Esempio n. 1
        public override void Calculate(int index)
            if (_incorrectColors)
                var errorColor = _random.Next(2) == 0 ? Colors.Red : Colors.White;
                ChartObjects.DrawText("Error", "Incorrect colors", StaticPosition.Center, errorColor);

            var open  = MarketSeries.Open[index];
            var high  = MarketSeries.High[index];
            var low   = MarketSeries.Low[index];
            var close = MarketSeries.Close[index];

            var MA = _ma.Result[index];

            MaResult[index] = MA;

            if (MA < close)
                color = open > close ? _AboveDownColor : _AboveUpColor;

            if (MA >= close)
                color = open > close ? _BelowDownColor : _BelowUpColor;

            ChartObjects.DrawLine("candle" + index, index, open, index, close, color, CandleWidth, LineStyle.Solid);
            ChartObjects.DrawLine("line" + index, index, high, index, low, color, WickWidth, LineStyle.Solid);
Esempio n. 2
        public override void Calculate(int index)
            for (int i = 0; i < DaysToShow; i++)
                DateTime startOfDay = daily.OpenTime.Last(i).Date.AddDays(1).AddHours(ShiftInHours);
                DateTime endOfDay   = startOfDay.AddDays(1);

                var dailyHigh = daily.High.Last(i);
                var dailyLow  = daily.Low.Last(i);

                var fib618n = dailyLow - (dailyHigh - dailyLow) * 0.618;
                var fib382  = dailyLow + (dailyHigh - dailyLow) * 0.382;
                var fib500  = dailyLow + (dailyHigh - dailyLow) * 0.5;
                var fib618  = dailyLow + (dailyHigh - dailyLow) * 0.618;
                var fib1618 = dailyLow + (dailyHigh - dailyLow) * 0.618;

                ChartObjects.DrawLine("-61.8%" + i, startOfDay, fib618n, endOfDay, fib618n, Colors.Gray, 1, LineStyle.LinesDots);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("0.0%" + i, startOfDay, dailyHigh, endOfDay, dailyHigh, Colors.Gray, 1);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("38.2%" + i, startOfDay, fib382, endOfDay, fib382, Colors.Gray, 1, LineStyle.LinesDots);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("50.0%" + i, startOfDay, fib500, endOfDay, fib500, Colors.Gray, 1, LineStyle.Solid);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("61.8%" + i, startOfDay, fib618, endOfDay, fib618, Colors.Gray, 1, LineStyle.LinesDots);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("100.0%" + i, startOfDay, dailyLow, endOfDay, dailyLow, Colors.Gray, 1);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("161.8%" + i, startOfDay, fib1618, endOfDay, fib1618, Colors.Gray, 1, LineStyle.LinesDots);
        // SCALPER SIGNAL FUNCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void SignalScalper_Main(int index)
            if (!NewBar(index) || (index < 6))

            ATR = Indicators.AverageTrueRange(14, MovingAverageType.Exponential);

            double bs = BuySignal(index);
            double ss = SellSignal(index);

            if (bs > 0)
                BuyIndicator[index]      = bs;
                SignalBarHigh[index - 3] = MarketSeries.High[index - 3];
                SignalBarLow[index - 3]  = MarketSeries.Low[index - 3];
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("SignalBar" + (index - 3), index - 3, SignalBarHigh[index - 3], index - 3, SignalBarLow[index - 3], Colors.Gold, 3, LineStyle.Solid);
            else if (ss > 0)
                SellIndicator[index]     = ss;
                SignalBarHigh[index - 3] = MarketSeries.High[index - 3];
                SignalBarLow[index - 3]  = MarketSeries.Low[index - 3];
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("SignalBar" + (index - 3), index - 3, SignalBarHigh[index - 3], index - 3, SignalBarLow[index - 3], Colors.Gold, 3, LineStyle.Solid);
Esempio n. 4
 public override void Calculate(int index)
     if (!IsLastBar)
         c       = M1.Close.Last(7000) / Symbol.PipSize;
         nu      = (c - (c % pips)) * Symbol.PipSize;
         onu     = nu;
         buff[0] = nu;
         for (int i = 7000; i > 0; i--)
             c = M1.Median.Last(i);
     ind = index;
     c   = M1.Close.Last(0);
     for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++)
         if (buff[i + 1] < buff[i])
             ChartObjects.DrawLine(string.Format("li_{0}", ind - i), ind - i, buff[i + 1], ind - i, buff[i], Colors.SeaGreen, 5, LineStyle.Solid);
             ChartObjects.DrawLine(string.Format("li_{0}", ind - i), ind - i, buff[i + 1] - Symbol.PipSize * pips, ind - i, buff[i] - Symbol.PipSize * pips, Colors.Tomato, 5, LineStyle.Solid);
        public override void Calculate(int index)
            if (TimeFrame >= TimeFrame.Daily)

            var todayStartIndex = GetStartDayIndex(index);

            if (todayStartIndex == 0)

            var yesterdayStartIndex = GetStartDayIndex(todayStartIndex - 1);
            var yHigh  = GetHigh(yesterdayStartIndex, todayStartIndex - 1);
            var yLow   = GetLow(yesterdayStartIndex, todayStartIndex - 1);
            var yClose = MarketSeries.Close[todayStartIndex - 1];

            var pivot = (yHigh + yLow + yClose) / 3;
            var bc    = (yHigh + yLow) / 2;
            var tc    = pivot - bc + pivot;

            ChartObjects.DrawLine("pivot" + todayStartIndex, todayStartIndex, pivot, index + 1, pivot, Colors.Yellow);
            ChartObjects.DrawLine("bc" + todayStartIndex, todayStartIndex, bc, index + 1, bc, Colors.Yellow);
            ChartObjects.DrawLine("tc" + todayStartIndex, todayStartIndex, tc, index + 1, tc, Colors.Yellow);
Esempio n. 6
        public override void Calculate(int index)
            if (index <= HeikenPeriod)
                xOpen[index]  = Math.Round((MarketSeries.Open[index] + MarketSeries.Close[index]) / 2, Symbol.Digits);
                xClose[index] = Math.Round((MarketSeries.Open[index] + MarketSeries.Low[index] + MarketSeries.High[index] + MarketSeries.Close[index]) / 4, Symbol.Digits);
                xHigh[index]  = MarketSeries.High[index];
                xLow[index]   = MarketSeries.Low[index];


            xOpen[index]  = Math.Round((xOpen[index - 1] + xClose[index - 1]) / 2, Symbol.Digits);
            xClose[index] = Math.Round((MarketSeries.Open[index] + MarketSeries.Low[index] + MarketSeries.High[index] + MarketSeries.Close[index]) / 4, Symbol.Digits);
            xHigh[index]  = Math.Max(MarketSeries.High[index], Math.Max(xOpen[index], xClose[index]));
            xLow[index]   = Math.Min(MarketSeries.Low[index], Math.Min(xOpen[index], xClose[index]));

            if (xClose[index] < xOpen[index])
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("OpenClose-" + index.ToString(), index, xOpen[index], index, xClose[index], Colors.Magenta, 5, LineStyle.Solid);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("HighLow-" + index.ToString(), index, xHigh[index], index, xLow[index], Colors.Magenta, 1, LineStyle.Solid);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("OpenClose-" + index.ToString(), index, xOpen[index], index, xClose[index], Colors.Lime, 5, LineStyle.Solid);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("HighLow-" + index.ToString(), index, xHigh[index], index, xLow[index], Colors.Lime, 1, LineStyle.Solid);
Esempio n. 7
        private void RefreshRenkoChart(int index)
            foreach (var renko in renkos)
                var i = renkos.Count() - renko.Index;

                if (ReferenceMode)
                    Result[index - i] = renko.Movement > 0 ? 1 : -1;
                    Result[index - i] = renko.Value;

                    var y1    = renkoLastValue + (Result[index] > renkoLastValue ? +renkoPips / 2 : -renkoPips / 2);
                    var y2    = Result[index] + (Result[index] > renkoLastValue ? +renkoPips / 2 : -renkoPips / 2);
                    var color = Result[index] > Result[index - 1] ? colorBull : colorBear;

                    ChartObjects.DrawLine("renko0", index, y1, index, y2, color, thickness, LineStyle.Solid);

                    if (i < BricksToShow)
                        ChartObjects.DrawLine("renko" + i, index - i, Result[index - i] - renkoPips / 2, index - i, Result[index - i] + renkoPips / 2, renko.Movement > 0 ? colorBull : colorBear, thickness, LineStyle.Solid);
Esempio n. 8
 private void DrawRectangle(string objectName, int x, double y, int width, double height, Colors color, int thickness, LineStyle style)
     ChartObjects.DrawLine(objectName + "a", x, y, x + width, y, color, thickness, style);
     ChartObjects.DrawLine(objectName + "b", x + width, y, x + width, y + height, color, thickness, style);
     ChartObjects.DrawLine(objectName + "c", x + width, y + height, x, y + height, color, thickness, style);
     ChartObjects.DrawLine(objectName + "d", x, y + height, x, y, color, thickness, style);
Esempio n. 9
        private void ReDraw()
            foreach (Alert alert in alerts)
                if (MarketSeries.OpenTime.LastValue.AddMinutes(Period()) < alert.setup)

                if (!alert.inArgs)

                Colors color;
                int    periods = MarketSeries.OpenTime.Count - MarketSeries.OpenTime.GetIndexByTime(alert.setup);

                bool crossed = MarketSeries.Close.HasCrossedAbove(alert.price, periods) || MarketSeries.Close.HasCrossedBelow(alert.price, periods);
                bool near    = Math.Abs(MarketSeries.Close.LastValue - alert.price) <= AlertDiapasone * Symbol.PipSize;

                if (near && Sound && alert.played > 0 && (alert.lastPlayed == null || DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1) >= alert.lastPlayed))
                    Notifications.PlaySound(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "Ring.wav"));
                    alert.lastPlayed = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (Visual && (crossed || near))
                    color = Colors.Red;
                    color = Colors.CornflowerBlue;

                ChartObjects.DrawText(string.Format("alert_{0}", alert.price), string.Format("| {0}{1}", alert.price, near ? string.Format(" ({0})", Math.Round(Math.Abs(MarketSeries.Close.LastValue - alert.price) / Symbol.PipSize), 1) : ""), MarketSeries.OpenTime.Count + 1, alert.price, VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment.Right, color);

                if (ContignousType == 0)
                    for (int j = MarketSeries.Close.Count - 1; j > 0 && alert.index == 0; --j)
                        if (MarketSeries.Low[j] <= alert.price && MarketSeries.High[j] >= alert.price)
                            alert.index = j;
                    alert.index = 1;

                if (alert.index != 0)
                    ChartObjects.DrawLine(string.Format("alert_{0}_l", alert.price), alert.index, alert.price, MarketSeries.OpenTime.Count + 1, alert.price, color, Thickness, LineStyle.Dots);
Esempio n. 10
        public override void Calculate(int index)
            if (_incorrectColors)
                var errorColor = _random.Next(2) == 0 ? Colors.Red : Colors.White;
                ChartObjects.DrawText("Error", "Incorrect colors", StaticPosition.Center, errorColor);

            var open  = MarketSeries.Open[index];
            var high  = MarketSeries.High[index];
            var low   = MarketSeries.Low[index];
            var close = MarketSeries.Close[index];

            var    haClose = (open + high + low + close) / 4;
            double haOpen;

            if (index > 0)
                haOpen = (_haOpen[index - 1] + _haClose[index - 1]) / 2;
                haOpen = (open + close) / 2;
            _haOpen[index]  = haOpen;
            _haClose[index] = haClose;
            var color = haOpen > haClose ? _downColor : _upColor;

            //Print("", haOpen, haClose, color);
            ChartObjects.DrawLine("upback" + index, index, high + BackHeight / 7, index, high + BackHeight / 2, color, BackWidth, LineStyle.Solid);
            ChartObjects.DrawLine("downback" + index, index, low - BackHeight / 7, index, low - BackHeight / 2, color, BackWidth, LineStyle.Solid);
Esempio n. 11
        public override void Calculate(int index)
            if (!IsLastBar)

            ChartObjects.DrawVerticalLine("vLine", index - Period, _colorLine);

            int    maxIndex = index;
            double max      = Source[index];

            for (int i = index - Period; i <= index; i++)
                if (max >= Source[i])

                max      = Source[i];
                maxIndex = i;

            var text   = "max " + max.ToString("0.0000");
            var top    = VerticalAlignment.Top;
            var center = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

            ChartObjects.DrawText("max", text, maxIndex, max + 0.0002, top, center, _colorText);
            ChartObjects.DrawLine("line", maxIndex, max, index, Source[index], _colorLine);
Esempio n. 12
        public override void Calculate(int index)
            double middle = (((MarketSeries.High[index] + MarketSeries.Low[index]) / 2) + ((MarketSeries.High[index - 1] + MarketSeries.Low[index - 1]) / 2) + ((MarketSeries.High[index - 2] + MarketSeries.Low[index - 2]) / 2) + ((MarketSeries.High[index - 3] + MarketSeries.Low[index - 3]) / 2) + ((MarketSeries.High[index - 4] + MarketSeries.Low[index - 4]) / 2)) / 5;
            double scale  = (((MarketSeries.High[index] - MarketSeries.Low[index]) + (MarketSeries.High[index - 1] - MarketSeries.Low[index - 1]) + (MarketSeries.High[index - 2] - MarketSeries.Low[index - 2]) + (MarketSeries.High[index - 3] - MarketSeries.Low[index - 3]) + (MarketSeries.High[index - 4] - MarketSeries.Low[index - 4])) / 5) * 0.2;

            High[index]  = (MarketSeries.High[index] - middle) / scale;
            Low[index]   = (MarketSeries.Low[index] - middle) / scale;
            Open[index]  = (MarketSeries.Open[index] - middle) / scale;
            Close[index] = (MarketSeries.Close[index] - middle) / scale;

            if (Open[index] > Close[index])
                ChartObjects.DrawLine(string.Format("CRS_High_{0}", index), index, High[index], index, Low[index], Colors.Gray, 1, LineStyle.Solid);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine(string.Format("CRS_Open_{0}", index), index, Open[index], index, Close[index], Colors.DimGray, 11, LineStyle.Solid);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine(string.Format("CRS_Low_{0}", index), index, High[index], index, Low[index], Colors.Gray, 1, LineStyle.Solid);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine(string.Format("CRS_Close_{0}", index), index, Open[index], index, Close[index], Colors.LightGray, 11, LineStyle.Solid);

            SellLine1[index] = 6;
            SellLine2[index] = 8;
            BuyLine1[index]  = -6;
            BuyLine2[index]  = -8;
Esempio n. 13
        private void LinearRegression(DataSeries series)
            // Linear regresion

            double sum_x = 0, sum_x2 = 0, sum_y = 0, sum_xy = 0;

            int start = series.Count - Bars;
            int end   = series.Count - 1;

            for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
                sum_x  += 1.0 * i;
                sum_x2 += 1.0 * i * i;
                sum_y  += series[i];
                sum_xy += series[i] * i;

            double a = (Bars * sum_xy - sum_x * sum_y) / (Bars * sum_x2 - sum_x * sum_x);
            double b = (sum_y - a * sum_x) / Bars;

            // Calculate maximum and standard devaitions

            double maxDeviation = 0;
            double sumDevation  = 0;

            for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
                double price = a * i + b;
                maxDeviation = Math.Max(Math.Abs(series[i] - price), maxDeviation);
                sumDevation += Math.Pow(series[i] - price, 2.0);

            double stdDeviation = Math.Sqrt(sumDevation / Bars);

            // draw in future
            end += 20;

            double pr1 = a * start + b;
            double pr2 = a * end + b;

            if (ShowCenter)
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("center", start, pr1, end, pr2, color, LineThickness, LineStyle.Lines);

            if (ShowChannel)
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("top", start, pr1 + maxDeviation, end, pr2 + maxDeviation, color, LineThickness, LineStyle.Solid);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("bottom", start, pr1 - maxDeviation, end, pr2 - maxDeviation, color, LineThickness, LineStyle.Solid);

            if (ShowDeviantion)
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("dev-top", start, pr1 + stdDeviation, end, pr2 + stdDeviation, color, LineThickness, LineStyle.DotsVeryRare);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("dev-bottom", start, pr1 - stdDeviation, end, pr2 - stdDeviation, color, LineThickness, LineStyle.DotsVeryRare);
Esempio n. 14
 public override void Calculate(int index)
     if (EnableTrendLines)
         for (int i = 0; i < PreviousBars; i++)
             if (wma.Result.Last(i) >= wma.Result.Last(i + 1))
                 double high   = double.MinValue;
                 double offset = 0;
                 for (int j = i; j < PreviousBars; j++)
                     if (MarketSeries.High.Last(j) > high)
                         high   = MarketSeries.High.Last(j);
                         offset = high - wma.Result.Last(j);
                     if (wma.Result.Last(j) <= wma.Result.Last(j + 1))
                         ChartObjects.DrawLine("trend" + i, index - i, wma.Result.Last(i), index - j, wma.Result.Last(j), Colors.Green, 2, LineStyle.Solid);
                         if (EnableTrendChannel)
                             //ChartObjects.DrawLine("trendhigh" + i, index - i, wma.Result.Last(i) + offset, index - j, wma.Result.Last(j) + offset, Colors.White, 1, LineStyle.Solid);
                             ChartObjects.DrawLine("trendlow" + i, index - i, wma.Result.Last(i) - offset, index - j, wma.Result.Last(j) - offset, Colors.White, 1, LineStyle.DotsRare);
                         i = j;
             else if (wma.Result.Last(i) <= wma.Result.Last(i + 1))
                 double low    = double.MaxValue;
                 double offset = 0;
                 for (int j = i; j < PreviousBars; j++)
                     if (MarketSeries.Low.Last(j) < low)
                         low    = MarketSeries.Low.Last(j);
                         offset = wma.Result.Last(j) - low;
                     if (wma.Result.Last(j) >= wma.Result.Last(j + 1))
                         ChartObjects.DrawLine("trend" + i, index - i, wma.Result.Last(i), index - j, wma.Result.Last(j), Colors.Red, 2, LineStyle.Solid);
                         if (EnableTrendChannel)
                             ChartObjects.DrawLine("trendhigh" + i, index - i, wma.Result.Last(i) + offset, index - j, wma.Result.Last(j) + offset, Colors.White, 1, LineStyle.DotsRare);
                             //ChartObjects.DrawLine("trendlow" + i, index - i, wma.Result.Last(i) - offset, index - j, wma.Result.Last(j) - offset, Colors.White, 1, LineStyle.Solid);
                         i = j;
Esempio n. 15
        public override void Calculate(int index)
            if (_incorrectColors)
                var errorColor = _random.Next(2) == 0 ? Colors.Red : Colors.White;
                ChartObjects.DrawText("Error", "Incorrect colors", StaticPosition.Center, errorColor);
            if ((Server.Time.Minute == 4 || Server.Time.Minute == 9 || Server.Time.Minute == 14 || Server.Time.Minute == 19 || Server.Time.Minute == 24 || Server.Time.Minute == 29 || Server.Time.Minute == 34 || Server.Time.Minute == 39 || Server.Time.Minute == 44 || Server.Time.Minute == 49 || Server.Time.Minute == 54 || Server.Time.Minute == 59) && Server.Time.Second > 55)
                var open  = MarketSeries.Open[index];
                var high  = MarketSeries.High[index];
                var low   = MarketSeries.Low[index];
                var close = MarketSeries.Close[index];

                var open1  = MarketSeries.Open[index - 1];
                var high1  = MarketSeries.High[index - 1];
                var low1   = MarketSeries.Low[index - 1];
                var close1 = MarketSeries.Close[index - 1];

                var open2  = MarketSeries.Open[index - 2];
                var high2  = MarketSeries.High[index - 2];
                var low2   = MarketSeries.Low[index - 2];
                var close2 = MarketSeries.Close[index - 2];

                var open3  = MarketSeries.Open[index - 3];
                var high3  = MarketSeries.High[index - 3];
                var low3   = MarketSeries.Low[index - 3];
                var close3 = MarketSeries.Close[index - 3];

                var open4  = MarketSeries.Open[index - 4];
                var high4  = MarketSeries.High[index - 4];
                var low4   = MarketSeries.Low[index - 4];
                var close4 = MarketSeries.Close[index - 4];

                Close = close;
                double Open;
                if (index > 0)
                    Open = open4;
                    Open = open4;

                High = Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Max(high, high1), high2), high3), high4);
                Low  = Math.Min(Math.Min(Math.Min(Math.Min(low, low1), low2), low3), low4);

                var color = Open > Close ? _downColor : _upColor;
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("candle" + index, index, Open, index, Close, color, CandleWidth, LineStyle.Solid);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("line" + index, index, High, index, Low, color, 1, LineStyle.Solid);

                _Open[index]  = Open;
                _Close[index] = Close;
Esempio n. 16
        private void DrawTrendLine(string lineName, int startIndex, int endIndex, int index1, double value1, int index2, double value2)
            double gradient = (value2 - value1) / (index2 - index1);

            double startValue = value1 + (startIndex - index1) * gradient;
            double endValue   = value1 + (endIndex - index1) * gradient;

            ChartObjects.DrawLine(lineName, startIndex, startValue, endIndex, endValue, Colors.Gray);
            ChartObjects.DrawLine(lineName + "_red", index1, value1, index2, value2, Colors.Red);
Esempio n. 17
        public void drawLines(int index, int[] values)
            ChartObjects.DrawLine("topline", index - width, Symbol.Bid, index, Symbol.Bid, totalColor, 1, LineStyle.Solid);

            for (int i = 0; i < scores.Length + 2; i++)
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("line" + i, index - i * width / 7, Symbol.Bid, index - i * width / 7, Symbol.Bid - height * Symbol.PipSize, totalColor, 1, LineStyle.Solid);

            ChartObjects.DrawLine("bottomline", index - width, Symbol.Bid - height * Symbol.PipSize, index, Symbol.Bid - height * Symbol.PipSize, totalColor, 1, LineStyle.Solid);

            for (int i = 0; i < scores.Length; i++)
                Colors color = Colors.Red;
                if (values[i] > 0)
                    color = Colors.Green;
                    ChartObjects.DrawText(timeframes[i].ToString() + "Value", "+" + values[i], index - (i + 2) * width / 7 + width / 14, Symbol.Bid - height * Symbol.PipSize, VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment.Center, color);
                else if (values[i] < 0)
                    color = Colors.Red;
                    ChartObjects.DrawText(timeframes[i].ToString() + "Value", "" + values[i], index - (i + 2) * width / 7 + width / 14, Symbol.Bid - height * Symbol.PipSize, VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment.Center, color);
                    color = Colors.White;
                    ChartObjects.DrawText(timeframes[i].ToString() + "Value", "" + values[i], index - (i + 2) * width / 7 + width / 14, Symbol.Bid - height * Symbol.PipSize, VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment.Center, color);
                ChartObjects.DrawText(timeframes[i].ToString() + "Text", timeframes[i].ToString(), index - (i + 2) * width / 7 + width / 14, Symbol.Bid, VerticalAlignment.Bottom, HorizontalAlignment.Center, color);
            ChartObjects.DrawText("ScoreText", "Score", index - 1 * width / 7 + width / 14, Symbol.Bid, VerticalAlignment.Bottom, HorizontalAlignment.Center, Colors.White);
            int sum = 0;

            foreach (int i in values)
                sum += i;
            totalColor = Colors.Red;
            if (sum >= threshold)
                totalColor = Colors.Green;
            else if (sum <= threshold * (-1))
                totalColor = Colors.Red;
                totalColor = Colors.White;
            ChartObjects.DrawText("ScoreValue", "" + sum, index - 1 * width / 7 + width / 14, Symbol.Bid - height * Symbol.PipSize, VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment.Center, totalColor);
Esempio n. 18
        public override void Calculate(int index)
            if (VolumeBars && index > Lookback + 1)
                double[] tempVolumeSeries = new double[Lookback];
                for (int i = Lookback; i > 0; i--)
                    tempVolumeSeries[Lookback - i] = MarketSeries.TickVolume[(index - 1) - i];

                double LowerPerc = Percentile(tempVolumeSeries, PercentileLowerBound);
                double UpperPerc = Percentile(tempVolumeSeries, PercentileUpperBound);

                if (MarketSeries.TickVolume[index] >= LowerPerc && MarketSeries.TickVolume[index] < UpperPerc)
                    double x = PercentileLowerBound;
                    for (int i = MinBarThickness; i < MaxBarThickness + 1; i++)
                        if (MarketSeries.TickVolume[index] >= Percentile(tempVolumeSeries, x))
                            x += Stepsize;
                            BarThickness = i;
                else if (MarketSeries.TickVolume[index] >= UpperPerc)
                    BarThickness = MaxBarThickness;
                    BarThickness = MinBarThickness;
                BarThickness = MinBarThickness;

            ChartObjects.DrawLine(string.Format("Linie{0}", index), index, MarketSeries.High[index], index, MarketSeries.Low[index], (Colors)Enum.Parse(typeof(Colors), BarColor, true), BarThickness, LineStyle.Solid);

            // The drawing of the Current Price Marker
            if (IsLastBar && PriceMarker)
                ChartObjects.DrawText("Triangle", Markers[MarkerType], index, MarketSeries.Close[index], VerticalAlignment.Center, HorizontalAlignment.Right, (Colors)Enum.Parse(typeof(Colors), MarkerColor, true));
Esempio n. 19
        private void CalculatePivots(DateTime startTime, int startIndex, DateTime startTimeOfNextPeriod, int index)
            var high  = MarketSeries.High[startIndex];
            var low   = MarketSeries.Low[startIndex];
            var close = MarketSeries.Close[startIndex];
            var i     = startIndex + 1;

            while (GetStartOfPeriod(MarketSeries.OpenTime[i]) == startTime && i < MarketSeries.Close.Count)
                high  = Math.Max(high, MarketSeries.High[i]);
                low   = Math.Min(low, MarketSeries.Low[i]);
                close = MarketSeries.Close[i];


            var pivotStartTime = startTimeOfNextPeriod;
            var pivotEndTime   = GetEndOfPeriod(startTimeOfNextPeriod);

            var pivot = (high + low + close) / 3;

            var r1 = 2 * pivot - low;
            var s1 = 2 * pivot - high;

            var r2 = pivot + high - low;
            var s2 = pivot - high + low;

            var r3 = high + 2 * (pivot - low);
            var s3 = low - 2 * (high - pivot);

            ChartObjects.DrawLine("pivot " + startIndex, pivotStartTime, pivot, pivotEndTime, pivot, Colors.White);
            ChartObjects.DrawLine("r1 " + startIndex, pivotStartTime, r1, pivotEndTime, r1, Colors.Green);
            ChartObjects.DrawLine("r2 " + startIndex, pivotStartTime, r2, pivotEndTime, r2, Colors.Green);
            ChartObjects.DrawLine("r3 " + startIndex, pivotStartTime, r3, pivotEndTime, r3, Colors.Green);
            ChartObjects.DrawLine("s1 " + startIndex, pivotStartTime, s1, pivotEndTime, s1, Colors.Red);
            ChartObjects.DrawLine("s2 " + startIndex, pivotStartTime, s2, pivotEndTime, s2, Colors.Red);
            ChartObjects.DrawLine("s3 " + startIndex, pivotStartTime, s3, pivotEndTime, s3, Colors.Red);

            if (!ShowLabels)

            ChartObjects.DrawText("Lpivot " + startIndex, "P", index, pivot, vAlignment, hAlignment, pivotColor);
            ChartObjects.DrawText("Lr1 " + startIndex, "R1", index, r1, vAlignment, hAlignment, resistanceColor);
            ChartObjects.DrawText("Lr2 " + startIndex, "R2", index, r2, vAlignment, hAlignment, resistanceColor);
            ChartObjects.DrawText("Lr3 " + startIndex, "R3", index, r3, vAlignment, hAlignment, resistanceColor);
            ChartObjects.DrawText("Ls1 " + startIndex, "S1", index, s1, vAlignment, hAlignment, supportColor);
            ChartObjects.DrawText("Ls2 " + startIndex, "S2", index, s2, vAlignment, hAlignment, supportColor);
            ChartObjects.DrawText("Ls3 " + startIndex, "S3", index, s3, vAlignment, hAlignment, supportColor);
        public override void Calculate(int index)
            if (_incorrectColors)
                var errorColor = _random.Next(2) == 0 ? Colors.Red : Colors.White;
                ChartObjects.DrawText("Error", "Incorrect colors", StaticPosition.Center, errorColor);

            var open  = MarketSeries.Open[index];
            var high  = MarketSeries.High[index];
            var low   = MarketSeries.Low[index];
            var close = MarketSeries.Close[index];

            var    haClose = (open + high + low + close) / 4;
            double haOpen;

            if (index > 0)
                haOpen = (_haOpen[index - 1] + _haClose[index - 1]) / 2;
                haOpen = (open + close) / 2;

            var haHigh = Math.Max(Math.Max(high, haOpen), haClose);
            var haLow  = Math.Min(Math.Min(low, haOpen), haClose);

            if (haOpen < haClose)
                color = open > close ? _AboveDownColor : _AboveUpColor;

            if (haOpen > haClose)
                color = open > close ? _BelowDownColor : _BelowUpColor;

            ChartObjects.DrawLine("candle" + index, index, open, index, close, color, CandleWidth, LineStyle.Solid);
            ChartObjects.DrawLine("line" + index, index, high, index, low, color, WickWidth, LineStyle.Solid);

            _haOpen[index]  = haOpen;
            _haClose[index] = haClose;
Esempio n. 21
        public override void Calculate(int index)
            // Starting and ending bars

            int x1 = Source.Count - Period;
            int x2 = Source.Count - 1;

            // Linear regression parameters

            double sumX  = 0;
            double sumX2 = 0;
            double sumY  = 0;
            double sumXY = 0;

            for (int count = x1; count <= x2; count++)
                sumX  += count;
                sumX2 += count * count;
                sumY  += Source[count];
                sumXY += Source[count] * count;

            double divisor   = (Period * sumX2 - sumX * sumX);
            double slope     = (Period * sumXY - sumX * sumY) / divisor;
            double intercept = (sumY - slope * sumX) / Period;

            // Distance to the regression line

            double deviation = 0;

            for (int count = x1; count <= x2; count++)
                double regression = slope * count + intercept;
                deviation = Math.Max(Math.Abs(Source[count] - regression), deviation);

            // Linear regression channel

            x2 += Extend;

            double y1 = slope * x1 + intercept;
            double y2 = slope * x2 + intercept;

            var color = y1 < y2 ? Colors.LimeGreen : Colors.Red;

            ChartObjects.DrawLine("Upper" + index, x1, y1 + deviation, x2, y2 + deviation, color, Thickness, LineStyle.Solid);
            ChartObjects.DrawLine("Lower" + index, x1, y1 - deviation, x2, y2 - deviation, color, Thickness, LineStyle.Solid);

            Diff[index] = y2 - y1;
Esempio n. 22
        private void drawLine(List <int> segments)
            int sz = segments.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < sz - 1; i++)
                int    j0 = segments[i];
                int    j1 = segments[i + 1];
                double a  = stats[j1][j0].slope();
                double b  = stats[j1][j0].intercept();
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("Segment-" + j0.ToString(), j0, a * j0 + b, j1, a * j1 + b, Colors.Aqua, 2, LineStyle.Solid);
Esempio n. 23
        private void DrawLine(DataSeries series, double price, int d, VerticalAlignment a)
            int indexLast = GetIndexByPrice(series, price);

            if (indexLast != -1)
                string l_name = string.Format("p_{0}", price);
                string t_name = string.Format("t_{0}", price);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine(l_name, MarketSeries.OpenTime[indexLast], price, MarketSeries.OpenTime.LastValue.AddYears(2), price, Colors.DarkGray, 1, LineStyle.LinesDots);
                if (ShowPrices)
                    ChartObjects.DrawText(t_name, string.Format("{0}", price), indexLast, price + d * Symbol.PipSize, a, HorizontalAlignment.Right, Colors.DarkGray);
Esempio n. 24
        private void DrawTrendLine(string lineName, int startIndex, int endIndex, int index1, double value1, int index2, double value2, bool color_up_trend)
            double gradient = (value2 - value1) / (index2 - index1);

            double startValue = value1 + (startIndex - index1) * gradient;
            double endValue   = value1 + (endIndex - index1) * gradient;

            if (color_up_trend == true)
                ChartObjects.DrawLine(lineName, index2, value2, endIndex, endValue, Colors.Red, 2, LineStyle.Solid);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine(lineName, index2, value2, endIndex, endValue, Colors.Blue, 2, LineStyle.Solid);
Esempio n. 25
        public void lr(double[] xValues, double[] yValues, bool isPeak)
            double rSquared, w, b;

            utils.LinearRegression(xValues, yValues, out rSquared, out b, out w);

            //Print("Line: y = ", w, "x + ", b);
            //Print("R-squared = ", rSquared);
            int    o   = 0;
            double sum = 0;

            foreach (double e in xValues)
                var dist = utils.distanceFromPointToLine(xValues[o], yValues[o], w, b);
                sum += dist;
            double baseThreshold = 0.15;
            // base on XAU
            double threshold = baseThreshold / utils.FindLineThreshold(Bars.OpenPrices[0]);

            // XAU has it's value > 1000
            if (sum - threshold <= 0)
                if (!AllowBroken)
                    if (isBrokenTrend(w, b, (int)xValues[0], (int)xValues[2], isPeak, threshold * 10))

                //foreach (double e in xValues)
                //    int index = (int)xValues[y];
                //    Chart.DrawIcon("icon_" + xValues[0].ToString(), ChartIconType.Diamond, index, yValues[y], isPeak ? Color.DarkCyan : Color.Olive);

                ChartObjects.DrawLine("a" + xValues[0].ToString(), (int)xValues[0], yValues[0], (int)xValues[2], yValues[2], isPeak ? Colors.DarkCyan : Colors.Olive, 2);
Esempio n. 26
        void OnGbpUsdUpdated()
            float sumBid = 0;
            float sumAsk = 0;

            _askNo = 0;
            _bidNo = 0;
            var index = MarketSeries.Close.Count - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                ChartObjects.RemoveObject(i.ToString() + "ask");
                ChartObjects.RemoveObject(i.ToString() + "bid");
            foreach (var entry in GBPUSD.AskEntries)
                sumAsk += entry.Volume;
            foreach (var entry in GBPUSD.BidEntries)
                sumBid += entry.Volume;
            string s = "";

            foreach (var entry in GBPUSD.AskEntries)
                double val = entry.Volume / sumAsk;
                int    len = Math.Max(1, (int)(lineLen * val));
                ChartObjects.DrawLine(_askNo.ToString() + "ask", index + 1, entry.Price, index + len, entry.Price, Colors.Red, lineThickness);
                s += "\n ask " + len.ToString();
            foreach (var entry in GBPUSD.BidEntries)
                double val = entry.Volume / sumBid;
                int    len = Math.Max(1, (int)(lineLen * val));
                ChartObjects.DrawLine(_bidNo.ToString() + "bid", index + 1, entry.Price, index + len, entry.Price, Colors.Blue, lineThickness);
                s += "\n bid " + len.ToString();
// ------------------------------------------------------
        public override void Calculate(int index)
            DateTime today = MarketSeries.OpenTime[index].Date;

            for (int i = 0; i < Boxes; i++)
                DateTime startOfDay = today.AddDays(-i);
                DateTime endOfDay   = today.AddDays(1 - i);
                var      high       = daily.High.Last(i);
                var      high2      = daily.High.Last(i - 1);
                var      high3      = daily.High.Last(i - 2);
                var      low        = daily.Low.Last(i);
                var      low2       = daily.Low.Last(i - 1);
                var      low3       = daily.Low.Last(i - 2);
                var      median     = ((low + high) / 2);
// ----- Triple DailyHighLow
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("High" + i, startOfDay, high, endOfDay, high, dailyHLcolor, 1);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("Low" + i, startOfDay, low, endOfDay, low, dailyHLcolor, 1);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("pHigh" + i, endOfDay, high, endOfDay.AddDays(1), high, Colors.Green, 1, LineStyle.Lines);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("pLow" + i, endOfDay, low, endOfDay.AddDays(1), low, Colors.Red, 1, LineStyle.Lines);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("ppHigh" + i, endOfDay.AddDays(1), high, endOfDay.AddDays(2), high, Colors.Green, 1, LineStyle.DotsRare);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("ppLow" + i, endOfDay.AddDays(1), low, endOfDay.AddDays(2), low, Colors.Red, 1, LineStyle.DotsRare);
// ----- Triple Trendlines
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("DownTrend1" + i, startOfDay, high, endOfDay, low, Colors.Red, 1, LineStyle.Solid);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("DownTrend2" + i, startOfDay, high, endOfDay.AddDays(1), low, Colors.Red, 1, LineStyle.Lines);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("DownTrend3" + i, startOfDay, high, endOfDay.AddDays(2), low, Colors.Red, 1, LineStyle.DotsRare);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("UpTrend1" + i, startOfDay, low, endOfDay, high, Colors.Green, 1, LineStyle.Solid);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("UpTrend2" + i, startOfDay, low, endOfDay.AddDays(1), high, Colors.Green, 1, LineStyle.Lines);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("UpTrend3" + i, startOfDay, low, endOfDay.AddDays(2), high, Colors.Green, 1, LineStyle.DotsRare);
// ----- TurnLines
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("DownRC-Line1" + i, startOfDay, high, startOfDay.AddDays(2), low2, Colors.Blue, 1, LineStyle.Lines);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("DownRC-Line2" + i, startOfDay, high, startOfDay.AddDays(3), low2, dailyHLcolor, 1, LineStyle.DotsRare);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("DownRC-Line3" + i, startOfDay, high, endOfDay.AddDays(2), low3, Colors.White, 1, LineStyle.DotsRare);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("UpRC-Line1" + i, startOfDay, low, startOfDay.AddDays(2), high2, Colors.Blue, 1, LineStyle.Lines);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("UpRC-Line2" + i, startOfDay, low, startOfDay.AddDays(3), high2, dailyHLcolor, 1, LineStyle.DotsRare);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("UpRC-Line3" + i, startOfDay, low, endOfDay.AddDays(2), high3, Colors.White, 1, LineStyle.DotsRare);
// ----- MedianPriceLine
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("Median" + i, startOfDay, median, endOfDay, median, Colors.White, 1);

        // DAILY HIGH LOW FUNCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void DailyHighLow_Main(int index)
            DateTime today    = MarketSeries.OpenTime[index].Date;
            DateTime tomorrow = today.AddDays(1);

            double high = MarketSeries.High.LastValue;
            double low  = MarketSeries.Low.LastValue;

            for (int i = MarketSeries.Close.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
                if (MarketSeries.OpenTime[i].Date < today)

                high = Math.Max(high, MarketSeries.High[i]);
                low  = Math.Min(low, MarketSeries.Low[i]);

            ChartObjects.DrawLine("high " + today, today, high, tomorrow, high, Colors.Pink);
            ChartObjects.DrawLine("low " + today, today, low, tomorrow, low, Colors.Pink);

        // DAILY HIGH LOW FUNCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void HeikenAshi_Standard_Main(int index)
            if (_incorrectColors)
                var errorColor = _random.Next(2) == 0 ? Colors.Red : Colors.White;
                ChartObjects.DrawText("Error", "Incorrect colors", StaticPosition.Center, errorColor);

            var open  = MarketSeries.Open[index];
            var high  = MarketSeries.High[index];
            var low   = MarketSeries.Low[index];
            var close = MarketSeries.Close[index];

            haClose = (open + high + low + close) / 4;

            if (index > 0)
                haOpen = (_haOpen[index - 1] + _haClose[index - 1]) / 2;
                haOpen = (open + close) / 2;

            haHigh = Math.Max(Math.Max(high, haOpen), haClose);
            haLow  = Math.Min(Math.Min(low, haOpen), haClose);

            //var color = haOpen > haClose ? _downColor : _upColor;
            var haColor = haOpen > haClose ? _downColor : _upColor;

            ChartObjects.DrawLine("candle" + index, index, haOpen, index, haClose, haColor, CandleWidth, LineStyle.Solid);
            ChartObjects.DrawLine("line" + index, index, haHigh, index, haLow, haColor, 1, LineStyle.Solid);

            _haOpen[index]  = haOpen;
            _haClose[index] = haClose;
Esempio n. 30
        public override void Calculate(int index)
            double haHigh;
            double haLow;
            Colors Color;

            if (index > 0 && !double.IsNaN(maOpen.Result[index - 1]))
                haOpen[index]  = (haOpen[index - 1] + haClose[index - 1]) / 2;
                haClose[index] = (maOpen.Result[index] + maClose.Result[index] + maHigh.Result[index] + maLow.Result[index]) / 4;
                haHigh         = Math.Max(maHigh.Result[index], Math.Max(haOpen[index], haClose[index]));
                haLow          = Math.Min(maLow.Result[index], Math.Min(haOpen[index], haClose[index]));
                Color          = (haOpen[index] > haClose[index]) ? Colors.Red : Colors.Blue;
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("BarHA" + index, index, haOpen[index], index, haClose[index], Color, 5, LineStyle.Solid);
                ChartObjects.DrawLine("LineHA" + index, index, haHigh, index, haLow, Color, 1, LineStyle.Solid);
            else if (!double.IsNaN(maOpen.Result[index]))
                haOpen[index]  = (maOpen.Result[index] + maClose.Result[index]) / 2;
                haClose[index] = (maOpen.Result[index] + maClose.Result[index] + maHigh.Result[index] + maLow.Result[index]) / 4;
                haHigh         = maHigh.Result[index];
                haLow          = maLow.Result[index];