public void Parse_NullInput_Throws()
            var           parser    = CreateParser();
            CharacterLine nullInput = null;

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(
                () => parser.Parse(nullInput));
Esempio n. 2
        public void Map_Always_ReturnsCharacterLine()
            var mapper = CreateMapper();

            var timestampsToMap = new SubtitleTimestamps(
                TimestampTests.CreateTimestamp(5, 4, 3, 2),
                TimestampTests.CreateTimestamp(5, 4, 4, 0));
            var expectedLine = new CharacterLine("05:04:03,002 --> 05:04:04,000");

            var actualLine = mapper.Map(timestampsToMap);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedLine, actualLine);
Esempio n. 3
        public AmstradGateArray(CPCBase machine, GateArrayType chipType)
            _machine = machine;
            ChipType = chipType;
            //PenColours = new int[17];
            borderType = _machine.CPC.SyncSettings.BorderType;


            CurrentLine = new CharacterLine();
Esempio n. 4
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //fill the dictionaries
        actorImages = new Dictionary <string, string> ()
            { "blank", "CutScenes/blank" },
            { "RoyStandard", "CutScenes/royNEUTRAL_cutscene_2" },
            { "RoyDetermined", "CutScenes/royDETERMINEDL_cutscene_5" },
            { "RoyScared", "CutScenes/roySCARED_cutscene_10" },
            { "RoyHappy", "CutScenes/royHAPPY_cutscene_3" },
            { "EmilyCurious", "CutScenes/emilyCURIOUS_cutscene_3" },
            { "EmilyScared", "CutScenes/emilySCARED_cutscene_8" },
            { "JakeScared", "CutScenes/jakeSCAREDcutscene_8" },
            { "JakeCurious", "CutScenes/jakeCURIOUScutscene_4" },
            { "JakeHappy", "CutScenes/jakeHAPPYScutscene_2" },
            { "TankStandard", "CutScenes/tank" },
            { "EmilyHappy", "CutScenes/emilyHAPPY" },
            { "DadScared", "CutScenes/fatherSCARED" },
            { "DadHappy", "CutScenes/fatherHAPPY" }
        backgrounds = new Dictionary <string, string> ()
            { "templeOutside", "CutScenes/cutscene_Outside" },
            { "templeInfront", "CutScenes/cutscene_1" },
            { "templeStairs", "CutScenes/cutscene_7" },
            { "templeCollapse", "CutScenes/cutscene_9" },
            { "templeInside", "CutScenes/cutscene_Inside" },
            { "foundJake", "CutScenes/cutscene_4" },
            { "emilyBegin", "Cutscenes/cutscene_Emily-alone" },
            { "tankBegin", "Cutscenes/cutscene_TankAlone" },
            { "emilyandtank", "Cutscenes/cutscene_EmilyandTank" },
            { "tuckersreunited", "Cutscenes/cutscene_Reunited" },
            { "tankPup", "Cutscenes/cutscene_TankPup" },
            { "tankGrownUp", "Cutscenes/cutscene_Family" },
            { "sadFamily", "Cutscenes/cutscene_SadFamily" },
            { "kidsReading", "Cutscenes/cutscene_Reading" },
            { "kidsGrownUp", "Cutscenes/cutscene_GrownUp" },
            { "familyPictures", "Cutscenes/cutscene_FamilyPictures" },
            { "blackScreen", "Cutscenes/black-screen" },
            { "johnTuckerFigure", "Cutscenes/johnTuckerFigure" }
        sounds = new Dictionary <string, string> ()
            { "roy_hmm", "CutScenes/Roy/Roy - Thinking" },
            //	{"roy_notsure", "CutScenes/Andre-ImNotSureAboutThis"},
            //	{"roy_confused", "CutScenes/Andre-WhatWasThat"},
            { "roy_relieved", "CutScenes/Roy/Roy - Relieved" },
            { "roy_spooked", "CutScenes/Roy/Roy - Shook" },
            { "roy_unsure", "CutScenes/Roy/Roy - Unsure" },
            { "roy_determined", "CutScenes/Roy/Roy - Determined" },
            { "roy_pumped", "CutScenes/Roy/Roy - EndLevel1" },
            { "emily_determined", "CutScenes/Emily/Emily - Determined" },
            { "emily_disturbed", "CutScenes/Emily/Emily - Disturbed" },
            { "emily_happylaugh", "CutScenes/Emily/Emily - HappyLaugh" },
            { "emily_relief", "CutScenes/Emily/Emily - Relief" },
            { "emily_spooked", "CutScenes/Emily/Emily - Shook" },
            { "emily_thinking", "CutScenes/Emily/Emily - Thinking" },
            { "jake_affirmative", "CutScenes/Jake/Jake - Affirmative" },
            { "jake_confused", "CutScenes/Jake/Jake - Confused" },
            { "jake_scared", "CutScenes/Jake/Jake - Really Scared or Death" },
            { "jake_relief", "CutScenes/Jake/Jake - Relieved" },
            { "jake_spooked", "CutScenes/Jake/Jake - Shook" },
            { "jake_unsure", "CutScenes/Jake/Jake - Unsure" },
            { "tank_cautious", "CutScenes/Tank/Tank - Cautious" },
            { "tank_concerned", "CutScenes/Tank/Tank - Concerned" },
            { "tank_distressed", "CutScenes/Tank/Tank - Distressed" },
            { "tank_happy", "CutScenes/Tank/Tank - Happy2" },
            { "tank_loudroar", "CutScenes/Tank/Tank - Death" },
            { "temple_rumble", "CutScenes/templerumbling" },
            { "temple_collapse", "CutScenes/Temple Falling" }

        cutSceneFiles = new Dictionary <int, string>()
            { 1, "CutScene_Opening" },           //these cutscenes play before the level
            { 11, "CutScene_Flashback1" },
            { 21, "CutScene_JakeFound" },
            { 26, "CutScene_Flashback2" },
            { 31, "CutScene_EmilyAlone" },
            { 35, "CutScene_TankAlone" },
            { 37, "CutScene_EmilyAndTank" },
            { 41, "CutScene_TuckerKidsReunited" },
            { 51, "CutScene_Conclusion" }

        //intialize GameObjects
        background = transform.Find("Background").gameObject;
        textBox    = transform.Find("TextBox").gameObject;
        //loadingImage = GameObject.Find ("LoadingImage").gameObject; //set manually
        dialogueWriter = transform.Find("Text").GetComponent <DialogueWriter> ();
        tapPrompt      = transform.Find("TapPrompt").gameObject;
        sceneIndex     = 0;
        lineIndex      = -1;    //line index gets set to -1 since there is currently no line displayed at all
        promptTimer    = 0;

        //get the current level
        zombie = GameObject.Find("ZombiePasser");

        int currLevel = zombie.GetComponent <ZombiePasser>().getLevel();

        //check if the current level has a cutscene
        if (!cutSceneFiles.ContainsKey(currLevel))
            Debug.Log("No cutscene for level " + currLevel);

        if (currLevel == 21)
            zombie.GetComponent <SocialPlatform>().AchievementProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_brotherly_love, false);
        if (currLevel == 31)
            zombie.GetComponent <SocialPlatform>().AchievementProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_sister_sister, false);
        if (currLevel == 35)
            zombie.GetComponent <SocialPlatform>().AchievementProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_bear_with_me, false);
        if (currLevel == 41)
            zombie.GetComponent <SocialPlatform>().AchievementProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_family_reunion, false);
        if (currLevel == 51)
            zombie.GetComponent <SocialPlatform>().AchievementProgress(GPGSIds.achievement_all_tuckered_out, false);

        //load in the JSON file, the same way as levelReader
        TextAsset cutSceneFile = Resources.Load(cutSceneFiles[currLevel]) as TextAsset;

        jsonString   = cutSceneFile.ToString();
        cutSceneData = JsonMapper.ToObject(jsonString);
        cutScenes    = new List <CutScene> ();

        //iterate through all the 'scenes', by adding an int to the end of the identifier
        int i = 1;

        while (cutSceneData.Keys.Contains(iterString + i.ToString()))
            JsonData sceneInfo = cutSceneData[iterString + i.ToString()];
            CutScene cutScene  = new CutScene {
                BackgroundImage = backgrounds[(string)sceneInfo ["image"]],
                Lines           = new List <CharacterLine>()

            int j = 1;
            while (sceneInfo.Keys.Contains(iterString2 + j.ToString()))
                JsonData      lineInfo = sceneInfo [iterString2 + j.ToString()];
                CharacterLine line     = new CharacterLine {
                    characterImage = actorImages[(string)lineInfo["image"]],
                    LineText       = (string)lineInfo["text"]
                string soundName = (string)lineInfo ["sound"];
                if (sounds.ContainsKey(soundName))
                    line.soundByte = sounds[soundName];

            // add level to levels list:

        //set background to first image, and make the text box invisible
        background.GetComponent <Image> ().sprite  = Resources.Load <Sprite>(cutScenes[0].BackgroundImage);
        textBox.GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = 0f;