Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add values into a dictionary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <param name="list"></param>
        /// <param name="values"></param>
        /// <param name="valuesToStuff">If there are hardcoded values to stuff into dictionary, add a column name/value pair here</param>
        private static void AddValuesToDictionary(NycResultsWithMetadata result,
                                                  ICollection <CheckedDictionary <string, object> > list, IEnumerable <IList <object> > values,
                                                  Dictionary <String, String> valuesToStuff)
            CheckedDictionary <string, object> dic;

            foreach (object[] val in values)
                // Loop through the attributes we have, and get the values
                dic = new CheckedDictionary <string, object>();
                for (int i = 0; i < result.Attrs.Count; i++)
                    // Get name/val pairs
                    string name = result.Attrs[i].Name;
                    dic.Add(name, val[i]);

                // If there are values to stuff into this dictionary, do it here
                foreach (KeyValuePair <String, String> row in valuesToStuff)
                    dic.Add(row.Key, row.Value);

                // Add the whole dictionary to a list of dictionaries
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the list of metadata to construct a lookup dictionary allowing
        /// you to get the index of any column by name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A dictionary of int indexes of the attributes keyed by attribute names.</returns>
        public IDictionary <string, int> GetIndexesByAttrID()
            IDictionary <string, int> retVal = new CheckedDictionary <string, int>();

            for (int x = 0; x < Attrs.Count; x++)
                retVal[Attrs[x].UID] = x;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all the attributes, without values, as a dictionary keyed by attribute display name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityType">Only Properties is supported.</param>
        /// <param name="userRoles">The roles the current user has.
        ///                         Only attributes they can see will be returned.</param>
        /// <returns>All the attributes visible to someone with these roles.</returns>
        public static IDictionary <string, PdbAttribute> GetAttributesDictionary(PdbEntityType entityType,
                                                                                 IEnumerable <SecurityRole> userRoles)
            DaoCriteria crit = new DaoCriteria();

            crit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("EntityType", entityType));
            IList <PdbAttribute> attrList             = GetAttribRecords(crit, userRoles, true);
            IDictionary <string, PdbAttribute> retVal = new CheckedDictionary <string, PdbAttribute>();

            foreach (PdbAttribute attr in attrList)
                retVal[attr.UID] = attr;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a query for the data for a particular indicator/resolution/time,
        /// and generates an SLD to color the geographies correctly based on the values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indicatorId"></param>
        /// <param name="resolutionType"></param>
        /// <param name="timeId"></param>
        /// <param name="scopeBorough"></param>
        /// <param name="scopeSubborough"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GenerateSld(object indicatorId, NycResolutionType resolutionType,
                                         object timeId, object scopeBorough, object scopeSubborough)
            // First load the indicator metadata, both because we need the info, and because
            // if the query is for data that doesn't exist, we can skip a lot of work.
            NycIndicator indicator = GetIndicator(indicatorId);
            // Don't validate time, since there's no easy way to do it other than querying and seeing
            // if we get anything.

            // Now load the configs that tell us what color to render everything as.
            Config cfg = Config.GetConfig("NYC.SLD");

            // Acceptable values are 0 to 100.  So we need a 101 length array.
            string[] colors = new string[101];
            string   color  = null;
            IDictionary <string, IList <object> > geogIdsByColor = new CheckedDictionary <string, IList <object> >();

            for (int x = 0; x < colors.Length; x++)
                // If the value isn't in the config, use the same as the last value.
                color = cfg.GetParameter(indicator.UseAlternateColors ? "AlternateBreakpoints" : "BreakPoints",
                                         x.ToString(), color);
                // Make sure we have a list created for the geogs that will be this color.
                if ((color != null) && (!geogIdsByColor.ContainsKey(color)))
                    geogIdsByColor[color] = new List <object>();
                colors[x] = color;

            string mapLayerName          = cfg.GetParameter("LayerNames", resolutionType.ToString(), null);
            string layerGeogIdField      = cfg.GetParameter("LayerGeographyIdFields", resolutionType.ToString(), null);
            string layerDisplayNameField = cfg.GetParameter("LayerDisplayNameFields", resolutionType.ToString(), null);

            // This includes any labeling and outlines, default background color, etc.
            StringBuilder sldRules = new StringBuilder(cfg.GetConfigInnerXml("DefaultSLD"));

            // Replace any tokens with the appropriate values for this layer.
            sldRules.Replace("{LayerName}", mapLayerName);
            sldRules.Replace("{LayerGeographyIdField}", layerGeogIdField);
            sldRules.Replace("{LayerDisplayNameField}", layerDisplayNameField);

            // If no map layer is defined (I.E. "City"), or the request is invalid in some way,
            // use just the default SLD.
            if (mapLayerName != null)
                // Now query for all the data.
                DaoCriteria crit = new DaoCriteria();
                crit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("IndicatorId", indicatorId));
                crit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("Resolution", resolutionType));
                crit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("TimeId", timeId));
                DaoCriteria geogCrit = null;
                if (scopeBorough != null)
                    geogCrit = new DaoCriteria();
                    geogCrit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("Borough", scopeBorough));
                    if (scopeSubborough != null)
                        geogCrit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("SubBorough", scopeSubborough));
                if (geogCrit != null)
                    // Scope and/or subscope was defined.
                    geogCrit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("Resolution", resolutionType));
                    IList <object> geogIdsInScope = new List <object>();
                    foreach (NycGeography geog in _geogDao.Get(geogCrit))
                    crit.Expressions.Add(new PropertyInListExpression("GeographyId", geogIdsInScope));
                IList <NycDatum> data = _dataDao.Get(crit);

                // If there's no data, don't make any SLD rules.
                if ((data != null) && (data.Count > 0))
                    foreach (NycDatum datum in data)
                        int val;
                        switch (indicator.Breakpoint)
                        case NycBreakpointType.HistoricalBreakpoint:
                            val = datum.HistoricalBreakpoint;

                        case NycBreakpointType.ContemporaryBreakpoint:
                            val = datum.ContemporaryBreakpoint;

                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Indicator " + indicator +
                                                                  " has invalid breakpoint: " + indicator.Breakpoint);
                        if ((val < 0) || (val > 100))
                            _log.Warn("'Normalized' value " + datum + " was outside 0-100 range.");

                        // Figure out, based on the value, which color group it belongs to.
                        string thisColor = colors[val];
                        if (thisColor != null)
                            // Put it in that group.

                    // Now append the rules for those color groups.
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IList <object> > kvp in geogIdsByColor)
                        // Only add rules for colors that actually have values.
                        if (kvp.Value.Count > 0)

                            // The part that says what geography IDs get this color.
                            foreach (object geogId in kvp.Value)

                            // The part that says what color to fill with.
                            sldRules.Append("<CssParameter name=\"fill\">").Append(kvp.Key).Append("</CssParameter>");
                            sldRules.Append("<CssParameter name=\"fill-opacity\">").Append(
                                cfg.GetParameter("Polygons", "Opacity")).Append("</CssParameter>");

            // Now wrap all the rendering rules in the SLD outer tags.
            StringBuilder sld = new StringBuilder();

            sld.Append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n")
            .Append("<StyledLayerDescriptor version=\"1.0.0\"")
            .Append(" xsi:schemaLocation=\" StyledLayerDescriptor.xsd\"")
            .Append(" xmlns=\"\"")
            .Append(" xmlns:ogc=\"\"")
            .Append(" xmlns:xlink=\"\"")
            .Append(" xmlns:xsi=\"\">")

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Queries for Nychanis data for the specified year range, resolution, and indicator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indicatorId">ID of the indicator being queried.</param>
        /// <param name="resolutionType">What resolution are we querying for.</param>
        /// <param name="timeUnitType">What type of time units should the data be in?</param>
        /// <param name="startYear">First year to include in the results.</param>
        /// <param name="endYear">Last year to include in the results.</param>
        /// <param name="scopeSubborough"></param>
        /// <param name="scopeBorough"></param>
        /// <param name="orderCol">The column to sort by.</param>
        /// <param name="orderDir">The direction to sort, ignored if order is less than zero.
        /// <param name="numPerPage">Number of records to be returned in the page sequence, if not less than zero</param>
        /// <param name="page">Which page in this page sequence is this request for.
        ///                        If null, assumed to be ascending.</param>
        /// <returns>The results!</returns>
        public static NycResultsWithMetadata Query(object indicatorId,
                                                   NycResolutionType resolutionType, NycTimeframeType timeUnitType, int startYear, int endYear,
                                                   object scopeBorough, object scopeSubborough,
                                                   int orderCol, SortType?orderDir, int numPerPage, int page)
            NycResultsWithMetadata retVal = new NycResultsWithMetadata();
            // First load the indicator metadata, both because we need the display name, and because
            // if the query is for data that doesn't exist, we can skip a lot of work.
            NycIndicator indicator = GetIndicator(indicatorId);

            retVal.Indicator  = indicator.Name;
            retVal.Resolution = resolutionType.ToString();
            // Now verify the query against the metadata.
            retVal.MinYear = (startYear < indicator.MinYear) ? indicator.MinYear : startYear;
            retVal.MaxYear = (endYear > indicator.MaxYear) ? indicator.MaxYear : endYear;
            bool validRequest = (retVal.MaxYear >= retVal.MinYear);

            if (!validRequest)
                // Return a completely blank result object.

            // We only want to load time metadata for times this indicator actually has data for.
            DaoJoinCriteria joinCrit = new DaoJoinCriteria();

            joinCrit.RightCriteria = new DaoCriteria();
            joinCrit.RightCriteria.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("IndicatorId", indicatorId));
            joinCrit.RightCriteria.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("Resolution", resolutionType));
            joinCrit.Expressions.Add(new EqualJoinExpression("UID", "TimeId"));
            // Load the time metadata.
            joinCrit.LeftCriteria = new DaoCriteria();
            // These are not-ed so they are <= and >=;
            joinCrit.LeftCriteria.Expressions.Add(new GreaterExpression("Year", retVal.MaxYear, false));
            joinCrit.LeftCriteria.Expressions.Add(new LesserExpression("Year", retVal.MinYear, false));
            joinCrit.LeftCriteria.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("Type", timeUnitType));
            // Sort by value descending, so the most recent year comes first.
            joinCrit.Orders.Add(new JoinSortOrder("Value", SortType.Asc, true));
            List <JoinResult <NycTimeframe, NycResolutionForIndicator> > timeframes = _timeDao.Get(joinCrit, _resolutionDao);

            // We also need to know what all possible times are though, so we can render the fancy slider with appropriate gaps.
            joinCrit.LeftCriteria.Orders.Add(new SortOrder("Value", SortType.Asc));
            IList <NycTimeframe> allTimeframes = _timeDao.Get(joinCrit.LeftCriteria);

            // Use them to assemble the metadata, since one year is one column.
            retVal.Attrs = new List <AbstractNamedSortable>();
            retVal.Attrs.Add(new NycGeogColumnMetadata("Area"));
            IDictionary <object, int> colsByTimeId = new CheckedDictionary <object, int>();

            foreach (JoinResult <NycTimeframe, NycResolutionForIndicator> timeframe in timeframes)
                colsByTimeId[timeframe.Left.UID] = retVal.Attrs.Count;
                retVal.Attrs.Add(new NycYearColumnMetadata(timeframe.Left, indicator.ValueType));

            NycTableResults results = QueryNychanisData(indicatorId, resolutionType,
                                                        scopeBorough, scopeSubborough, colsByTimeId);

            retVal.TotalResults = results.Values.Count;

            // Don't do any further processing if there are no results
            if (results.Values.Count == 0)

            // If the user specified a sort order, use that, otherwise sort by the first column (area).
            List <KeyValuePair <int, SortType> > colSorts = new List <KeyValuePair <int, SortType> >();

            colSorts.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, SortType>(orderCol < 0 ? 0 : orderCol, orderDir ?? SortType.Asc));
            results.Values.Sort(new MultipleColumnListComparer(colSorts));

            // Truncate the results by the requested paging information
            retVal.Values = ResultsWithMetadata <AbstractNamedSortable> .GetPagedSubset(results.Values, numPerPage, page);

            // Now get context rows.  Always get City, unless we're querying for City.
            if (resolutionType != NycResolutionType.City)
                List <IList <object> > contextRows = QueryNychanisData(indicatorId, NycResolutionType.City,
                                                                       null, null, colsByTimeId).Values;
                // Now, if they provided a borough scope and didn't ask for a borough resolution,
                // include borough.
                if ((resolutionType != NycResolutionType.Borough) && (scopeBorough != null))
                    contextRows.AddRange(QueryNychanisData(indicatorId, NycResolutionType.Borough,
                                                           scopeBorough, null, colsByTimeId).Values);
                    // Then if not subborough but a subborough is provided, include that.
                    if ((resolutionType != NycResolutionType.SubBorough) && (scopeSubborough != null))
                        contextRows.AddRange(QueryNychanisData(indicatorId, NycResolutionType.SubBorough,
                                                               scopeBorough, scopeSubborough, colsByTimeId).Values);
                retVal.ContextRows = contextRows;
            // Now generate the map info for showing the results as a cloropleth layer.
            Config cfg           = Config.GetConfig("PDP.Data");
            string sldHandlerUrl = cfg.GetParameter("Mapping", "SldHandlerURL");

            retVal.MapInfo        = new NycMapInfo();
            retVal.MapInfo.Server = cfg.GetParameter("Mapping", "MapServerURL");
            retVal.MapInfo.Layers = new List <NycLayerInfo>();
            string layerName = Config.GetConfig("NYC.SLD").GetParameter("LayerNames", resolutionType.ToString(), null);

            // City doesn't have a map layer, so don't create any OL layers for it.
            if (layerName != null)
                int possibleTimeIndex = 0;
                int actualTimeIndex   = 0;
                while (possibleTimeIndex < allTimeframes.Count)
                    // We need to pad out the list of layers with blanks for timeframes that lack data.
                    NycLayerInfo layer = new NycLayerInfo();
                    layer.Name = allTimeframes[possibleTimeIndex].Name;
                    // Years that actually have data go up faster than all years, so check if the current
                    // possible year is lower than the next actual year.
                    if (allTimeframes[possibleTimeIndex].Value < timeframes[actualTimeIndex].Left.Value)
                        // Need to pad with a blank, so just let the blank layer object be added.
                        // Increment the possible time index to the next timeframe.
                        NycTimeframe time = timeframes[actualTimeIndex].Left;

                        // I think this check is no longer necessary, since we're probably
                        // always excluding unavailable data.  But if it ain't broke...
                        if (results.DataAvailableByTime[actualTimeIndex])
                            layer.Config                = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                            layer.Config["layers"]      = layerName;
                            layer.Config["styles"]      = "";
                            layer.Config["format"]      = "image/png";
                            layer.Config["tiled"]       = true;
                            layer.Config["srs"]         = "EPSG:4326";
                            layer.Config["transparent"] = true;
                            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sldHandlerUrl);
                            if (scopeBorough != null)
                                if (scopeSubborough != null)
                            layer.Config["SLD"] = sb.ToString();
                        // Increment both indexes.


                // If we are creating layers, we must create a legend to describe them
                retVal.LegendInfo = GenerateLegendList(indicator, resolutionType);
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns metadata about all the indicators available.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IList <NycIndicatorCategory> GetIndicatorMetadata()
            IDictionary <string, IDictionary <string, IList <NycIndicator> > > groups =
                new CheckedDictionary <string, IDictionary <string, IList <NycIndicator> > >();

            // Get all the indicators and split 'em up.
            foreach (NycIndicator ind in _indicatorDao.Get())
                IDictionary <string, IList <NycIndicator> > catGroup;
                if (groups.ContainsKey(ind.Category))
                    catGroup = groups[ind.Category];
                    catGroup             = new CheckedDictionary <string, IList <NycIndicator> >();
                    groups[ind.Category] = catGroup;
                IList <NycIndicator> subcatList;
                if (catGroup.ContainsKey(ind.SubCategory))
                    subcatList = catGroup[ind.SubCategory];
                    subcatList = new List <NycIndicator>();
                    catGroup[ind.SubCategory] = subcatList;
            // Now they're all split up, create the returnable object types.
            // Remember it is impossible for any of the collections to be empty, since we created
            // them all based on records we had.
            List <NycIndicatorCategory> retVal = new List <NycIndicatorCategory>();

            foreach (IDictionary <string, IList <NycIndicator> > catGroup in groups.Values)
                List <NycIndicatorSubCategory> subCats = new List <NycIndicatorSubCategory>();
                NycIndicator anIndicator = null;
                foreach (IList <NycIndicator> subcatList in catGroup.Values)
                    subCats.Add(new NycIndicatorSubCategory(subcatList));
                    // save one indicator for the category info.
                    if (anIndicator == null)
                        anIndicator = subcatList[0];
                retVal.Add(new NycIndicatorCategory(anIndicator, subCats));

            // Now populate the available times based on resolutions for each indicator.
            IDictionary <object, IDictionary <int, IDictionary <int, IList <int> > > > resByIndic =

            foreach (NycIndicatorCategory cat in retVal)
                foreach (NycIndicatorSubCategory subCat in cat.SubCats)
                    foreach (ThinNycIndicator indic in subCat.Indicators)
                        // Protect against bad data.
                        if (resByIndic.ContainsKey(indic.UID))
                            indic.AvailableYearsByResolution = resByIndic[indic.UID];
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the results from the data reader produced by the group by
        /// query, creates the GroupCountResults, and returns them in the 
        /// parameters collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">Input and output parameters for the method.</param>
        /// <param name="reader">Data reader to read from.</param>
        protected virtual void ReadGroupByCount(Hashtable parameters, IDataReader reader)
            ICollection<AbstractGroupExpression> groupExpressions =
                (ICollection<AbstractGroupExpression>) parameters["groupBys"];
            ClassMapping mapping = (ClassMapping) parameters["mapping"];
            List<GroupCountResult> results = new List<GroupCountResult>();
            parameters["results"] = results;

            // Read each row and store it as a GroupCountResult.
            while (reader.Read())
                // We aliased the count as COUNT_COL_ALIAS.
                // Some databases return other numeric types, like "decimal", so you can't
                // just call reader.GetInt.
                string colName = COUNT_COL_ALIAS;
                int count = (int)CoerceType(typeof(int), reader.GetValue(reader.GetOrdinal(colName)));
                IDictionary<string, object> values = new CheckedDictionary<string, object>();
                int groupByNum = 0;
                foreach (AbstractGroupExpression expr in groupExpressions)
                    values[expr.Name] = GetGroupByValue(mapping, reader, groupByNum, expr);
                results.Add(new GroupCountResult(count, values));
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all columns (visible to the user anyway) and includes the allowed
        /// values for columns that have entries in the Attribute_Values table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityType">Only Properties is supported.</param>
        /// <param name="userRoles">The roles the current user has.
        ///                         Only attributes they can see will be returned.</param>
        /// <returns>All the attribute metadata for the specified columns.</returns>
        public static IList <PdbCategory> GetAttributesForClient(
            PdbEntityType entityType, IEnumerable <SecurityRole> userRoles)
            IDictionary <string, IDictionary <string, IList <PdbAttribute> > > attrsByCatAndSub =
                new CheckedDictionary <string, IDictionary <string, IList <PdbAttribute> > >();
            IDictionary <string, IList <PdbAttribute> > attrsByCat =
                new CheckedDictionary <string, IList <PdbAttribute> >();

            DaoCriteria crit = new DaoCriteria();

            crit.Expressions.Add(new EqualExpression("EntityType", entityType));
            IList <PdbAttribute> attrs = GetAttribRecords(crit, userRoles);

            // Get all the attributes and split 'em up.  Put them either into the single
            // or double-nested dictionary depending on if they have subcategories.
            foreach (PdbAttribute attr in attrs)
                IDictionary <string, IList <PdbAttribute> > catSubCats;
                IList <PdbAttribute> catAttrs;
                if (attrsByCatAndSub.ContainsKey(attr.Category))
                    catSubCats = attrsByCatAndSub[attr.Category];
                    catAttrs   = attrsByCat[attr.Category];
                    catSubCats = new CheckedDictionary <string, IList <PdbAttribute> >();
                    catAttrs   = new List <PdbAttribute>();
                    attrsByCatAndSub[attr.Category] = catSubCats;
                    attrsByCat[attr.Category]       = catAttrs;
                // Now either it has a subcategory, in which case it's filed there, or
                // it doesn't, and it's filed under the category directly.
                if (StringHelper.IsNonBlank(attr.SubCategory))
                    IList <PdbAttribute> subcatList;
                    if (catSubCats.ContainsKey(attr.SubCategory))
                        subcatList = catSubCats[attr.SubCategory];
                        subcatList = new List <PdbAttribute>();
                        catSubCats[attr.SubCategory] = subcatList;
            // Now they're all split up, create the returnable object types.
            // Remember it is impossible for any of the collections to be empty, since we created
            // them all based on records we had.
            List <PdbCategory> retVal = new List <PdbCategory>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IDictionary <string, IList <PdbAttribute> > > kvp in attrsByCatAndSub)
                IDictionary <string, IList <PdbAttribute> > subCatLists = kvp.Value;
                List <PdbSubCategory> subCats = new List <PdbSubCategory>();
                PdbAttribute          anAttr  = null;
                foreach (IList <PdbAttribute> subCatList in subCatLists.Values)
                    subCats.Add(new PdbSubCategory(subCatList[0].SubCategory,
                                                   subCatList[0].FilterAttrOrder, SimplifyAndGetValues(subCatList)));
                    // save one indicator for the category info.
                    if (anAttr == null)
                        anAttr = subCatList[0];
                if (anAttr == null)
                    // subCatList and attrsByCat can't BOTH be empty or we wouldn't have this category.
                    anAttr = attrsByCat[kvp.Key][0];
                retVal.Add(new PdbCategory(anAttr.Category, anAttr.FilterCatOrder,
                                           SimplifyAndGetValues(attrsByCat[kvp.Key]), subCats));
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates a data object record using the "table" and a list of column/value pairs.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="transaction">Should be null, transactions are not supported.</param>
 /// <param name="mapping">The mapping of the table or other data container we're dealing with.</param>
 /// <param name="crit">All records matching this criteria will be updated per the dictionary of
 ///                    values.</param>
 /// <param name="propValues">A dictionary of column/value pairs for all non-ID columns to be updated.</param>
 /// <returns>The number of records affected.</returns>
 public override int Update(ITransaction transaction, ClassMapping mapping, DaoCriteria crit, IDictionary<string, object> propValues)
     switch (_connDesc.Type)
         case CsvConnectionType.Directory:
         case CsvConnectionType.FileName:
             // These are OK.
             throw new LoggingException("Connection does not support updating: " + _connDesc);
     // No way to selectively update text from a text file, so instead we first copy all
     // the rows that don't match the criteria into a new file.
     string existingFile = GetFileName(mapping);
     string newFile = existingFile + ".new";
     DaoCriteria inverseCrit = new DaoCriteria();
     foreach (IExpression expr in crit.Expressions)
     TextWriter newWriter = new StreamWriter(newFile, false);
     int rowsUpdated = 0;
         // Copy the rows that don't match...
         CsvDataReader reader = new CsvDataReader(this, mapping, inverseCrit);
             int numCols = reader.FieldCount;
             while (reader.Read())
                 for (int x = 0; x < numCols; x++)
                     if (x > 0)
         // Copy (modified) the rows that do match...
         reader = new CsvDataReader(this, mapping, crit);
             IDictionary<int, object> replacements = new CheckedDictionary<int, object>();
             foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kvp in propValues)
                 replacements[reader.GetColumnIndex(kvp.Key)] = kvp.Value;
             int numCols = reader.FieldCount;
             while (reader.Read())
                 for (int x = 0; x < numCols; x++)
                     if (x > 0)
                     // Use the updated value if one was provided.
                     object val = replacements.ContainsKey(x)
                                      ? replacements[x] : reader.GetValue(x);
     // Now move the old file out of the way and replace it with the new one.
     File.Replace(newFile, existingFile, existingFile + ".old", true);
     return rowsUpdated;
Esempio n. 10
        public void TestWriteCsvWithQuotes()
            StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

            // This is testing to verify the CsvDescriptor constructor that takes a
            // Writer and a CVSQuoteLevel.
            CsvTestObj testObj1 = new CsvTestObj();
            CheckedDictionary<string, object> testDict1 = new CheckedDictionary<string, object>();
            testObj1.One = 50;
            testObj1.Two = -1.0;
            testObj1.Three = "Yo";
            testObj1.Four = new DateTime(2001, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
            testObj1.Five = null;
            testDict1["One"] = testObj1.One;
            testDict1["Two"] = testObj1.Two;
            testDict1["Three"] = testObj1.Three;
            testDict1["Four"] = testObj1.Four;
            testDict1["Five"] = testObj1.Five;

            CsvTestObj testObj2 = new CsvTestObj();
            CheckedDictionary<string, object> testDict2 = new CheckedDictionary<string, object>();
            testObj2.One = int.MaxValue;
            testObj2.Two = double.MinValue;
            testObj2.Three = null;
            testObj2.Four = DateTime.MinValue;
            testObj2.Five = "";
            testDict2["One"] = testObj2.One;
            testDict2["Two"] = testObj2.Two;
            testDict2["Three"] = testObj2.Three;
            testDict2["Four"] = testObj2.Four;
            testDict2["Five"] = testObj2.Five;

            ClassMapping mapping1 = MakeMapping("n/a", "WriteOne", true);
            CsvDescriptor desc1 = new CsvDescriptor(writer, CsvQuoteLevel.QuoteStrings);
            DictionaryDao dao1 = new DictionaryDao(desc1, mapping1);

            string csv = writer.ToString();
            Assert.IsNotEmpty(csv, "The writer should not return an empty string. ");
Esempio n. 11
        public void TestWriteCsv()
            CsvTestObj testObj1 = new CsvTestObj();
            CheckedDictionary<string, object> testDict1 = new CheckedDictionary<string, object>();
            testObj1.One = 50;
            testObj1.Two = -1.0;
            testObj1.Three = "Yo";
            testObj1.Four = new DateTime(2001, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
            testObj1.Five = null;
            testDict1["One"] = testObj1.One;
            testDict1["Two"] = testObj1.Two;
            testDict1["Three"] = testObj1.Three;
            testDict1["Four"] = testObj1.Four;
            testDict1["Five"] = testObj1.Five;

            CsvTestObj testObj2 = new CsvTestObj();
            CheckedDictionary<string, object> testDict2 = new CheckedDictionary<string, object>();
            testObj2.One = int.MaxValue;
            testObj2.Two = double.MinValue;
            testObj2.Three = null;
            testObj2.Four = DateTime.MinValue;
            testObj2.Five = "";
            testDict2["One"] = testObj2.One;
            testDict2["Two"] = testObj2.Two;
            testDict2["Three"] = testObj2.Three;
            testDict2["Four"] = testObj2.Four;
            testDict2["Five"] = testObj2.Five;

            ClassMapping mapping1 = MakeMapping("n/a", "WriteOne", true);
            CsvDescriptor desc1 = new CsvDescriptor("..\\..\\Tests");
            DictionaryDao dao1 = new DictionaryDao(desc1, mapping1);

            ClassMapping mapping2 = MakeMapping("Azavea.Open.DAO.CSV.Tests.CsvTestObj,Azavea.Open.DAO.CSV", "Doesn'tMatter", true);
            CsvDescriptor desc2 = new CsvDescriptor(CsvConnectionType.FileName,
            FastDAO<CsvTestObj> dao2 = new FastDAO<CsvTestObj>(desc2, mapping2);

            ClassMapping mapping3 = MakeMapping("n/a", "AlsoDoesn'tMatter", true);
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("..\\..\\Tests\\WriteThree.csv", false))
                CsvDescriptor desc3 = new CsvDescriptor(sw);
                DictionaryDao dao3 = new DictionaryDao(desc3, mapping3);
                // Can't truncate this one.

            ClassMapping mapping4 = MakeMapping("n/a", "WriteFour", false);
            CsvDescriptor desc4 = new CsvDescriptor("..\\..\\Tests");
            DictionaryDao dao4 = new DictionaryDao(desc4, mapping4);

            ClassMapping mapping5 = MakeMapping("Azavea.Open.DAO.CSV.Tests.CsvTestObj,Azavea.Open.DAO.CSV", "Doesn'tMatter", false);
            CsvDescriptor desc5 = new CsvDescriptor(CsvConnectionType.FileName,
            FastDAO<CsvTestObj> dao5 = new FastDAO<CsvTestObj>(desc5, mapping5);

            ClassMapping mapping6 = MakeMapping("n/a", "AlsoDoesn'tMatter", false);
            using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("..\\..\\Tests\\WriteSix.csv", false))
                CsvDescriptor desc6 = new CsvDescriptor(sw);
                DictionaryDao dao6 = new DictionaryDao(desc6, mapping6);
                // Can't truncate this one.

            // Now, assert they are all correct.  1, 2, and 3 should be the same (they have headers)
            // and 4, 5, and 6 should be the same (without headers).
            AssertFileContentsSame("..\\..\\Tests\\WriteOne.csv", "..\\..\\Tests\\WriteTwo.csv");
            AssertFileContentsSame("..\\..\\Tests\\WriteOne.csv", "..\\..\\Tests\\WriteThree.csv");
            AssertFileGreater("..\\..\\Tests\\WriteOne.csv", "..\\..\\Tests\\WriteFour.csv");
            AssertFileContentsSame("..\\..\\Tests\\WriteFour.csv", "..\\..\\Tests\\WriteFive.csv");
            AssertFileContentsSame("..\\..\\Tests\\WriteFour.csv", "..\\..\\Tests\\WriteFive.csv");
Esempio n. 12
 private IDictionary<string, MemoryObject> GetTable(ClassMapping mapping)
     IDictionary<string, MemoryObject> retVal;
     lock (_datastore)
         if (_datastore.ContainsKey(mapping.Table))
             retVal = _datastore[mapping.Table];
             retVal = new CheckedDictionary<string, MemoryObject>();
             _datastore[mapping.Table] = retVal;
     return retVal;
Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Executes a query and invokes a method with a DataReader of results.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="transaction">The transaction to do this as part of.</param>
 /// <param name="mapping">Class mapping for the table we're querying against.  Optional,
 ///                       but not all columns may be properly typed if it is null.</param>
 /// <param name="query">The query to execute, should have come from CreateQuery.</param>
 /// <param name="invokeMe">The method to invoke with the IDataReader results.</param>
 /// <param name="parameters">A hashtable containing any values that need to be persisted through invoked method.
 ///                          The list of objects from the query will be placed here.</param>
 public override void ExecuteQuery(ITransaction transaction, ClassMapping mapping, IDaQuery query, DataReaderDelegate invokeMe, Hashtable parameters)
     // Make a copy of the table and iterate over that, that way reading doesn't block writing (or
     // more reading).
     IDictionary<string, MemoryObject> tempTable;
     IDictionary<string, MemoryObject> table = GetTable(mapping);
     lock (table)
         tempTable = new CheckedDictionary<string, MemoryObject>(table);
     MemoryDataReader reader = new MemoryDataReader(this, mapping, ((UnqueryableQuery)query).Criteria,
         invokeMe.Invoke(parameters, reader);