr); if (result) { return(new SenderResult { Sent = true, Success = true }); } return(new SenderResult { Message = "Could not send to SickRage!" }); } return(new SenderResult { Success = true }); }
public async Task <RequestEngineResult> MarkAvailable(int modelId, bool is4K) { ChildRequests request = await TvRepository.GetChild().FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == modelId); if (request == null) { return(new RequestEngineResult { ErrorCode = ErrorCode.ChildRequestDoesNotExist, ErrorMessage = "Child Request does not exist" }); } request.Available = true; request.MarkedAsAvailable = DateTime.Now; foreach (var season in request.SeasonRequests) { foreach (var e in season.Episodes) { e.Available = true; } } await TvRepository.UpdateChild(request); await NotificationHelper.Notify(request, NotificationType.RequestAvailable); await _mediaCacheService.Purge(); return(new RequestEngineResult { Result = true, Message = "Request is now available", }); }
public async Task <ChildRequests> AddChild(ChildRequests request) { await Db.ChildRequests.AddAsync(request); await Db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(request); }
public async Task <ChildRequests> UpdateChildRequest(ChildRequests request) { await TvRepository.UpdateChild(request); await _mediaCacheService.Purge(); return(request); }
private async Task <RequestEngineResult> AddExistingRequest(ChildRequests newRequest, TvRequests existingRequest) { // Add the child existingRequest.ChildRequests.Add(newRequest); await TvRepository.Update(existingRequest); return(await AfterRequest(newRequest)); }
public void Setup(NotificationOptions opts, ChildRequests req, CustomizationSettings s, UserNotificationPreferences pref) { LoadIssues(opts); LoadCommon(req, s, pref, opts); LoadTitle(opts, req); ProviderId = req?.ParentRequest?.ExternalProviderId.ToString() ?? string.Empty; Year = req?.ParentRequest?.ReleaseDate.Year.ToString(); Overview = req?.ParentRequest?.Overview; AdditionalInformation = opts.AdditionalInformation; var img = req?.ParentRequest?.PosterPath ?? string.Empty; if (img.HasValue()) { if (img.StartsWith("http")) { // This means it's a legacy request from when we used TvMaze as a provider. // The poster url is the fully qualified address, so just use it PosterImage = img; } else { PosterImage = $"{img?.TrimStart('/') ?? string.Empty}"; } } // Generate episode list. StringBuilder epSb = new StringBuilder(); IEnumerable <EpisodeRequests> episodes = req?.SeasonRequests? .SelectMany(x => x.Episodes) ?? new List <EpisodeRequests>(); episodes .OrderBy(x => x.EpisodeNumber) .ToList() .ForEach(ep => epSb.Append($"{ep.EpisodeNumber},")); if (epSb.Length > 0) { epSb.Remove(epSb.Length - 1, 1); } EpisodesList = epSb.ToString(); // Generate season list. StringBuilder seasonSb = new StringBuilder(); List <SeasonRequests> seasons = req?.SeasonRequests ?? new List <SeasonRequests>(); seasons .OrderBy(x => x.SeasonNumber) .ToList() .ForEach(ep => seasonSb.Append($"{ep.SeasonNumber},")); if (seasonSb.Length > 0) { seasonSb.Remove(seasonSb.Length - 1, 1); } SeasonsList = seasonSb.ToString(); CalculateRequestStatus(req); }
public async Task MarkChildAsAvailable(int id) { var request = new ChildRequests { Id = id, Available = true, MarkedAsAvailable = DateTime.UtcNow }; var attached = Db.ChildRequests.Attach(request); attached.Property(x => x.Available).IsModified = true; attached.Property(x => x.MarkedAsAvailable).IsModified = true; await Db.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public void NewRequest(ChildRequests model) { var notificationModel = new NotificationOptions { RequestId = model.Id, DateTime = DateTime.Now, NotificationType = NotificationType.NewRequest, RequestType = model.RequestType }; BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => NotificationService.Publish(notificationModel)); }
public async Task ProcessTv_ShouldMark_Episode_Available_WhenInPlex() { var request = new ChildRequests { ParentRequest = new TvRequests { TvDbId = 1 }, SeasonRequests = new EditableList <SeasonRequests> { new SeasonRequests { Episodes = new EditableList <EpisodeRequests> { new EpisodeRequests { EpisodeNumber = 1, Season = new SeasonRequests { SeasonNumber = 2 } } } } }, RequestedUser = new OmbiUser { Email = "abc" } }; _tv.Setup(x => x.GetChild()).Returns(new List <ChildRequests> { request }.AsQueryable().BuildMock().Object); _repo.Setup(x => x.GetAllEpisodes()).Returns(new List <PlexEpisode> { new PlexEpisode { Series = new PlexServerContent { TvDbId = 1.ToString(), }, EpisodeNumber = 1, SeasonNumber = 2 } }.AsQueryable().BuildMock().Object); _repo.Setup(x => x.Include(It.IsAny <IQueryable <PlexEpisode> >(), It.IsAny <Expression <Func <PlexEpisode, PlexServerContent> > >())); await Checker.Execute(null); _tv.Verify(x => x.Save(), Times.Once); Assert.True(request.SeasonRequests[0].Episodes[0].Available); }
public void Notify(ChildRequests model, NotificationType type) { var notificationModel = new NotificationOptions { RequestId = model.Id, DateTime = DateTime.Now, NotificationType = type, RequestType = model.RequestType, Recipient = model.RequestedUser?.Email ?? string.Empty }; BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => NotificationService.Publish(notificationModel)); }
public async Task NewRequest(ChildRequests model) { var notificationModel = new NotificationOptions { RequestId = model.Id, DateTime = DateTime.Now, NotificationType = NotificationType.NewRequest, RequestType = model.RequestType }; await OmbiQuartz.TriggerJob(nameof(INotificationService), "Notifications", new Dictionary <string, object> { { JobDataKeys.NotificationOptions, notificationModel } }); }
private async Task CheckForSubscription(HideResult shouldHide, ChildRequests x) { if (shouldHide.UserId == x.RequestedUserId) { x.ShowSubscribe = false; } else { x.ShowSubscribe = true; var sub = await _subscriptionRepository.GetAll().FirstOrDefaultAsync(s => s.UserId == shouldHide.UserId && s.RequestId == x.Id && s.RequestType == RequestType.TvShow); x.Subscribed = sub != null; } }
public async Task Notify(ChildRequests model, NotificationType type) { var notificationModel = new NotificationOptions { RequestId = model.Id, DateTime = DateTime.Now, NotificationType = type, RequestType = model.RequestType, Recipient = model.RequestedUser?.Email ?? string.Empty }; await OmbiQuartz.TriggerJob(nameof(INotificationService), "Notifications", new Dictionary <string, object> { { JobDataKeys.NotificationOptions, notificationModel } }); }
public TvShowRequestBuilder CreateChild(TvRequestViewModel model, string userId) { ChildRequest = new ChildRequests { Id = model.TvDbId, RequestType = RequestType.TvShow, RequestedDate = DateTime.UtcNow, Approved = false, RequestedUserId = userId, SeasonRequests = new List <SeasonRequests>(), Title =, SeriesType = ShowInfo.genres.Any(s => s.Equals("Anime", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ? SeriesType.Anime : SeriesType.Standard }; return(this); }
public TvShowRequestBuilder CreateChild(SearchTvShowViewModel model, string userId) { ChildRequest = new ChildRequests { Id = model.Id, RequestType = RequestType.TvShow, RequestedDate = DateTime.UtcNow, Approved = false, RequestedUserId = userId, SeasonRequests = new List <SeasonRequests>(), Title = model.Title, SeriesType = ShowInfo.type.Equals("Animation", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ? SeriesType.Anime : SeriesType.Standard }; return(this); }
private static List <Season> GetSeasonsToCreate(ChildRequests model) { // Let's get a list of seasons just incase we need to change it var seasonsToUpdate = new List <Season>(); for (var i = 0; i < model.ParentRequest.TotalSeasons + 1; i++) { var sea = new Season { seasonNumber = i, monitored = false }; seasonsToUpdate.Add(sea); } return(seasonsToUpdate); }
private async Task <RequestEngineResult> AddExistingRequest(ChildRequests newRequest, TvRequests existingRequest, string requestOnBehalf, int rootFolder, int qualityProfile) { // Add the child existingRequest.ChildRequests.Add(newRequest); if (qualityProfile > 0) { existingRequest.QualityOverride = qualityProfile; } if (rootFolder > 0) { existingRequest.RootFolder = rootFolder; } await TvRepository.Update(existingRequest); return(await AfterRequest(newRequest, requestOnBehalf)); }
public TvShowRequestBuilder CreateChild(TvRequestViewModel model, string userId) { ChildRequest = new ChildRequests { Id = model.TvDbId, // This is set to 0 after the request rules have run, the request rules needs it to identify the request RequestType = RequestType.TvShow, RequestedDate = DateTime.UtcNow, Approved = false, RequestedUserId = userId, SeasonRequests = new List <SeasonRequests>(), Title =, ReleaseYear = FirstAir, SeriesType = ShowInfo.genres.Any(s => s.Equals("Anime", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) ? SeriesType.Anime : SeriesType.Standard }; return(this); }
public async Task RequestShow_SomeEpisodesAreaRequested_IsSuccessful() { SetupMockData(); var req = new ChildRequests { RequestType = RequestType.TvShow, SeasonRequests = new List <SeasonRequests> { new SeasonRequests { Episodes = new List <EpisodeRequests> { new EpisodeRequests { Id = 1, EpisodeNumber = 1, }, new EpisodeRequests { Id = 2, EpisodeNumber = 2, }, new EpisodeRequests { Id = 3, EpisodeNumber = 3, }, }, SeasonNumber = 1 } }, Id = 1, }; var result = await Rule.Execute(req); Assert.That(result.Success, Is.True); var episodes = req.SeasonRequests.SelectMany(x => x.Episodes); Assert.That(episodes.Count() == 1, "We didn't remove the episodes that have already been requested!"); Assert.That(episodes.First().EpisodeNumber == 3, "We removed the wrong episode"); }
public void Setup(NotificationOptions opts, ChildRequests req, CustomizationSettings s, UserNotificationPreferences pref) { LoadIssues(opts); LoadCommon(req, s, pref); LoadTitle(opts, req); ProviderId = req?.ParentRequest?.ExternalProviderId.ToString() ?? string.Empty; Year = req?.ParentRequest?.ReleaseDate.Year.ToString(); Overview = req?.ParentRequest?.Overview; AdditionalInformation = opts.AdditionalInformation; PosterImage = $"{req?.ParentRequest?.PosterPath?.TrimStart('/') ?? string.Empty}"; // Generate episode list. StringBuilder epSb = new StringBuilder(); IEnumerable <EpisodeRequests> episodes = req?.SeasonRequests? .SelectMany(x => x.Episodes) ?? new List <EpisodeRequests>(); episodes .OrderBy(x => x.EpisodeNumber) .ToList() .ForEach(ep => epSb.Append($"{ep.EpisodeNumber},")); if (epSb.Length > 0) { epSb.Remove(epSb.Length - 1, 1); } EpisodesList = epSb.ToString(); // Generate season list. StringBuilder seasonSb = new StringBuilder(); List <SeasonRequests> seasons = req?.SeasonRequests ?? new List <SeasonRequests>(); seasons .OrderBy(x => x.SeasonNumber) .ToList() .ForEach(ep => seasonSb.Append($"{ep.SeasonNumber},")); if (seasonSb.Length > 0) { seasonSb.Remove(seasonSb.Length - 1, 1); } SeasonsList = seasonSb.ToString(); CalculateRequestStatus(req); }
private async Task <RequestEngineResult> AfterRequest(ChildRequests model, string requestOnBehalf) { var sendRuleResult = await RunSpecificRule(model, SpecificRules.CanSendNotification); if (sendRuleResult.Success) { await NotificationHelper.NewRequest(model); } await _requestLog.Add(new RequestLog { UserId = requestOnBehalf.HasValue() ? requestOnBehalf : (await GetUser()).Id, RequestDate = DateTime.UtcNow, RequestId = model.Id, RequestType = RequestType.TvShow, EpisodeCount = model.SeasonRequests.Select(m => m.Episodes.Count).Sum(), }); if (model.Approved) { // Autosend await NotificationHelper.Notify(model, NotificationType.RequestApproved); var result = await TvSender.Send(model); if (result.Success) { return(new RequestEngineResult { Result = true, RequestId = model.Id }); } return(new RequestEngineResult { ErrorMessage = result.Message, RequestId = model.Id }); } return(new RequestEngineResult { Result = true, RequestId = model.Id }); }