Esempio n. 1
    // part of patrol time

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // start with patroll
        CharacterAI    = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        actualState    = CharacterBotAction.Patrol;
        funcPertinence = new float[4];
        if (data == null)
            data = GetComponent <CharacterData>();
    void Update()
        if (GameManager.isPaused == false)
            GameTime += Time.deltaTime;


            if (action == CharacterBotAction.Chase)
                Vector2 playerDistance = player.transform.position - gameObject.transform.position;
                character.velocity = playerDistance * (float)characterData.CharacterVelocity();

            if (action == CharacterBotAction.Idle)
                character.velocity =;
                // rules to patrol

            direction = GetDirection();

            direction            = 0;
            action               = CharacterBotAction.Idle;
            AnimationSelectionID = 0;
            TimeAtack            = 0;
            GameTime             = 0;

            character.velocity =;
Esempio n. 3
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     if (!GameManager.isPaused &&
             GameManager.State != GameManager.GameState.youwin &&
             GameManager.State != GameManager.GameState.speaking &&
             GameManager.State != GameManager.GameState.gameover)
     else if (GameManager.State == GameManager.GameState.youwin)// you win means player wins
         actualState = CharacterBotAction.Die;
     // in pause the ai dont move
         actualState          = CharacterBotAction.Idle;
         CharacterAI.velocity =;
    void IAVerification()
        // verify if player is near

        Vector2 playerDistance = player.transform.position - gameObject.transform.position;

        if (playerDistance.magnitude < ChaseDistance)
            playerIsNear = true;

            if (playerDistance.magnitude < AtackSpaceDistance)
                isNearAtack = true;
                isNearAtack = false;
            playerIsNear = false;
        // verify if is near atack

        if (GameTime < DamangeTime + 0.2)
            //damange animation

        if (!isNearAtack && !playerIsNear)//for now
            action = CharacterBotAction.Idle;
        else if ((playerIsNear && isNearAtack && action == CharacterBotAction.Atack && (GameTime > TimeAtack + 0.8f)))
            action = CharacterBotAction.Chase;
        else if (isNearAtack && GameTime > TimeAtack + TimeBetweenAtack)
            TimeBetweenAtack = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1f, 2.5f);
            action           = CharacterBotAction.Atack;
            TimeAtack        = Time.time;

        else if ((playerIsNear && !isNearAtack))
            action = CharacterBotAction.Chase;

        if (characterData.Life() <= 0)
            action = CharacterBotAction.Die;
            Invoke("DestroyMe", 0.5f);

         * if (player.GetComponent<CharacterControllerMain>().CharacterData.Life() <= 0)
         * {
         *  action = CharacterBotAction.Win;
         * }
Esempio n. 5
    // here player just do some action according to you state
    void UpdateIAControll()//actuador
        // do action
        if (actualState == CharacterBotAction.Patrol)
            if (folowPath != null)
                Walk(new Vector2(1, 0), 10);
            AnimationSelectionID = 2;
        else if (actualState == CharacterBotAction.Die)
            CharacterAI.velocity =;// stop ai

            Invoke("DestroyMe", 2);

        else if (actualState == CharacterBotAction.Chase)
            GameObject nearestPlayer;
            GetPlayerDistance(out nearestPlayer);

            Vector2 playerDistance = nearestPlayer.transform.position - gameObject.transform.position;
            CharacterAI.velocity = playerDistance * (float)data.CharacterVelocity();

            AnimationSelectionID = 2;
        else if (actualState == CharacterBotAction.Atack)
            // move to player
            GameObject nearestPlayer;
            GetPlayerDistance(out nearestPlayer);

            Vector2 playerDistance = nearestPlayer.transform.position - gameObject.transform.position;
            CharacterAI.velocity = playerDistance * (float)data.CharacterVelocity();
            // noved to plaer

            AnimationSelectionID = 3;

            // this hold a atack for time of MaxDurationOfatack second
            if (Time.time > UltimoAtack + 0.0f && Time.time < UltimoAtack + MaxdurationOfAtack) // time betwen 0 and maxDurationOfAtack second after atack
                actualState          = CharacterBotAction.Atack;
                AnimationSelectionID = 2;
            // this give a time betwen last atack and next atack
            else if (Time.time >= UltimoAtack + MaxdurationOfAtack && Time.time < UltimoAtack + timeBetweenAtacks + MaxdurationOfAtack)// time between 1 and 1.5 after atack
                actualState = CharacterBotAction.Chase;
            else if (Time.time >= UltimoAtack + timeBetweenAtacks + MaxdurationOfAtack)// time after 1.5 after atack
                UltimoAtack = Time.time;
                actualState = CharacterBotAction.Chase;

        else if (actualState == CharacterBotAction.Flee)
            if (Time.time > RandomTime + 1)
            {// generate random direction to flee between > 1 second
                RandomTime = Time.time;
                float x = Random.Range(-5.0f, 5.0f);
                float y = Random.Range(-5.0f, 5.0f);

                RandomDirection = new Vector2(x, y);
            CharacterAI.velocity = RandomDirection * (float)data.CharacterVelocity();
            AnimationSelectionID = 2;
        else if (actualState == CharacterBotAction.Idle)
            AnimationSelectionID = 0;
            CharacterAI.velocity =;// stop ai
Esempio n. 6
    void GameUpdate()
        // update values
        GameObject nearestPlayer = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");

        PlayerDistance = GetPlayerDistance(out nearestPlayer);

        direction = GetDirection();

        //Fuzzy logic Update
        funcPertinence[0] = NearPlayer(GetPlayerDistance(out nearestPlayer));
        funcPertinence[1] = UltraNearPlayer(GetPlayerDistance(out nearestPlayer));
        funcPertinence[2] = LessLife(data.Life());
        funcPertinence[3] = FarPlayer(GetPlayerDistance(out nearestPlayer));
        // valoresRepresentativos [0] entende-se por Jogador perto
        // valoresRepresentativos [1] entende-se por jogador muito perto
        // valoresRepresentativos [2] entende-se por pouca vida
        // valoresRepresentativos [3] entende-se por jogador longe

        /// get the bigger value to chose a action
        int idValorRepresentativo = 0;

        float valorMaior = funcPertinence[0];

        for (int conter = 0; conter < funcPertinence.Length; conter++)
            if (funcPertinence[conter] > valorMaior)
                idValorRepresentativo = conter;                 // get the id of bigger value
                valorMaior            = funcPertinence[conter]; // get bigger value

        // change action

        if (actualState == CharacterBotAction.Patrol)
            if (idValorRepresentativo == 0 /* jogadores perto */)
                actualState = CharacterBotAction.Chase;
            else if (idValorRepresentativo == 3 /* jogadores longe */)
                actualState = CharacterBotAction.Patrol;
            //else if (idValorRepresentativo == 2/* jogadores longe */ ) { actualState = CharacterBotAction.Flee; }
        else if (actualState == CharacterBotAction.Die)
            if (idValorRepresentativo == 1 /* jogadores mto perto */)
                actualState = CharacterBotAction.Atack;

        else if (actualState == CharacterBotAction.Chase)
            if (idValorRepresentativo == 0 /* jogadores perto */)
                actualState = CharacterBotAction.Chase;
            else if (idValorRepresentativo == 1 /* jogadores mto perto */)
                actualState = CharacterBotAction.Atack;
            else if (idValorRepresentativo == 2 /* eu pouca vida */)
                actualState = CharacterBotAction.Flee;
            else if (idValorRepresentativo == 3 /* jogadores longe */)
                actualState = CharacterBotAction.Patrol;
        else if (actualState == CharacterBotAction.Flee)
            if (idValorRepresentativo == 2 /* pouca vida */)
                actualState = CharacterBotAction.Flee;
            else if (idValorRepresentativo == 1 /* jogadores mto perto */)
                actualState = CharacterBotAction.Atack;
            // else if (idValorRepresentativo == 0/* jogadores perto */) { actualState = CharacterBotAction.Chase; }
        else if (actualState == CharacterBotAction.Atack)
            // se ultimo ataque entre 0 segundos e um após inicio do ataque mantem ataque
            // se entre 1 e dois ataques bloquear ataque
            // se ultimo ataque mais 2 segundos então liberar ataque

            if (idValorRepresentativo == 0 /* jogadores perto */)
                actualState = CharacterBotAction.Chase;
            else if (idValorRepresentativo == 2 /* pouca vida */)
                actualState = CharacterBotAction.Flee;

            else if (idValorRepresentativo == 1 /* jogadores mto perto */)   // atack situation


        else if (actualState == CharacterBotAction.Idle)
            if (idValorRepresentativo == 0 /* jogadores perto */)
                actualState = CharacterBotAction.Chase;
            else if (idValorRepresentativo == 1 /* jogadores mto perto */)
                actualState = CharacterBotAction.Atack;
            else if (idValorRepresentativo == 2 /* pouca vida */)
                actualState = CharacterBotAction.Flee;

            else if (idValorRepresentativo == 3 /* jogadores longe */)
                actualState = CharacterBotAction.Idle;

        if (actualState != CharacterBotAction.Atack)
            UltimoAtack = 0;
        float Life = data.Life();
        /// is Dead is the last bescause dead is default
        bool isDead = (Life <= 0);

        if (isDead)
            actualState = CharacterBotAction.Die;

        // do action