protected override IParseResult TryGetTokenWithoutNullCheck(IStringStream inputStream, out IToken token) { token = null; if (EnforceCharacterRangeSeparatorEscaping && IsCharacterRangeSeparator(inputStream)) { return(new FailureParseResult(inputStream.CurrentPosition, RegSeedErrorType.InvalidRange)); } var rangeResult = _primitiveParser.TryParseCharacterRange(inputStream); if (rangeResult.IsSuccess) { var rangeTokenLength = (int)(inputStream.CurrentPosition - _initialStreamPosition); token = new CharacterRangeToken(rangeResult.Value, inputStream.CurrentPosition, rangeTokenLength); return(new SuccessParseResult()); } if (!rangeResult.IsSuccess && rangeResult.ErrorType != RegSeedErrorType.None) { return(rangeResult); } var characterResult = _primitiveParser.TryParseCharacter(inputStream); if (!characterResult.IsSuccess) { return(characterResult); } var characterTokenLength = (int)(inputStream.CurrentPosition - _initialStreamPosition); token = new CharacterToken(characterResult.Value, inputStream.CurrentPosition, characterTokenLength); return(new SuccessParseResult()); }
public void Test_3_5_7_Characters_B() { // Scaled decimals Scanner lexer = this.GetLexer("$"); object obj = lexer.GetToken(); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(obj, typeof(CharacterToken)); CharacterToken token = (CharacterToken)obj; Assert.IsFalse(token.IsValid); Assert.AreEqual("Missing character. Hit EOF.", token.ScanError); Assert.AreEqual(0, token.StartPosition.Position); Assert.AreEqual(1, token.StopPosition.Position); }
// public INode InsertCharacter(CharacterToken token, IDocument doc) { //TODO - make sure the steps conform with the specs in the link above. //1. Let data be the characters passed to the algorithm, or, if no characters were explicitly // specified, the character of the character token being processed. //2. Let the adjusted insertion location be the appropriate place for inserting a node. InsertionLocation adjustedInsertionLocation = GetAppropriatePlaceForInsertingANode(); //3. If the adjusted insertion location is in a Document node, then abort these steps. // NOTE: The DOM will not let Document nodes have Text node children, so they are dropped on the floor. if (adjustedInsertionLocation.Parent == doc) { return null; } //4. If there is a Text node immediately before the adjusted insertion location, then append data to // that Text node's data. // Otherwise, create a new Text node whose data is data and whose ownerDocument is the same as that // of the element in which the adjusted insertion location finds itself, and insert the newly created // node at the adjusted insertion location. IText prevTextNode = null; if (adjustedInsertionLocation.Child != null) { if (!adjustedInsertionLocation.InsertBefore) { prevTextNode = adjustedInsertionLocation.Child as IText; } else{ prevTextNode = adjustedInsertionLocation.Child.previousSibling as IText; } } else { prevTextNode = adjustedInsertionLocation.Parent.lastChild as IText; } if (prevTextNode != null) { prevTextNode.appendData(token.Character.ToString()); return prevTextNode; } else { INode element = HtmlElementFactory.Instance.CreateTextNode(token.Character.ToString(), adjustedInsertionLocation.Parent.ownerDocument); adjustedInsertionLocation.Parent.appendChild(element); return element; } }
public void Test_3_5_7_Characters_A() { // Scaled decimals Scanner lexer = this.GetLexer("$A"); object obj = lexer.GetToken(); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(obj, typeof(CharacterToken)); CharacterToken token = (CharacterToken)obj; Assert.IsTrue(token.IsValid); Assert.IsNull(token.ScanError); Assert.AreEqual(0, token.StartPosition.Position); Assert.AreEqual(1, token.StopPosition.Position); Assert.AreEqual('A', token.Value); // Should be the last one obj = lexer.GetToken(); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(obj, typeof(EofToken)); lexer = this.GetLexer("$Ü"); obj = lexer.GetToken(); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(obj, typeof(CharacterToken)); token = (CharacterToken)obj; Assert.IsTrue(token.IsValid); Assert.IsNull(token.ScanError); Assert.AreEqual(0, token.StartPosition.Position); Assert.AreEqual(1, token.StopPosition.Position); Assert.AreEqual('Ü', token.Value); // Should be the last one obj = lexer.GetToken(); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(obj, typeof(EofToken)); lexer = this.GetLexer("$ "); obj = lexer.GetToken(); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(obj, typeof(CharacterToken)); token = (CharacterToken)obj; Assert.IsTrue(token.IsValid); Assert.IsNull(token.ScanError); Assert.AreEqual(0, token.StartPosition.Position); Assert.AreEqual(1, token.StopPosition.Position); Assert.AreEqual(' ', token.Value); // Should be the last one obj = lexer.GetToken(); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(obj, typeof(EofToken)); }
//public Skill[] Skills { get { return skills; } } private void Start() { myToken = Instantiate(CharToken); charStats = new CharacterStats(myToken.Vitality, myToken.Strenght, myToken.Resistance, myToken.Intelligence, myToken.Agility); myToken.Skills.CopyTo(skills, 0); life = charStats.MaxLife; animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); Audio = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); if (animator == null) { Debug.LogWarning("animator no personagem é nulo"); } }
IEnumerator MudarDeFaseYield(int fase, Fase faseAtual, CharacterToken inimigoStatus) { SceneManager.LoadScene(fase); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.2f)); SetarInimigo Setar = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Setagem").GetComponent <SetarInimigo>(); Transform posicaoParaPersonagemPrincipal = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PlayerPosition").transform; if (Setar == null) { Debug.Log("Setagem é nulla"); } GameObject inimigo = Instantiate(faseAtual.tipoDeInimigo, Setar.transform); Character inimigoCharacter = inimigo.AddComponent <Enemy>(); Character personagemPrincipal = Instantiate(personagemPrincipalPrefab, posicaoParaPersonagemPrincipal.position, posicaoParaPersonagemPrincipal.rotation).GetComponent <Player>(); inimigoCharacter.CharToken = inimigoStatus; inimigoCharacter.currentTarget = personagemPrincipal; personagemPrincipal.currentTarget = inimigoCharacter; BattleController bc = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("BattleController").GetComponent <BattleController>(); bc.StartCountdown(); }
protected bool IsWhitespace(CharacterToken charToken) { char c = charToken.Character; return (c == 0x09 || c == 0x0A || c == 0x0C || c == 0x0D || c == ' '); }
public void GetType_DoesNotThrow_WhenEnumTypeIsRegexTokenType() { var token = new CharacterToken(null, 0, 0); Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => token.GetType <RegexTokenType>()); }
public void Desequipar(CharacterToken personagem) { personagem.TakeStats(statsToAdd); }
public void Equipar(CharacterToken personagem) { personagem.AddStats(statsToAdd); }
public void MudarDeFase(int fase, Fase faseAtual, CharacterToken inimigoStatus) { this.faseAtual = faseAtual; objetoPai.SetActive(false); StartCoroutine(MudarDeFaseYield(fase, faseAtual, inimigoStatus)); }
public void ResetToken() { playerToken = null; }
public void SavePlayerToken(CharacterToken ct) { playerToken = ct; }
public void GetType_ThrowsTypeAccessException_WhenEnumTypeNotRegexTokenType() { var token = new CharacterToken(null, 0, 0); Assert.Throws <TypeAccessException>(() => token.GetType <TestColor>()); }