// uses individual character's attributes variables combined with random slight modification to
    // come up with damage per blow. Also does a random check for mega hit based on the particular
    // character's chances/attribute of that happening.
    public void CalculateDamageToOpponent()
        if (null == FisticuffsController.Instance)
            Debug.LogError("CharacterBehaviors::CalculateDamageToOpponent - FisticuffsController.Instance not set. Is there one in the scene?");

        int myOpponentListNum = 0;

        if (myPositionInControllerList == 0)           // if I am position 0, opponent is position 1, otherwise it's vice versa and myOpponentListNum remains 0
            myOpponentListNum = 1;

        Transform          opponentCharacter = FisticuffsController.Instance.cardsInPlay[myOpponentListNum].transform;
        CharacterBehaviors opponentBehaviors = opponentCharacter.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterBehaviors>();

        float randomDamageModifier  = Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f);
        float randomDefenseModifier = Random.Range(-.1f, .1f);

        float damageBeforeDefense = (damageGivenPerPunch + randomDamageModifier);
        float damageCalc          = damageBeforeDefense - (opponentBehaviors.defenseModifier * damageBeforeDefense);

        float damageFinal;
        int   rollForMassiveHit = Random.Range(0, 1001);

        if (rollForMassiveHit <= chanceOfMassiveHit)
            damageFinal = FisticuffsController.Instance.megaDamageAmount;
            damageFinal = damageCalc;
