Esempio n. 1
// ReSharper restore UnassignedField.Global

        internal static void Process(List <Node> removals)
            if (0 == removals.Count)

            if (DebugMode)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("Processing {0} removals.", removals.Count));
            //Debug.Log(string.Format("Processing {0} removals.", removals.Count));
            // TODO: do removals bottom up! nesting level should be used here

            foreach (Node node in removals)
                //if (null == node.Transform)
                //    continue; // ROOT


                //Debug.Log("node.ParentTransform: " + node.ParentTransform);
                if (null == node.ParentTransform) //|| /*!*/(adapter is StageAdapter))
                    continue;                     // not a stage, return (if stage, should process)
                // consolidate parent transform

                ComponentAdapter adapter = node.Adapter;

                GroupAdapter parentGroupAdapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(node.ParentTransform) as GroupAdapter;
                if (null != parentGroupAdapter)
                     * Stop monitoring
                     * */


                     * Note: if object removed from the hierarchy, the adapter is destroyed
                     * In that case following command doesn nothing (doesn not remove the slot from the parent)
                     * Thus we have the consolidation below (removing null)
                     * */

                    // TODO: consolidate only for top level removals (add parameter)

                    ChildGroupPack pack = ChildGroupPack.Read(parentGroupAdapter);
                    pack.Consolidate(); // there is a null slot here. We have to re-render children
                    //Debug.Log("*pack: " + pack);
Esempio n. 2
        internal static void Process(List <Node> nodes)
            if (nodes.Count == 0)

            //Debug.Log(string.Format("Processing {0} top level removals in edit mode.", nodes.Count));

            foreach (Node node in nodes)
                if (null == node.ParentTransform)

                GroupAdapter parentGroupAdapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(node.ParentTransform) as GroupAdapter;
                if (null != parentGroupAdapter)
                     * Important: the removal could happen when we *move* components outside of the Stage hierarchy
                     * From group's standpoint, these components have been *removed*
                     * However, the adapters are not null, so the consolidation without a prior
                     * removal would do nothing to the parent collection (e.g. the moved adapter
                     * would still be on the list)
                     * */

                    ChildGroupPack pack = ChildGroupPack.Read(parentGroupAdapter);
                    pack.Consolidate(); // there is a null slot here. We have to re-render children
Esempio n. 3
        private void RedrawComponentsInGameView(ChildGroupPack pack)
            for (int i = 0; i < pack.Groups.Count; i++)
                ChildGroupDescriptor groupDescriptor = _groupManager.GroupDescriptors[i];

                List <ComponentAdapter> adaptersCollection = groupDescriptor.GetChildAdaptersCollection(GroupAdapter);

                if (null == adaptersCollection)

                // TODO: move to parent child linker
                var targetContainer = groupDescriptor.GetTargetContainer((IContentChildList)GroupAdapter.Component);
                if (null == targetContainer)
                    continue; // not instantiated

                foreach (ComponentAdapter adapter in adaptersCollection)
                    if (null != adapter && adapter.gameObject.activeInHierarchy && adapter.enabled) // the adapter could be disabled in many ways
Esempio n. 4
        public GroupManager(GroupAdapter adapter)
            //Debug.Log("Creating GroupManager");
            _groupAdapter     = adapter;
            _groupDescriptors = DesignerReflection.GetChildGroupsReferences(adapter);

            _pack = ChildGroupPack.Read(adapter);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Note: this method actually changes the collections
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adapter"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ChildGroupPack Remove(ComponentAdapter adapter)
            _pack = ChildGroupPack.Read(_groupAdapter);

            //Debug.Log(string.Format("Reorder: grp:{0}, item:{1}", groupIndex, itemIndex));

            // get old group index
            var oldGroupIndex = _pack.GetGroupHostingAdapterIndex(adapter);

            // remove adapter from old group

Esempio n. 6
// ReSharper restore UnassignedField.Global

        /// <summary>
        /// Is processing additions, as well as top level additions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topLevelAdditions">Needed for adding into order</param>
        /// <param name="additions">Needed for child instantiation</param>
        internal static void Process(List <Node> topLevelAdditions, List <Node> additions)
            if (0 == topLevelAdditions.Count && 0 == additions.Count)

            if (DebugMode)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("Processing {0} topLevelAdditions, {1} additions.", topLevelAdditions.Count, additions.Count));
            foreach (Node node in additions)
                bool isTopLevelAddition = topLevelAdditions.Contains(node);
                bool isPrefab           = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType(node.Adapter) == PrefabType.PrefabInstance;

                 * 1. Process transforms
                 * */
                Transform transform = node.Transform;

                if (null == transform)
                    continue; // ROOT
                ComponentAdapter adapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(transform);
                bool             isStage = adapter is StageAdapter;

                Transform parentTransform = node.ParentTransform;

                if (null == parentTransform && !isStage)
                    continue; // not a stage, return (if stage, should process)
                GroupAdapter parentAdapter = null;

                if (null != parentTransform)
                    parentAdapter = GuiLookup.GetAdapter(node.ParentTransform) as GroupAdapter;

                 * 2. Process adapters
                 * */
                if (null != adapter)
                    // this is eDriven.Gui component. process it properly
                    if (null == parentAdapter)
                        if (!isStage)
                            const string txt = "eDriven.Gui components could be added to containers only";
                            throw new Exception(txt);
                         * Update parent ordering for top level additions only!
                         * */
                        if (isTopLevelAddition)
                            //node.Transform.parent = parentTransform;
                            parentAdapter.AddChild(adapter, true); // instantiate and change the parent collection

                            // ReSharper disable once RedundantCheckBeforeAssignment
                            if (adapter.transform.parent != parentTransform) // avoid multiple OnHierarchyChange callbacks
                                adapter.transform.parent = parentTransform;

                            //adapter.transform.parent = parentTransform;
                            //parentAdapter.DoInstantiate(adapter, true); // instantiate only
                            ChildGroupPack pack = ChildGroupPack.Read(parentAdapter);
                            pack.Consolidate(); // there is a null slot here. We have to re-render children

                         * Instantiate component
                         * */
                        if (!adapter.Instantiated)

                         * By now, the component should be instantiated
                         * */
                        var cmp = adapter.Component;
                        if (null == cmp)
                            throw new Exception("Component not found on ComponentAdapter: " + adapter);

                 * 3. If adapter stuff went without a problem...
                 * */
                // ReSharper disable once RedundantCheckBeforeAssignment
                if (node.Transform.parent != parentTransform)
                    node.Transform.parent = parentTransform;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Note: this method actually changes the collections
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adapter"></param>
        /// <param name="groupIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="itemIndex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ChildGroupPack Reorder(ComponentAdapter adapter, int groupIndex, int itemIndex)
            _pack = ChildGroupPack.Read(_groupAdapter);

            //Debug.Log(string.Format("Reorder: grp:{0}, item:{1}", groupIndex, itemIndex));

            // get old group index
            var oldGroupIndex = _pack.GetGroupHostingAdapterIndex(adapter);

            // remove adapter from old group

            // add adapter to a new group
            _pack.Groups[groupIndex].Insert(adapter, itemIndex);

            return(_pack); // (ChildGroupPack)_pack.Clone();

            ////Debug.Log("_groupDescriptors.Count: " + _groupDescriptors.Count);
            ////Debug.Log("groupIndex: " + groupIndex);
            //ChildGroupDescriptor groupDescriptor = _groupDescriptors[groupIndex];
            ////Debug.Log("groupDescriptor: " + groupDescriptor);

            //List<ComponentAdapter> adaptersCollection = groupDescriptor.GetChildAdaptersCollection(_containerAdapter);
            ////var targetContainer = groupDescriptor.GetTargetContainer((Container)_containerAdapter.Component);

            ////Debug.Log("adaptersCollection: " + adaptersCollection);

            //if (null == adaptersCollection)
            //    return;

            // * 1. Find the old collection containing the adapter and remove the adapter
            // * */
            //var oldCollection = GetGroupContainingAdapter(adapter);
            ////Debug.Log("Old collection: " + collection);

            // * 2. Insert it into a new collection at given index
            // * */

            //if (oldCollection == adaptersCollection)
            //    itemIndex = Math.Max(itemIndex, 0);

            ////Debug.Log(string.Format("Inserting to : [{0}] at index {1}", adaptersCollection, itemIndex));
            //adaptersCollection.Insert(itemIndex, adapter);

            ////Debug.Log("targetContainer: " + targetContainer);
            ////Debug.Log("newItemIndex: " + itemIndex);
            ////Debug.Log("childAdapters[newItemIndex]: " + adaptersCollection[itemIndex]);

            //if (Application.isPlaying)
            //    Flush();

            ////var comp = adaptersCollection[itemIndex].Component;

            ////if (null != targetContainer && null != comp)
            ////    targetContainer.AddContentChildAt(itemIndex, comp);

            ////            if (_depthMode)
            ////            {
            ////                ContainerAdapter.SetChildDepth(index, adapter);
            ////            }
            ////            else
            ////            {
            ////                ContainerAdapter.Reorder(index, adapter);
            ////            }