public virtual void GetPacketCharacters(TextWriter text, bool flagsDescription)
            for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++)
                CharData_199 ch = (CharData_199)chars[i];

                text.Write("[{12}]\tname:\"{0}\" zone:\"{1}\" class:\"{2}\" race:\"{3}\" level:{4} classId:{5} realm:{6} gender:{7} race:{8} model:0x{9:X4} regId1:{10} regId2:{11:X2} databaseId:{12}",
                           ch.charName, ch.zoneDescription, ch.className, ch.raceName, ch.level, ch.classID, ch.realm, ch.gender, ch.race, ch.model, ch.regionID, ch.regionID2, ch.databaseId, i);
                text.Write(" tutorial:{0}", ch.siStartLocation);
                if (flagsDescription)
                    text.Write(" (model:0x{0:X4} face:{1} size:{2})", ch.model & 0x7FF, ch.model >> 13, (ch.model >> 11) & 3);
                text.Write("\n\tstr:{0} dex:{1} con:{2}({8}) qui:{3} int:{4} pie:{5} emp:{6} chr:{7}", ch.statStr, ch.statDex, ch.statCon, ch.statQui, ch.statInt, ch.statPie, ch.statEmp, ch.statChr, ch.unk2);
                text.Write("\n\teyeSize:0x{0:X2} lipSize:0x{1:X2} eyeColor:0x{2:X2} hairColor:0x{3:X2} faceType:0x{4:X2} hairStyle:0x{5:X2} cloakHoodUp:0x{6:X2} custStep:0x{7:X2} moodType:0x{8:X2} customized:0x{9:X2}",
                           ch.eyeSize, ch.lipSize, ch.eyeColor, ch.hairColor, ch.faceType, ch.hairStyle, ch.cloakHoodUp, ch.customizationStep, ch.moodType, ch.customized);
                text.Write("\n\tnewGuildEmblem:0x{0:X2} helmAndCloakVisibility:{1}", ch.newGuildEmblem, ch.unk3[0]);

                text.Write("\n\tarmor models: (");
                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in ch.armorModelBySlot)
                    int    slot  = (int)entry.Key;
                    ushort model = (ushort)entry.Value;
                    if (slot != 0x15)
                        text.Write("; ");
                    text.Write("slot:0x{0:X2} model:0x{1:X4}", slot, model);

                text.Write(")\n\tarmor colors: (");
                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in ch.armorColorBySlot)
                    int    slot  = (int)entry.Key;
                    ushort color = (ushort)entry.Value;
                    if (slot != 0x15)
                        text.Write("; ");
                    text.Write("slot:0x{0:X2} color:0x{1:X4}", slot, color);

                text.Write(")\n\tweapon model: (");
                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in ch.weaponModelBySlot)
                    int    slot  = (int)entry.Key;
                    ushort model = (ushort)entry.Value;
                    if (slot != 0x0A)
                        text.Write("; ");
                    text.Write("slot:0x{0:X2} model:0x{1:X4}", slot, model);
                text.Write("\n\textensionTorso:0x{0:X2} extensionGloves:0x{1:X2} extensionBoots:0x{2:X2}", ch.extensionTorso, ch.extensionGloves, ch.extensionBoots);
                text.Write(")\n\tactiveRightSlot:0x{0:X2} activeLeftSlot:0x{1:X2} SIzone:0x{2:X2} clienTypeRequired:{3}\n", ch.activeRightSlot, ch.activeLeftSlot, ch.siZone, ch.regionID2);
                if (ch.unk3.Length > 1)
                    for (int j = 1; j < ch.unk3.Length; j++)
                        if (j > 1)
                        text.Write("0x{0:X2}", ch.unk3[j]);
                text.Write("unk1_199:{0}\n", ch.unk1_199);
            if (flagsDescription)
                for (int i = 0; i < unused.Length; i++)
                    text.Write("{0:X2}", unused[i]);
                text.Write("and {0} bytes more unused", unused.Length);
        public override void ReadCharacters()
            ArrayList temp = new ArrayList(10);
            byte      cloakHoodUp;

            while (Position + 184 < Length)
                CharData_199 charData = new CharData_199();

                charData.charName = ReadString(24);                        // 0x18, 0x00

                // new in 173
                charData.customized        = ReadByte();                   // 0x30, 0x18
                charData.eyeSize           = ReadByte();                   // 0x31, 0x19
                charData.lipSize           = ReadByte();                   // 0x32, 0x1A
                charData.eyeColor          = ReadByte();                   // 0x33, 0x1B
                charData.hairColor         = ReadByte();                   // 0x34, 0x1C
                charData.faceType          = ReadByte();                   // 0x35, 0x1D
                charData.hairStyle         = ReadByte();                   // 0x36, 0x1E
                cloakHoodUp                = ReadByte();                   // 0x37, 0x1F
                charData.extensionBoots    = (byte)(cloakHoodUp >> 4);
                charData.extensionGloves   = (byte)(cloakHoodUp & 0xF);
                cloakHoodUp                = ReadByte();                   // 0x38, 0x20
                charData.cloakHoodUp       = (byte)(cloakHoodUp & 0xF);
                charData.extensionTorso    = (byte)(cloakHoodUp >> 4);
                charData.customizationStep = ReadByte();                   // 0x39, 0x21
                charData.moodType          = ReadByte();                   // 0x3A, 0x22
                charData.newGuildEmblem    = ReadByte();                   // 0x3B, 0x23
                ArrayList tmp = new ArrayList(12);
                for (byte j = 0; j < 12; j++)
                    tmp.Add(ReadByte());                                       // 0x3C-0x47, 0x24-0x2F
                charData.unk3            = (byte[])tmp.ToArray(typeof(byte));
                charData.zoneDescription = ReadString(24);                 // 0x48, 0x30
                charData.className       = ReadString(24);                 // 0x60, 0x48
                charData.raceName        = ReadString(24);                 // 0x78, 0x60
                charData.level           = ReadByte();                     // 0x90, 0x78 (if = 200 not allow enter)
                charData.classID         = ReadByte();                     // 0x91, 0x79
                charData.realm           = ReadByte();                     // 0x92, 0x7A
                charData.temp            = ReadByte();                     // 0x93, 0x7B
                charData.gender          = (byte)((charData.temp >> 4) & 3);
                charData.race            = (byte)((charData.temp & 0x0F) + ((charData.temp & 0x40) >> 2));
                charData.siStartLocation = (byte)(charData.temp >> 7);
                charData.model           = ReadShortLowEndian(); // 0x94, 0x7C
                charData.regionID        = ReadByte();           // 0x96, 0x7E
                charData.regionID2       = ReadByte();           // 0x97, 0x7F
                charData.databaseId      = ReadIntLowEndian();   // 0x98, 0x80 // if level == 200 then this is time not allowed enter
                charData.statStr         = ReadByte();           // 0x9C, 0x84
                charData.statDex         = ReadByte();           // 0x9D, 0x85
                charData.statCon         = ReadByte();           // 0x9E, 0x86
                charData.statQui         = ReadByte();           // 0x9F, 0x87
                charData.statInt         = ReadByte();           // 0xA0, 0x88
                charData.statPie         = ReadByte();           // 0xA1, 0x89
                charData.statEmp         = ReadByte();           // 0xA2, 0x8A
                charData.statChr         = ReadByte();           // 154th byte  0xA3, 0x8B

                charData.armorModelBySlot = new SortedList(0x1D - 0x15);
                for (int slot = 0x15; slot < 0x1D; slot++)                 // 0xA4, 0x8C+
                    charData.armorModelBySlot.Add(slot, ReadShortLowEndian());

                charData.armorColorBySlot = new SortedList(0x1D - 0x15);               // 0xB4, 0x9C+
                for (int slot = 0x15; slot < 0x1D; slot++)
                    charData.armorColorBySlot.Add(slot, ReadShortLowEndian());

                charData.weaponModelBySlot = new SortedList(0x0E - 0x0A);               // 0xC4, 0xAC+
                for (int slot = 0x0A; slot < 0x0E; slot++)
                    charData.weaponModelBySlot.Add(slot, ReadShortLowEndian());

                charData.activeRightSlot = ReadByte();                     // 0xCC, 0xB4
                charData.activeLeftSlot  = ReadByte();                     // 0xCD, 0xB5
                charData.siZone          = ReadByte();                     // 0xCE, 0xB6
                charData.unk2            = ReadByte();                     // 0xCF, 0xB7
                charData.unk1_199        = ReadInt();                      // 0xD0, 0xB8

            chars = (CharData_199[])temp.ToArray(typeof(CharData_199));
        public override void ReadCharacters()
            ArrayList temp = new ArrayList(10);
            byte cloakHoodUp;

            while (Position + 184 < Length)
                CharData_199 charData = new CharData_199();

                charData.charName = ReadString(24);        // 0x18, 0x00

                // new in 173
                charData.customized = ReadByte();          // 0x30, 0x18
                charData.eyeSize = ReadByte();             // 0x31, 0x19
                charData.lipSize = ReadByte();             // 0x32, 0x1A
                charData.eyeColor = ReadByte();            // 0x33, 0x1B
                charData.hairColor = ReadByte();           // 0x34, 0x1C
                charData.faceType = ReadByte();            // 0x35, 0x1D
                charData.hairStyle = ReadByte();           // 0x36, 0x1E
                cloakHoodUp = ReadByte();                  // 0x37, 0x1F
                charData.extensionBoots = (byte)(cloakHoodUp >> 4);
                charData.extensionGloves = (byte)(cloakHoodUp & 0xF);
                cloakHoodUp = ReadByte();                  // 0x38, 0x20
                charData.cloakHoodUp = (byte)(cloakHoodUp & 0xF);
                charData.extensionTorso = (byte)(cloakHoodUp >> 4);
                charData.customizationStep = ReadByte();   // 0x39, 0x21
                charData.moodType = ReadByte();            // 0x3A, 0x22
                charData.newGuildEmblem = ReadByte();      // 0x3B, 0x23
                ArrayList tmp = new ArrayList(12);
                for (byte j = 0; j < 12; j++)
                    tmp.Add(ReadByte());                   // 0x3C-0x47, 0x24-0x2F
                charData.unk3 = (byte[])tmp.ToArray(typeof (byte));
                charData.zoneDescription = ReadString(24); // 0x48, 0x30
                charData.className = ReadString(24);       // 0x60, 0x48
                charData.raceName = ReadString(24);        // 0x78, 0x60
                charData.level = ReadByte();               // 0x90, 0x78 (if = 200 not allow enter)
                charData.classID = ReadByte();             // 0x91, 0x79
                charData.realm = ReadByte();               // 0x92, 0x7A
                charData.temp = ReadByte();                // 0x93, 0x7B
                charData.gender = (byte)((charData.temp >> 4) & 3);
                charData.race = (byte)((charData.temp & 0x0F) + ((charData.temp & 0x40) >> 2));
                charData.siStartLocation = (byte)(charData.temp >> 7);
                charData.model = ReadShortLowEndian();     // 0x94, 0x7C
                charData.regionID = ReadByte();            // 0x96, 0x7E
                charData.regionID2 = ReadByte();           // 0x97, 0x7F
                charData.databaseId = ReadIntLowEndian();  // 0x98, 0x80 // if level == 200 then this is time not allowed enter
                charData.statStr = ReadByte();             // 0x9C, 0x84
                charData.statDex = ReadByte();             // 0x9D, 0x85
                charData.statCon = ReadByte();             // 0x9E, 0x86
                charData.statQui = ReadByte();             // 0x9F, 0x87
                charData.statInt = ReadByte();             // 0xA0, 0x88
                charData.statPie = ReadByte();             // 0xA1, 0x89
                charData.statEmp = ReadByte();             // 0xA2, 0x8A
                charData.statChr = ReadByte(); // 154th byte  0xA3, 0x8B

                charData.armorModelBySlot = new SortedList(0x1D-0x15);
                for (int slot = 0x15; slot < 0x1D; slot++) // 0xA4, 0x8C+
                    charData.armorModelBySlot.Add(slot, ReadShortLowEndian());

                charData.armorColorBySlot = new SortedList(0x1D-0x15); // 0xB4, 0x9C+
                for (int slot = 0x15; slot < 0x1D; slot++)
                    charData.armorColorBySlot.Add(slot, ReadShortLowEndian());

                charData.weaponModelBySlot = new SortedList(0x0E-0x0A); // 0xC4, 0xAC+
                for (int slot = 0x0A; slot < 0x0E; slot++)
                    charData.weaponModelBySlot.Add(slot, ReadShortLowEndian());

                charData.activeRightSlot = ReadByte();     // 0xCC, 0xB4
                charData.activeLeftSlot = ReadByte();      // 0xCD, 0xB5
                charData.siZone = ReadByte();              // 0xCE, 0xB6
                charData.unk2 = ReadByte();                // 0xCF, 0xB7
                charData.unk1_199 = ReadInt();             // 0xD0, 0xB8

            chars = (CharData_199[])temp.ToArray(typeof (CharData_199));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the packet. All data parsing must be done here.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Init()
            ArrayList temp = new ArrayList(10);

            Position = 0;

            accountName = ReadString(24);
            byte cloakHoodUp;

            while (Position < Length)
                CharData_199 charData = new CharData_199();

                charData.unk1_199 = ReadInt();
                charData.charName = ReadString(24);

                // new in 173
                charData.customized        = ReadByte();
                charData.eyeSize           = ReadByte();
                charData.lipSize           = ReadByte();
                charData.eyeColor          = ReadByte();
                charData.hairColor         = ReadByte();
                charData.faceType          = ReadByte();
                charData.hairStyle         = ReadByte();
                cloakHoodUp                = ReadByte();
                charData.extensionBoots    = (byte)(cloakHoodUp >> 4);
                charData.extensionGloves   = (byte)(cloakHoodUp & 0xF);
                cloakHoodUp                = ReadByte();
                charData.cloakHoodUp       = (byte)(cloakHoodUp & 0xF);
                charData.extensionTorso    = (byte)(cloakHoodUp >> 4);
                charData.customizationStep = ReadByte();
                charData.moodType          = ReadByte();
                charData.newGuildEmblem    = ReadByte();
                ArrayList tmp = new ArrayList(7);
                for (byte j = 0; j < 7; j++)
                charData.unk3            = (byte[])tmp.ToArray(typeof(byte));
                charData.operation       = ReadInt();
                charData.unk4            = ReadByte();
                charData.zoneDescription = ReadString(24);
                charData.className       = ReadString(24);
                charData.raceName        = ReadString(24);
                charData.level           = ReadByte();
                charData.classID         = ReadByte();
                charData.realm           = ReadByte();
                charData.temp            = ReadByte();
                charData.gender          = (byte)((charData.temp >> 4) & 1);
                charData.race            = (byte)((charData.temp & 0x0F) + ((charData.temp & 0x40) >> 2));
                charData.siStartLocation = (byte)((charData.temp & 0x80) >> 7);
                charData.model           = ReadShortLowEndian();
                charData.regionID        = ReadByte();
                charData.regionID2       = ReadByte();
                charData.databaseId      = ReadIntLowEndian();
                charData.statStr         = ReadByte();
                charData.statDex         = ReadByte();
                charData.statCon         = ReadByte();
                charData.statQui         = ReadByte();
                charData.statInt         = ReadByte();
                charData.statPie         = ReadByte();
                charData.statEmp         = ReadByte();
                charData.statChr         = ReadByte();

                charData.armorModelBySlot = new SortedList(0x1D - 0x15);
                for (int slot = 0x15; slot < 0x1D; slot++)
                    charData.armorModelBySlot.Add(slot, ReadShortLowEndian());

                charData.armorColorBySlot = new SortedList(0x1D - 0x15);
                for (int slot = 0x15; slot < 0x1D; slot++)
                    charData.armorColorBySlot.Add(slot, ReadShortLowEndian());

                charData.weaponModelBySlot = new SortedList(0x0E - 0x0A);
                for (int slot = 0x0A; slot < 0x0E; slot++)
                    charData.weaponModelBySlot.Add(slot, ReadShortLowEndian());

                charData.activeRightSlot = ReadByte();
                charData.activeLeftSlot  = ReadByte();
                charData.siZone          = ReadByte();
                charData.unk2            = ReadByte();


            chars = (CharData_199[])temp.ToArray(typeof(CharData_199));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the packet. All data parsing must be done here.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Init()
            ArrayList temp = new ArrayList(10);

            Position = 0;

            accountName = ReadString(24);
            byte cloakHoodUp;

            while (Position < Length)
                CharData_199 charData = new CharData_199();

                charData.charName = ReadString(24);

                // new in 173
                charData.customized = ReadByte(); // 0x00
                charData.eyeSize = ReadByte(); // 0x01
                charData.lipSize = ReadByte(); // 0x02
                charData.eyeColor = ReadByte(); // 0x03
                charData.hairColor = ReadByte(); // 0x04
                charData.faceType = ReadByte(); // 0x05
                charData.hairStyle = ReadByte(); // 0x06
                cloakHoodUp = ReadByte(); // 0x07
                charData.extensionBoots = (byte)(cloakHoodUp >> 4);
                charData.extensionGloves = (byte)(cloakHoodUp & 0xF);
                cloakHoodUp = ReadByte(); // 0x08
                charData.cloakHoodUp = (byte)(cloakHoodUp & 0xF);
                charData.extensionTorso = (byte)(cloakHoodUp >> 4);
                charData.customizationStep = ReadByte(); // 0x09
                charData.moodType = ReadByte(); // 0x0A
                charData.newGuildEmblem = ReadByte(); // 0x0B
                ArrayList tmp = new ArrayList(7);
                for (byte j = 0; j < 7; j++)
                    tmp.Add(ReadByte()); // 0x0C+
                charData.unk3 = (byte[])tmp.ToArray(typeof (byte));
                charData.operation = ReadInt(); // 0x13
                charData.unk4 = ReadByte(); // not used // 0x17
                charData.zoneDescription = ReadString(24); // 0x18
                charData.className = ReadString(24); // 0x30
                charData.raceName = ReadString(24); // 0x48
                charData.level = ReadByte(); // 0x60
                charData.classID = ReadByte(); // 0x61
                charData.realm = ReadByte(); // 0x62
                charData.temp = ReadByte(); // 0x63
                charData.gender = (byte)((charData.temp >> 4) & 1);
                charData.race = (byte)((charData.temp & 0x0F) + ((charData.temp & 0x40) >> 2));
                charData.siStartLocation = (byte)((charData.temp & 0x80) >> 7);
                charData.model = ReadShortLowEndian(); // 0x64
                charData.regionID = ReadByte(); // 0x66
                charData.regionID2 = ReadByte(); // 0x67
                charData.databaseId = ReadIntLowEndian(); // 0x68
                charData.statStr = ReadByte(); // 0x6C
                charData.statDex = ReadByte(); // 0x6D
                charData.statCon = ReadByte(); // 0x6E
                charData.statQui = ReadByte(); // 0x6F
                charData.statInt = ReadByte(); // 0x70
                charData.statPie = ReadByte(); // 0x71
                charData.statEmp = ReadByte(); // 0x72
                charData.statChr = ReadByte(); // 0x73  154th byte

                charData.armorModelBySlot = new SortedList(0x1D-0x15);
                for (int slot = 0x15; slot < 0x1D; slot++)
                    charData.armorModelBySlot.Add(slot, ReadShortLowEndian()); // 0x74

                charData.armorColorBySlot = new SortedList(0x1D-0x15);
                for (int slot = 0x15; slot < 0x1D; slot++)
                    charData.armorColorBySlot.Add(slot, ReadShortLowEndian()); // 0x84

                charData.weaponModelBySlot = new SortedList(0x0E-0x0A);
                for (int slot = 0x0A; slot < 0x0E; slot++)
                    charData.weaponModelBySlot.Add(slot, ReadShortLowEndian()); // 0x94

                charData.activeRightSlot = ReadByte(); // 0x9C
                charData.activeLeftSlot = ReadByte(); // 0x9D
                charData.siZone = ReadByte(); // 0x9E
                charData.unk1_199 = ReadInt(); // 0x9F
                charData.unk2 = ReadByte(); // 0xA3


            chars = (CharData_199[])temp.ToArray(typeof (CharData_199));