Esempio n. 1
        public void CheapEntropyIsDifferentOnSubsequentCalls_16Bytes()
            var e1 = CheapEntropy.Get16();
            var e2 = CheapEntropy.Get16();

            CollectionAssert.AreNotEqual(e1, e2);
Esempio n. 2
        protected override async Task <byte[]> GetInternalEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
            // Note that many of these servers will have similar content and it is publicly accessible.
            // We must mix in some local entropy to ensure differnt computers end up with different entropy.
            // Yes, this reduces the effectiveness of this source, but it will still contribute over time.
            var localEntropy = (await StaticLocalEntropy.Get32()).Concat(CheapEntropy.Get16()).ToArray();

            // Select the servers we will fetch from.
            var serversToSample = new List <ServerFetcher>(_ServersPerSample);

            for (int i = 0; i < _ServersPerSample; i++)
                if (_NextSource >= _Sources.Count)
                    _NextSource = 0;
                serversToSample.Add(new ServerFetcher(_Sources[_NextSource], _UserAgent, localEntropy));
                _NextSource = _NextSource + 1;
            if (!serversToSample.Any())

            byte[] response;
            if (!_UseRandomSourceForUnitTest)
                // Now fetch from the servers and use the contents, and time to derive entropy.
                var responses = await Task.WhenAll(serversToSample.Select(x => x.ResetAndRun()));

                response = responses.SelectMany(x => x ?? new byte[0]).ToArray();
                // For unit tests, we just get random bytes.
                response = _Rng.GetRandomBytes(_ServersPerSample * 32);

Esempio n. 3
        protected override async Task <byte[]> GetInternalEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
            // Note that this will return the same result for 60 second period.
            // We must mix in some local entropy to ensure differnt computers end up with different entropy.
            // Yes, this reduces the effectiveness of this source, but it will still contribute over time.

            Log.Trace("Beginning to gather entropy.");

            // Fetch data.
            var response = "";
            var sw       = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            if (!_UseDiskSourceForUnitTests)
                var apiUri = new Uri("");
                var hc     = HttpClientHelpers.Create(userAgent: _UserAgent);
                    response = await hc.GetStringAsync(apiUri);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Warn(ex, "Unable to GET from {0}", apiUri);
                Log.Trace("Read {0:N0} characters of html in {1:N2}ms.", response.Length, sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
                using (var stream = File.OpenRead(HttpClientHelpers._BasePathToUnitTestData + ""))
                    response = await new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEndAsync();

            var localEntropy = (await StaticLocalEntropy.Get32()).Concat(CheapEntropy.Get16())

            Log.Trace("Got {0:N0} bytes of local entropy to mix.", localEntropy.Length);

            // Parse out the useful parts of the response.
            // Keeping away from XML parsing to minimise dependencies. At least for now.

            // The first two return 64 random bytes each, the signature is 256 bytes. All are hashed to 64 bytes when combined with local entropy.
            var lastOutputBytes  = GetWithinXmlTags(response, "previousOutputValue").ParseFromHexString();
            var outputValueBytes = GetWithinXmlTags(response, "outputValue").ParseFromHexString();
            var signatureBytes   = GetWithinXmlTags(response, "signatureValue").ParseFromHexString();

            Log.Trace("Got {0:N0} output bytes, {1:N0} last output bytes, {2:N0} signature bytes.", outputValueBytes.Length, lastOutputBytes.Length, signatureBytes.Length);

            // Mix in some local entropy.
            var hasher = SHA512.Create();
            var result = hasher.ComputeHash(lastOutputBytes.Concat(localEntropy).ToArray())
                         .Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(unchecked ((uint)sw.Elapsed.Ticks)))    // Don't forget to include network timing!

            Log.Trace("Read {0:N0} bytes of entropy.", result.Length);
