public void SingleChartDataPoint()
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            Shape shape = builder.InsertChart(ChartType.Line, 432, 252);

            Chart       chart   = shape.Chart;
            ChartSeries series0 = chart.Series[0];
            ChartSeries series1 = chart.Series[1];

            ChartDataPointCollection dataPointCollection = series0.DataPoints;
            ChartDataPoint           dataPoint00         = dataPointCollection.Add(0);
            ChartDataPoint           dataPoint01         = dataPointCollection.Add(1);

            dataPoint00.Explosion     = 50;
            dataPoint00.Marker.Symbol = MarkerSymbol.Circle;
            dataPoint00.Marker.Size   = 15;

            dataPoint01.Marker.Symbol = MarkerSymbol.Diamond;
            dataPoint01.Marker.Size   = 20;

            ChartDataPoint dataPoint12 = series1.DataPoints.Add(2);

            dataPoint12.InvertIfNegative = true;
            dataPoint12.Marker.Symbol    = MarkerSymbol.Star;
            dataPoint12.Marker.Size      = 20;

            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "WorkingWithCharts.SingleChartDataPoint.docx");
Esempio n. 2
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string          dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_WorkingWithCharts();
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            Shape shape = builder.InsertChart(ChartType.Line, 432, 252);
            Chart chart = shape.Chart;

            // Get first series.
            ChartSeries series0 = shape.Chart.Series[0];
            // Get second series.
            ChartSeries series1 = shape.Chart.Series[1];
            ChartDataPointCollection dataPointCollection = series0.DataPoints;

            // Add data point to the first and second point of the first series.
            ChartDataPoint dataPoint00 = dataPointCollection.Add(0);
            ChartDataPoint dataPoint01 = dataPointCollection.Add(1);

            // Set explosion.
            dataPoint00.Explosion = 50;

            // Set marker symbol and size.
            dataPoint00.Marker.Symbol = MarkerSymbol.Circle;
            dataPoint00.Marker.Size   = 15;

            dataPoint01.Marker.Symbol = MarkerSymbol.Diamond;
            dataPoint01.Marker.Size   = 20;

            // Add data point to the third point of the second series.
            ChartDataPoint dataPoint12 = series1.DataPoints.Add(2);

            dataPoint12.InvertIfNegative = true;
            dataPoint12.Marker.Symbol    = MarkerSymbol.Star;
            dataPoint12.Marker.Size      = 20;
            dataDir = dataDir + @"SingleChartDataPoint_out_.docx";
            Console.WriteLine("\nSingle line chart created successfully.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);